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Siren of Love Ch. 03

Story Info
Lyra wakes to two sexy men, a little surprise, an crazy day.
8.6k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/26/2012
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Lyra changed topic to get the brothers to snap back to reality after they seemed enchanted by her voice.

"Hey can I get a second helping." The brothers snapped out of it and smiled warmly, as well as they could after hearing something as beautiful as that. After eating her second helping, Lyra realized they both had boxers on but she was completely naked. She blushed and the brothers looked at her then smiled widely, guessing what made her blush. She could feel their suddenly heated gazes caressing her body as they looked over her. Siden walked around the island in the middle of the kichen and stood behind Lyra, wrapping his arms around her, his hands gently holding her breasts as he rubbed her nipples with his thumbs. She moaned tilting her head back a little and Siden bent down and kissed it gently, then began kissing a tiny bit harder and adding nibbling to the equation. Pallo came over and gripped her hips, pulling her out of Siden's grasp and into his as he sat down on a stool. He immediately began kissing her neck, harder than Siden. One of his hands grasped her right breast and neaded it as his thumb rolled the nipple around but the other hand went straight down to her pussy where it brushed against her clit gently with a bit of pressure. She moaned. He began rubbing her clit harder.

"Now, now brother. Shame on you for stealing Lyra from me." Scolded Siden playfully.

"It's not my fault you are much too gentle." He said as he kissed up her neck, to her ear." Unlike me, but don't worry kitten. I won't hurt you. I promise." He whispered in her ear before licking the tip. She shivered.

"See brother. She prefers me to you and I will ask you one more time to release her to me before I will rescue her from you." Siden said smiling. Pallo smiled too.

"Is that true kitten?" he whispered against her neck. "Do you prefer Siden to me, or do you like it rough. Maybe you just want to be rescued like a damsel in distress. Saved by you dashing prince charming." Lyra moaned.

Siden laughed. "You? Charming?"

"I can be charming." Replied Pallo, ceasing his kisses momentarily.

"That I would like to see." Continued Siden laughing more before suddenly swooping down and sweeping Lyra into his arms he ran away from his brother, down the hall and then another yelling back "If you want her, you will have to kidnap her again to which you must find her first!" Lyra laughed and giggled and shrieked as she was carried through the halls, living the fantasy that many little girls had of being swept off their feet by their prince charming and rescued. She had never thought that one day it would literally happen or that she would be so attracted to the villain.

Siden walked into a room that overlooked the garden with the giant magical creatures trimmed out of bushes. From up here, she could see that there were greek statues like the kind in the museum without arms mixed in with the trimmed bush creatures. Siden laid her on the big, king sized bed that was conveniently under the wide window gently. He leaned down and kissed her. His left and lazily tracing patterns on her left arm. He broke the kiss and leaned back. Lyra decided to play along. It was fun. Like playing pretend like she and her Jena would do when she was little.

"What, pray tell Sir Siden, was that for."

He grinned at her. "It was payment for my rescuing you from my evil brother."

"A prince that rescues for a price? Oh my. Hmm. What an odd prince." She said, trying to keep a serious face and suppress the giggles but failing miserably as her face broke and she burst out giggling and laughing. Siden smiled. He had never had this much fun with a girl in a long time and he was sure his brother felt the same.

"You mock me?" he said with an overly arched eyebrow and Lyra couldn't help it. She broke out laughing again at his expression. He grinned again.

"Shhh little one. You must be quiet or evil Prince Pallo will find you." He leaned down and silenced her with a kiss. She groaned a little and he laid down on the bed next to her, leaning over her, without breaking the kiss. One of his hands rested on her belly, slowly sliding over her naked flesh, towards her right breast which was closest. He gripped her breast gently and rolled her nipple with his thumb. She moaned again and the hand left her breast to swirl down to her toned stomach and lower. It brushed against her clit and her hips jerked upwards. Siden smiled against her lips, breaking the kiss to look intently in her beautiful hazel eyes.

