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Sex Slave Lottery Ch. 07-08

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Some get what they don't deserve and others do.
9.7k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/20/2020
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As explained before earlier chapters of Sex Slave Lottery (2020 edition), I am editing and reposting stories first posted in 2015 that were removed from Literotica earlier this year.

There will be two more re-postings of edited stories, Chapters 9-10 and SSL -the Prequel. When the re-posting is complete, the entire Sex Slave saga will include:

Sex Slave Lottery, Chapters 1-10

The Sex Slave Lottery Prequel

The 150th Slave (original and alternative ending)

Whole New Slave Game (builds on alternative ending)

I have made substantial edits from the 2015 edition but the story essentially remains the same.

Chapter 7

The New Lottery

The flight to Bolry was more comfortable traveling with Mr. Anderson as he bought us super deluxe seats on a special plane that seemed to cater to billionaires. He did not get on the bus to the hotel in Bolry with Crystal and me. He said that he'd made other lodging arrangements.

We'd planned to arrive a few days before the lottery to rest up and enjoy the facilities again. Also, I hooked up with a very charming hotel manager. It helped me to get over the Jet Lag very nicely bouncing up and down on his beautiful cock. I got a particularly nice room in the Lottery Hotel with a huge bed. The bed had a particularly good firm bounce and supported my back perfectly when I wrapped my legs around the gentleman's back the third time we made love that night.

It was sort of a reunion at the hotel. Naturally, Svetlana and Dimitry were there and Amber and Irina were participants.

We got to talk to Alya, Duhjah and Durrah who were in fact Arab princesses or something similar. They were initially introduced to the Lottery by their husbands and encouraged to participate at low levels of risk. After they had been in the Lottery and reached even the bikini round, their husbands decided that they were westernized whores that they wanted to dump. Their once ample financial assets were frozen and their husbands' friends, who had always wanted to sleep with them, were putting up a lot of money for them to participate at high levels of risk. The women said they were hoping to make enough money in the Lottery to move to London and be free. I did think that they looked down on us for not being royalty, at least Alya did, but they were not so bad as to make me wish them bad things. I could see they were trapped even before they got involved in the Lottery.

We met some women who had started in the Lottery in the last three months. Johanna from Munich had more muscle and a few less soft curves than most participants. She is a mountain climber with amazing legs and a great face. Ashira, an Israeli woman, had won a lot of money in the last four months risking her life with both Jewish and Arab guys wanting to take down the Jewish Princess hard. Interestingly, Alya was pursuing the same strategy and doing as well.

It was funny that now two ex-wives of Bolry dictator Pyotr Toltski were in the Lottery. Tolski had decided to dump wife #3, Veronika. He also had decided that Veronika would get the same alimony settlement as wife #2, Alina: whatever she could take back from the Lottery. We were told that wife #4 would be in the audience. Whether it was for her fun or because Tolski sent #4 there to learn what happened to women who did not please him we never learned.

Despite the loss by a "starlet" in the last lottery, there were 3 Americans and 3 Russians who were said to be starlets. There were also 7 women who had had significant roles in movies or on television in the West, Eastern Europe or India. The rest of the women were from China, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Thailand, Venezuela, Vietnam and other places. I never really talked to them.

When the Lottery started with us among those in the first round, Crystal and I felt a little like veteran gladiators, but were happy we did not have to stab anyone. I felt that one of us veterans would lose this lottery; at least Veronika, Alina, Amber, Johanna, Alya or Durrah who had accepted the money to start at the bikini or topless rounds. All but Alina, though, got out early.

Veronika, who got out in the bikini round, looked positively gleeful after the Lottery Machine chose Alina for the semi-final round.

The nude semi-final rounds were now taking longer with both the interviews and the more thorough displays of the six women. One of the other women in the nude round with Alina was a Japanese woman, Hinata, who was only in the Lottery for the second time. She had studied art in Paris, gotten into a relationship with a French guy who was into visiting S&M clubs and from there gotten into a relationship with a very rich French factory owner who she had met in a club. He was her sponsor for the Lottery. She was short but had a figure ideal for attracting men and was certainly pretty enough. She also had numerous artistic and very interesting tattoos and piercings that showed up beautifully against her extremely white skin. Through a translator, she said in she was very frightened and should have stopped after her first lottery but her sponsor had suggested she do it again and she'd found it fun the first time. Dimitry ran his fingered over each of her tattoos. She blushed and smiled wanly.

