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Shoe Service

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Two women, feet, and shoes.
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Hello, you naughty girls and boys!

I've wanted to write a story like this for a long time. I don't want to spoil it, so I'll let you read and see what's going on. I also think this piece transitions well into a new area for me to write about. I hope you enjoy it, and I look forward to your feedback.


Carey was bored, really bored. She had already been to the mall, a rather quick trip today as nothing really interested her. She thought walking the shops of the Tower would work, since they were more high-end. But today, even that didn't hold much appeal.

She had stopped for lunch thinking maybe a fresh start after and things would brighten up, but it really hadn't happened. Bored. That's what she was; bored. In her quest for something to hold her interest, at least for a short while, she decided to venture a little off the Tower complex.

There were some outlying storefronts that clearly hadn't made the cut to be with the more popular and exclusive stores. Carey had never really looked at them, but with her boredom still weighing heavily, she decided she could at least kill some time walking over to see what was there.

She spent a little time walking past businesses, and felt she knew why they were out here. One was some old book store. Like really? This wasn't the 1900's. There was a branch office of a bank she hadn't heard of, and a mattress store. It wasn't looking at all promising until she noticed a shoe store.

The name on the front was Sharlett's Shoes and it looked like a cross between a boutique and budget chain store. But from the window she did spot a nice pair of heels that didn't look like total crap. Maybe she could find something inside. If not, a quick stroll through Sharlett's Shoes was better than her other options.

When she stepped inside she noticed a subtle aroma. Could have been incense somewhere but it also smelled like hot tea. Maybe they had a pot brewing in the back for the workers. Speaking of which, where was the service?

Carey then heard a voice from near the back.

"Hello. Be right with you."

Carey waited to see just what poor soul had to spend their days here. It wasn't exactly teeming with customers. The saleswoman didn't seem very attentive, but eventually she made her way to the front. She was tall and thin, with a simple dress. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

"Hi. Welcome to Sharlett's Shoes. What can I help you with today?"

"I don't really know yet. This is my first time here. I suppose I'll start by just having a look around. I did notice some heels in the window I might want to have a look at. What sort of sales are you running?"

"Oh, well I'll just give you a quick rundown of the basics. We have casual shoes back and to the right, with sport shoes just across the aisle. Next we have sandals and then flats, and then we get into heels. And then basically as the heels get higher and go from daywear to eveningwear, you just keep moving to the left.

I'm afraid we're not running any sales at the moment. I'd be happy to get you a pair of those heels to try on."

Not running a sale? Like, at all? Carey was still trying to figure out just who they thought their target market was. They were already on the outskirts and didn't appear busy, but, hey whatever. Not her problem. She still might be able to find a good deal, assuming they had anything worth buying.

"Not yet. I'll look around first."

"Certainly. Just let me know if you need anything. I'd be happy to help you try something on."

Mikaela was happy to have a customer in the store. The new arrival was a young woman, probably early twenties. She also looked like her family had some wealth. She was very pretty and well cared for but she also came off a bit spoiled, right from the start.

She gave her some room to browse, but didn't get too far so she'd be close when she needed any assistance.

Carey began walking through the aisles and displays. She really didn't have anything specific in mind. So far this had only risen to the level of a mild distraction, but she might find something interesting. Only one way to find out. So she began to explore.

She did notice a few pairs that were absolute no's. But that was common at most places. She did notice a cute pair here and there. She also noticed some recognizable brands, but also a few she wasn't familiar with. As she continued her search, she found a few that were interesting.

She still wasn't excited about a purchase yet, but trying on a few pair would be something to do. Then, of course, she could still look around to see if there was anything else. She'd probably save the shoes in the window for last, if she even bothered with them.

"I think I've found a pair I'd like to try on."

This time the saleswoman showed up more promptly. Carey glanced at the name tag but it was a jumble of letters.

"What's your name?"

"It's Mikaela. And may I have the pleasure of your name?"

"It's Carey."

"Well Carey, did you find a pair that interests you?"

