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Seducing Holly


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"Well, okay, but only for one weekend." She finally said.

"Thanks honey, you will never regret your decision." We will have a wonderful weekend. His home is more than twice as big as ours. I don't know why a single man needs such a large home, and I never asked him." I was talking too fast to cover up my nervousness.

That evening as we were laying in bed talking, she was gently caressing my prick. It stayed soft, even though I wanted her. I was too nervous, thinking about what was going to happen in another day.

"Why does he live alone? Maybe, he had a wife, but they are divorced." She was saying more to herself than to me. "What is wrong with you? You always want to have sex, and for the last week, you haven't touched me. Don't you love me anymore?"

"I'll always love you and want you. It's just the pressure at work, and I'm not really over that strain, yet." I replied.

The next evening, as I rang the bell, I was carrying a small suitcase and she had an overnight bag. Jim answered the door, wearing a pair of boxer shorts. At least, this time, he had on a shirt. He welcomed us with a handshake and a big hug for Holly. It seemed he took his time giving her a hug. We were showed to our bedroom, which had a king sized bed. After unpacking our weekend clothes, we joined him on the terrace. There was a large bowl of iced punch sitting on the table. We each took a large glass of punch, and he led us around the house showing pictures and antiques he had collected. Next, we went out back, to the yard and the pool. He had a beautiful place and was proud of it. Holly had finished her glass and he poured her another. It was actually too sweet for me, so I had only sipped on mine. Holly complained of being dizzy, and he suggested she lay down till he had barbequed the steaks. I took her upstairs and put her to bed, then rejoined him. She was out like a light. We made small talk for half an hour, or so, and then he threw the shocker at me.

"Let's go see that little pussy of your wife's. I want to smell and kiss it before dinner." He said this as he was getting up and heading for the door.

"But, you can't do that. She will wake up and scream bloody murder." I sputtered.

"Oh no, she won't." That punch is spiked and she drank enough to keep her sound asleep while I give her a big kiss right between her legs." He laughed.

When we entered the bedroom, she was sprawled across the bed. He went right to her shorts and began pulling them down. "Take off her blouse, so I can see and suck those tits." He demanded.

I didn't know what else to do, so did as he asked. In a few moments, she was naked in all her innocence. She was about to be ravished without her knowledge. How could I do this to my lovely wife? I was ashamed and feeling guilty, but still had a raging hard on. I had never dreamed this would happen. I stood back and Jim got on the bed beside her. He kissed her lips, but there was no response from her. He moved to her breasts and began sucking one and then the other. When she groaned, I was scared to death! But, she was still sleeping. He kissed his way down to her pubic mound, and was kissing and licking all around her pussy. She squirmed in her sleep. Then, he spread her lips with his fingers and was licking her clit. She let out another long groan. I was holding my breath, and praying she would not awaken. All of a sudden, his tongue was darting in and out of her pussy. He would do that for a few strokes, then, lick her clitoris again. I couldn't stand it any longer. I took my dick out and started beating it. I was never so horny in my life!

He raised his head and told me to pull his shorts off. Again, I did as I was told. That's when he told me to suck him, as he ate her. I was sucking him, stroking my dick and he was eating her pussy. What an erotic sight! Just the thought of this happening, made me shoot my load all over the carpet. She was constantly groaning and thrashing her hips. Jim stiffened, and I had another load of his cum to swallow. I was beginning to like it! Before she could climax, he stopped and got dressed. He told me to clean up the mess I had made, get her clothes back on her, and join him outside at the barbeque. He acted as if nothing had even happened.

When I joined him outside, I asked why he had not let her cum.

He said, "Because I want her horny and awake when I fuck her. I don't like a woman to be unconscious when my big dick is put into her tight hole. I want her to feel every inch. I want her screaming from the sheer size of trying to fit into her, and then screaming from pleasure when she has gotten adjusted to it. By the way, you have a future in sucking cock, if you ever want to change professions. Do you enjoy sucking?"

