by RelentlessOnanism
Great Work! Please do a Part 2 where Calvin takes over after Chris leaves home, leaving her pregnant and horny!
I gave it 5 stars even though I really didn’t like it that much. 5 stars for an extremely well crafted story.
I almost never read older woman/younger man stories. My predilections run the opposite way. But as I’ve been impressed with a number of your previous stories, I dove in.
Chris is an asshole. I see no true love for his mum (that “mum” was because of your relentless Britishness). His only endearments revolve around his sex drive. That an 18yo could be such an omniscient, confident Dom is ridiculous. As an objective observer it seems her submission to a child is a projection of her expectations, not reality.
Still, you write incredibly arousing smut.
Finally, when you set a story in a nation foreign to you (vis-a-vis the USA) you need to do a better job of approximating their day to day diction.
Your single tell as a Limey is the use of “proper” as an adverb. VERY occasionally a Yank will use the word as an adjective, but never as an adverb. It’s a dead giveaway.
Hot story. I second asking for a part two. Maybe even chucking the father more physically.
You NEVER share your mother or your sister with other men. I stopped reading
Hot story and well written! Unlike the literary professors who like to correct every written word, I wouldn't change a thing!
I listened to your story until I made it to the dot dot dots and quit. Let me guess, you read some stories here at Literotica and decided, "Hey, I can write too!" But by that point your Literary senses were ruined by the dot dot dot stories. Did I get it right? Load this into Text Aloud and all those fucking dots have to be edited out, yes, the ones that shouldn't be there in the first place! How many novels have you read in the past 10 years with dot dot dots? Exactly, NONE. 1 star for the effort but your on my list!
Great story!!! My favorite type of incest!! Debauchery with some reluctance!!! Top notch
If you’d paid attention in grammar school you’d remember that your “dot, dot, dot” has an actual name: an ellipses.
And if you were well read you’d know that authors like Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Virginia Woolf and Dickens (to name but a few) were ardent users of the ellipses to denote a pregnant pause in dialogue or a narrative loss for words.
What frightens you so badly about them?
I would never share my love with anyone. My woman is my woman, and she belongs to me. I too would want to breed my woman. But not like these two are doing it. She should divorce her husband. Let some time past before getting pregnant. Why would anyone want all the drama that will be created once Arti finds out that his son got his mother pregnant.
LOVED IT Gave it 5 stars but what happens if she gets pregnant you need to write another chapter!!!!!!!!!!!
Imo, this is your best story since your first one, The Moment, which is an all time favourite for me on here. This was very well written. The mother is a total sociopath, but I think you give a convincing story about why she turns out the way she did and the choices she is making. The only criticism I have is the character and motivations of her son. We don't see anything to show how he becomes the dominant person you write him as. What gave him the confidence to sit watching a porno, masturbating in his living room, deliberately to be caught by his mother and then order her about? He goes from being a silent kid who stares at his mother to that character almost instantly in the story. I think you could have done a better job explaining how he reached that point through his mothers eye's. Perhaps she could have been behind this change, encouraging him over the years to embrace being dominant?
I have to say I lol at Rapierwit24601's reply comment to RanDog025. It remained me of the quote often attributed to Mark Twain about it being better to remain silent...
In your (this is the correct use of that word btw) last sentence you should use the correct word you're or alternatively you are, which is different to your. You must be particularly dumb to write a post criticizing an authors grammar whilst not making sure yours is not perfect. What makes it worse is the grammar you are criticizing as wrong is in fact correct. The dot dot dot which you seem to be completely ignorant about is called an ellipsis. I suggest that you copy and paste that word into google and educate yourself. I would hope that if you do read this you would be embarrassed about your (that word again) post, but my guess is you're (understand the difference yet?) not intelligent enough to be embarrassed by what you wrote?
You lost control of the story bringing all the different people in bringing the girl in was fine but not the other dudes what away to ruin a fantasy no guy at least no real man would allow it then again the son is gay who is pretending to be straight cause no man wants there ass hole licked or fucked
Very compelling story! While I'm not really a fan of the outsiders also fucking Esther (way too implausible imo, yes I know that sounds silly), I appreciated her sexual journey. It's a hard truth to swallow but sometimes people do in fact get pleasure from unethical situations, and abused children do sometimes become hyper sexual as a coping mechanism for being violated. Something about them taking back control of their sexuality. Esther is probably in her late 30s at this point, so while she's getting up there in years she and Chris can definitely make a baby, especially considering how often Chris cums in her. Loved the cliffhanger ending and this story has made me want to check out more of your writing! 5/5 stars.
He's not much of a man controlling what his mother does making her fuck other guys when she didn't want to basically she was forced it was like a type of rape
A typical whore mother story and an equally bastard son. There's nothing interesting about a woman who had more partners than a porn actress. I think 1 star is a generous rating.
5 stars. That was a fun read. Enjoyed it more than I expected to. Like it's been commented on before, the multiple guys at the felt a bit much, though it fit well enough in the story. I would have preferred them to keep a tight hold on each other and believe they would keep fucking in secret for years.
Not that it's worth much more than two cents, but I figure I'd toss mine in the mix in response to the commenters with the shocked and appalled reactions to the gang bang ending. I, too, was slightly disappointed in the ending, but I completely disagree with the sentiment that it's out of left field, not sticking with the theme or somehow unfathomable for these characters. The author spent a great deal of time on the mother's backstory showing how submissive and lustful she is. And how little self control she has with respect to sex. She spent twenty years supressing these desires and she specifically says that the first time she fucked her son, all those desires, indeed that younger promiscuous woman came back in that moment. So it's anything but surprising that she'd be all over a gabg bang. I'd say it's right up her wheelhouse. Perfectly in line with who they both are.
