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Slut Mommie Ch. 07

Story Info
Kate develops feelings for her daughter, with Frank's help.
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Part 7 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 04/30/2005
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I woke up the next day with a big hangover, my head throbbing and my mouth dry. Turning over I saw my husband laying in bed still asleep. What time was it? I thought. He went to sleep even before I left to get Tommy! Thinking about Tommy brought back vivid pictures of what happened last night. Oh my god! Did I expose so much in front of these two girls I hardly knew? The thought of me giving my son a blow job in front of them made my heart beat faster. Why? It was so wrong of me to do that, so risky! What if they say something to someone, what if they expose my relationship with my son? But there was so much more than that! I...I licked Gina's pussy!!! Gina who just a few months ago turned 18 and could be my daughter! Yet, remembering taking my son's cock in my mouth as Gina and Elaine watched made me feel hot, excited...sexually stimulated and the thought of what I did to Gina and what I let Elaine do to me! God, how did I get myself into all this? It was that damn weed, it was the joint I smoked mixed with constant consumption of alcohol that clouded my judgment so much! Yes, that was my excuse if anyone ever asked. That would be my excuse if those two girls ever confront me. I promised myself never to smoke weed or drink whenever those two girls were around.

I slowly rolled over and got out of bed. I went downstairs to make some coffee and kept thinking about Tommy, Gina, Elaine and even Suzie. Uhmmm...Suzie, my first girl experience, so sweet and young, I wondered dreamingly if she ever thought of me after our experience together.

I rummaged through some cabinets looking for my favorite coffee mug but couldn't find it. Then I remembered my husband putting it away on the bottom shelf. Getting on my hands and knees I looked around in our deepest, bottom cabinet and saw it way in the back.

Reaching out didn't help so I ended up practically crawling into the cabinet to get it, only my butt was sticking out, thankfully I was wearing a long nightshirt that covered it.

"Hey Mom...whooo, nice...looking good."

The words startled me and I instinctively jerked up knocking my head on the cabinet.


I knew it was my daughter Kristy, she was standing right behind me.

"Mom, what are you doing in there?" She asked.

"Honey, I'm looking for my coffee mug, you know the one I always use."

I felt my shirt starting to slide up on my butt, so I thought it was time to get out of this position in case I showed my daughter too much. I begun inching my way backwards but when I did, I felt my shirt catch on something above me. As I moved back, my shirt started to slide up my body.

I felt my butt expose as my shirt traveled up to my lower back and I heard a tiny "ohh" from my daughter. I didn't want to panic and I didn't want to rip my shirt.

"Oh my god, I think I'm caught. Kristy, could you help please?"

"Uhmmm Mom, I don't think I ever seen you in THAT position," There was definitely laughter in her voice, but also a tiny bit of excitement.

Of course her comment to "THAT position" referred to when she spied on me making love to my husband. Just her reference to that vulnerable moment brought color to my cheeks which I was glad she couldn't see.

"Sweetie, this isn't time to play, please help," I said but the situation seemed funny to me too.

I heard her approach and than felt her kneel behind my butt. The thought for some reason made my throat dry. I did wear panties but they were so tiny and in this position they were probably deep between my ass cheeks. Matter of fact, I felt them wedged deeply between my pussy folds! Oh god, this was so embarrassing, my own daughter could see the details of my sex! My heart was beating so fast now.

Suddenly I felt her hands on my butt and I jerked up again knocking my head on the cabinet.

"Jesus Mom, you're really jumpy today," She said but didn't move her hands away.

"Kristy, please, just unhook my shirt," I pleaded.

"You know, you have a gorgeous butt Mom. It's just perfect, the kind of butt you just want to spank."

Suddenly I felt her palm smack one of my cheeks which I felt jiggle from the impact. It was a light smack that wasn't painful but rather pleasing. Than another.

"Kristy!!!" I said surprised she continued it.

"You know, I could get back at you for all those times you spanked me when I was a little girl, now is my chance," She was laughing, obviously playing with me.

Again I felt a smack, one, two, three. The movement of my luscious cheeks was sending pleasurable vibrations throughout my butt and pussy. I jerked my body back and all I managed to do was to slide my shirt further up my body and almost up to my neck. "Great" I thought, now my breasts were exposed and hanging down for my daughter's viewing pleasure.

