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Sandy and Frank Ch. 18


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"We went there as four couples, the members of each couple primarily interested in each other. It was seen as a chance to be together and have sex while enjoying the friendship with the others in a wonderful site. This was true for Frank and me, but even more so for the others for they didn't have the sexual opportunities we did. We continued as those separate couples, of course, but, surprisingly, we also, to some degree, became a group of eight and the sexual activity in the surf was accepted by all. So, having all of that end was far more emotionally difficult than the usual vacation-ending despondency.

"Oh, we didn't mope around with long faces on that last day. We swam, played with the beach ball, we lay in the sand in our cabanas and had semi-public sex, relaxed and talked - regrettably, about classes and work - and, in general, enjoyed our last day. We postponed one unpleasant task - packing - until Sunday morning because we weren't leaving really early, but in the late afternoon we had to do something even worse, taking down our cabanas. There were tears in a few eyes - actually, probably most of them, including mine.

"We all piled into the van and drove into town and had a very pleasant last group dinner in a nice restaurant. We came back and enjoyed - we actually did - more pool and games. I really will miss that - the comradery, not the games themselves. Then, by unanimous agreement we went onto the porch and stripped off our clothes and headed to the water one last time. It seemed that, without consultation, we had decided that we needed one last sexual encounter in the water.

"It was a darker night - less moonlight - but faces were discernable. There was no preplanned order, but it developed spontaneously, somewhat like a square dance when you move from partner to partner. The girls moved from fellow to fellow in no particular order and they played with each other. I was first with Bob and he felt everything and I returned the favor. He was followed by Ed and Tom. There certainly was no scheduled order or time, but we went from one to another several times and, as you imagine, each time everyone was more aroused. I was, of course, was not paying much attention to what others were doing. but after exploring me thoroughly, all three lifted be up the way Frank did and I could feel their cocks against my cunt. Before we finally separated, each of the three of them penetrated me at least once and maybe more. They didn't screw me - it was just in and back out, but definitely in! I'm not sure that the other girls were as willing or aggressive as I, but I cooperated for that brief penetration."

"I'm surprised that they didn't come in the instant they slid into you, after all that stimulation!"

"Remember, Frank and I couldn't finish in the water - maybe not enough friction, not stable footing. Anyway, they weren't in long enough to do anything. In reality, all I felt was the very quick entrance and exit. Anyway, as before, no one blew a whistle and said, 'out of the water, playtime is over,' but somehow there seemed to be agreement when it was time to stop, and we struggled out onto the beach. We separated into couples as we got to the dry sand and, without a word between us, I was on my back in that soft sand and Frank was in me. I didn't know or care if others were watching or doing it themselves, but we fucked wildly.

"Usually, I lie there with my legs up around Frank, but this time, he put them up over his shoulders and pounded directly down into me. All I could do was buck up against him as he pounded into me, hitting my clit each time. My legs couldn't flail around as they usually did and I really had the feeling of being taken, completely under his control. Of course, my level of excitement was so high after the playing around in the water that I wasn't really thinking at all. Even so, when my orgasm hit, I was aware that my hips were flexing up and down, surging against him as if to get his cock in me deeper than it could go. Finally, I just held my hips up tight, writhing against him, as he ejaculated into me. We held that pose, him grinding down and me humped up briefly and we rolled over in the sand and collapsed together."

"Were the others screwing, too?"

"Oh, yes, but by the time we finished and recovered, they were through so all I saw was the others lying together in the sand. No one said anything as we finally got up - actually, no one said anything at all about what we did in the water or afterwards. I know I was ...I started to say embarrassed, but that's not quite right. I just think that I was in a daze at first after all the sex in the water and the really...well, almost violent, public fucking on the beach. I think that my energy was depleted and I didn't look around at first.

"I suddenly realized that I was covered in sand. I had been completely wet when we came out of the water and the sand was stuck to me all over. That woke me up and we started laughing as I ducked back into the water and rinsed me off. Actually, we all went back in for a few minutes and then got on the porch and dried off. I said 'yes' that the others had screwed but, of course, I didn't see them doing so, but I'm assuming they did since they were rinsing off. They could have just watched. If I can find a way to do so, I may ask - if I have the nerve.

"Anyway, after we dried off, we just sat there, naked. By that time it just wasn't an issue I guess. Then, something unbelievable happened as we decided to go in because it was getting a little cool sitting there with no clothes on. I don't know who started it, or, really, how, but after we got up, each of women kissed each of the men. It was the most intimate situation that I can think of, and it just seemed right at the time. I stood there, completely naked, putting my arms around three other men and Frank, all equally nude and exchanging an extremely affectionate kiss. I was very aware of my breasts against their chests and our lower bodies tight against each other. It was a very touching and loving way to end a marvelous evening."

