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Road Tripping Pt. 03

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Lou meets Molly's Mother and they continue the tour.
13.3k words

Part 3 of the 34 part series

Updated 04/27/2024
Created 10/09/2021
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Readers, this is part three of what I hope will be a many part series. This is set in the late 1980's in a time before cell phones and the internet as we know it. There is pot smoking in this story and the use of "Magic Mushrooms". All Sexualized characters are fictional and over 18 years of age.


It was 10 AM, five minutes after both awoke to the fifty-five-degree sunshine, with their stomach's growling and their bodies lightly stuck together.

"Shower and bathroom!" Molly said as she stretched and tried to clear some of the fog in her brain. She grabbed a random dry shirt as Lou found shorts and his keys, then they ran for the car and the start of their day.

Cleaned up and back at the breakfast nook, the waitress smiled as they both ordered double French toasts. Their slightly tired eyes betraying the source of their appetites.

Molly, tipped a five again plus change, telling them their food was great, saying "we will be back here with the next tour this way," and we went back to pack up.

Molly called her sister and asked her to meet them at her soon to be former apartment. It was an old three decker, and the elderly owner was in the yard watering the plants in her housecoat at 12:30. Molly's sister Patty pulled up as we did. Patty was twenty and a shorter and slimmer version of Molly with pixie Pat Benatar style haircut.

"Hi Lou, Nice station weapon." Patty said.

"You are not allowed to drive Andromeda! Patty the Pinto Killer!" Molly said sharply.

"Careful there Ta'Pau! Patty sniped back like a wounded sister, or I'll tell Mom how funny you are walking. Looking in the back deck of the wagon, she added, Rugburns?"

"Fuck you, let's get this done!" Molly snapped, getting us all to march up to the door while she talked to Mrs. Rico.

An hour and a half later the Galaxie and the Toyota were all packed up and Molly hugged Mrs. Rico goodbye. Her roommates had not been seen for days. Not Molly's problem!!

It was an hour drive in traffic the twenty-five miles to the small town in Northwestern Connecticut. "How do you plan to prove to my mother you can do this safely with me. I am sure you are good, but she can smell BS from a mile. She had me and two more girls, she smokes pot, has done LSD and magic mushrooms, I bet so that is not a worry, but it's the money she will question."

"Molly when we get there and get your stuff in will anyone be able to see me in the driveway?"

"No, why?"

"I'm going to bring in everything to show her. Every dollar, ticket, credit card, AAA card, Park Gold pass, my checkbook and balance, my ID for her to copy and address and phone numbers for Max and my folks in Florida. I'll also show her the pot and shrooms since she will ask what kind of drugs I do I'd bet. I'll do what I have to, to keep you with me!"

Pulling up to the river stone faced arts and crafts style bungalow with a stockade fence on both sides, I went in the driveway that led to the back of the house with large yard containing many large trees and an old broken swing set.

April came bounding down the stairs to greet them. Lou could see resemblance at once. Same brown eyes and prominent eyebrows, and slightly long and sad faces with hers a little more filled out than Patty's, more like Molly with a bit of a tan and a few crow's feet and worry lines from raising three girls, more than half the time on her own. She was about three inches shorter than Molly but about the same weight with a slightly larger ass, belly, and boobs. Her shoulder length hair was in loose curls and about a shade darker with some old highlights fading out.

Twenty minutes later Molly's stuff in boxes was leaning into an already stuffed closet. "Thank you, Patty, for doing those two loads yesterday."

"That's ok Mol, I got that fifty they owed Drew from their nightstand, and I smoked a dime bag I found in there."

"That was mine, those fucking thieves!" Molly stormed out and almost punched the oak woodwork. Stopping short, "Your right! Fuck them! I hope they are still in jail." As she harrumphed and went down the stairs to the back sitting room where her mother had a table and comfortable chairs for "bridge games" where her friends got stoned and bitched about their husbands and kids.

April, sitting at the head of her table after handing them each a glass of water, led off saying. "So, Lou, drawing herself up, you want to take my prodigal daughter out to follow the Dead in that Battle Wagon. First piece of advice, don't let Patty drive her."

"Mom!" Patty called listening from the doorway.

"Can you ask Drew over her for ten minutes and I will feed him, Pinto Killer."

Molly laughed and April turned saying. "Watch it Hot Pants, you have a lot of convincing to do."

Patty returned saying, "Half to forty-five and can Adam have a sandwich too."