"Hmm. Yeah. Let me try these in a size 8."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

Mikaela had the feeling this girl didn't really care for her name. As if she had anything to say about it. She shrugged it off as she went to the back to find the appropriate shoe and size.

Carey continued to wander and considered a few more options. This wasn't exactly heart-racing excitement, but for now it was something to do. She might just try on a lot of shoes and maybe pick a pair to take home.

The saleswoman soon returned with a box in her hand. Time to try on a pair.

"If you'll just follow me this way, we can get you seated and see how these fit you."

The saleswoman led her towards the back, and in between a few sets of shelves was a large stand with a couple of seats. It looked like an old shoe shine stand. As Carey got closer and examined it more, she thought it may actually be an old shoe shine stand. One of those old repurposed décor things.

"Now if you'll just step up here and have a seat."

This wasn't the usual way that Carey tried on shoes, but it did look more comfortable than the benches or stools at some places she'd shopped. With a little care, she climbed the steps and took a seat in the closest chair.

"Now just rest your feet here, and I'll help you out of those shoes."

Carey put her feet on the rests. She then watched as the woman got on her knees. Some things didn't change. However, Carey's feet were now at eye level and the woman didn't have to bend over. She supposed it worked out at least as well as other setups.

Mikaela got her first good look at the girl's feet. They were very pretty. They looked so smooth and soft. And they looked healthy and well cared for, not surprising given Mikaela's previous assessment of the girl. She obviously received regular pedicures and the polish on her toes was flawless.

Unlike other members of her group, Mikaela was convinced that prettier feet made for better shoes, and this girl, spoiled though she may be, had very pretty feet. This might turn out to be rather pleasant.

Mikaela leaned in to get a better look. The girl was wearing strappy heels, the kind with a tiny buckle in place. It wasn't a fake buckle and they didn't appear to be the type that was meant to be slipped in and out of. Besides, this was a professional shoe store and Mikaela would never risk damaging a customer's shoes based on an assumption.

It was a tiny buckle and strap. As Mikaela moved in closer and tried to get her nails to work, she also caught some of the girl's foot scent. It was mostly one of bath salts, with just a hint of foot sweat. It was, after all, a hot August day outside. She took a few subtle sniffs as she worked the buckle.

Carey was enjoying the chair. It was rather comfortable. And after the saleswoman got on her knees, she bent her head close to Carey's foot as she started to unbuckle her shoe. The whole affair had Carey feeling like a queen, and this woman could play the role of some peasant, begging for mercy.

She did like that idea. She might have to think about getting something like this shoe shine stand for herself. Though she wasn't quite sure just yet how she'd get the best use out of it. Still, it was something to think about.

She looked down at the peasant and noticed how close she was to her foot. And then she also thought she heard and felt some sniffing from down below. Maybe the peasant was sobbing because of her tragic life, hopeful the queen would save her.

That was a fun thought, but Carey was now wondering if the saleswoman was in fact sniffing her foot. She certainly wasn't a sobbing peasant, regardless of any similarities. Maybe she was a foot freak? She wouldn't be the first to admire Carey's feet. And her feet were perfect, so it was no surprise she attracted that sort of attention from time to time.

So now as Carey reclined in her seat, she paid a little more attention to the woman and what she was doing. This could in fact make the day more interesting. Maybe the shoe store would turn out to be a good idea in the end.

Mikaela made progress with the buckle but she didn't go too quickly. Besides showing care, she wanted to continue her examination of the girl's foot. As the buckle was free, she carefully grabbed her ankle, and then gently pulled a strap over her heel so she could slip the shoe free.

With the heel strap out of the way, she slid her hand down from the ankle to cup her heel as she grasped the shoe to slip it free of her foot. Holding the girl's heel in her hand, her suspicions were confirmed. She had great skin and her heel was soft and round.

She slipped the shoe off and gently placed the girl's foot back on the rest. The shoe she set down on the ledge and then she moved to tackle the other buckle. As the shoe came free the girl wiggled her toes, a typical response, and they appeared to move gracefully and were even a little enticing.