"Well, honey, there is no doubt that your last night with your group was unique. That is an experience of a lifetime. Unbelievably erotic and loving at the same time. Coming back and jumping back into teaching Spanish and doing research, or taking courses for the others, will be a major comedown."

"As I said before, it will be really tough for the others because of the separation they face. It's not quite as bad for Frank because we can get together in bed - if you don't see any problem. The others are back in their separate living conditions after sleeping together for a week. I feel sorry for them."

"Yeah, that will be really hard. As far as you and Frank are concerned, nothing has happened to change the situation. You did a great deal more than either of us could have expected, but, basically, nothing is different as far as your relationship with him is concerned. What is more interesting about the whole thing is changes we see in you, particularly that exhibitionism streak. That was totally unexpected, but I think that it is the result of the unique set of circumstances. Of course, now you are used to going around naked, so who knows."

"The last point was said with a grin and she responded with a laugh. 'Sure, I'll shorten my skirts and stop wearing panties! Speaking of that, there was one last thing as we were leaving. We woke up this morning and just lay there, not wanting to start the last day. We had sex, but honestly, we really weren't into it. Finally, we forced ourselves to get up and do the necessary packing - just stuffing things into our suit cases. Fortunately, since we hadn't worn our suits yesterday, we had nothing wet to worry about. Everybody was as reluctant as we, but around 9:00 we were ready, the suitcases were in the van and we were ready to get in.

"Whether he thought of it himself or, almost certainly, somebody put him up to it - I wouldn't have expected it from him otherwise - Tom asked, just as I started to get in, 'Say, Frank, did you get a pair of Sandy's panties for your collection?' I suddenly realized that I was standing by the van and no one else was trying to get in and I got the feeling that I had been set up.

"Frank replied, 'No, unfortunately, she threw everything into her suitcase before I could get them. That's really too bad, because I wanted a special pair to commemorate this great spring break. She just refused to open her suitcase, so I couldn't get anything."

"Then, as I might have expected, Judy piped up, 'Well, that's not right! Come on, Sandy, you can't refuse to give Frank a souvenir after such a wonderful trip together!'

"I had an idea where this was going, but I answered, 'Yes, I can refuse to give him my panties. My suitcase is packed and in the van. He can try to steal a pair some other time. Anyway, why are we discussing my panties?'

"Ignoring my question, Ruth jumped in, 'That's really is not right, Sandy! Besides, you don't have to open your suitcase.' Obviously, she was saying that I should give him the panties I was wearing. Immediately, everyone agreed and all I could hear was the chant, 'Give Frank your panties, give Frank your panties, give Frank your panties...!

"I listened and finally yelled out, 'Damn it, I'm not taking my panties off! He'll just have to wait. I'm not riding all the way home without panties on!' Of course, I knew how this was going to end up, but I waited a few minutes before giving in. Without acknowledging them, I finally reached up under my skirt and, giving them a fake angry glare, slid my panties off and threw them, ineffectively, at Frank.

"I turned to get in the van and I heard Frank call out, 'Wait a second, honey!' It became obvious immediately that this was, as I thought, a put up job. Ruth came up with a marker pen that she just happened to have - what a surprise - and, as Frank held them flat against the side of the van, she signed her name on my panties. One by one, each of the others did the same with Frank going last. Finally, he printed 'Sandy's Panties' and the date, leaving space for my signature below it. Everyone was standing there smiling at me and I couldn't even pretend to be mad - so I signed!

'"The final indignity, if it was that, was me being required to stand with Frank, my skirt held to my waist showing my naked cunt while Bob took several pictures with my camera. Finally, the show was over, we boarded the van and drove away from our spring break mansion! Honestly, while I was embarrassed at first, I did enjoy the situation, and it did provide a fun, light-hearted few minutes that lifted some of the depression that we all had at leaving a place of such wonderful memories.

"You know, that business with my panties demonstrated something that was totally unexpected when I agreed to go on the trip. As I said before, I feared about how I would fit into the group since I was married and maybe seen as a cheating wife. I explained the situation, but I honestly don't think that it would have mattered, anyway. Instead, my being married and there with a lover was, if anything, a virtue. In many ways, I became the center of much of the fun and the recipient of most of the teasing. That continued right to the end. Each time we stopped on the way home, comments were made about me not having panties on under my short skirt as we got out. When we were pulling into our driveway, Ruth called out, 'Sandy, remember, when you get out, you don't have any panties on!'"

