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Saving Justina Ch. 01


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"MISS Hosseini" she said in a sarcastic way. "Miss Hosseini's contract was terminated as a report was filed that she sexual advances towards a member of this company and we have a zero tolerance policy towards that sort of thing since we are an extremely professional and reputable company."

"Of course Mrs Forshaw. I assume the report was filed by an employee named Kyle, sometime between 11pm on Saturday and 7am this morning."

".... I'm not at liberty to say Mr McCleary." Her slight hesitation gave her away.

"Of course, and I'm sure a full investigation was held, before you dismissed her in the 16 minutes your company offices were open and her receiving notification she was dismissed."

"Mr McCleary her contract states we can terminate her at any time, we were satisfied by the statements given by one of our most trusted employees. You don't have a leg to stand on." Her voice was rising steadily.

"Understood. I am sure your trusted employee also disclosed the fact that he was intending to pursue a relationship with Ms Hosseini, but upon discovering she was trans assaulted Ms Hosseini."

"This is preposterous. I am to believe that...." She shut up as I held the zoomed in picture of Justina's face caught on the camera. "Well that doesn't..."

I interrupted "It doesn't prove Kyle assaulted her? No you're right but the Nightclub security cameras where it happened will prove that they were together. So currently you terminated a trans employee who was the victim of a hate crime and conducted no investigation and took action based solely on the testimony of the abuser. The media are going to have a field day with this."

She was weighing her options. She knew this wasn't good.

"Now I don't blame you, you didn't have all the facts. A simple error that I am sure you want to rectify." I was being intentionally sardonic.

"Out with it, Mr McCleary." She barked.

"Justina hired back, on a full-time contract. We can't have you dismissing her for some bogus reason a week from now."

"Something tells me you aren't finished." She said.

"Very good." I said patronisingly. "A sizable donation in your company's name to a trans charity would help smoothen out relations and of course you must say goodbye to Kyle."

"And if we refuse? Are you threatening us with legal action?"

"I wouldn't say threaten. More of a promise."

I was there for another 30 minutes with Mrs Forshaw and afterwards Justina direct line manager was brought in. They agreed to all the demands. They would hire Justina back on a full-time position and Kyle would work out his notice period. I was assured that he would not come in contact with Justina during that time. On the way out of Mrs Forshaw's office her direct line manager pulled me aside and said she was ecstatic Justina would be on full-time. She loved Justina and had been pushing the higher ups to offer her a contract weeks ago. It went as well as I could have hoped aside from not managing to get face to face with this Kyle, however, it probably was a good thing for both out sakes.

I came home and broke the news to Justina. She was beside herself. She couldn't believe what I'd done and that I was willing to go through all that trouble for her.

I told her, "Justina, you are the most important person in the world to me. I would do anything for you." She pulled me in tight for a hug. "Now this is your day, what take out do you want? You can have anything you want"

"Anything I want?" she said in atone that made my legs wobble a bit. "How about Sushi?"

"Perfect, I'll go order us some."


I took the 2 carrier bags full of sushi from the delivery rider, tipped him and brought them inside. "Food's here" I called out to Justina. She came out of her room just as I had taken out all the boxes from the bags and opened them up displaying the massive feast in its entirety. It was way more than what 2 people should reasonably eat but today was not about being economical or practical it was about indulgence, comfort eating and enjoying the little things.

"There's no way we can eat all that." Justina said.

"Just eat what you want and then we'll figure it out. You've not ate anything all day and I too myself am starving"

"Thanks" Justina said grabbing a plate and picking a few of her favourite pieces.

We are in silence for a few minutes as we both stuffed our faces.

I decided to break the silence "how's your eye? The swelling looks like it's gone down." Before kicking myself for bringing it up again when I should really be trying to take her mind of it. Luckily she was very positive about it.

"It's ok. The swelling has gone down. Still hurts to touch and will probably bruise even more tomorrow but nothing some concealer can't fix."

"You should take some days off I'm sure they'll give them to you." I suggested.

"I was thinking about that. I don't think I can go back. I really appreciate what you've done. So much. But just thinking about walking into those offices and being gossiped about behind my back. I don't want that. You've showed me that I need to have self respect and therefore I won't go back there after how I was treated no matter how much they pay me." Justina explained.

