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Simply His Ch. 22-26

Story Info
Gift Combo of 5 Chapters. Werewolf Romance.
11.4k words

Part 8 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/02/2015
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Thank you all for your words on the latest chapters. I am happy you enjoy the story beyond the typos and grammar mistakes. That being said, I have a special combo of chapters for you this time.

I have to the date 33 chapters written. And although I like posting chapters on a set of 3 each time, the next ones would be left you all wanting to kill me if I did it in this way, some things follow close on the chapters, so it was better for me to give you a little more, a gift from me to you for being so supportive.

It really makes me happy to read all your comments, I love replying to you when you email me as well, if you have questions that need answers, don't hesitate to contact me. But if you do, leave me an email to reply! Last week someone wrote to me asking me questions about my previous story and I wasn't able to reply directly as it was sent as anonymous and with no contact, so I can't respond. If you want to know more about my previous story, just go to my profile and contact me through there and I will reply.

Love your votes, but love your comments more, so keep them coming J



Chapter 22



I wake up laughing as I feel Caleb's wolf tongue lap at my face repeatedly. I rub my face with a hand and try to push him apart. "I'm awake! I'm awake!" and start giggling loudly, he huffs and playfully nuzzles his wet nose on my neck. "Ewww Caleb!" I laugh and he walks back giving me room and time to sit. I stretch my arms and smile at him as I sit on the bed. "So are we mingling today?" I ask curious, he hasn't let me go too close of the other wolves and I feel like he is over protecting me. No one would harm me if they are all part of the pack, and he as their leader should show them he trusts in them as much. So I try to convince him every now and then.

He huffs again and pulls my cover exposing my legs, he then moves his head pointing the door and I nod, getting up to follow him. We go to the kitchen and I find Cara giggling as she watches something on the TV. "Hey Cara, where is Alex?" I ask and she turns around to wave at me.

"He is at the command center waiting on Caleb." She smiles at me and I nod, looking at Caleb as I shake my head at him. "So this is why you called her? so I wouldn't be alone?"

He chuckles, I know he does, I can sense it deep below all that fur. He walks close to me and puts his head on my shoulder, I sigh and hug him tightly as he says goodbye in his own way. He told me once I accept his wolf too as mate, we will have a bond and will be able to communicate mentally, but until then I have to guess what he wants.

I wait only a few minutes after he left then take an apple as breakfast. I look at Cara with a grin and she perks a brow. "Something tells me I won't like what you are about to propose." She says and I giggle. "Cara, I want to take a walk around the town, and ask you some questions that I haven't gotten the courage to ask Caleb, will you please?" I ask sweetly and she laughs.

"You don't have to lie to me to convince me. I know you want to get around the place and I am ok with that. Caleb's words were to keep you company, so I am not disobeying him." She winked at me and I beamed of joy.

After I finished my apple and took a glass of juice, I put on some comfortable shoes and we left Caleb's house and started walking around the town he has created; the rounded shape at first didn't look as well planned but I was wrong, it works perfectly. The houses are all the same shape and size, only different on style so each family would decide on the touches to make it theirs. Caleb's house was just the same as any other, he wanted it this way, so he would show his people he didn't think of himself as more worthy of luxury than them. His particular touches; he had it painted dark brown and fences were black, the modern style inside was simple yet comfortable, he had everything needed and then more. Living Room with a comfortable couch and flat screen tv, a fireplace that was lovely decorated on top with pictures of him and his parents. He had two bathrooms, a bedroom for guests, and his master bedroom was completely his. The bed was rounded and filled with cushions, silks and warmth. I asked him on my second day here how he managed to keep all of the electricity and technology inside this place and he told me the land is listed as a natural reserve with a part as research technology area, and his company took care of all expenses.

The large forest surrounding the town served as mask for curious people, even though reaching inside was a real challenge. The people chose to walk everywhere they wanted or needed to go, cars only being used if they wanted to go out of the reserve. In the central conglomerate of buildings, there were two stores where anyone could come and ask what they needed, groceries were free, no one had to pay for anything, but everything was taken just in the amounts that were needed. Also everyone had a job as voluntary in something, either as nurse or doctor in the small town clinic on different shifts, as guard on one of the watch posts, teacher on the school, or a watcher of the small pups in the playfield. I was amazed on how they had organized and according to Cara, it has been like this for centuries, only improving on technology.