"It's really astounding how things developed in a little over a week - eight nights. As you said earlier, all of you went on that trip planning to have a lot of sex. However, one would have expected the whole time to be what it apparently was the first two of days - the couples would be alone to have sex and you all would join together for more mundane activities. As in most such circumstances, sex remains private, everyone knows what is going on, but no one mentions it. Somehow, sex became semi-public and acknowledged by everyone. From what you said, it sounds as if you were at the center of that progression. The public awareness of your relationship with Frank and the complete acceptance of that relationship apparently broke down some of the barriers.

"I wasn't there of course, but that business with your love mark, Frank kissing your nipple and the married mistress being taken to bed - all of that opened it all up. Without you, and Frank, of course, I'll bet it would have continued with the private sex, mundane everything else pattern holding for the whole week. At least it wouldn't have gone as far as it did."

She laughed as she agreed. "I've thought of that. I think that me being married and, obviously, sleeping with another man, changed things somewhat, but I had the same expectations that everyone else did at first - we would have 'private sex" and public decorum. That mark and nipple kiss probably did start the change. It certainly developed rapidly after that - almost into a commune-like situation except that we stuck with our own partners. However, if we had been there another week, those brief penetration of my cunt might have become much more. Maybe it's a good thing we didn't have more time!"

"Who knows about 'might-have-beens?' We do know that you had experiences which are almost beyond belief - particularly for you with your extensive background in sex."

"Yeah, my extensive, wide ranging background - you seducing me so I wasn't a virgin when we were married and Frank seducing me so I became an adulteress! Not exactly promiscuous or, probably, even average!"

"Ok, a very limited background in sex! Now, regardless of that, you went away with another man, slept with him for eight nights, and had a considerable number of sexual contacts at the beach. How did it go as far as your relationship with Frank is concerned?"

"Honey, I loved every part of it. I had slept with him here, of course, for those two nights, but this was very different. We were sleeping in 'our' room on 'our' bed. We shared the closet and drawers. We shared the bathroom. In other words, it was almost as if we were married. We were together all day, everyone saw us as a couple. We had sex in our room but also in our cabana. Everyone knew about it, and I know, saw part of it. We walked down the beach like lovers and, I don't think I mentioned this before, I knelt down in broad daylight and sucked his cock. I didn't know if anyone could see and I didn't care.

"When he kissed my nipple in front of everybody, called me his married mistress, threatened to spank me, said he was taking me off to bed - all of these things just made me feel so good and as part of a real couple. I loved him and everything we were doing. Yet, as I told you, right in the middle of all that love and intimacy, I automatically thought, 'I can't wait to tell Mack about this!' It was one of the most exciting and loving times in my whole life, but I thought about you! I can say with complete honesty that I never was so lost in all that pleasure that I didn't recognize it as a very pleasant, very happy interlude."

"Needless to say, that is good to hear, but I never doubted it. I never have been the least bit concerned that having sex with another man and having a relationship with him could be a danger to me or our own relationship. Unfortunately, you are not equally confident or generous, so I had to abstain from any contact with that pretty young master's candidate as well as not seducing a nice promiscuous coed."

"There will be no coed, promiscuous or not! I have never claimed to be as thoughtful and generous as you!"

"I expected that reaction! Well, this has been fascinating and we will be going over your experiences for a very long time, but it's getting late, we have classes to teach tomorrow - and I want to check out those cunt muscles my lovely wife claims to have developed over the last eight nights!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Need to read the whole series.

I suspect that the commentator who doesn't see the meaning of the story has not read the early chapters. It's a story of an innocent, faithful wive who is seduced and how she changes as a true love affair develops. It's a step by step progression helped by a strong husband who helps the development because he is secure in her real love for him. Obviously he is interested in what she does, but he doesn't urge her for his benefit. Seeing her transition over a year and one half from a night on a car seat to action on the beach is very well written and logical. Some times I think that SteveLee is actually a woman, like myself, because he (or she) really describes how a woman feels.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
What an odd series.

I have to say that up to this point I really can't tell what the plot is, or if there is a plot. It reads like a recitation of the steps in a sexual experiment, but the point of the experiment is unstated and not obvious. Could be just me, but I don't get what your message or purpose is with this story. At this point in the series, the behavior and attitudes of the main characters are simply too fantastic and unreal to relate to. So it is like reading a National Geographic story about the mating rites of some exotic primitive culture. Glad it works for them, I guess.

elling50elling50over 9 years ago
What about Frank?

When the affair started, he was comfortable with Sandys married status, because he just wanted some fun, not a new relationship. Now he is exclusive with Sandy, not getting into none of the other girls that try to seduce him. And he wishes that he could be with Sandy all the time. Would he want Sandy to leave her husband for him? Will he propose that to Sandy?

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