From above, Carey watched as her shoe was removed. The woman had a gentle hold of her foot and Carey wiggled her toes at her when she set her shoe down. It didn't cause any big reaction, but the woman was still keeping her face very close to Carey's feet.

Carey decided to play a bit and see just what sort of fun she might be able to have. At this point, Carey wasn't just wondering if the saleswoman was a foot freak, she was hoping for it. When she finally got the second shoe off and went to place it on the ledge, Carey stretched her foot out just enough so it would collide with the woman's cheek.

She felt the woman's face against her foot which gave her a smile. She then put her foot back on the rest, but she didn't bother to apologize. How would the peasant react? Basically, she didn't. That wasn't proof she was a freak, but it meant Carey could continue to play further and test her.

When Mikaela removed the second shoe she got a surprise as the girl's foot reached out and touched her cheek. She wasn't sure if it was an accident, but the girl offered no apology for the contact. Maybe it was deliberate. Maybe this spoiled girl was a little feisty. That could be a plus.

Mikaela then picked up her first foot and held it in her hands. It was just as soft and smooth as she had imagined. She did some basic squeezing and massaging before putting on the try-on pair. She didn't do that for everyone, but surely this girl would appreciate the extra service.

Carey noticed that the woman didn't go straight for the new shoes. She was squeezing and massaging her foot. Carey was becoming more convinced the woman was a foot freak. And that meant she could have a little more fun. She could play the queen and this woman could serve her.

As the woman began to put on one of the shoes, Carey thought about how she could make the most of this situation. If she could play with this woman for awhile, that would be entertaining. Before long both new shoes were on. They were just a pair of pumps, but they looked nice.

"Okay, now just be careful stepping down, and let's see how you like those."

Carey stepped down and walked a few paces in the shoes. They weren't bad and the size felt right, but she wasn't really into the shoes as much as thinking about what she could do next.

"Not bad. And they seem to fit okay. We'll just set those aside for now. I think I want to look around some more."

The saleswoman guided her up the steps and back into her seat. It wasn't quite the same when she took off the pair, but she didn't have any buckles to work with. And she still was awfully close. When the shoes were off, Carey stepped back down, barefoot this time, and began searching for a few special pairs.

As she went looking for pairs to try on, she also kept an eye on the woman. She intentionally flashed her sole as she rest her foot on her curled toes, supposedly without thinking about it as she scanned the shelves. But it was on purpose and she was careful to see if the woman noticed. Indeed, she did seem to stare at her foot. Yep, foot freak confirmed! Now Carey just needed to plan her fun.

"I'll be right back. I'm sure you'll be able to find something else to your liking."

The saleswoman then left and headed toward the back. If she had been a guy, Carey would have guessed he was going to jack off. But she didn't think the saleswoman was going to try to rub one out right now. After she left perhaps, but not yet.

Carey found another pair of strappy heels similar to her own, though they still looked to be easier to take off and on. She widened her search and then she found a pair that would be perfect. Time to do some more playing. She thought she heard the saleswoman returning. No time like the present.

"Hey, umm..."


"Yeah, whatever. I think I've found a couple more pairs I'd like to try on."

Carey handed her the shoes and she turned around, headed to the back once more to get them in her size. She then climbed the steps back to her throne and took her seat. She wiggled her toes with excitement and tapped her feet. Then she tried to keep cool and just set her feet back on the rests.

As Kayla, or whoever, returned she told her to start with the strappy heels. Carey had the makings of a plan at this point. She waited until the woman had them unboxed and was about to slip the first one on.

"Actually before you do that, can you rub my feet some more? I want to be able to judge them fairly, but right now my feet are so tight."

The peasant paused for a moment but she couldn't refuse her queen's orders. She set down the shoe and took her foot in both hands. She muttered something about being glad to help, but Carey was more interested in her hands than her mouth; at least for now.

Carey relaxed and closed her eyes. She thought about all the pedi's she regularly received. This was similar, but this didn't even cost anything. She figured she might add this to her routine. On weeks where she didn't get a pedi, maybe she could come back and visit Kayla and let her slave over her feet for awhile.

