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Rocks Below


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Corey sat next to her, gazing up at the content look on her face. Thinking back to the sister who had burst into tears in his kitchen just a few days ago. Falling apart, hurt by someone close to her in a way that couldn't be fixed. Betrayed by someone who had fallen out of love with her.

He knew he was lost in their honeymoon phase, on what could even be construed as an actual honeymoon, yet he couldn't imagine a day when he didn't adore her. Explosive anger, adorable shyness, sweetly determined. All of it. Corey was in love with her, everything that she was.

"Hey, Cor?"

He smiled, "Mmm?"

"Instead of drooling... Do you want to get some fish 'n chips?"

He stood up and patted her knee, "Sure. Anything else you want?"

"I've changed my mind about the ziplining. Found another bikini excuse... I can see people... Swimming? Seems like fun. Swimming in the sea." She shrugged.

Corey nodded, "Not what I meant, but sure. Pretty sure it's diving or something. The water here is really nice."

"Sounds like fun." She smiled absent-mindedly.

Fish and chips by the beach was a family past time. They'd always done it. Sat down with a dozen-layer paper bag, torn off the corner, and burned their fingers on the still steaming chips. Sitting in the smell of the sea as they burned their tongues with both salt and heat.

Corey found Lily by the bow of the ship, claiming a seat and table, when he came back with the familiar bundle. She grinned and opened her mouth, "Ah!"

He lifted a chip free, burning his fingertips and held it out to her. Lily blew on it a couple times, and then as she went to bite the end off, Corey tossed it into his own mouth.


He smiled, "I'm sorry. Did you want that one?"


He pulled another and held it out towards her. And tried to repeat the act. Except, as it landed in his mouth, her lips landed on his, and she grabbed the chip, whipping it back into her mouth before he could bit down on it.

Lily's eyes watered, and she leaned back with her mouth open, waving her hand back and forth, "Hawt! Hot!"

He laughed at her, "You don't say."

"You tricked me." She mumbled through her mouthful accusingly.

He wiped at the corner of her eye and shrugged, "Wasn't that hard. Worth burning my mouth and everything."

She swallowed painfully, "How... How did you know I'd try and steal it?"

"Because you're, you." Corey shrugged.

Lily made a sad face and leaned on his shoulder, "My mouth hurts."

"Want me to kiss it better?"

Lily tsk'd, "Jerk. Was that your goal?"

"No. I just like teasing you." He turned his head and kissed her forehead lightly. "My adorable little sister."

"Who you loooove." She said with a bright grin.

He nodded, "Yeah... I'm going to hell."

"And you fucked." She whispered in his ear. "You fucked your dirty little sister, and she loved it."

Corey blinked, "Where's that coming from?"

"Because... Tonight... After the stars..." Lily whispered anxiously, "You're... Going to... Do it again. Going to fill me up."

He shivered, and she grabbed a chip from the bag and shoved it in his open mouth, closing his jaw and getting her own back whilst bursting out laughing at him.


"No rocks below." Corey prompted, receiving a fierce glare from Lily as she stood poised at the edge of the diving platform. They didn't have to use it, there was a ladder, but his sister had chosen it.

"Miringayi... Take your time." The staff member said calmly, "You don't have to, take your time."

Lily took a deep breath, grabbed her nose, and jumped off the edge. About halfway down, Corey heard her squeal, and then there was a solid splash as her pointed toes breached the surface and she slipped under. A moment later she bobbed back up, coughing and spluttering. She yelled up as she swam out of the landing zone, "Your turn, jerk!"

He stepped up, and staff member checked, "You're clear. Take your time."

Corey shrugged, and jumped over the edge, smoothly turning in the air to turn it into a swan dive. Shooting through the crystal water, and up to grab Lily around the waist, spinning her around as he surfaced.

She glared at him, even as she put her arms around his neck, "Oh, damn it. I forgot, you were a rower in high school, weren't you?"

"Yup." He laughed and kissed her nose, "Love ya."

Lily rolled her eyes, and turned in his arms so that she could look down, "I can't believe how close the fish are. It's like they don't even care that we're here."

"Probably a bit to do with this." Corey tugged at the food bag on her waist that they'd been given. "Wanna toss some?"

She squirmed, shaking her head, "No! I don't wanna touch them!"

"Aw, really?" He nuzzled her neck, "It just kinda tickles."

Lily glared, "No, Cor. Don't you dare."