Dimitry was less respectful of the American starlet who made it into the last round. After her nipples were massaged until they stood very erect, she had to sit on the center platform and spread her legs wide for the camera. Dimitry ran a vibrator on her pussy until she had an orgasm for several thousand to see. A beautiful Czech pornstar, an Indian flight attendant and a Taiwanese export agent got similar treatment with about the same effect. I guess sexual tension and manual and electric stimulation can overcome fear and embarrassment; at least for many of the women who would sign up to participate in the Lottery. I had no doubt that would be the case for me even though I was disgusted by the thought of having an orgasm in front of a crowd.

Dimitry said this was done to show how responsive the women were but, of course, it was mainly a humiliating porn show.

Alina accepted 3,000,000 Rubles to play with her life as a chattel slave when it was offered to her in the semi-final round. At least she said, "Da, Da," with Dimitry pinching her left nipple while a banana was worked in her vagina. Alina came very publicly. Accepting the offer to risk becoming a defenseless chattel slave did not look like a very bright decision when the Lottery Machine picked Alina along with Hinata for the final.

Knowing that there were no limits on what could be done to her if she lost, Alina was obviously scared and jumpy as she was measured during the final. Hinata seemed almost frozen while the measurements were taken of all of her most intimate places. It was as though she was being eaten by a huge snake that had poisoned her into paralysis.

After the Lottery Machines spoke, Hinata was photographed profusely and taken away at the end to become a sex slave. She smiled demurely while looking embarrassed and pensive. Dimitry seemed very disappointed. I was happy that we would not be watching another woman be used like Patty was.

Hinata was prepared for her initial sex as a slave showing the forced smile of a woman who knew she'd made a bad choice but would have to make the best of it. She did seem to enjoy the sex in the post contest display and handled cocks in all the usual places with great skill.

It was an unforgettable and colorful show. Hinata's tattoos were not put on piecemeal but all went together with an artistic design so beautiful that I cannot describe it adequately. Her neck and upper chest were undecorated. Her breasts had only a few tiny stars but they presided like twin gods above a deep blue sky with many small white stars. The sky might have looked like a short corset from a distance. On her belly was the earth with grass and tree and animal tattoos that almost seemed to come to life as Hinata was penetrated again and again. Around her hips was a green snake the mouth of which reached down to either side of her very hairless pussy. She sat reverse cowgirl and as a cock was fed into her from behind it was as if the man was both penetrating Hinata and receiving oral sex from the beautiful snake. As Hinata moved her body to meet the thrusts, it seemed the snake wiggled around her hips. Her eyes were closed but every so often one could see a little squint and her mouth would let out a graceful little gasp. It would seem Hinata learned a lot of arts in Paris.

I wondered how Alina walked around Bolry afterward knowing that some she walked by and many of her old acquaintances had seen her in nearly the most intimate situation possible. I guess she did not have a choice. I was told that the 3,000,000 Rubles would not cover all the debts she'd racked up when she was a free spender and counting on Pyotr Tolski to pay her bills. She'd need at least another 4,000,000 to enable her to get out of Bolry. So, despite her brush with destruction, she would have to keep participating in the Lottery.

When we saw Mr. Anderson afterwards, he looked like a guy who had been having sex for days. Crystal thought he was one of the guys we'd watched get a blowjob from Hinata, but it was impossible to know. Anyway, he slept well on the plane back while Crystal and I were full of tension despite the new money we had to deposit.

Two weeks later, we received a new offer from the Lottery that offered a new twist. It seems that they were many men very interested in seeing one of the "stars" take a fall and were making extreme offers to popular veterans. As though they had read Crystal's mind, they offered the same deal for us to start at the topless round three times that they had offered before except that they have arranged to move our money to Switzerland after each lottery (if we weren't slaves). I'm sure it was not legal and I don't understand how they could do that but Crystal was confident it would work. Crystal immediately pressed me to accept this offer and hounded me until I finally agreed to do so. We also made arrangements for Crystal or I to be able to take all the Swiss Bank money if the other lost.