"Yes and go make them!" Both women said in unison.

"Now Lou, you need to show me my precious, innocent, Hot Pants here will be safe on the road and not selling her ass in Vegas for bus fare, too proud to call me. And, turning back to face Molly, Patty told me your roommates were arrested blackout drunk and are still in jail. How were you getting home from there?"

"Thank you, Lou, for bringing her here safe! Points for you so far but you have a way to go! Selling hot dogs across America is a dubious way to make a living!!"

"I'd understand your concerns. I'd be worried too. I must ask two favors, I'll need to go to my car and gather some things to Prove your daughter will have what she needs to be warm, safe, and fed. I'll also need to take about twenty minutes to do my books, I've been nonstop since 9:30 am yesterday. We'll find out if we eat steak, burgers, or cheap hot dogs off the grill I said with a smile."

April cleared her cluttered table and got Lou some paper, pens, and a calculator. Patty followed them out and was amazed when Lou began to open the cars secret compartments and Molly pulled out envelopes from under the seat thrusting them into her everything bag which also had some stray money.

What really struck Patty was the bowl and bags of weed, four large roaches and a bag of what appeared to be mushrooms. Putting all of this and a checkbook along with envelopes of tickets in her bag. They then went to the back where Lou pushed a seatbelt mount and side panel along the back side popped open with some power tools, other new looking tools, and another envelope. They closed all the secrets up before going back in.

Patty, pointing to the bowl and bags said. "Five bucks mom sees all that shit, and she yanks up his shirt sleeves and checks for needle marks, then threatens to check between his toes."

"She's not that bad," Molly answered dismissively.

"She did it to Drew, and we weren't leaving the state!"

Once inside Molly dumped her bag onto the table, picking up her personal items including yesterday's long forgotten underwear, her mother noticing her attempted sleight of hand to her pocket with them.

I got out my small spiral notebook and began to sort out the money.

"Mom and I will give you time, call us when you are ready."

"Molly, please stay with me. We are going to live and work together. There can be no secrets between us, especially with money!"

"Amen! April said from the doorway. I'm going to make spaghetti and meatballs."

"Sounds great, thank you." Lou said as they began to sort the piles of bills and some change given for a dog or two. Lou usually gave those who looked to be giving their last change two dogs and water for a buck.

Twenty-five minutes later they called April in, a bit flushed from the boiling water, as she called Patty to: "Get off your ass and watch the kitchen."

Both Lou and Molly, holding hands, were confident they could win her mother. Molly began to talk quick, but April shushed her.

"Hold it Ta'Pau, I know you will have all the arguments. I just want to hear it from Lou, In Detail!! I will smell B.S. and call you out. Let's start with you showing me your arms all the way to the armpit and pray I don't check between your toes. I have seen it shot, smoked, snorted, drunk, rubbed in, and shoved in everywhere. I was an ER nurse for twenty years, and now I am rated senior shift supervisor which means I get to go home three out five nights."

Walking to her taking off my flannel shirt, she now spied my bags and pipe next to the money stacks.

"I see you brought your stash to share and try and stone me into listening to you."

I passed her the bright green pot and the mushrooms.

Ignoring the smaller brownish bag and the other two I added, April opened the greenish bag and took a deep sniff. "This is good shit Lou. Molly pack that pipe of his, now!" Tossing her the bag and I passed her the pipe and a tool to scrape it into the ashtray with four roaches.

"Continue Lou, while we smoke your weed. Patty! Close the kitchen window. That old bitch next door does not need to smell this. Woman has spiders in her cunt I swear," she mumbled.

Molly handed the pipe to April, and she lit it and handed it to Lou, as Patty came back in the door for a quick hit. April exhaled, flushed a little and coughed a bit. "Good shit Lou, Tour weed is the best, she said as she began to inspect the mushrooms."

"I haven't seen these since before Patty was out of diapers. Anything else that's a felony, as she took another deep hit and looked Patty back to the kitchen."

Exhaling my hit, I said "This is all I'd do. Pot and a bit of mushrooms. I have done LSD a couple of times, but not in two years. I don't do cocaine, heroin, pills, or any bad shit. I'm also on a three-beer limit before shows and zero after. I need to drive to the camp or hotel safely after the show, and a DWI would end my road trip either in jail or worse."