"Okay. Well... I'm going to dive down for a bit. Coming with?" He asked.

She swung around onto his back, wrapping her legs around him, "Ta, taxi."

"Holding your breath. Three, two..." He ducked under, swimming down in the blue-green water. The salt stung his eyes, but it wasn't as bad as he was expecting. Corey treaded water as they watched a nearby school of fish drift and jerk by them.

Almost immediately, Lily started tapping his head, and he shot back to the surface.

She coughed loudly as they bobbed up, and he pulled her around, tucking one of her bangs behind her ear. "You okay?"

She shook her head and groaned, "Can't... Hold my breath..."

"Wanna float? Or head back?" He asked in concern.

Lily rubbed her face, "Eugh... I don't really want to... But I feel sick. I think I've drunk too much seawater. Fuck."

He stroked her cheek, "Sure."

"No. Not `sure', Cor! Have an opinion!" Lily said, though her green face and hand on one stomach sort of undercut her.

Corey kissed his forehead, "My opinion is that we should head out. You're not looking good. I would have argued if you decided not to be sensible. I'm not a pushover, Lils. But you're not an unreasonable girlfriend, either."

"Oh." She blushed, "Sorry. I... Just..."

He kissed her nose, "Besides, we're going to need a shower. Want to take one together? I might be able to help you relax a bit."

"You're not just talking a soapy massage, are you?" She narrowed her eyes.

He shrugged, "You're less salty than the sea. Of course, if you only want a massage, I suppose I can be convinced to do that."

"Nah." Lily shook her head, "Not turning you down, Cor. Not after last night's performance. You can do whatever you want to me."

"As you wish." He kissed her, before swimming the two of them over to the ladder. Lily went up first. Whilst her legs looked a little weak as she went up, Corey couldn't help but get distracted by her smooth ass. One side of her bikini had tucked itself into her crotch, showing off how unmarked and firm it was. He had to fight the urge to kiss it.

The staff greeted them with towels at the top of the ladder, and directed them towards a nearby changing room, where some bath robes and some kitsch change of clothes were waiting for them. Lily feigned weakness, though barely exaggerating, saying she needed Corey's help.

The staff member's face said they didn't buy the excuse, but they also didn't seem to care much, either. Couples cruise. Every nook and cranny of the ship probably had someone fuck in it, sooner or later.

The changeroom they entered together was tiled, and didn't have any part of the room cut off by walls or even a curtain. Just a shower in one corner, a sink against one wall, and then opposite that was a mechanised change table large enough for an adult, with all kinds of tilt and height adjustments for it.

Lily plucked the edge of her bottoms, the strands coming undone and them falling away. She sat down on the edge of the table facing him and smiled weakly, "Hope you don't mind, but I'm not blowing you. Still nauseous."

"Lils... I'm never even comfortable asking for that. It always feels... Degrading. Except for the wake up call." Corey shook his head before kneeling down in front of her and kissing both her legs, "Much rather this."

"Really? I wouldn't."

He glanced up, "You... Don't want this?"

She blushed and shrugged nervously, "Uhm... I want more?"

"Do you... Think it'll take our weight?" He looked at it cautiously, trying to find a weight rating label, but only finding faded stickers. It should probably be fine, she was light and he wasn't heavy, but the movement made things a bit worse.

Lily rolled her eyes, "Cor?"


"Shut up. And. Kiss. The fucking. Girl." Lily growled, for the second time.

He listened to her, though perhaps not the way she'd anticipated. He slid her knees apart and his head forwards. His tongue snaking along the length of her slit, before giving a brief suckle to her hood.

Lily shivered and grabbed onto his head, "Ooh. Okay. We can do that, instead."

She spread her legs further, leaning back to lift her hips and give him a little bit better access. Corey lifted the height of the table, so he wasn't straining, and then he slipped a finger inside his sister's warm embrace.

"Mmm." She moaned quietly, holding back. "Little bit dee- Oh, shit! That right there!"

Corey fingered at her G-spot, quickly picking up the pace as her legs trembled. Lily moaned and shook as he licked at her pre-cum, keeping his mouth's attention going to-and-fro across her clit as his hand played with her sensitive insides.

Lily's breathing changed to almost a heavy pant, more out than in, and her toes curled up so tightly that they cracked. One hand scrabbled, fingernails raking the surface of the table. "M-more."

A second finger joined the first, but she let go of his head and pushed him back gently with her legs. Lily's face was a bright red, as she shook her head, and then crooked a finger towards him.