"It appears as though there is something wrong with your hips as they just jerked. Being the only other person here and being your rescuer it is my duty to check it out." He said, smiling deviously as he slowly slid down her body to her hips were he kissed her hips multiple times before saying "There seems to be nothing wrong here. Maybe the problem is lower." He slowly kissed his way down lower, his strong hands holding down her hips as he kissed her clit. Her hips jerked forward again and she moaned. He smiled triumphantly.

"It would appear I have found the problem. And now you are moaning. I will just have to make you feel better. And I know just how to do it." He said, grinning devilishly. He licked her slit bottom to top. She moaned again, louder, her fists clutching at the sheets.

"Still moaning. Well I guess I will have to try harder." His tongue dipped into her slit and licking up and down and in circles inside her. She moaned louder still. One hand moved to his hair and tangled into it, pressing him harder to her pussy. He stopped. "No interfering while the doctor is working. Restrain yourself or I will have to restrain you myself." He said grinning devilishly again. Lyra just groaned, though not in pleasure this time, as her hand slid back down to rest beside her like it had been before. He chuckled than dipped his head back down to her pussy where his tongue dove in. It swirled around again. Licking up and down while deep inside her delicious pussy. It thrust in, wriggling side to side, and then thrust out, repeating the process again over and over, faster and faster. She moaned louder, hands fisting sheets and suddenly she screamed as he latched onto her clit and sucked while his hand moved down to her pussy and he thrust one, then two fingers inside. They thrust faster and harder and her screams grew louder and gained a slightly more melodious tone as she hit her point of no return and orgasimed violently. Siden lapped up her flowing juices, effectively cleaning up pussy before crawling back up to her mouth and kissing her gently, letting her tongue taste her juices in his mouth.

"Found you." Said Pallo, standing in the doorway and grinning. "What a lovely show, but now I shall think I will try a taste for myself." He moved into the room. Siden shielded her body with his and said stubbornly "Nay brother. She is mine."

"I'll make a deal with you." Said Pallo grinning. "I'll settle for her mouth and breasts and you can have her pussy."

Siden rubbed his chin. Lyra sat up on her elbows. Suddenly she was pushed down again and Siden licked her slit from bottom to top again. She moaned. His strong hands moved to her hips and held them down.


Lyra opened her eyes, confused for a second about why he said that before Pallo leaned over her from behind and stared into her eyes. She decided she like his golden eyes better than his green ones. The reminded her of the sun and warmed her. In fact, at that moment, swirling with ember and turning a fierce fiery golden color, like a tiger's eye. Lyra realized that his eyes must turn that color in lust. Siden's strong hands had her pinned down by the hips. Lyra pretended to fret.

"Wait, that's not how it works. Please let me go. Oh don't do this."

Pallo smiled at her leaning down to her ear as he whispered in it. "Don't worry my little one. I promise I will be gentle."

Strong hands grasped her breasts and rolled her nipples, pinching and pulling and rolling delightfully. Lyra moaned.

"No. Open your eyes little one. I want you see your pretty hazel eyes that shine like nothing I have ever seen before. I want you look into mine as I pleasure you." She obeyed, opening them and finding herself captured by fiery golden eyes. He leaned down and began kissing her forehead so that he could kiss her and she would still be able to look in his eyes and he into hers. Siden's tongue was plunging in and out of her pussy very deeply now at a rapid pace and his thumb was rubbing her clit fiercely. Pallo's hands were massaging her breasts hard and fast. She moaned and screamed as she orgasamed. Pallo lay down beside her on her right side and Siden on her left. They wrapped their arms around her. Siden began playing with her left breast and Pallo with her right. Suddenly their mouths latched onto her breasts and she moaned loudly. She could feel them smiling around her nipples as the sucked and licked together. Suddenly she felt Siden reach down and brush her clit making her moan loudly and jerk her hips upward. Pallo's hand reached down and plunged two fingers then three into her wet pussy. Now Lyra was moaning in that melodious singing like moan of hers and they grinned as the continued to suck, lick, thrust, and rub harder. She screamed a melodious scream of pleasure and Pallo licked his fingers clean. They all cuddled together, Lyra felt exhausted.

"So are you feeling up to sitting under the full moon and stars tonight?" Siden asked after a couple minutes had gone by.