I'd fought so hard to get her job back and right the injustice it never occurred to me about the office politics and how she would be treated after she returned. "That's great. I really respect that decision" I smiled at her.

"Yeah...." She said head down clearly subdued ".....I'll start looking for a new job tomorrow and I do have a small fund I've actually been saving for something. So I'll be good on rent for a couple months"

"Relax Justina, it's fine. I don't care about the rent. I care that you're ok healthy and happy. We can always come to an agreement. I'm not tossing you out on the street. Ever." I meant every word. I didn't care if she paid me another cent. I cared too deeply for her. Having been through so much already. "What is your fund for? Thinking about Uni again?"

Justina blushed "No. Although that would probably be smarter. It's for uhm..." she with her beautiful paused lips pursed.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to Justina. You are entitled to your privacy"

"It's to get my tits done." Justina blurted out. "I want a breast enlargement"

"Oh I see. First of all. If you are getting them to look more like a woman you don't need them. You have a gorgeous figure and nice perky tits" I felt a few butterflies in my stomach as I talked about her appearance so directly and even more so seeing how she was hanging on to every word. "But if you want to get them done for you then I you should do what makes you happy"

"Thanks. They are for me. I've always liked the look of bigger tits. I don't exactly hate my boobs now but I just think bigger tits look so sexy."

I wondered how big she was thinking. With her slight frame, it wouldn't take much to go from sexy to ridiculous. "How much bigger are you thinking?"

"I dunno. I'd love to go to Double Ds but I know that would be a little much." She said echoing my thoughts. "So it would either be a full C or D cup. I'm already a B cup so I probably would go for a D and try get them a little rounder as mine are a little droopy. What do you think? How big do you think I should get them?"

My mouth instantly went dry. "Me?"

"Yeah who else dummy? Come on what do you think would look sexiest?"

Trying to stay non committal I said "I think it's a matter of personal preference"

"So... what's your preference?" She pressed on. As awkward as Justina was making me it was great to see her so excited and upbeat compared to this morning.

"Well.... I think we're going to need some alcohol" I said trying to buy myself some time and work up the courage to talk about her body that I had lusted over for weeks to her face.

Justina giggled, shooting up and grabbing a bottle of white wine from the fridge. She poured a couple of large glasses with a massive shit eating grin that was making me feel fuzzy. I just loved seeing her happy.

After sliding the glass along the table towards me and taking a big gulp she asked again, "Well go on what is your personal preference in tit size?"

I took another swig before admitting, "Fine, I prefer big tits. The bigger the better. Not that smaller tits like yours aren't beautiful and can't suit someone, but I'd be lying if I didn't think you'd be a knockout with a pair of D's on you."

Justina gave me a look of faux scandal and shock as she teased. "My, my...so you're a boob man"

"I wouldn't say that. Face is the most important for me, I'm drawn to eyes and lips. And I never say no to a nice tight ass, but I'd say you're pretty much covered in that department."

That revelation left her speechless for a couple of seconds before shaking her head. "Did you just say you like my eyes lips and ass?"

"I think they're spectacular Justina, even with the swelling and cut on your lip they're sexier than 90% of women out there walking the streets tonight." she blushed hard again turning shy again.

"I.. I don't like my lips I think they could be plumper. I was going to get some fillers when I got my tits done."

"I think they're fantastic as they are. I wouldn't go crazy. Maybe a little plumper would make you look a little more sultry but they're nice and full as they are. When women go too far and have permanent duck face though that's a little too much"

"Oh god no I wasn't thinking anything like that! How come you like lips so much?" she asked.

"I don't know. I guess the lips and eyes together, they're just always the focal point of everything good for me. Whether you're having a conversation, kissing or ... " I tailed off towards the end as I felt a bead of sweat going down my back.

"Or?..." she prodded. The edges of her lips curling knowing she had me on the ropes.

I sighed and took a full of wine. "Fine! OR... when receiving a blowjob. Looking down into a woman's eyes as her lips are sliding up and down your cock. Well there's no better feeling in the world."

Justina shuddered. I pressed my advantage trying to turn the tables, realizing I was making her a little hot under the collar.

