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Runaway Piper

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Piper runs away to a life of adventure.
2.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/29/2015
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Hello readers! This is my first submission to Literotica. I had this plot in mind since ages so randomly typed it up on a free weekend. Feel free to put up a suggestion or two to help me make my submission better! Remember that criticism is appreciated, rudeness is not.

This submission doesn't have any *sex* but next chapter will surely have!


It was now or never.

Her mother was passed out somewhere in the house, her drunken old stepfather probably slowly dying somewhere out there.

Piper picked up her bag and slowly, silently stepped out of the living hell called house.

She started walking down the street, grinning like a Cheshire cat. She was free, at last.

But she needed money. She took whatever cash she could get her hands on, leaving all the cards behind so she couldn't be tracked.


Piper was a cheerful, young and smart girl. She attended a reputed college of art and design, always wanting to be an architect. She was liked by everyone because of her politeness, quick thinking and quirkiness.

She had a slender build, average height, pale skin that came with her ginger hair and green eyes always sparkling with curiosity.

Piper had a boyfriend, good faithful friends, lived in a big house- everything was perfect.

Perfect till the day her father was shot in an alley. Soon her mother stopped living, gave in to the alcohol after her second marriage. Piper's stepfather forced them to move far away. Piper lost view of her bright future as she was forced to give up studies and had to start working. She couldn't leave because of her mother.

But soon even that love was gone. Piper knew that the mother she knew was long gone. That mother died with her father.

Piper had to make her own future.


Piper walked into the wild underground fight club. She knew her just so slightly build won't let her win but she sure can place bets to quickly double up her money. She sat on an empty stool, watching as the men in the cage fought against each other.

The fight that took place in here was a traditional cage match, but it was different because none of the men here were professional fighters at all. Any man who claimed he was the toughest and strongest would waltz into the cage match, and then have his teeth knocked out by someone before he could blink a drunken eye. All the people watching the match had drinks in their hands, and had bets on who would win the fight. Nikolas entered the cage match with his hands in his pockets because he'd heard rumours about this club; obviously they weren't true because none of the fighters here were like him.

Nikolas stood in one corner with the other fighters already seeming to ignore him because he didn't appear threatening. Then the other fighters finally began to beat each other up and one guy was thrown at the caged fence wall with a loud clatter and clang. When the champion was left standing, he finally saw Nikolas standing the corner. The man smirked and ripped his shirt off and flexed his arms. "Let's do this," he said with a very intense look in his eyes.

Nikolas removed his hands from his pockets and then shrugged. "Sure, why not?" he said then he pushed himself away from the wall. All around him, people were talking about how the champion was totally going to kick his ass.

Piper crossed her fingers and prayed for Nikolas to win since she had her bets on him. But she wondered why others were cheering for the lousy looking fighter left. In her view, he didn't seem to have any chance of winning.

Nikolas was suddenly punched in the gut by the guy who had ripped off his shirt, which made the crowd go crazy, until Nikolas looked up at the guy and his eyes glowed an angry yellow and he let out a growl. He suddenly grabbed the guy's shoulder and kneed his gut repeatedly. He punched the guy across his face and ducked when a punch was thrown at him, then he gave a hard uppercut to the guy. When he staggered backward, Nikolas grabbed the guy and threw him against the cage fence wall hard. He picked up the guy and hit him against the cage wall repeatedly making the fence cut into the skin of his face. Then he threw him down onto the ground and crouched over him throwing several punches until the bell went off and people began to boo because they'd lost their bets on the champion who was now a bleeding mess. He moved off of the guy and leaned against the cage wall and looked out towards the audience as the unconscious champion was dragged out of the cage. As he looked out to the audience, he saw Piper in the crowd.

Piper was staring at him with awed eyes and a slight smile. He's good in the game. Her smile grew a little more and twinkled as she met his eyes then Piper headed for the betting booth to collect her money.