For the next fifteen minutes I explained the $29,684.37 in my bank account plus the $480.00 every two weeks from unemployment. I had started with $1000.00 on me and was up $291.00 at the table after gassing up the car. AAA card, license, insurance, credit cards, medical card, and tickets for both of us for all the remaining shows through the end of June, and the locations and dates of my camping reservations.

I'd left with my roommate in Delaware pre-made envelopes and checks ready to send out for the July Dylan and Dead tour to when word came to mail them.

"I would love to go, April said. Let me know when they are near, and I will try and meet you guys for the shows."

Molly's nipples visibly hardened under her dark t-shirt and her mouth opened to say something, but her mother held her finger up saying, "Pending your white relic passes Drew's inspection."

Molly now stoned for the first time today and feeling feisty said, "Andromeda is an Awesome car and she is ready to drive ANYWHERE!!" Standing, taking the cold bowl in hand, putting more weed in it, and passing it to her mother with a "look".

"Keep your cool Ta'Pau, Drew will tell me true. Keep your hot pants on, for now."

"I've got to ask, Ta'Pau and Hot Pants? I see the Vulcan eyebrow, but the mix of nicknames is confusing me."

"Don't worry, Molly will! But I also see the love in your eyes you have for each other and that you do have a good plan, money for this, and tickets on hand. Molly I'd figure you would want me to sign and deposit your unemployment?"

"Yes, please mom."

"Molly do you want to explain Ta'Pau or should I and by the way is it Lou, Louie, or hay you with the Fu Manchu."

"It's Lou or Louie, Louis when my mom was pissed. At my last job, when things were dying there, and dress codes fell away I grew this and I was Lou Manchu."

"That's funny Lou. April said, at least it's clean and it doesn't look like he has walrus bristles with his flavor saver," with a wink at Molly.

Molly blushed deeply as her mother sat back and laughed a bit making Lou blush a matching shade.

"Oh Please!" April said pulling a bag of pot from her pocket and a pack of papers from a hidden table drawer. "Roll us one Hot Pants and be glad I don't tell him the origins of that nickname of yours now."

"Not too tight Ta'Pau." handing her the bag and papers.

Molly started, "When I was a little girl, I had a very bad temper and I would torture my sister and the cat going, Kapow! from behind and scaring or hitting them with what I could get my hands on."

April chimed in so Molly could finish the joint. "I'd just divorced and thrown out they're not working father. I had three, kids and a twenty-five-year mortgage, only two years left on that now Thank God!! And an out of control six-year-old middle child."

"I loved Star Trek already Molly said handing the lightly damp joint to her mother, and Spock still is my favorite."

"Mine is Scotty." I said with a smile, making the Vulcan hand sign to Molly.

She smiled and effortlessly returned the sign and continued. "I was out of control and mom said I had to learn to control myself.

Molly you are as smart as Spock, but you must learn self-control like Spock. I've seen the victims of no self-control every day in the hospital."

"Later that night the episode "Amok Time" was on, where Spock goes to marry T'pring and he kills Kirk, he thinks. He meets the old Vulcan leader Ta'Pau. I'd spent that night in bedroom working to think like a Vulcan. I'd sat at my bedroom mirror for hours even working to raise my eyebrow like Spock when he was intrigued, to control my emotions somewhat."

Now lighting the joint and getting a drink, April picked up while passing me the joint. "The next morning I'm seeing her silently walk in behind her sister watching TV waiting for a Hot wheel's track or something to hit her with a cry of KAPOW! But you just walked past her silently and sat down for cereal. I looked at her and said, No Kapow? She looked up at me, took the spoon from her mouth, arched her eyebrow over what I'd now noticed were slightly bloodshot eyes and she said, no more Kapow, I will be Ta'Pau. I am in control. She lowered her eyebrow and went back for the first of three helpings of Apple Jacks. All of that control was hard work on her."

Molly nodded at Lou saying it was basically true.

April cutting her off saying "Not that you couldn't be a handful. You got that attitude eyebrow shaved off at eight and you had to pencil it in for a month telling people your sister got you with the glue."

Patty laughed from the doorway and took a hit saying, "I got her later for that, the mud-pies and then she added the pasta in ten minutes." A large pickup pulled in and She ran to the doorway to greet Drew.

At six foot, five inches tall and a lanky two-hundred pounds, Drew unfolded from his 68 Ford pickup as Patty jumped into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing a lightly dirty cheek.

"Hi guys, he said. Who's old highway cruiser, 71 or 72 Galaxie?"