"Or when you're going down on a girl or making love you can tell so much about how she's enjoying it and if you're doing a good job by looking at her eyes and mouth. Noticing them took back or a subtle lip bite, a sharp intake of breath. Yeah. So that's why I like lips" I said raising my glass to her and taking another swig, already finishing the large glass she'd poured for me and reaching the bottle to top us both up.

Justina started fanning herself. "Whew. That was the hottest thing anyone has ever described. How did your ex let you go?"

"The problem wasn't my ability to satisfy her in the bedroom, it was pretty much everything else."

"Sorry I didn't mean to bring it up and remind you of her again." She apologized.

"It's fine I'm over it, so what about your preferences in a guy?" I was curious to see if I could match any description.

"No.. no we're not done with you. I want to know everything. So your ideal woman has big tits, plump lips and nice eyes. What else?"

"You're pushing it." But as she pouted at me plumping up her bottom lip and giving me the big doe eyes I folded.

"Ok Ok. Only because I promised we'd do whatever you want to make you feel better tonight, and I'm a man of my word." She squeeled and clapped excitedly.

"Right where to start. I'm a bit of a hypocrite. I like and want my dream woman to be naturally beautiful, a respectable good girl you can happily introduce to the queen if needs be, or king now I suppose. But.... I'd be lying if I didn't get hard for women that look like absolute sluts. I'm talking big tits fake or not. Heavy make up. Big red lips. Dark eye shadow or heavy eyeliner. A dress so tight it clings like a second skin, showing off a tons cleavage. The dress or skirt coming to about mid thigh. Stockings and the most inconvenient high heels imaginable, or else in place of stocking and heels thigh high fuck me boots. So yeah all of that. Oh and I almost forgot the most important thing. I don't know what it is about them but I have a thing for big hoop earrings. The bigger and sluttier looking the better.

"Wow that's quite the description."

"Yeah well you asked." I said bowing my head and focusing on food a little embarrassed.

"No you're right. I did and thank you for sharing. You're acting like you should be ashamed of it" Justina said.

"Well it's a little mysognisitc and objectifying don't you think?"

"Hmm maybe a little. But you're not the kind of person to treat a woman anything but respectfully. You're a good man Luke."

"Thanks" I said.

"Besides. There are a lot of women who love to dress up like that for themselves. Or there are some that do it because they want the attention from men. Some may actually want to be objectified in some way. They want to be the object of a particular man's desire."

"Yeah" I was still offering only one word answers a little upset with myself for revealing what a pig I could be.

"Well let me tell you, your perfect woman sounds fucking hot. I wish I could pull off that look I don't have legs, tits or ass for it" she said dejectedly.

"Are you kidding me? You'd could absolutely pull that off. Even with your current tits. Your ass and legs are perfect, you really don't understand how hot you are." In my head I toiled with telling explaining to her that that prick probably beat her up because she was in fact so hot. His underdeveloped neanderthal brain probably couldn't resolve in his head how attracted he was to her with the fact that she had a penis.

"You think so? I've never had the confidence to try something that daring."

"Justina, You're naturally really pretty. I struggle to think of a look that you couldn't pull off."

Justina beamed a smile and it looked as though tears were forming in her eyes. "Thanks Luke, I believe that you think that. I just need time to believe it myself." Wiping her eyes confirmed to me that she indeed was tearing up. "I'll make you a promise. When I get my tits done, I'll dress up like your dream girl for you. We can have a laugh see if I can pull it off or not."

My cock flexed imagining her dressed up and dolled up. "You're on"

"Too bad my tits fund is going to take a hit. It's going to be a while yet."

"Why not get them done now? You're off work it's the best time with the recovery time and all" I reasoned.

"Yeah but I don't have the money I've got probably less than half and I don't think they do one tit at a time?" She chuckled.

"What if I loan you the money?" I said thinking with my cock and not my head. I was too infatuated with the possibility of her trying on a tight dress and fuck me heels. That was worth the few thousand pounds I'd be out.

"I couldn't possibly accept. I don't have an income at the moment. I have no idea how long it would take me to pay you back. I'm scared about not having rent in a couple of months if I don't get a job soon."

"Ok then not a loan. A gift"

Justina stared back at me shell-shocked. "I think the alcohol is getting to you. Why would you do that?"