Corey stood up, and raised the table until she was level with him. Her brown eyes danced as he leaned forward and kissed her. As her tongue entered his mouth, her hands found the edge of his waistband and dragged his board shorts down and out of the way.

Still kissing each other, Lily pulled his cock towards herself. The head probed past her labia, getting slick, before he began to gently glide into her. Lily moaned into his mouth desperately, and her heels hooked around his legs as he began to enter her proper.

"Oi!" A rough and deep voice shouted, followed by a thundering on the door, "Other bastards wanna use the changeroom, cunts!"

Lily broke the kiss, wincing, "Shit."


"Ready, yet?" Corey called from the bathroom that he had been banished to the moment that they got back to the cabin. He'd been sitting on the edge of the spa for hours, and his legs were going a little numb.

It had surprised him, being banished. Corey had assumed that Lily was going to wear the same glittering dress from the night before. It had been perfect for her, and for a night beneath the stars. He couldn't imagine her one-upping that, so he wasn't sure exactly what she was hiding from him.

Wasn't like she had anything he hadn't seen, at this point.

He was back in his black shirt, and red tie. He did wish he had something other than jeans, because he imagined that she'd tug on the tie at some point in the course of the night, and jeans had a tendency to rub rather than give breathing room.

It was also kind of disappointing that he couldn't really surprise her, either. No dressing up for his girl, apart from the gifts she had given him. He really should have thought about it more, before packing. Not that he would have imagined ties would be as fun as they were turning out to be.

"Fucking zip is stuck!" Lily yelled back, and he heard her growl in frustration.

He stood up, "I could... Help?"

"No!" She screamed, "Don't you dare! Just... Give me a fucking... Minute..."

Corey walked to the door, "My eyes are shut. Now, can I help?"

"No!" Lily snapped, "It's... No. Just deal with it... Sorry. Not trying to be a bitch. It's... You'll ruin the surprise. It's... Oh, finally. You can come out, now. Eyes open, even."

He opened the door cautiously and peeked out, seeing Lily with slightly flushed cheeks, quickly using a hairbrush to straighten the edges of her hair that had become a little bit frazzled.

She grinned over at him, "Ready to go?"

The dress she was wearing was a deep black, and mostly looked... Bland. It looked like it was stiff and uncomfortable, almost like it had cardboard underneath the material, the way that she was moving in it. It was not at all what Corey was picturing when she said, surprise.

He picked up her present in a gold box with a red bow, and grinned at her, "Sure... You all ready?"

"Yep!" Lily said, holding up a smaller black box in her hand, and then grabbed his with her other. She took a moment to lean up and kiss her cheek, grinning broadly at him.

Corey hadn't seen her smile so freely, and so often, since they were kids. He hadn't himself, either, now that he thought about it.

The two of them walked together, hand-in-hand, down to the restaurant. Together, in a way that wouldn't be able to risk once they got back home. They wouldn't be able to see each other in public, like this. Chances were, they'd meet someone they knew.

He lifted her hand and kissed it, "I love you, Lils."

The laughter from the restaurant was loud as they approached the fairy lights. The face of the waitress who greeted them was a little bit strained as she greeted them, "Awungana mamanta. I'm afraid we're a little full tonight."

"We had a reservation." Lily held up her key.

The woman swallowed nervously, and Corey stepped in quickly, "A few unexpected surprises? Like some overstaying drunks making your night hell? Don't worry about it. But can you help us find something else, by any slim chance?"

The waitress breathed a sigh of relief, "Arliranga. Awuntingirraga... Uh... Sorry. Actually, can you wait five minutes, and I'll make a call?"

"Sure." Corey hugged Lily's shoulder, dragging her over to the edge of the balcony, and looking out at the sea. The water's surface was black and hidden, the waves only visible because of the little lights dancing across it from the small crescent moon and the stars.

His sister sighed and leaned into him. Her dress felt as stiff as it looked. "Sorry, Cor. Guess that isn't going to work out, tonight. I feel like a bunch of things went wrong today."

"That's life, for you." He held her, "Shit happens, Lils. Even on a honeymoon."

She grinned at him brightly, "Honeymoon? I had no idea we got married, Cor."

He shrugged, "Mmm. You have to admit, it's more than just dating, isn't it? This trip of ours."

"I dunno. Certainly starting things out with a bang. And I've never had a honeymoon, but I more imagined that like... A rubbish bin full of condoms and fast food deliveries. Not doing stuff like this." Lily shrugged, "This is... Better."