Carey opened her eyes again and looked down. It was relaxing and she could probably take a nap like that, but she wanted to watch. She wanted to see her slave at work.

"That's nice, but don't forget the other one."

Carey lifted her free foot into the air and shook it to emphasize her request. The woman followed it with her eyes and soon set down the first foot and grabbed the next. Carey kept watching, smiling down at her slave.

"Don't be a stranger. You can get closer if that's better for you."

The woman might catch wind that Carey was onto her foot fetish, but that was okay. Letting her know she knew was just another way to extend her control. Sure enough, the woman brought her face even closer to her foot, and she was breathing deeper now as well.

"Well I'm sure it would be nice to do this all day, but I suppose I'm ready for the first pair."

The woman set her foot back down and picked up the shoe. She gently held her foot and slipped the shoe on. She was practically on top of her foot as she fastened the buckle, and Carey was prepared to feel her lips in a kiss at any moment.

But she held back. She put both shoes on without incident, although she still appeared to be mesmerized. Carey got down and paced back and forth in the shoes. She struck a few poses for the woman.

"So what do you think?"

"I think they're lovely. You have great taste."

Carey giggled a little at that. 'Great taste?' You have no idea. But maybe you will soon enough. She then made her way back up the steps to have them removed.

"Of course, sometimes I just love to go barefoot, but when you go out ya gotta look good."

Back in the seat the woman came forward to take off her shoes. She let her remove the first one easy enough. But once that foot was free she rocked it back and forth on her heel. She waited until she was working the buckle on the second shoe before she 'accidentally' rocked her foot against the woman's head.

She skipped the next beat and just watched, but after a couple more back and forth she let her foot collide once more. And this time she let her foot tap the woman's head several times in succession. The woman said nothing.

Carey told her she still wasn't sure about them and to just leave them with the first pair she tried on until she could make up her mind. She was eager to get to the next pair. She had picked out some gladiator sandals.

Now she had to be careful in her selection. She didn't want any that only required a simple tie at the top. She also wasn't looking to a series of buckles for each strap, though that could also be fun. No, what she wanted was the type that had to be wrapped up the calf, criss-crossing back and forth, before the eventual tie at the top. That's what she wanted, and that's what she found.

So Kayla slipped on the shoe and Carey waited and watched as she gathered the long straps and began to wind them around her calf. As she worked and continued up her leg, she was having to reach higher. She was still on her knees, probably out of habit. Carey thought she might decide to stand up to make it easier, but she had already planned for that.

As she got higher, Carey stretched her leg forward, straightening it and dropping her knee. This brought her knee lower and closer so Kayla could reach it, and also allowed her to rest her heel on Kayla's shoulder.

"Here this should help."

Kayla of course didn't object, and now she wasn't going to be getting up. She would remain where she was, right where Carey wanted her. Now it was time to make her slave earn her attention.

"You know, the left side feels a bit tight. I think it needs to be re-wrapped."

She looked down at the peasant, daring her to object. But of course she didn't. Kayla soon began to unwrap the straps back down to Carey's ankle. And while she did that, Carey rocked her foot on her shoulder.

As Kayla began the process of wrapping the straps once again around Carey's calf, Carey stretched out her other foot and let it rest on Kayla's other shoulder, allowing herself to stretch out and relax. Kayla of course offered no objections.

Then as she continued to wrap the strap, Carey took her free foot and did more than just rock it side to side. She went for Kayla's ear and pushed her toes into her hair. Something Kayla wasn't prepared for.

"You know, you've got pretty hair."

"I, uh, thank you. That's awfully nice of you."

Kayla paused for a moment, and then went back to work. Meanwhile, Carey continued to rub her foot in Kayla's hair and even began to rub the side of her face. Only when the sandal was completely tied did she pull her foot back so Kayla could do the same for that one. Her sandaled foot remained on Kayla's shoulder.

When that one was finally tied, Carey had both her feet on Kayla's shoulders, and as she looked at her shoes, she rocked her feet inward and tapped Kayla's head a few times. Then she pulled them off her shoulder, placing them back on the rests as she leaned forward and looked down at them.


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