"So I have to pick something to do, right? as a volunteer." I asked Cara as we walked past a couple who smiled and bowed their heads at me, I blushed and did the same.

"Oh no, you are the Luna, your one and only role is to be with Caleb. No one here expects you to volunteer at anything."

I frowned. "If he doesn't let me go with him to the command center, how am I supposed to be with him? Cara, I want to help with something, I might enjoy not doing much for a while but in time I will need something."

She sighed. "Well, I don't see why not, he shouldn't be really against the idea. Maybe you and Gideon can work together creating something that you used to do at your job?"

I blinked in surprise. "Cara, did someone explained all of this to Gideon? What is he doing?"

"Yes, he was explained and introduced to the area and our daily tasks, he hasn't chose anything yet, we gave him time to adjust. He is living on a house over there. We don't force people so this is kind of a test for him. We keep eyes open just in case but he is free here, as you asked us to give him a chance."

"Thank you, Cara." I smiled at her and she winked.

"Now, to the other kind of questions you were wanting to ask. Come on, spill it out." She says as we walk near a group of pups playing together, four adults watching over them near and they bow their heads to us.

"Ah, well. Hm... I don't know where to start."

"I do, you want to know about the mating pull. You have been feeling it more now."

I gasp and look at her surprised. "Does it show?" I ask worried and she laughs.

"Oh no darling, I just know. You have been with Caleb intimately, right? No need for details, don't worry." I blush and nod at her. "You have mated only half way, we all have a human side and a more primal side, for us wolves, it is our primary animal. There are also shapeshifters who can change into several, but with that ability comes the limitations too, they can change in others but can't hold too long on one, they also don't have a half animal that becomes part of them. Our animals are our soul. Just as that, our animals are always with us. When we are human we are what you see of us, when we are wolf, we are 'them'."

"So you mean it is like having two different personalities?"

"Yes and no. It is like having two personalities but really it is just a part of us. Our wolves have specific abilities and we either let them take over when we shift, or we merge with them and become one. Haven't you sometimes argued with yourself?"

"I guess I have, more than a couple of times."

"Well there you go, to us that other half argues back, and sometimes has other priorities. Caleb's wolf is ferocious and feared, he is legendary amongst many other packs throughout the continent, it is a part of him that he is controlling now."

"But I've met his wolf." I ask really confused.

"You've met Caleb as a wolf, but he is holding -the- wolf part of him because he is afraid of your safety."

"Do you mean his wolf might harm me?" I am confused and shocked.

"No, not harm you, but... well... you see, Caleb craves you, just like you crave him. This comes in more than one level, and now specially physically. You both had been together intimately as humans, but his wolf hasn't mated you yet. Our wolves are like spoiled children, when it comes to this, they want what they want and will do what it takes to get it. His wolf wants you badly, and he fights him in order to control him and not scare you." She says in a calm tone, yet I am anything but calm at her revelations. She sees my nervousness and puts her arm around me with a smile. "He isn't going to force you, he is afraid to lose you. He is always arguing with himself, with his wolf, to calm him down and focus. But sooner or later you both need to talk about this. We need Caleb in his full force if Cornelius decides to attack directly."

"So you are saying... I have to mate with him as wolf?" I ask and a shiver runs through my body; my heart beating fast and although my mind was rejecting the idea, my body felt a shiver of lust.

"It is the only way to make the mating complete, and for you to get his mark." She says softly as her hand brushes over my arm. I feel tingles over my body as if it is telling me Cara is right. I shake my head feeling scared but my body tells me something else. I start to gather what she means by internal struggle. "What is the mark you are talking about?"

"When you are making love, he will bite you at your neck or shoulder, and with this he seals the bond that the Goddess has created for both of you."