He cuddled her tightly, one hand against her stomach, "You're better. The sex is awesome, yes, but you're the important part of that. You deserve a better honeymoon than takeaway and moaning."

She giggled, "God, you make me wanna do things when you talk like that, Cor."

"That's really not the intent." He laughed.

She put her arms around herself, holding his, "I know. Isn't that hilarious? But, it's true. My patient and sexy boyfriend makes me want to find a nice dark spot, every time he tells me I'm worth more than a lay."

"Arliranga, ayi interrupt." The waitress said, coming up to them, "I found you a place in our premier restaurant, the Table. Down one deck, and at the front. They're holding a place for you, if you'd like it."

"Ta." Lily gave a small smile and swivelled on one foot, before pulling Corey along with her. He yelled his thanks over his shoulder to the overworked and frazzled woman.

The Table wasn't just at the bow of the ship, below the deck. It basically was the entirety of the bow. The luxurious restaurant was so-named because it was where the captain ate and entertained the VIP guests. Even for a premier package, Corey hadn't expected to be able to eat there.

The pamphlet said that bookings were essential, before they even left port.

"We're in for a treat, I think." Corey whispered to Lily and squeezed her hand.

She squeezed his hand back, "Could we eat anywhere, and not be in for a treat? Even their fish and chips don't suck. This place was worth every penny."

"Having people sit up when you show them the key tag is a wee bit fun and addictive." Corey nodded, "Still have no idea how you managed to afford this."

Lily rolled her eyes, "Cal said he was going to propose, four years ago, Cor. I saved up for a wedding, that is never going to happen. And was never going to happen. I was trying to save something not worth saving, so I splurged a bit."

"Ouch. Sorry, didn't mean to bring that up."

She grinned excitedly, "Don't worry about me. I am over the moon with how things turned out. Me, my boyfriend. I s'pose it kinda is like a real honeymoon, with you. I love it."

The staff member who greeted them at the entrance to the Table was hesitant, despite trying to show warmth. "I'm afraid all seats are currently booked -"

"We got sent here, from upstairs." Lily said quickly and nervously, holding up her key, "Something about a reservation they couldn't fill?"

"Oh! Oh, arliranga. I didn't mean to be rude. We get a lot of people... But that doesn't matter." The waiter showed them in quickly, "This way, if you please."

The carpets were a dark red, and the floors were lit with dull strip lights like a cinema. Most of the light came through the expansive set of windows ringing the restaurant, looking out at the sea and the starlight.

All the tables were white cloths, silverware, and champagne flutes. And despite the number of them, they each seemed to have their own personal waitstaff tending to them. Most were couples in clothes that Corey thought might be more expensive than the entire ticket price of his and Lily's getaway.

The waiter led them to a table against the window, with two seats. He helped both of them sit, Lily first, and placed a white folded napkin across their laps before pouring them some champagne. In the middle of the table was a single rose, which though beautiful, caused almost instant problems.

Lily held her nose, as she tried to fight the sneeze and failed. Her cheeks turned red, and she wheezed, throat raw.

The waiter fluidly plucked the vase from the table, and replaced it with a soy candle that smelled faintly of the forest. "Please, let me know if this affects your allergies, miss. Someone will be along shortly with your menus."

Lily sniffled, "Ta."

"Thanks." Corey stated, and looked out at the sea next to them, feeling like he was standing on the edge. He could see right down. If it weren't for the window, he would probably be feeling the spray of the seawater. "It's beautiful, here."

His sister, rubbed at her nose, "Aha."

"Almost as pretty as the other view." Corey grinned at her.

Lily irritably wiggled her nose back and forth, "Th... Sorry. This is really bugging me. I'll be okay in a minute. Hard to focus. Really wanna sneeze, again. But can't."

"Bring any antihistamines?"

She shook her head, "I'm fine. Just... Itchy."

"So, as a distraction... Do you want your present?" Corey put the box on the table. "It's... It's not much, but I'm hoping it'll be nostalgic enough not to ruin the night. Really, not much."

Lily laughed and took the box, "You're having second thoughts, aren't you?"

"And third and fourth..." Corey said, cringing and considering taking the present back from her.

His sister opened the box quickly, but as she saw what was inside her face went pale and she seemed a little bit queasy. Lily swayed in her seat, putting one hand onto the table and struggling to take slow and deep breaths.


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