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Roxx's Role Ch. 05

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Islas take Roxie out for the day.
8.4k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 05/18/2022
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One of the nicest ways to wake up, Roxie decided, was to the smell of a cooked breakfast. It was the second time she had awoken in Isla's bed, her body still holding on to the residue of the sexual pleasure her Dominant lover had given her the previous night. Life was suddenly very interesting. Especially as not only was she having a very tasty breakfast of ham and tomato omelette with mushrooms on the side, but she was being fed by Isla wearing nothing but a kitchen apron that occasionally allowed the glimpse of a delightful nipple.

"Have you ever spent any time around horses?" Isla asked as she slipped a fork full of omelette into Roxie's mouth.

The question nearly caused Roxie to spit the morsel out as she tried hard not to laugh. "No Miss Isla, I'm a city girl born and bred. The closest I've been to a horse is watching Lord of the Rings at the cinema."

There was a slight flicker in Isla's eyes as she listened. Information taken in, processed, and logged, as Roxie had decided her mistress's mind worked.

"Would you like to go and see some?" Isla asked, her lips twitching into a smile. "I have a friend who keeps horses. She lets me ride them occasionally and in return I look after them for her if she is away."

The idea played through Roxie's mind, it was a Sunday, the club wasn't open again until Wednesday, it would be nice to be out of the hustle and bustle of the city. And spending time seeing parts of Isla's life she knew nothing about would be a very pleasant way to pass time.

"I would love to." Roxie replied happily, then quickly added. "Will I be wearing more than a coat?"

The melodic sound of Isla's giggle filled Roxie with joy, it was the most innocent giggle she had heard, which was especially humorous considering how sexual her Domme was.

"I think you can wear clothing today." Isla beamed, then added with a wink. "For now, at least"

While Isla was getting ready, Roxie busied herself tidying the kitchen from the aftermath of breakfast. She was for once fully dressed in her work clothes that Isla had confiscated the first night they were together. The feeling wasn't as comfortable as Roxie assumed it would be, on the contrary, wearing underwear seemed to be slightly constricting and with her now smoothly shaven mound, wearing panties felt oddly arousing.

"I'm ready." Isla called from the kitchen door.

Placing the last plate in the dishwasher, Roxie turned and lost all power of speech. Her mistress was standing in the kitchen doorway. Her shoulder length auburn hair pulled back into a cute ponytail. She had told Roxie she would change into her 'horsey gear' which, to be truthful, wasn't what Roxie thought it would look like. Isla's top half was covered by a sleeveless and collarless white blouse through which Roxie could clearly see the dark pink of Isla's pert nipples. The lower half was a small work of art with skintight white jodhpurs that had no panty lines, and a pair of knee height black leather riding boots polished to a mirror.

"Can I assume you approve?" Isla asked, smirking naughtily. " I decided to go without underwear as a treat for you." She added with a wink.

"Lovely." Roxie finally managed to squeak, as she wondered why she had never been interested in horses before.

"I thought we would stop by at your flat so you can change into something more casual." Isla suggested as Roxie fidgeted in slight arousal.

"That sounds like a good idea." Roxie agreed, finally remembering how to speak. "How are we getting there, bus or taxi?"

A slight smirk touched Isla's mouth. "Oh, I thought we would take my car."

The information sank slowly into Roxie's brain. "You have a car?"

"Fuck yes." Isla answered, obviously enjoying Roxie's surprise.

"Then why did you make me get in a taxi practically naked, which in turn left me naked on the side of the road?" The moment the words left Roxie's mouth, she guessed that the makeshift dress getting caught in the taxi door had been planned.

"Fuck!" Roxie gaped. "Just how much of what has happened did you plan in advance?"

"Not much actually." Isla replied, her smile beaming. "It mostly did work out very well though. Admit it, if you could, would you go back and change any of it?"

The question made Roxie stop and think. She had to admit, she wouldn't have done half the things she had done if she had the choice. But that would have meant she wouldn't have discovered just how enjoyable the experience had been.

"Okay." Roxie agreed as she blushed again. "You have a point."

"Think about the pluses little bear." Isla said as she stepped closer and ran her fingers down Roxie's cheek. "Think of all the fun we could have using my car."

A vision of Isla driving while Roxie sat next to her naked jumped to the front of Roxie's mind.