"Kristy, if you don't stop this and help me, I'm going to have to spank YOU," I said trying to be serious while laughing on the inside.

"Uhmmm, Mom that could be fun."

Again she smacked my ass which by this time was giving me a pleasurable, warm sensation that was quickly spreading down to my pussy.

"Ohhh..." A low moan escaped my lips.

I didn't want to show my daughter that I was actually enjoying the treatment but again my body betrayed me. I could feel my pussy getting wet! My mind was becoming fuzzy as the warmth from my ass begun clouding my senses. Jesus, I couldn't show her THAT! Her own mother turning this funny and innocent situation into something sexual!

"Kristy, please help me."

She moved up closer to me and by doing that spread my feet apart which spread my butt further apart. Oh my god, I can't do this.


"All right MOM, you're no fun."

Fun! I'll show her fun when I get out of this! I felt her lean into me as she started to work on my shirt. Her ample breasts pressed into my ass and somehow managed to find my crack. I felt something hard pressing against my barely covered rear hole. Was it her nipple? Oh Jesus, I shuddered at the touch hoping she didn't feel it.

"Kristy, what's taking so long?" I asked as it seemed like she couldn't get me freed up.

"Just hold still Mom, I almost have it free."

She placed a hand on one of my ass cheeks for support and leaned further into me. That of course made my ass spread further apart and I clearly felt her nipple rubbing against my anal hole!

"Uhmmm..." Again a moan of pleasure I couldn't suppress.

I knew she heard me and felt me tremble, but did she know why? Her nipple was turning me on tremendously, rubbing the hard knob against my tender hole!

Suddenly I felt my shirt free and my daughter pulling back.

"OK, there."

Again I felt her hands on my ass putting pressure on both of my cheeks in the outward direction...spreading them apart, which seemed innocent as if she was just doing this for support as she was getting up. I knew my asshole and my pussy were probably barely covered and partially exposed and I couldn't help but wonder if she was looking at them.

"Well, I better take my last opportunity," With that I felt my ass being smacked.

I held on for a few heart beats enjoying the treatment, forgetting who it was that was doing it. I didn't know why, but I actually arched my back and stuck my ass out more.

"Uhmmm...Mommie, you like it?"

Smack, smack, smack. I trembled hanging on inside the cabinet.

Her words woke me up as if I was in a dream.

"Wh...What? Kristy, stop...Ohhh, you're gonna get it," I said and moved backwards.

She moved out of the way and I finally stood up on trembling legs. My beautiful daughter stood there with a smile on her face, her cheeks red and her chest moving in deep, steady rhythm. She was only wearing a small pair of pink panties and a tiny tea shirt. Her breasts stood up straight with hard nipples that were poking out under her shirt.

I couldn't help but run my eyes over her curvy, young body, stopping for a brief moment at her panties. Did I see a darker patch between her legs? Was it wetness? I jerked my eyes away not to be obvious what I was staring at.

We looked at each other for a moment without saying a word. Seemed like the moment was tense, she was probably wondering if she took it too far. She meant so much to me, I didn't want her to feel like she did something wrong, I wanted our relationship to continue to be perfect.

"You ungrateful daughter!" I said with a smile "I only spanked you for your own good," I was turning this whole situation into a joke "Looks like you didn't learn anything...I'm just gonna have to spank you again!"

I reached out and grabbed her arm turning her around. She laughed trying to get away. Her struggles were obviously weak as if she was just putting on a show. I lifted my hand and smacked her across her thong covered butt.

"Uhhh...Mommie, please, I didn't mean to be bad," She laughed acting as a little girl.

I laughed too and continued to smack her butt. My hand ended up on her lower back as if to hold her down but somehow I knew well she wouldn't move. Slowly I noticed my own hand moving lower to the point where my fingers were just under the waist band of her panties and I felt the round curve of her hip.

Looking down I saw my daughters perfect ass cheeks and the string of her thong disappearing deep between them. Just looking at them made me shiver with lust and my mouth water.

"So, do you have enough?" I asked looking at her butt which became red.

I realized I placed my hand on her ass with the tips of my fingers disappearing between her cheeks. I looked at her as she looked back, her eyes wide and her face flushed. She shifted her eyes from me to my hand.

"Enough? I think you need some more yourself!" She laughed and twisted free.