"Until a week ago, I had never thought about it. I had never touched another man and had no desire to. I guess sucking you isn't so bad. I have changed completely in a little over a week. In my wildest dreams, I would never have thought I would be in this situation. I am actually looking forward to seeing you fuck Holly with that monster cock of yours. I would like to lick her clean, when you are finished! God, I can't believe I said that, but it is true."

"I'll put these steaks on low heat, and let's go inside and watch one of my movies, starring yours' truly. Holly should be awake shortly. Let's see what she does when she walks in and sees my cock up a white girl. She may not mean to look, but she is bound to see something. We want to put the idea in her mind, that white women love black cock." He said.

We had been watching the movie for about half an hour, of Jim fucking and eating a young, beautiful white woman. I was horny again because I knew this was real. The woman was giving it all she could, but couldn't seem to take all his cock inside her. I heard a sudden intake of breath behind me, but never turned around. Jim was saying how all white women loved black cock. He was talking for the benefit of Holly, whom we knew was in the doorway behind us. I asked him if he thought Holly would be the same as the woman in the movie. He was saying that he had never heard of a white woman that didn't enjoy a long black dick reaching deeper than their husbands ever could. We were just making small talk about the pleasure a woman felt when she could feel the baby making sperm of her black lover squirting into her womb. It must have been 10 minutes before I heard footsteps going outside. In a few minutes, we got up and followed. Holly was sitting at the table, sipping on another potent punch. She never asked what we had been doing. She was probably scared Jim would tell her! Jim pulled his chair from the table and kind of sprawled into it. He was directly across from Holly. I heard an intake of breath, and glanced at Holly. She was staring at Jims shorts. I looked, and could understand why she had gasped. You could see the head of his dick sticking out the bottom on the left side. Every few seconds, it would jerk as if it had a life of it's own, I knew he was doing this on purpose, but he acted as if nothing was wrong. Holly would glance away, but her eyes kept returning to the same spot. She was getting more and more flustered. About that time, the steaks were done, I brought out the salad and we had an enjoyable meal. Jim suggested we go swimming after dinner, and we all agreed. I think Holly needed to cool off, and also, get away from that punch bowl. Jim changed into a pair of skin-tight swim trunks that looked as if there was a roll of sausage stuck down the top of them. I was wearing boxers, and Holly had on a conservative two-piece swimsuit. Frolicking in the water, Jim seemed to accidentally touch Holly's butt or breasts several times. Once, when he was helping her out of the pool,he "accidentally " brought her hand into contact with his dick. She never jerked away and acted as if nothing had happened, but I could see her face turn red.

When we went to change, she was strangely quiet. When I looked at her with a question in my eyes, she said, "I am scared. I feel as if something is going to happen and I will be forever changed. There is something about Jim that frightens me. I get a funny feeling when he touches me. Did you see what he has between his legs? How could a man be that big? Are all black men like that? I saw you watching that filthy movie. That was him with that young white woman, wasn't it? Well, are you just going to stand there like a dummy, or answer me?"

"You were talking so fast, I never had a chance to answer. You are getting hysterical. Please calm down and think rationally. Most blacks are huge in the dick department, much bigger than white men. He never knew you could see him at the table. Yes, that was him in the movie. You can't blame him. She certainly was enjoying what he was doing. I have heard that all white women never want another white man after being with a black. I don't know if that is true, or not. It probably is, for a white man's equipment doesn't measure up to a black's. She probably could not feel her husband's little white dick anymore."

"Are you saying, if I made love to him, I wouldn't want you anymore? I believe that he has plans to try and get into my pants before the weekend is over. He better change his plans! I'm not sleeping with a black man, ever! What would my parents say? What would yours? How could I look at myself in the mirror, knowing what I had done? I married you, not every man that wants to put his penis into me."

I tried to explain, without making her hysterical again. "Darling, he is only being a man. He finds you attractive, and he told me that it has been weeks since he had a woman. He is only flirting. What harm is there in that? So, he touched you in the pool and he wears skin-tight swim trunks. Maybe he gets a thrill from making you horny, but it is not going any further than that. Any man would do the same thing. You are a very beautiful, desirable woman. You have shut yourself away from the world too long. People are different in the real world. Just go along with his flirting, and occasional touch. Nothing else is going to happen. Please believe me, you are safe as long as you want to be."