"It is kind of pointless to deny something I haven't chosen yet feel so strongly obliged to." I say with a sigh, I don't plan to deny Caleb I knew something like this was coming before we took the first step I just did not realize it was this big. Cara shakes her head and we take a seat on a bench close to the park where there is a large number of teens playing different sports.

"Humans several times have said that natural selection works, right?" She asks me and I nod. "Well, look at it as the Goddess being the one in charge of the natural selection. She looks for each person and wolf and sees their likes, dislikes, tastes, everything, and she takes the time to find the right partner for them, the one who will give them balance and who will be their fair match. She never took away your freedom to chose, she hasn't forced you to take someone you don't like. She has picked 'the' one for you. Haven't you noticed how you and him almost never argue? you both understand each other and have similar or complementing tastes. The Goddess has made things easier for you. Not so for him."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we usually find our mates at a similar age, around 21 or so. Caleb has been without one for centuries, searching and trying not to go out of his mind while he does. We are not made to be lonely, and he has been... for so long. During this time, he has seen so much pain and sorrow, his sanity barely holding thanks to the beauty and joy he saw as well. Each internal fight he has with his wolf when it wants to break free ends up when he reminds it how life was without you."

I blushed and my heart felt heavy with the pain and loneliness he must had been through, I wanted to run to him and squeeze him tight, make all his waiting worth it. I sighed and gave her a nod, I knew I will have a different approach and understanding with him after this. "Cara... who are Cornelius and Agape?" I ask and watch her froze. She blinks a couple of times and tries to hide the pain I already saw flash in her eyes. "The most vicious rogues in our history." She says in a cold angry voice.

"I could understand that much from what the drows said. I understand if you don't want to talk about this Cara, really." I offer her a chance and she shakes her head.

"Cornelius is angry at the world and wants to take over everything, he is smart and heartless, a senseless killer. And the Goddess made a damn good job pairing him with Agape, the crazy psycho. She is simply insane. She loves going into battle and rips their enemies apart herself, she loves the taste of blood all over her. She really is out of the world, she is a sadist bitch and her mate too, they together are a mighty force."

"Rogues are...?"

"Those who don't feel like wanting to follow an alpha's orders leave the pack and go alone on their own. To be rogue is to go against the treaties with other packs, to do what you want, kill what you want. Ironically enough, rogues made their own pack and move under the lead of those two killing, bloodthirsty machines." Cara said looking afar.

I sighed and pondered all her information. "When I met Caleb, he had an injury, it came from a fight with them?"

Cara nodded. She was about to say something then went silent. "It was where your son died. I never had the chance to say I am sorry for your lost, Cara, but I guess you have had many of those too." I quietly told her. She sighed and looked down. "It was a casualty of war for them, but I know Agape did it on purpose, she was cruel and insane. She wasn't happy with just killing him, she..." her voice broke off and I put a hand on her back. "You don't have to tell me."

She took a deep breath but continued. "She dismembered him and then waited to see our reactions before she ran back to Cornelius. What kind of person does that?" She sobbed and I felt I was about to cry.

"I don't know what to say, humans are hard to understand, werewolves are completely a new thing for me. But I think the Goddess is smart enough to have her own revenge at her. She probably has something she craves but can't have..." I pondered and Cara looked at me nodding. "She can't have children, she is infertile." I shuddered at her words. "Cara... she envies you, she wanted to cause you pain because you had what she wants so desperately. She wants a family, her own pups. An insane, twisted family that would turn up, but a family nonetheless. She probably expected you and Alex to break apart and cry alone, but you didn't. You stood together and have survived. I know you miss your son greatly, no one can replace him, but you still have a chance in life she never had. That is why she killed your son."