Lyra froze. Siden and Pallo simultaneously felt her tense. Full moon? Full moon!?!? There was a full moon tonight. She remembered.

She tried to disguise her horrified expression for one of shock and a bit of happiness but it was too late. The brothers had seen that brief look and they wondered what was it that had her spooked. She tried to make up and excuse like she didn't feel like it and, for the sake of calming her down since she was starting to get worked up, they pretended to buy it.

"We must hear this beautiful voice again." Said Pallo, Siden taking his brother's side immediately.

"Oh no. No, no no. I don't think so." It had bad idea written all over it.

They begged and begged her and finally she agreed on the condition that afterwards they head outside to relax in the sun the pool. Siden and Pallo glanced at each other as they remembered how her eyes seemed to change color when she smelled the sea salt water that filled the pool. Just like the ocean's sea salt water.

Upon one summer's morning

I carefully did stray

Upon the walls whopping

I met a sailor gay

Conversing with a young lass

Who seemed to be in pain

Saying William when you go I fear

You'll ne'er return again

My heart is pierced by cupid

I disdain all glittering gold

There is nothing can console me

But my jolly sailor bold

My heart is pierced by cupid

I disdain all glittering gold

There is nothing can console me

But my jolly sailor bold

They stared at her enthralled. Like before her voice flowed like honey, melodious, enchanting and haunting. It once more captured them and enthralled them. Like the voice of a Siren.

"Siden? Pallo?"

Lyra's voice snapped the two out of their thoughts and the strange trance her voice had put them in. The realized that they had just been staring for a while. They both blinked and looked at each other. They were both thinking the same thing. Who was Lyra, or maybe the real question was not who she was but what was she.

Lyra sighed as she watched them look at each other, back at her, and then each other again. She knew singing in front of them was a bad idea. It had only raised more questions, and yet. Suddenly the idea of sharing her secret to someone other than Jena didn't seem like such a bad idea. She didn't feel like telling the two brothers about it would be so bad. For the first time ever, she felt like sharing her secret wouldn't be so catastrophic. And to share it with the brothers, it felt right.

What was wrong with her? Did she honestly think they would want to stay with her when they found out what she really was. And keeping this big secret when they were obviously catching on to it was a bad idea, a VERY bad idea. It would just weaken the trust between them. How could she have just thought that it would actually be a good idea to tell her secret. Had she gone mad? How could she have ever let herself believe it would be fine. Because deep down, you had secretly hoped, wished, and wanted for it to work, answered a voice in her head. And she had. But she was just a fool. A fool to think it would work and a fool to let herself become attached to them when it could never be and all this was was just a nice screw even if it didn't feel like it. Suddenly she felt trapped. Like she couldn't believe. She had to get out of there. She felt the tears edging dangerously close to pooling in her eyes. The second the tears began to edge in her eyes the brothers noticed. Immediately they felt guilty for having upset her but before they could say anything she spoke quickly.

"I have to go to the bathroom. Excuse me." She said quickly, jumping up, spinning around and sprinting down the hall to the bathroom. She slammed the door behind her and leaned back against it, closing her eyes breathing deeply to calm down. She opened her eyes and shrieked. Again.

Calypso stood there, looking at her. Lyra rested a shaky hand over her heart.

"You have GOT to STOP. DOING. THAT!" she yelled at her angrily. If she hadn't just about broken down in the bedroom and then been scared out of her wits by a goddess who always appeared out of nowhere and scared her half to death, then she would have bowed her head and kneeled a little respectably. But she had just about broken down in the bedroom and been scared out of her wits by a goddess who apparently delighted in appearing out of nowhere and scaring her half to death and she was in no mood to play nice towards her. Calypso sensed how distraught she had been just a moment ago and realized appearing in front of her did nothing to help. She knew that this caused Lyra to snap at her despite how powerful Calypso was which was why it was a bad idea to test the goddess. She knew all this and she felt sorry for her. Then she remembered why she had come back again.

"You ded not heed my warning. You choose to stay with them against what I told you."

Instead of starting to calm down and realize how she just snapped at a goddess, Lyra felt a bit of anger start to bubble inside her. "You never answered my question. Why?"