"I think I may need to make a few additions to the fantasy list Miss Isla." Roxie admitted feeling her insides quiver at the memory of the previous night's recital.

"I was hoping you would say that little bear." Isla commented as she took Roxie's hand and led her to the door. "You can tell me all of them on the drive.

Although she didn't know much about cars, Roxie wasn't surprised in the slightest when Isla opened the garage door to reveal a sleek looking sports car in a dark metallic grey, its fast and sporty styling suited Isla perfectly.

"Nice looking car." Roxie complimented, feeling the need to say something but unsure if the low-slung sportster was run of the mill or something that would be suitable to appear in Fast and Furious 37 or whatever episode the movie franchise had reached.

Beaming happily Isla unlocked the car with a remote fob. "Glad you approve." She replied honestly. "I have to admit, I'm a bit of a petrol head, and I love sports cars. Her name is Mazikin."

"Mazikin?" Roxie questioned. "Where do I know that name from?"

"The Mazikin are demons who cause annoying things to happen." Isla informed her eyes darting back to the car crouching in the garage. "Also made famous by the TV show Lucifer."

"Yes, I remember." Roxie grinned remembering the show. "The really hot chic who was like his bodyguard."

"That's the one." Isla laughed. "And yes, she is hot, and it just fitted well with her being a Mazda."

Roxie looked at the front of the car realising the badge was a stylised M. "Seriously, I know nothing about cars, I haven't even driven one in years."

"Maybe if you're a good little bear I will let you have a drive." Isla said with a wink as she opened the car door and slid inside.

The thought of driving Isla's car filled Roxie with apprehension. The last car she had driven had been her parents Citroën, and that had been the polar opposite of the car that was purring powerfully as it slowly eased its way into the sunlight, like a hungry tigress setting out to find its lunch.

Upon entering the car, Roxie decided it was possibly a good thing they hadn't used it the day before, as she wouldn't have liked to repeat the process of squeezing her frame into something that close to the ground in a dress, not to mention one that had been hastily stitched together out of a bedsheet.

Once inside, Roxie's eyes drifted over the interior taking in the many buttons and controls that surrounded Isla in the driver's seat. Comparing the Mazda to her parents Citroën was like comparing Isla to her mother. Sensible and beige verses fast and exciting. The thought made Roxie giggle to herself as she fastened her seat belt.

"Comfortable?" Isla asked.

"Yes, thank you." Roxie glanced at Isla as she replied, stifling a moan as Isla's seatbelt pressed on the blouse slightly exposing a smooth breast.

""Now you were going to tell me some more fantasies." Isla reminded as the Mazda eased onto the main road.

While Roxie had attempted to tell Isla about any fantasies involving the car, she found concentrating difficult while Isla drove Mazikin like she was in Fast and Furious 37. Thankfully, the journey didn't take that long, although Roxie suspected it would have taken far longer if she had been driving.

The stables were at the rear of what seemed to Roxie, to be a very large modern house. Everything was immaculately laid out with three stables lined up either side of a tack room, facing a fenced schooling area. The school was surrounded by neatly cut grass and several fenced fields were beyond that.

Three of the stables were occupied, one by a fine-looking chestnut, one by a slightly scruffy pony and one by a large grey horse that whinnied at the sight of Isla.

"Someone knows you." Roxie commented as Isla rubbed the horse's nose.

"This is Sleet." Isla replied, grinning. "She's the biggest horse here and rules the place but get a saddle on her and she is a big softy. Kind of reminds me of someone else." Isla smirked and winked at Roxie, who blushed furiously.

"I was always taught that you tell a gelding what to do and ask a mare. And that funnily works in many ways of life." Isla teased again as she slipped a head collar on to Sleet and led the huge horse out of the stable.

With Roxie's knowledge of horses being limited to watching westerns on TV, she stayed out of the way, but was still in awe at the way the large, muscled horse bent its neck to have its ears scratched by Isla.

"Dealing with a horse is very much like dealing with a submissive." Isla informed. "If you treat them well and let them enjoy themselves, they will do anything for you."

The very familiar churning feeling in Roxie's stomach returned as she remembered the things she had done for Isla willingly.

"So little bear." Isla fixed Roxie with her green eyes. "What would you enjoy right now?"

A million ideas flashed through Roxie's mind, but one jumped to the fore, and before she could think it through, she blurted the idea out.