Cara looked down quietly, she wasn't sobbing yet she remained sad; I left her alone for a time until she looked at me with a small smile. "Alexei is my rock, we had a rough time but we are together." I nodded at her. "Alex... he and Caleb went to help an allied pack that was under their attack. Their alpha is young, he is only about 35 years old, yet he looks like 24. His father was murdered by Cornelius and he was forced to step in and take his place; he hasn't had the time nor experience to know what to do and how to do it but he has the courage to try. Cornelius took advantage and struck again, the young Alpha was injured and that is why Alex was sent again while Caleb was trying to court you. Then another allied pack joined, and they were ambushed. That is why Caleb had to go there. They never give up, their bloodlust and insane killing is taking it stroll on nature itself. Unbalancing it." She frowned and I gathered they were actually considering the possibility of Cornelius pack striking them here.

Suddenly she smiled and looked at me. "Caleb wants me to take you to him at the command center, he is not mad for you taking a walk, but he is not happy we did it without consulting him first. Silly wolf, doesn't know his mate likes more freedom." She chuckled and shook her head. I laughed and stood up, ready to return to his arms.


Chapter 23



I find shelter in Caleb's arms as I enter the command center and he pulls me to him. Cara brought me here after he mentally reached out to her and called for us.

"We've made a good borderline protection with the drows. Isilwen has personally made sure the barriers are uncomfortable enough for them to slow down and throw up before they know what is happening, which will send an immediate alert to us and will give us time to prepare. I am pulling resources and making use of advance security technology to set up some traps with wolfsbane, it is what set them back last time." Caleb said proudly, he was running his hands soothingly up and down my back as I took in his warmth.

"Alpha, Craig has some reports. They are not good." Alex said and Caleb tensed, seconds after, Craig entered the room as a wolf, he huffed and growled, visibly angry at what he had to report. I turned around and Caleb held a firm grip around me, not letting me go. I sighed and rested my back against his chest as a silent conversation was being held. Caleb growled lowly and I pressed my hand over his, smiling inward as he relaxed at my touch.

Cara noticed my inquisitive look and quickly filled me. "Craig says a few of Cornelius and Agape's pack members that were scouting, ambushed an allie pack while they were returning to their land. Demark is the alpha and he was hurt during the fight. It was just a scout group but they killed three and hurt the others badly."

Caleb took a deep breath and I could sense a million thoughts invade him. I caressed his arm again and he laid his chin on top of my head, relaxing a bit. "They are damn good on sneak attacks. How is that idiot of an alpha?"

"He is finally in his land and being attended by his healers, as are the rest of his people. Should I go? What should we do?" Craig asked as he finally shifted, Caleb instinctively pulling my face up and I was caught by his deep gaze. "Get some clothes on first." He said and I blushed; I wasn't even thinking of Craig being nude, I was actually starting to not care of anyone's nudity in here, and yet Caleb was being the prudish one. I chuckled and he kissed me, taking away my will to tease him at all.

After a few seconds, Craig cleared his throat. Caleb released me and I blushed more as I actually stared at Craig's six pack. He had an amazingly well built body and Caleb growled as he caught me staring. Cara laughed and Alex frowned at her. She raised her both hands and giggled more. "I can't help it, this is seriously entertaining." He walked to her with a serious to death stare and I started to laugh as Cara bit her lips and put both hands down together. Alex reached her face and cupped her chin up only a few inches and she melted right there. "Who are you looking at... lubov...?"

"Only and forever you, lubov..." Cara whispered and blushed, then he took her lips right there, claiming her mouth. Craig was nervous and snatched a military jacket from the hanger. Caleb shook his head and sighed. "Craig doesn't do it on purpose, but he has an ability to drive women crazy, it actually is strong enough to unfocus even mated ones." He finally explained to me and I found myself ashamed, not even wanting to find his gaze.

"Thank you for your report Craig. I am considering a few possibilities. To be honest, I don't think we should be sending small groups for aid. We are falling on repetitive actions and reactions. I will give Demark a call myself, going to tell him to hold on place, we made sure to leave enough security on Smithson's area, and at his land Demark can hold it too. I am going to think of something but for now, we should not be spreading any more."

Craig nodded and with a small gesture he was dismissed; he bowed his head towards me and left quietly while Cara and Alex's heated session almost led them to a mating in front of us. I loved how shy Cara would become when Alex would corner her and dare her, as she was the sassy smartass almost all the time. They were just so perfect complements of each other.

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