He's wanting to exercise his control and dominance over her and she's wanting to show her willingness and submission. It's the same with having her eat his ass. And in that respect, the commenter who said no man or "straight" man would want to have his salad tossed, can go hang out with John Harvey Kellogg and the other prudish puritanical nutjobs who think that life should be devoid of any and all pleasure. That somehow a loving God would give us these desires and take away your golden ticket to paradise for enjoying them. Me thinks this particular commenter doth protest too much. White knuckling through life with gay blinders on out of fear that cocks taste delicious.
The fact is your asshole has more nerve endings in it than your cockhead and it feels fucking fantastic. I've enjoyed it, and I won't say no, but I should admit that I don't really request it because I know how fucking disgusting I am and it makes me feel sorry for anyone going nearby. But it feels wonderful and I, despite the contraction, have zero qualms making out with a woman's asshole when I go down on her. I mean, it's an inch from her cunt. How much dirtier could it be? If it smelled, looked or tasted off I'd pass, but that's honestly never been a problem. That said, a small sniff test isnt an awful idea.
Not to mention the absurdity of clutching your pearls in astonishment that a fictional story about incestuous relations between a mother and son would deign to go the gang bang route. Is it really necessary to bash the author for making this choice? If it's not the choice you would've made.... Write your own story.
Goddamnit. I hate posting comments on this phone. I was not even close to done with that comment and hadn't edited it so it probably looks retarded. Maybe I'll copy, edit, delete and repost after the moderators are done with it, if I remember.
Bottom line:
assplay isn't gay, a man getting fucked in the ass is gay. Assplay feels good. You don't have to want it or like it, but it's not inherently gay. Just like your wife's dildo isn't inherently gay, but if you deepthroat it with visions of your uncles sweaty balls on your forehead, it might be a little gay.
And the gang bang scene might have been better served with a scene prior to wherein he builds up to it further, expresses t to her somehow or talks about it with his friends beforehand. So it doesn't feel so sudden and out of left field. But I'd argue that it's perfectly in line with both of the characters motivations. And having three ways or gang bangs wherein you spit roast, double team, make a girl go skiing, Eiffel tower, or any other euphemism you can come up with, with a woman and other dudes, also not inherently gay. Blowing one of the dudes while your wife gets fucked nearby could probably be construed as gay, but fucking the ever loving shit out of a woman with other guys is just fun. Sport fucking. It's not cuckoldry either unless you aren't participating or it's somehow done to make you less than or done to imply that you cannot satisfy your woman. Innmy opinion, I suppose.
Oh and I've found that the easiest way to get a girl to be down for a three way with her best friend is to first give her a three way with one of yours. An afternoon where your goal is to make her pass out, beg for your cum and try your hardest to break her physically and mentally. It can be passionate or animalistic or both. I've also always found that it's much easier to not ask for it. To just start it. A little social lubrication is absolutely a good thing. Booze to the uninitiated. And foreplay. Get her as horny as you can all day long but without relief. Then, when she's in another room, ask your buddy if he wants to fuck her. This only serves to give him the greenlight to join in a few minutes later when she returns and you start making out with her. When you get more into it than a casual kiss, she'll probably have questions, but just give her an it's okay and keep on. When she gets into it, motion for him to sit on her other side. Again she'll be shocked and may put up slight protests. This is only because of societal programming and not wanting to be seen as a whore. Just reassure her that you love her and it's okay and make her feel like this is all about her pleasure. And let things escalate.
After an evening like this, you can attempt the same with her sluttier friend who's constantly flirting with you. It helps if she's had drunken make out sessions with said slutty girl but this isn't required. After the last three way she'll just see this as you being you. He's just really sexual. That's just him being him. It's easy for girls to justify shit like this and the blame is placed on you. So it's easier to go along guilt free.
Hopefully that will help one of you get that mmf fuck sesh you've been craving. The key with three ways is to not leave anyone out. The worst thing you can do is focus on the other person to the exclusion of your partner. Majing them feel spurned jealous or left out. Keep constant touching with them both and tell them, kindly, what to do. Never ask. You don't want them to have to make decisions cuz they'll start to overthink things and feel like it's wrong. But if it's your idea, it'll start to feel naughty and fun. Give it hell.
For what it's worth my first long term relationship was what you'd now call polyamourous. Though that term wasn't around at that time. Basically I got very lucky with a little hottie who was far more sexually mature than I was and her and her four closest gall pals loved to fuck around with each other. Myself and one of my best friends happened to be brought into the mix and, man we learned a lot from those girls. Subsequently I've never had much issue with bringing buddies along or convincing women to play together with me. And over the years I brought two other women back from the dark side of lesbianism. Lol. One of them was gold star gay before she got cock drunk on my charm. Hahaha. For real but it was probably more that I'm pretty and I don't come off as scary. So I'm probably like a. stepping stone. The missing link between lesbian and straight. And before you think it, I am not attracted to dudes. I like soft women. And I'm not hung like a horse. Sadly I'm team medium at best. Barely above average. Or average on the nose depending on who's measuring. But I'm eager to please and will do anything to make you cum. And that's worked out well for me. With a lot more women than I care to admit.