The people who lost the bet had be controlled by the workers of the fight club then they left in an angry bunch with curses and mutters. Some of them remained because they still wanted to drink their troubles away. Nikolas stepped out of the cage then walked over to the bar. "Beer. Leave the bottle," He brought his drink to his lips then he looked over at Piper getting her pay for betting on him. "Smart girl.." he thought to himself.

Piper happily got double of her money and headed back where she was sitting; sipping on orange juice since wasn't even supposed to be here, being just 18. Piper saw the winner sitting there, surprisingly, and walked to him to congratulate.

Nikolas looked up from his beer after he'd already taken a swing of it to see Piper coming towards him. He looked down for a moment then he turned his attention to her. Up close, she could finally see the scar that cut from his left cheek bone to his left eye. She didn't look like she belonged in this kind of environment though. He'd seen girls like her in schools or at malls; not at drunken fight clubs.

As soon as Piper came up close, she saw the scary scar across his face but didn't ask anything. Instead, she just said in her silvery bell-like sweet and confident voice, "Greatly game! You totally made the man taste the dirt! Good thing I placed my bet on you!"

Nikolas didn't seem moved by her statement of him earning her money. "Two things, alright? One, I didn't fight to have people bet on me. Two, you're too young to be coming to places like this," he said then he turned his gaze away from her. Then the champion who he beat up finally was conscious and came up to Nikolas and grabbed his shoulder and turned him around to look at him. "No one beats me up and doesn't pay me for it. Pay up mother fucker." Nikolas looked at the guy from head to toe and shook his head and turned away. "I don't owe you shit. You lost, so deal with it." The champion pulled out a gun.

Piper was surprised as he replied so coldly to her appreciation. She was about to say something smart like "I'm old enough to do it " but she didn't get a chance. She stepped back a little, staring as the other guy came there and threatened Nikolas and took out a gun. She gulped. Well...maybe this place IS a bad idea.

Had Piper not gulped, Nikolas wouldn't have had to look for a split second just before the champion almost pulled the trigger. Nikolas suddenly the gun out of the man's hand, and the champion was kicked suddenly down on the ground with Nikolas holding the gun in his hand. He crushed the weapon in his grasp then he tossed it aside. His eyes glowed a vicious and iridescent yellow as his grabbed hold of the champion's throat while tightening his grip and lifting him to his feet. At this point, Nikolas was letting out an inhuman growl. "I'm not in the mood to deal with people like you. Get over the fact that you lost, or I'm gonna have to kick your ass a second time. This time, you won't get up, alive." His canines grew to their full length as he snarled at the champion and now everyone that was left in the bar was looking at Nikolas.

Piper slowly started backing away from both of them, her expressions fearful. I shouldn't have come here... Her mouth hung mid-air as she stared at Nikolas' huge canine teeth. She backed away till she was against the wall.

Nikolas looked over to Piper when he had the champion turning red, and he saw her fearful expression. For a second, he thought about going over to her and apologizing for scaring her, then he thought otherwise. Still, she was watching, and he didn't want her to be any more afraid then she was. He suddenly dropped the champion so he fell over and try to catch his breath. He looked down at the champion then suddenly kicked his face, knocking him out. Nikolas' eyes returned to normal at this point, and his canines retracted to their normal size. Nikolas walked over to Piper who was still against the wall. He wanted to say something but didn't, so he walked out of the fight club.

Piper recovered her senses as soon as he walked away from the club. And she followed him without a second thought and when she was out of the club too, she called out uncertainly, a few feet behind him, "Hey?"

Nikolas stopped walking when he heard Piper's voice some feet behind him. He turned his head slightly around so his eye could see her, then he turned his gaze away. "Wherever you're from, I suggest you go back." He called back to her and he started walking away again.

Piper's jaw stiffened at the lines he spoke which reminded her of her parents' house. "I can't go back. You're obviously not human. What are you?" she asked while following him.