Mr. Anderson expressed amusement when he heard what I'd agreed to and said he really had to go to Bolry for these lotteries. In fact, he seemed gleeful in triumph. This disturbed me.

On the flight over, I asked Mr. Anderson if he was sure the numbers put up by Lottery Machine were completely random. He answered, "I know they are. I designed the machine myself. It has the most perfect random number generator known to man and uses physics that I won't bother trying to explain to you. Anyway, once you enter in the numbers of the contestants and the number of losers to be selected, God could not tell you what numbers the machine will generate. The lights and noises are for show, of course."

Anderson added that it was anything but random what women were invited to participate in the Lottery, who applied after seeing a lottery, who received an offer, and who participated repeatedly. "Except for a few women Dimitry wants as toys, women are not even invited until a lot of research has been done into their tastes and lives and Svetlana has decided they'd make good sex slaves," he said. I guess I'd known all that, but I'd have liked to think that I was not making choices myself and that fate was steering me.

I asked Crystal why she always plays with her life. "It really bothers me that you do that." "Dawn, don't worry about me," she replied. "I don't have a hair trigger like you. I like it rough. I can only get off with pain or sometimes giving pain. Being a sex slave for life without some of what you think is abuse would be harder on me than an early death." I wondered how could someone be so twisted?

When Crystal and I got to the hotel, there was even more tension than usual. I suggested to Crystal that it was because the Lottery seemed to have gotten meaner with worse odds, more humiliation and bigger offers to bet everything. Crystal disagreed. "It's not really much worse. The same number become a slave every month, the odds are only worse because we accepted them and does the touching and humiliation in the semi-final round really matter to someone with a 1/6th chance of taking a hard fall?" "I think it does," I said, "particularly with Anderson and who knows who else watching." I think Crystal was turned out by the idea of being forced to an organism in front of a large audience.

My discomfort with Anderson and his pals potentially watching me humiliated on stage increased greatly the following day when Walker, the guy who'd set me up for the gang assault, Scott, and a dozen of the top managers of Anderson's firm, Walker's firm and other people I knew got off the bus. When I expressed my disgust to Crystal, she said, "I don't see why you hate Anderson so much. I think he has your best interests at heart and he's really great in bed." "You went to bed with him?" I almost screamed. Crystal just smiled.

Later that day, I sort of got back at Crystal by going to bed with an older Bolrian official, Alexis Lermanov, said to be a top deputy to Pyotr Tolski that I knew Crystal wanted and had probably secretly met. I had to go off into town to find him at his office as he did not normally hang around the hotel or the Lottery studio. He was very reluctant to see me and long resisted my attempts to seduce him although I pulled out all the stops. Still, when I finally got him to loosen up, he was very attentive to my needs and had a lot of stamina.

When I mentioned having sex with Alexis to Crystal, she became cross. She said that she had already heard rumors of my partying in Bolry and that I now had pretty much the same reputation in Bolry that I had in Dallas. I said, "you should talk" and thought, "So what?" To her credit, Crystal, thought a few seconds, apologized, and said that I was right to do as I pleased, and that we should not feel ashamed of being who we are.

We learned how the first of our lotteries would go during the chit chat in the beauty parlor. In addition to Crystal and me, Ashira, Alya, Veronika and Amber had agreed to start in the third round. I learned that all six of us had signed up to start in the third round three times. Johanna, Durrah, Marta, Alina and two others who'd participated a number of times had agreed to skip to the bikini round. I did not understand it but Crystal said that meant there should be only 24 in the first round and only 12 in the second round to pick 6 and then 6 to join us in the third round.

Irina was prudently, by our standards, not skipping any rounds although she had been offered a lot of money to take on more risk.