"Are you saying that you don't mind if he flirts and touches me? Do you like seeing another man touch my breasts or my behind? What if he does more than that? Would you still just watch? Don't you care what happens to me? What if he is serious, and wants to really stick that giant thing inside me? Would you keep your mouth shut and let him?" I couldn't understand why she was speaking so calmly.

"Honey, I love you, and your happiness is very important to me. If you ever wanted him to make love to you, I would keep my mouth shut. There would be no recriminations or accusations. I would accept the fact that you did it because you wanted to experience a forbidden act. An act that you have never dreamed about! You have never done anything that was improper in your life. For once, if you want to let your feelings rule your mind, go for it. Maybe you should forget your strict upbringing for once, and do what you want to do."

"Paul, do you know what you are saying? You are saying that it is okay if I make love to Jim. You are giving me to him for the next two days. How long have you felt this way? You planned this whole thing, didn't you? You and Jim! Well, I am not something to be given away. I am your wife and I never thought you would forget that fact. Lets go downstairs and forget this whole conversation. It's making me sick to my stomach. I need another brandy to get this bad taste out of my mouth.

Downstairs, Holly poured another brandy, and went into the den, where Jim was going to show one of the current box office blockbusters. Jim was on one end of the sofa and Paul on the other. The only place to sit was between them. After a few minutes of the movie, Paul put his hand on her leg, just above the knee. She let it rest there, and was sipping her drink. She felt a hand on her neck, and first, she glanced at Paul, thinking it was he. She could see both his hands. What should she do?? The hand wasn't moving, only gently touching her shoulder and neck. She decided to ignore both hands. Paul's fingers began tracing small circles on her thigh. She was getting excited. She never realized that the alcohol was lowering her inhibitions. Then, the hand on her neck was slowly massaging her shoulders and the back of her head. No one ever said a word. For all intent and purposes, you would swear they were all engrossed in the movie. Jim was beginning to stretch his arm over her shoulder, and he could touch just above her breast. She still never moved, wondering how far she was going to let this go. Another drink, and she relaxed, enjoying the attention she was receiving from two men. Paul was still tracing circles, and Jim took her empty hand and put it on his lap, She attempted to pull away, but he had a grip like steel. When she stopped pulling, his hand became gentle. He placed her hand on his massive bulge, and when she touched it, she could feel it move. As her hand lay there, with his hand covering hers, his dick began to grow. He was squeezing her fingers, and they in turn were squeezing his giant, black dick. Knowing that she was getting him erect excited her. She had the power to make a man want her! His pajamas couldn't contain his prick any longer. It popped through his pj's and into her hand. He wrapped her fingers around his dick and removed his hand. She kept her fingers in place, but never moved them. He was fully erect, and her fingers never reached half way around this monster. She knew that Paul could see what was going on, but not a word was said. Paul had moved his hand closer to her pussy, and was now rubbing the tips of his fingers across the crotch of her shorty pajamas. She was dizzy from the excitement, but mostly from the drinks. She had never been so horny in her life. She was unconsciously moving her hand up and down on Jim's prick. She decided to go with the flow and see how far this was going to go. Besides, she was so excited, she didn't care anymore. If Paul didn't care, why should she? She had not worn a bra under her pj top, and now the hand around her shoulder was under the top of her pj's! It was slowly rotating and caressing, but always getting nearer her breast. Paul was rubbing her clitoris with his fingers. There was a hand fondling and gently pinching her nipples. She had her head leaned back against the arm around her neck and had her eyes closed. She felt cool air on her chest and realized that the buttons on her pj's were no longer closed. Jim must be looking at her firm breasts! Then, there was a hand on each breast, squeezing, massaging, and pinching. It felt so wonderful! Never had she felt anything like this in her entire life. Now, her hips were being gently raised and she felt her bottoms being slowly pulled down and off. My God, I am naked, she was thinking. She was too embarrassed to move. She had let this go too far, and now there was no way out! What am I going to do, she was thinking. I'll let them have their fun, but there is no way Jim is going to stick that monster dick of his inside me! Maybe, all they want to do is feel. I think Paul is going to eat me right in front of Jim. Then, there was a mouth on her right breast, and a hand pinching the other. That felt so wonderful. Paul was licking and kissing her legs, and always moving upwards. Hurry up! She was thinking. I am so wet down there! I need your tongue to make me climax! Finally! He had his tongue inside her pussy and was lapping up her cunt juice. The mouth on her breast was alternating between one breast and the other. The feelings from her breasts seemed to go straight to her pussy. She couldn't last much longer! Suddenly, the arm was removed from her neck, the mouth left her breasts, and worst of all Paul's mouth left her pussy! She had been so near! What had happened? Was this as far as they were going to go? Ah, that's more like it. The mouth had returned to her breasts. Now, why isn't Paul licking her pussy and finishing what he started? Oh, Yes, there he is, better than ever. Wait a minute! They've switched! Paul is sucking her breasts. She would know his mouth anywhere. That has to be Jim's mouth on her pussy! Oh, My God, Oh, My God, what have I gotten myself into? I never thought Paul would let this happen. Not my husband, not my Paul! How could he give his wife to another man, and a black man, at that? Her mind was in turmoil, but her body was still responding. She couldn't have stopped them, even if she had wanted to, And, she didn't want them to stop!! She had resigned herself to the fact that she was being taken by two men and one of them her husband!