"Honestly. You know that you are my closest friend, sad as it is. No family. I have some disposable income. No overheads. I care for you. I'd like to do something nice for you and see you happy." After a brief pause I am jokingly added. "besides. I get to see you with a killer pair of tits."

Justina laughed. "You're serious aren't you?"

"Sure. Why not. It's burning a hole in my pocket. I'm not doing anything with it. It might as well bring you some joy" I offered.

Justina was flummoxed and looking at me perplexed. She thought about it long and hard before saying "No I can't it's too much."

"Just think about it. The offer stands whenever you want it."

Conversation dried up the rest of the night. And after dinner we departed ways to our rooms.

I woke up with a mild headache from the half bottle of wine the night before. I was reminded of how post 30, hangovers come with little invitation, this being my second in three nights.

I recalled last night's conversations and my offer. Had I really offered to pay for Justina to get her boobs done? In the light of day, it seemed like a crazy idea. But my cock was rock hard at the thought of it. I began to realize the awkward position I put Justina in. Being indebted to her landlord while living under the same roof. Even if there wasn't any financial commitment on her part she'd still feel obligated to give something in return. I should tell Justina that it was the alcohol talking and I didn't really mean it.

As I left my room I was greeted with the sight of Justina's perfectly shaped ass in yoga pants as she cleaned up the glasses from last night in the sink. Her hair up on a pony tail swaying as she washed them. Damn what a sight. She hadn't heard me as she was clearly listening to something in her AirPods.

As I closed my door though she was alerted to my presence. She turned and flashed a big smile. My stomach flipped seeing her face. God it was getting worse. She reached for her phone and took out her AirPods walking over to me.

"Listen Luke..."

"Justina... about last night I ..."

"I want to take you up on your offer."

"You... what?"

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LaceyboiLaceyboi19 days ago

Jusy wonderful, thank u x

VerbalAbuseVerbalAbuse9 months ago

You're leaning hard on hard politics here.

SissyBoy1WarszawaSissyBoy1Warszawa9 months ago

You portray Justina's life and his/her problems, emotions and feelings wonderfully. It's good that he has such a supportive person and even Luka in love with Justin. Honestly, I wish I had someone like Luka. I really like Justina, I would like to be like her. Have so much courage, strength in yourself and be able to cross individual boundaries. Will Justina do breast surgery or maybe she will stay with her beautiful figure, wonderful body and fall in love with Luca as he did with her? Will their acquaintance, friendship or maybe love lead to a wedding? I am waiting with great interest and great impatience for the further fate of Justin and Luka. 📖🧑🏻👨‍❤️‍👨👧🏻❤️👩🏻‍🦳.

ps. Sorry for grammatical errors and inaccuracies, but I don't speak English.

SissyBoy from Warsaw, Poland. 📖👩🏻‍🦳👩🏻❤️🧒🏻.


Wspaniale przedstawiasz życie Justiny/a i jego/jej problemy oraz emocje, uczucia jakie przeżywa. Dobrze że ma taką osobę wspierającą a nawet zakochaną w Justinie, jakim jest Luka. Powiem szczerze że chciał/a bym mieć takiego kogoś jak Luka. Bardzo podoba Mi się Justina, chciał/a bym być jak Ona. Mieć tyle odwagi, siły w sobie i umieć przekraczać poszczególne granice. Czy Justina zrobi operację piersi a może jednak zostanie przy swojej pięknej figurze, cudownym ciałku i zakocha się w Luce tak jak On w niej? Czy ich znajomość, przyjaźń a może miłość doprowadzi do ślubu? Z wielkim zainteresowaniem i bardzo wielką niecierpliwością czekam na dalsze losy Justina/y i Luka 📖🧑🏻👨‍❤️‍👨👧🏻❤️👩🏻‍🦳.

ps. Przepraszam za błędy i niedokładności językowe ale nie znam języka angielskiego.

SissyBoy z Warszawy, Polska. 📖👩🏻‍🦳👩🏻❤️🧒🏻.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

very good and I love romantic mood of the story, enough with only smuts

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Either I'm having a weird case of "read this before" or I remember reading this a while ago. Is this posted on another site by chance?

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