"Hi, I'm Lou, and she's a 1972. I've got her on the road to follow the Dead."

Setting Patty down carefully he answered. "Cool ride for the trip. How many miles on her?"

"61,300 I replied as he whistled."

"How much?"

"A grand from a little old lady in Delaware."

April cut off the rest saying, "Drew, can you look at this relic and tell me if it is safe for long rides." She then shewed Patty into the kitchen while Lou went over Andromeda, as Molly called her. To many Sci-fi books in her life growing up. Still a nice ride it seemed.

I gave Drew a ten-minute tour and explained all the non-secret work I had done on the car. I popped the hood, and he checked the frame and exhaust quickly to see they were in solid shape.

Drew took the three foil wrapped sandwiches from Patty giving her a kiss and said, "April, I would take this car and drive it to Alaska and back. The only things that could stop it would be three feet of snow, a semi, or a Moose in the road. Too bad no 429 under the hood."

I replied. "Eighteen plus miles per gallon with the 2-barrel carb and I hope to get up to twenty on long highway trips. She has more than enough speed and lots of torque with the C-6 transmission."

"You could tow a small half ton trailer no problem. More would be a strain on her. Thanks for the food, Mrs. D. Love you Patty. Nice meeting you Lou, have fun Molly." He said with a grin, as he then u-turned in the driveway and went back to a stubborn T-bird.

"Mom, Molly called out to her heading in. Can Lou and I do some laundry, assuming Andromeda passed Drew's and your tests, so we can leave for Philly in the morning?"

With a wistful smile, April said, "You two lovebirds have my blessings, on two conditions! One, you call me from Philly and at least twice a week. I want to know you are ok. Two! You are still taking your birth control pills every day! Sky's two are enough grandchildren for a while. Four more years on your promises Molly, and looking over her shoulder at Patty, watching Drew's truck. Seven more on yours Hot Pants Jr!!"

"Bring in everything that's dirty you two. Molly, show Lou the laundry room. If you two sort it, I will wash it for you."

"Mom, I have a silk skirt and some new tie-dye's that need to be done by hand and.."

April cut her off, saying. "Sort it out and I will take care of it. I know all about tie-dyes Molly." She admired the rumpled ball of shimmering blue/green skirt draped over her arm with a tie-dye to match.

It was then that April really noticed the new three stone necklace around her neck that was almost a perfect match for the outfit.

All was unloaded and quickly sorted. April added with a laugh. "Don't forget your pocket panties hot pants. You two go eat, and I will get this started."

"Thank you, April, I said."

"Thanks mom." Molly followed with as she tossed the panties onto the underwear pile.

April noticed they mixed their cloths together, a good sign they knew how to share.

We sat at a kitchen table with pasta, a salad bowl, and hot garlic bread. "Thank you, Patty," I said as we sat to eat and chat with her about our trip.

Across the house, April, started the whites noticing they were heavy and not just damp. As she got the washer going, she filled the large sink with cold water. First, she did Lou's red and blue one making light purple swirls in the water.

Next picking up Molly's damp blue and green one she could still smell the sweat and pot smoke from her. It had been a long day and they had been caught in the rain after the show they said.

With her shirt soaking, April took the wrinkled skirt from the table and held it close to the light so she could see the intricate patterns. Two feet from her nose came the overwhelming odor of strong passionate love making. These were not just folds in the skirt, but it was slightly stuck on itself, from the dried results of Lou and her daughter's passion.

Looking quickly around the corner, April then leaned her ass back against the corner of the spinning washer, pushed the skirt to her nose, inhaling deeply and moaning into the garment. My little Hot Pants, you lucky girl, as she swayed her ass into the corner of washer, pressing her now flooding pussy with her palm.

I'm glad he makes you happy and cum so hard. I need to call Randy tonight, she said to herself, pressing the skirt into the wash basin.

Patty was finishing her small plate and was getting ready to see Drew. Lou and Molly slowly ate very large portions of pasta, April noticed. Long couple of days I bet she thought to herself. She got a plate as Patty headed out the door saying, "don't wait up."

We sat and ate while I'd laid out our whole itinerary, to Chicago in 2 weeks. Then we drive across America over the next 6 days with my national park gold pass for free camping and all my camping stuff. "Thank you for letting me put my tent up to dry out a bit, we got poured on last night." Molly and I glanced at each other and held hands between bites under the table trying to suppress our grins.

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