Nikolas stopped walking when she asked what he was. "Most people give me names just based on how they first me: Freak, Monster, The Beast, Inhuman," he thought then he turned back around to meet Piper's gaze. "I'm a werewolf," he said to answer her question. Then the statement she made about him not being some to go back had him wondering where the hell she was supposed to stay. Then he ran a hand through his hair and shook his head groaning. "Please tell me you're not a runaway."

"If you want to hear a lie then I'm not a runaway," Piper replied with a slight smile. "Werewolves are real? That's so freaking cool!" she decided to drop the subject of her running away, "And what you just did back there to the other guy...amazing! He was so red face I thought he might explode!" she replied very fast, works just spilling out of her mouth, and then took a deep breath and exhaled.

Nikolas was speechless when she said what he did was amazing and cool. The use of her words, the pace, and her sudden excitement wasn't something he was accustomed to seeing often. She definitely exposed her young age to him, which made this even more difficult to talk to her. He raised an eyebrow when she was done talking and he asked "Are you by chance taking drugs?" He didn't want to admit it, but he expected her to be a nervous wreck after seeing him deal with the champion like the jack ass he was. "You're a very interesting girl, and you're also a runaway. My advice, stay away from people who care. Because they'll call the authorities."

"No, I'm not taking drugs. And yes, I'm staying away from people who care that's why I came here, right? This club's far away from my house and very near to where I plan to stay." She replied once he was finished talking, "And thank you." she answered to the compliment he paid her. "I guess I should get going."

Nikolas sighed "Yeah you should.." He said in response to her statement about going. Then the image came to mind of a past memory and then he looked away and cursed under his breath. "Fuck.." He muttered then he looked back at her. "If you need a place to stay, I can help you find one. I don't live anywhere in particular but I travel so I get around. Maybe you and I could rough it together..."

She nodded after a moment and said, "That's really nice of you, thank you. I can really use some help."

"Don't sweat it," Nikolas said then he stuck out his hand for her to shake. "Nikolas," he said introducing himself somewhat properly as the small girl took his hand and introduced herself "Piper."

The two began to walk down the road together, the comparatively small girl with flaming red hair and curious green eyes and the 6 feet tall leather clad werewolf with dirty blonde hair and a stubble.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
A good intro, as something one else said, but it should have

been held and combined was the second chapter.

If you don't find someone to help you with editing, at the very least, after you have finished proofing it yourself, let it set for 3-4 days; long enough it's not fresh in your 'writing mind', then read it aloud to yourself.

You would have caught 70-80% of the errors in this section by simply speaking the words. When you read silently, your mind can fill in what's missing or out of order in your own work, and you miss the errors.

Forcing yourself to speak the words, as if you were reading the story to a group of people, will expose the errors since it is more difficult to speak than it is to read silently to yourself, (for most people, anyway).

This technique is also very good for shaping up dialogue: if you struggle to read it out loud, your character will struggle saying it in your readers' minds.

Good luck... I'm off to your next submission.

txcrackertxcrackerover 9 years ago
Great Introduction !

Excellent introduction ! Can't wait for more , moving to chapter 2 . 5*****s by the way .


tx cracker

LovetosmileLovetosmileover 9 years ago
loving it

I am looking forward to your next chapter. I think it will be agreat story.

cecily_jonescecily_jonesover 9 years agoAuthor
Editors needed

I'd love it if any of you editors are ready to help me out on this! Please contact me if you're interested!

Katatude4LifeKatatude4Lifeover 9 years ago
Would have liked to have given this 5 stars, but...

You asked for suggetsions so here is one, please get an editior. Typos interrupt the flow of the story when a reader constantly needs to do a double take and fill in the correct words or spelling, it just makes the story stumble. It is a frustrating read in that way.

Kudos for a great story line so far and I do hope you continue to write.

In last thing, the way you would fill in the thoughts after one another was a bit repetitive. You'll learn as you go and your style will only improve. Take all criticisms with a grain of salt, but DO listen to them. You want a fan base and they want to read your stories.

Good luck!

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