I saw laughter and excitement in her eyes as she came around me. My heart was beating fast as well in meek anticipation of what she was going to do. Fun, just some innocent fun with my daughter, I told myself.

"Bad Mommy, here, I'll show you how bad you are."

"Kristy don't," I warned her but she didn't listen.

Grabbing my arm she lightly pushed me against the counter top. I laughed and put both my hands up to my butt protecting my cheeks from spanking that she wanted to give me.

"What has gotten into you, you are so bad," I laughed but didn't resist.

For some reason getting spanked by my daughter was fun and was definitely turning me on. I knew my daughter didn't know that, she probably thought that we were having some mother daughter fun which we were...I kept telling myself.

"Ok bad Mommy, put those hands up and get ready for some smack time...no, better yet, pull that shirt up for me."

"Kristy, no way!"

"You know you've been bad so do it...NOW."

Her demanding tone surprised me a little, made me feel as if I was her daughter and she was the MOM. Games, games two girls can play. I held my breath as my fingers grabbed the edges of my nightshirt. I looked back at her with the most innocent face I could muster.

"You won't spank hard, promise?" I asked in a little girl voice.

She smiled surprised at it.

"Hmmm, that depends, now lift that shirt up!"

Slowly, I inched it up...and up...past my hips, looking back at my daughter, until my nightshirt was around my waist.

Her eyes were peeled to my butt watching it as I exposed it. I could tell she was excited, her eyes were telling me that. Did she like my butt that much? Was this no longer a game? I asked myself and shuddered at the first smack that reached my butt cheek.

With each smack she held her hand on my cheek and squeezed it a little, smacked it again and squeezed it a little.

"Bad Mommy, you need to be punished for what you did to me...spanking me like that," There was no longer any laughter in her voice.

Instead, I heard excitement, I heard...command. I arched my back and looked back at my daughter. Her eyes were wide and she was licking her lips. Ok,Ok, I need to break this off before it gets out of hand. I didn't need to give my daughter any ideas.

But as hard as I tried my body wouldn't move! I took each spanking with eagerness, almost an anticipation. My butt was starting to sting but still I wanted more.

"Are you sorry Mommy? Are you sorry for what you did?"

Smack, smack, smack. Oh god, I loved it!

"Oh, I am baby...Uhhh...I'm so sorry...please!"

I didn't know what I was saying please for. Was it for her to stop, or was it that I wanted more?

SMACK! I tensed, this one was hard.

"Ouch..." I didn't yell, I moaned!

Her hand stayed where it was, deeply planted on my ass, her fingers spread. I looked at her surprised at how hard she smacked me and saw that she was looking at me, her eyes wide and mouth partially opened. She waited for me to complain or stop this but...but I didn't. I let my daughter continue. She moved up close to me, on my side, pressing her firm stomach to it. I could feel her heavy breathing. I felt her other hand grab my other ass cheek and than my daughter started to rub them in circles, massaging me...

I tensed, this wasn't playing anymore. It was sexual, definitely sexual. I needed to stop this, my mind was screaming at me, this is my daughter! Yet I didn't move, I pretended to take her touch as fun, maybe she wouldn't notice...just a little longer.

I was definitely wet, tense sexual feeling running through me as my daughter rubbed my ass.

SMACK! Another hard spank!

"Ohhh..." Another moan that I couldn't suppress escaped me.

She pushed my ass cheeks together and than spread them apart, just lightly. SMACK! Again she pushed them together and pulled them apart, this time further as if testing the boundaries.

SMACK! Again, together and further apart, further than ever before. I hung on and the feeling of cold air between my wet ass cheeks added to my excitement. I had no doubt she could see my asshole, my tiny little panties would not cover it when she spread my cheeks so wide apart.

SMACK! I was taking punishment from my daughter like never before. My eyes were watering from the sting my ass felt and I arched my back supporting myself on the countertop with both of my hands. SMACK! This time when she pulled my ass cheeks apart she kept them there, spread open. I could feel her arched over my butt, looking at me...looking at what was between my cheeks.

OK, no more, I can't! Moment passed as I fought to stop what was happening. With great difficulty I twisted around and leaned my back against the counter. I stood there, my chest heaving, my nightshirt still around my hips as I smiled a weak smile at Kristy trying to make sense of what just happened. I noticed I was perspiring and so was she.

"Phew...my god, you've gotten back at me for everything I ever did to you," I whispered looking into her wide eyes.