Very unlikely things happen all the time

After spending a lot of money to make sure Lottery stars got into later rounds, unaided random chance worked out well for the Lottery Corporation and Dimitry this time. The six of us standing topless in the area for the third round had nothing to do but watch as Irina was one of the 6 chosen to be in the bikini round. This is the first time she had gone to the second round although she had participated in about a dozen lotteries. While looking great in the swimsuit, one could feel her discomfort even from a distance. Although her breasts looked full and extremely beautiful, Irina was obviously dismayed when she was one of the six chosen to go to the topless round along with Alina, Marta, an Indian woman, Lyoti, Johanna, and Durrah. So, the topless 12 were 3 notorious women from Bolry (Alina, Irina and Veronika), 2 crowd-pleasing Arabic princesses, two women from the U.S. who apparently had much appeal (Crystal and me), plus Amber, Ashira, Johanna, Marta and Lyoti.

Generally in the past there had not been much talk during the topless rounds. We just showed our breasts and the Lottery Machine ran. This time Dimitry told Johanna how beautiful she was and said that a lot of men had expressed a great desire to stick their pikes into a hard-bodied mountain climber and make the climber pay for her arrogance. He offered Johanna 500,000 Euros to risk her life as a chattel slave. She immediately accepted the offer as though he'd offered her a cup of coffee. I did not like it. I liked it even less when the Lottery Machine picked Johanna, Ashira, Veronika, Amber, Irina, and me to be in the nude semi-final.

Having a license to humiliate a number of beautiful women against whom he had grudges or prejudices, Dimitry was on his very worst behavior. He physically pushed Svetlana out of the proceeding and brought in a couple large local brutes who looked like the stereotyped image of what a KGB agent should look like, to assist in the thorough display of our charms for the audience.

The first one Dimitry went after was me, squeezing, weighing and fondling my breasts for the camera until my nipples were as erect and dark as possible. He next had me lie back on the center platform to display every curve, chamber and fold of my wet pussy to the studio audience and the viewing world. I wondered who of my acquaintances in Texas were now storing videos of my awful embarrassment. It was still more awful that I was so turned on.

Still, I tried to resist putting on a big show. It would be just too humiliating in front of the Texas crowd and who knows who, but it was hopeless. I had a tremendous almost screaming orgasm in the most embarrassing possible way shortly after he inserted a vibrating dildo into me. I guess I am an exhibitionist as well as an idiot. I must have panted through the next three women being forced to orgasm.

Amber got about the same treatment I had received with Amber reacting pretty much as I had when she was assaulted with the sex toy. Dimitry had Ashira assume the doggy position on the center platform and the camera projected every detail of both entrances onto the screen while Dimitry said how much fun it would be to whip that bottom, ram both her holes and then maybe invite some dogs and other animals to fuck the lovely bitch. Ashira closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and blushed.

For some reason, he treated Johanna with some respect. Maybe he felt he'd enjoy her later in some torture chamber. All he did was asked her why she had accepted his offer to risk everything. She answered very calmly for someone standing nude with her breasts jutting forward, her legs spread and a 1/6th chance of becoming a chattel slave, that she'd been offered a lot of money to take a 1/12th risk of death. She had faced such odds on the north face of the Eiger without nearly so great a financial inducement. Dimitry merely commented that she now had a 1/6th chance of falling down the cliff.

Either Dimitry did not have a warm relationship with his brother's third wife or Pyotr had told him to be rough on her. This semi-final round seemed to me to be going on for an eternity as Dimitry and his friends presented Veronika in every possible angle and position like a gumby doll and then used the vibrator on her until she was a screaming, gasping, sobbing wreck.

I expected even worse treatment of Irina and that happened except there was no vibrator and there was much more pain to go with the humiliation. Fiercely squeezing her right nipple with his left hand, Dimitry began to massage her clitoris through her curly pubic hair until she let out a low moan. He then asked in a language that was translated in sub-captions to say, "Ice queen, how would you like to risk your life for the chance of having enough money to get out of Bolry? We offer you 20 million Russian Rubles." Irina said, "Da" as several men literally held Svetlana from coming onto the stage. Even some members of the audience gasped. Dimitry smiled and said something about reliving old times.

I thought taking the offer was a suicidal decision for Irina.

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