Calypso's lips pursed a little. "Der are many things about them dat you do not know."

Lyra's lips pursed a little. "Well. There are many things that they don't about me. So I guess we're even." She shot back, vaguely realizing in the back of her mind that she was down talking an all powerful goddess and also that mist had started to fill the bathroom, swirling around her feet eerily. And this was where Lyra finally seemed to realize that she was down talking a goddess who was SO much more powerful than her. Lyra swallowed, starting to get a little nervous. Calypso opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock. Lyra stared at her, determined to do so until she disappeared. Calypso uttered one last word of warning before she disappeared in the blink of an eye, the mist that had formed in the bathroom swallowing her and then evaporating in three seconds flat leaving, once again, the faint scent of the strong powerful sea lingering in the air. Lyra sighed heavily, suddenly feeling exhausted. She couldn't do this right now. She was at two people's house on the day of the night of a full moon, and she had to figure out how to swim in the ocean for a couple hours under the full moon without them finding out least they think she was crazy and without them seeing her least they become scared or weirded out by her and never want to see her again, she was already emotionally burdened because of her doomed fate of forever being lonely, and she had a goddess warning her to stay away from the two people who made her feel safe, and feel at peace, like she was in the right place for once in her life, for the first time ever. She did not need to be even more emotionally burdened. She just wanted to go home, curl up in her bed and sleep until night when she would have to swim because it was the only thing that soothed the annoying itch that formed on the days of the night of full moons, and the only thing that would soothe the agonizing pain. She wondered if mermaids had this much to worry about. Probably not since all they had to worry about was humans finding out they existed and hunting them down, which wasn't as bad as it sounded since humans these days relied heavily on the term seeing is believing. So basically, they spent all their days and nights swimming, laughing, talking, leading care free lives and doing whatever else they did. How she would kill for a life like that and oh how she envied them for their lives. She wearily walked over to the door and opened it up to find, once again, Siden and Pallo standing side by side each other looking worried.

When Lyra had suddenly said she had go to the bathroom hurriedly and ran away seeming distressed they had both snapped out of their trance. Siden and Pallo called her name and but she didn't hear. Siden and Pallo had mixed feelings. They were confused as to what had caused her to be distressed, concerned that she might be feeling hurt, guilty though they did not do anything to upset her that they knew of. She was something special and she was turning their worlds upside down. They were falling in love with her even though they only knew her for one day! And then there was this secret that she was keeping. They heard her shriek and quickly ran towards the bath room. As they neared they heard shouting then talking and . . . was that mist that was coming out from under the door? What was going on. They stopped by the door and Pallo raised his hand to knock, stopping when he heard a familiar voice. His eyes widened and he looked to his brother to see if he noticed to. He did, and, just like him, his eyes were wide open. Questions swarmed in their heads. What was Calypso doing in their bathroom? Why was she talking to their Lyra? Did they know each other? How? What was their connection with each other? WHAT WAS SHE DOING HERE! They snapped out of it. Enough was enough. They wanted answers to this mystery surrounding Lyra. Siden knocked on the door. The voices stopped as did the mist seeping out from under the door. Silence. Nothing happened for a minute, then the door opened and any and all questions they had died on their lips when they saw Lyra. Even though they had gone to bed last night at eleven and slept in till ten, there were bags under Lyra's eyes. Her arms dropped wearily to her sides after she opened the door. She looked exhausted, mentally tried, and about to break down. She looked like she was about to collapse.

Lyra opened her mouth to talk but couldn't find the energy to say anything. She really needed to sit down and try to relax and think about things. Her head hurt and she felt like she was going to collapse at any moment. Her legs felt weak. She swayed a little without knowing it. She tried to take a step forward but the tiled bathroom floor had a step just outside the door that led into the hall that was 5 centimeters tall and she missed that single, small step. Nice Lyra. She fell into strong arms that tightened around her back. Then they swept her off her feet. She laid her head on his chest, tucking it under his chin. Darkness, sweet calming darkness where she could escape all her problems, slowly enveloped her. She vaguely registered the sound of two male voices calling her name but they sounded far away. She blacked out.

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