She smiled a weak smile and looked down at her own feet. I could tell she was starting to feel guilty or maybe unsure about what happened, for what she did...for how far she let herself go.

"Hey you, don't be so sad, it was fun," I reached out holding my hands out for a hug.

My words definitely diffused the situation, they made everything seem like it was just innocent fun. She looked up at me and came into my arms, which I closed around her giving her a warm hug.

"Thanks Mom, it actually felt good to spank you and fun too. You know, whenever you need a good spanking let me know, I'll surely oblige," She said looking up at me with those large blue eyes of hers.

"Yeah, I'm sure you will, you bad daughter of mine," I laughed.

"I love you baby," I whispered affectionately.

She was so grown up now and I cherished the moments when I could still hold her in my arms.

"I love you too Mom," She whispered back.

We were both looking at each other in a deep hug, close...so close to each other. I felt her head move up closer as if she wanted to kiss me. I definitely didn't mind since we've done that a lot. I moved my head closer and brushed her lips with mine.

Suddenly I felt her move up more and her lips pressing against mine in a more tender kiss with the tip of her tongue brushing against my lips. This was too much but I couldn't let go standing there frozen in my own daughter's grip. I held the position for just a few more heart beats and disengaged.

"OK young lady, I think that's enough fun for today. You better disappear before I decide to really spank you!"

She pushed back and laughed like she always did when she was a little girl.

"Sure Mom, whatever you say but remember, I might like it this time."

With that she ran out of the kitchen. I sighed, watching her perfect butt jiggle as she ran out.

I poured myself some coffee and sat down at the table a little bit confused. Oh God, what were these kids doing to me? First my son and now my daughter? I definitely didn't want my daughter to feel anything sexual towards me. What just happened was so much on the border line.

"Hey babe."

I watched as my husband walked into the kitchen and gave me a tiny kiss on my cheek.

"How did the thing with Tommy go last night?"

I jumped and stiffened up in my chair.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a trembling voice.

"You know, you getting him from the party, him being drunk," He looked at me with curiosity in his eyes.

I calmed myself enough to answer.

"Oh you know, I picked him up and brought him home. He's probably still in bed sleeping it off."

"I'm a little concerned about him. Lately he has been spending a lot of time at home, not going out with any girls and all, except for the last night of course. Was there any girls at the party?"

"Well for your information he is going out with a nice girl, her name is Gina, Jeanine's daughter," I answered him and suddenly I could still taste her sweet pussy on my tongue.

I shook my head trying to get the image of her spread open legs and pussy impaled on Tommy's cock out of my mind.

"Uhmmm, Gina, I remember that girl...she is a little hotty."

"What a jerk" I thought. He was forty years old and still thinking of young girls like that. I turned around ignoring his comment and sipped on my coffee.

"So what's your plan for today?" I asked.

"OH shit, I didn't tell you? We have a new account opening in Chicago, I have to go into the office and spend some time reviewing the proposed financial plan."

He said that without even looking at me. Money, always money, that was his first priority. He never paid attention to me!

"How long are you going to be gone for?" I asked trying to sound concerned.

"I'll be back later tonight, I'm sorry babe I didn't tell you about it."

Uhhmmm, a whole day! This could give me time to think and maybe straighten things out with my kids!

He came up to me giving me a hug. I returned it enjoying his attention and soon felt his hands squeezing my butt. I flinched because my ass was still tender from the spanking Kristy gave me. I felt his hands pulling my shirt up.

"John, what are you doing?" I asked with my arms around his neck.

Instead of answering he pressed his lips against mine. Although I was still mad at him, I returned his kiss and soon our tongues were twisting around in a passionate kiss. I was turned on and I didn't understand why? How can couple of touches turn me on so much? Was it because I haven't had him is such a long time? Was it because the thought of being a slut turned me on so much I was willing to become one for anybody?

Soon he had my shirt around my waist and was massaging my ass with his hands. My breathing came in gasps from kissing him and having my ass squeezed.

"John...god, spank me...spank my ass!"

I surprised myself by saying that. Did I like the spanking my daughter gave me that much?

"Uhmmm, honey, sure..." Was the only thing he said.


"Oh yeah..." I moaned.

Smack, smack, smack! Oh god that felt good! I arched my back and stuck my ass out even more.

"Ohhhhhh...oh my god my ass..."


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