Jim's tongue was driving her crazy! He was fucking her with his tongue and it seemed longer than Paul's dick. She had been groaning for the last five minutes, and the men knew she was on the edge of the biggest climax she had ever had. Never, Never, had anything felt this good! She was there!! She was cumming! Oh, God, Oh, God, Don't stop! Don't stop! NO! NO! Stop, Stop, I can't stand anymore! She passed out and her body went limp.

Paul was the first to notice. "She's unconscious. What happened to her?"

"It was the intense pleasure of her climax. I've seen this happen before." Jim whispered. "Let's get her upstairs to the bed, before she comes around. The night is still early and I have just gotten started. That was a very small climax, compared to what will happen when my 11 inches are buried in her pussy. Come on, I'll carry her."

Jim picked her up and carried her up the stairs and over to the bed, placing her on the pristine white sheet ever so carefully.

"Okay Paul, this is where you bow out. I am going to be lying next to her when she wakes. I want her to see only me. She knows that I was the one eating her. Her barriers against having sex with me have been broken. If she sees you, they might spring back into place. Later, you can join us, but for now, go back downstairs and watch television. Or, if you like, go outside the door and watch. She is mine for the rest of the night." Jim commanded.

Paul left the room, with his head hanging. There was nothing he could say or do. This was all his fault, and he knew it. His beautiful, innocent wife was about to be ravished by a black man.

Jim finished undressing and removed the pajama top off Holly. She was lying on her side, and he lay down facing her. His body was pressed against hers'. She slowly opened her eyes, and all she could see was Jim's face. Recognition dawned in her eyes, and then the realization that she was naked in bed with a black man. She was going to be fucked, and she knew it. There was nothing to do, but accept her fate and enjoy it. She silently prayed that he would be gentle. She still couldn't believe his dick would fit inside her, but she was about to find out. He moved his head closer and kissed her deeply, thrusting his hot tongue into her willing mouth and laving her oral cavity for all he was worth. Holly put her bare arms around his neck and drew him close to her. Her pussy was already tingling with anticipation and her young nipples began to harden under the hardness of his bare chest muscles.

Jim began to move one of his large strong hands up her side and between

their bodies, seeking one of her ripe nipples. He continued to French her mouth as he raised up slightly on the other elbow so that his hand could have greater access to her upthrust mound, and he kneaded the pliant flesh between his fingers and churned it round and round, causing Holly to become even more excited. A feeble mewl from her throat goaded him on, as he bent down to her chest, taking one yearning breast in his mouth and sucking it so hard that she gave a little gasp of pain.

He eased up a little then, sucking it more tenderly, and nibbling the erect

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