"I would love to watch you ride naked."

The words had hardly left her mouth when Roxie realised, she had said them out loud. Immediately she was torn with a sudden desire to really see it and the need to jump into a hole in the ground at the embarrassment of what she had just said.

Surprisingly, Isla didn't burst out laughing or seem shocked. Instead, she just smirked a little and Roxie could almost see the cogs spinning around.

"Well, we have the place to ourselves, and it wouldn't be the first time I had done that." Isla confessed. "The real question is... what do I get in return?"

A new dilemma filled Roxie. Firstly, she really did want to watch Isla ride naked, her imagination had already conjured an image of what it would be like. Secondly, she knew she would have to offer something to Isla in return that would warrant such a display, but she had no idea what that could be.

"Erm... anything you want really." Roxie managed to say her mind to busy watching the imagined Isla trotting around the school.

"Anything?" Isla smiled. "I had hoped for this, but I wasn't sure you would be up for it."

"Up for what?" Roxie asked, suddenly feeling trepidation at what she had just offered to do.

"Be my pony for the afternoon." Isla told her happily. "But fair is fair. I will get undressed first."

Feeling very lightheaded, Roxie tried to work out what being a pony for Isla would involve, she had heard of the kink where people dressed as horses but wasn't really aware of what it involved.

What little logical thought that reminded in Roxie's mind fled a few moments later when Isla stepped out of the tack room wearing just her knee-high boots and holding a riding crop. Her milky pale skin made her red hair look more golden than ever and her lean legs and torso showed off just how well toned she was.

"Now then little bear." Isla walked up to Roxie, seemingly oblivious to how her unclothed body was affecting Roxie. "Let's get a head collar on you."

Isla reached up and fastened a rope head collar, similar to the one that secured Sleet to the wall by its stable. Practiced hands tightened loops until she stepped back and gave a gentle tug on the leading rope, turning the still uneasy Roxie into one of the empty stables where Isla attached the end of rope.

"We just need to get you all tacked up so you will be ready to watch me ride." Isla told her. "Why don't you undress while I go and get a few things."

Any concerns that she may have had about getting undressed anywhere that wasn't her own flat had long since evaporated, the feeling of being naked for Isla and slightly helpless in her hands filled her with a feeling of excitement laced with need that outweighed any real fear. Plus, she surmised, Isla was currently wandering around wearing just a pair of riding boots and that added to the thrill as well as reassured her.

By the time Isla returned, Roxie was waiting patiently wearing only the rope headcollar, and for the first time since they had met, Isla looked flushed with excitement at the sight.

"Last chance to back out." Isla asked, licking her lips.

Feeling slightly ashamed that she was beginning to enjoy what was happening, Roxie managed a smile. "It's all good from here Miss Isla."

"Oh, that's just divine." Isla murmured as she collected Roxie's clothing. "I'll just put these somewhere safe." She added with a wink, leaving Roxie wondering if she would see the clothing again that day.

"Now then." Isla said when she swaggered back in, the riding crop now tucked into her right boot, and her hands full of black leather items. "Firstly, let's make you a little more helpless."

The words sent a wave of heat to Roxie's sex as the thoughts of what Isla may or may not do fill her head.

"This is what we call a sleeve." Isla informed holding up a triangular shaped item, then as she stepped behind Roxie, she gently guided Roxie's arms into the wider end of the sleeve. "It's a very nice way to keep your arms out of the way and is fairly comfortable if done up correctly. So, if it is too tight or pulls on your shoulders let me know immediately."

Not trusting herself to open her mouth Roxie just nodded, her head swimming.

With the sleeve nearly all the way to her shoulders, Roxie felt Isla begin to tighten the straps that held it together, drawing her arms back and holding them secularly.

"Comfortable?" Isla questioned when she had finished.

Roxie attempted to move her arms, but there was no give in the sleeve, so while they were indeed fairly comfortable, they were now solidly locked behind her with no escape.

"Surprisingly, yes." Roxie replied. "And fairly aroused by how it feels Miss Isla."

Again, a small touch of colour burned in Isla's cheeks. "We had best continue then, hadn't we."

The next thing that Isla held up just seemed to be a mess of straps and buckles, but she appeared to know exactly what everything was as she fastened different straps around Roxie's body, tightening here and loosening there, until she stepped back satisfied with her work.

Glancing down, Roxie saw that her sex was now covered by a triangular piece of leather, held in place by thongs that ran between her legs, around her waist and over her shoulders, framing her breasts. Again, the sensation wasn't uncomfortable, but felt sensational.

"Next a nice tail for the pony." Isla grinned as she held up a plug with a long horse's tail fixed to it. "We will just apply a little lubricant."

Roxie felt the leather strap that ran between the cheeks of her behind move slightly, then a slight pressure as the plug slipped home, filling her more than the plug Isla had used on her before, while the horsehair tail brushed against her legs, tickling and emphasising her lack of clothing.

"Let's just remove this." Isla proceeded with her commentary as she undid the headcollar. "And pop this on."

A thick collar encircled Roxie's neck, stopping her from looking down, and more straps were buckled over her head to hold two black leather pads either side of her temples effectively restricting any peripheral view.

"And a nice soft bit" a now breathless Isla spoke as a rubbery bar slotted between Roxie's teeth and was clipped to the head straps.

"Almost perfect." Isla told Roxie. "I hope these don't pinch as they really complete the look."

One by one, Roxie felt her feet lifted up and placed into what she assumed were boots with heels, for when she was allowed to put her first foot down, she was balancing on the balls of her feet. Again, the sensation was more arousing than uncomfortable.

"Nearly done." Isla told Roxie as she clipped a short rope to a ring in the gag between her teeth. "We'll just walk you outside slowly." There was a sharp smack on her behind as Isla gave her a little swat with the crop, encouraging Roxie forwards into the daylight.

With her vision reduced to looking immediately ahead of her, Roxie was forced to rely fully on Isla leading her out of the stable, there was a brief moment of panic at the thought of being out in full view, but the sheer turn on of being led by Isla with little to no choice overwhelmed that fear. A few more taps with the crop turned Roxie around so that Isla could fasten the rope to a ring screwed to the outside wall.

"Would you like to see how you look?" Isla asked, as she nibbled at her lip in excitement.

Unable to actually say anything, Roxie nodded her head, and immediately regretted it as the straps around her head were attached to the ones that ran between her legs and the movement shifted the plug that felt very deep inside her.

From her left boot, Isla took out her phone and shaped off a few pictures which she then showed to Roxie.

For a moment, Roxie didn't believe it was herself in the shots, her face almost obscured by the horse's bit and blinkers, but the sight of how she looked brought forth a new wave of arousal and she moaned a little into the thick black rubber.

"Oh, you really are enjoying it aren't you." Isla grinned. "I am so glad as I have always wanted to do this and never been able to find someone willing. Just one more thing to add and you can be walked over to the school to watch me ride."

Once more Isla vanished from sight and Roxie felt hands brushing over the leather pad that covered her now moist sex. A small shiver of excitement ran through her as she felt the cover drop away and the cooling air brushed against her hot and damp labia. This was followed by another deeper moan as Isla slipped something cool and hard inside her before replacing the pad.

"And I now have full control of you." Isla whispered to Roxie as she showed her a remote control.


Soft vibrations emanated from the device now inside her and the plug in her rear.


Roxie let out a muffled yelp of surprise as an electric shock snapped between the two devices, the feeling a heady mix of immediate pleasure spiked with an oddly erotic pain.

"And we also have a 'fuck I'm cumming' button, but we will save that for later if you are a good pony."

If Roxie could have licked her lips she would have. She wasn't sure what the third option would do, but for some unexplained reason she wanted Isla to press it continually. Sadly, Isla didn't press the third button repeatedly, but went and tacked up Sleet before returning to Roxie, who had little choice but to stand patiently waiting.

When Isla did return, she planted a soft kiss on Roxie's left nipple before untying the rope and leading her across the grass to the schooling area, again encouraging movement with a not too hard, not too soft, smack on her behind with the crop until they arrived by the gate where once again Roxie was secured to the fence and left.

While she was waiting, Roxie pondered about what she was enjoying, wondering just how far Isla would go and who would back down first. The thought of being fully under Isla's control was giving her such a huge buzz, she wanted to be coherence into the position even more. A soft vibration through the toys inside her, halted Roxie's thoughts and she half turned, which was about as much as she could manage to do, given how Isla had left her, to see Isla leading the big grey mare through the gate into the school.

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