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Something Better


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Before reaching her destination, Natalie heard a key in the lock and turned toward it to face the coming heartbreak.

Clarissa -- Right after work on Valentine's Day.

The roads were still a nightmare, but Keith and Monica had come to pick her up from work. She wouldn't be getting her car tonight either. Hopefully, things would go well with Natalie, and Ris would get a ride to work tomorrow. Ris hadn't slept well, nervous that she had destroyed what was true love because she had gotten scared. The more she thought about it all day, though, she was confident that Natalie was the love of her life.

"Would you guys mind stopping up here? Natalie loves flowers." She pointed to the open supermarket; the parking lot was nearly deserted. Ris smiled to herself that she was so angry about getting supermarket, after-thought flowers for her anniversary a little over a month ago, and now she was picking some up for her true love.

"Sure, Sis."

Rissa came back armed with a bottle of red wine, a dozen red roses that likely happened to be in stock only due to the snowstorm, and a comically large box of chocolates. Keith and Monica tried to hold a conversation as they slowly made the short journey to Rissa's apartment building.

"Good luck, Ris." Keith got out of the truck to hug Ris before heading into her destiny.

"She loves you too!" Monica yelled out the window with an enthusiastic smile and thumbs up.

Rissa couldn't help blushing and silently praying that Monica was correct, that her lack of response hadn't destroyed Nat's love for her. The doorman let her right into the complex with a wave and a smile. He had been on duty Friday when she and Natalie had come home. She was suddenly pleased that her girlfriend had prevented her from waving a thong at him as she was blinded by lust. She tried to steady her breathing and nerves on the elevator as it seemed to creep up to the third floor.

When Ris got to the apartment, she decided to set her gifts in the hallway momentarily and just go in and confess her love to Natalie with her heavily rehearsed speech. One more deep, slow breath, and she unlocked the apartment door. Chester came running excitedly, tail wagging. "Hey, Chester, how you doing, boy? Have you been a good dog for your momma?" She couldn't help greeting the pup before turning toward Natalie; she didn't want him to constantly interrupt her talk with Nat.

Her heart sunk when she looked over to see that Natalie was not only wearing clothes, but her eyes were puffy from crying, and mascara was streaked. Rissa could feel the wound in herself; she silently promised that she would do her best to never hurt her again. "Natalie, I'm so sorry."

"I guess you're going to want to move out. When can you come to get your stuff?" Another tear coursed down her cheek through a familiar furrow in the foundation on her cheeks. Crap, she thinks I am trying to break up with her. Maybe she has already made up her mind. Rissa felt like she should have walked back across the city last night in the snow instead of hurting Natalie.

Her speech was eschewed; this was Natalie; she needed to go with her heart. "No, I don't want to go anywhere, Nat. I'm saying sorry for not saying anything at all last night. I wanted to come home, but the snow stopped me." She stepped closer; her girlfriend looked confused. "Natalie Renee Evans, I love you with every beat of my heart." Nat did not react like Ris thought she would; instead, she stood staring and in shock. "I couldn't admit it to myself last night. It took talking to my siblings to realize that I have been hopelessly and utterly in love with you for a while. My heart is yours and yours alone, well maybe I hold just a tiny bit for a certain needy retriever." She couldn't help adding in the tiniest of jokes at the end as she moved into Natalie's personal space, staring into those brilliant blue eyes.

Natalie fidgeted and looked like she was trying to discern whether or not this was some kind of dream. More tears flowed out of her eyes, the sight stinging Ris's heart; maybe she was too late. Then she noticed her girlfriend wasn't frowning but smiling deliriously. "Clarissa Marie Jones, I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember. I never wanted to act on it because you are my best friend. I didn't want to lose you. You know this is game over, right? Either walk out the door because you are scared or hold me now because I never want to let you go. Besides, I don't have anyone else to eat break-up ice cream with." Of course, her girlfriend also ended on a light joke; they were made for each other.

Rissa pulled Natalie into an embrace relishing in her warmth and the feel of her heart beating against her. "I want it all, Natalie Renee, the wife, the children, the dogs, and a little house of our own with a big backyard. If this is forever, and it sure as hell feels like it, I want you to know my goals in life." Nat responded with a long, slow, passionate kiss, seemingly to seal a new oath between them.

"I want whatever makes you happy, my doctorate, someone to come home to every night, who will hold me in her arms, and a second mama for Chester. I want to take you to meet my brother next weekend, as my girlfriend. In April, you will be my date to my parents' big anniversary party in Boston." Natalie pulled back and enumerated her own life goals.

"We are going to add our apartment to the Sunday dinner rotation. You are going with me to family dinners from now on. If we are doing this, and I sure hope we are, I will not hide you for a moment. I love you, Natalie, and no matter what comes our way, that will never change." Another kiss sealed her proclamation. Tears were streaming out of her own eyes, overcome by the decisive moment.

"I am not going anywhere unless it is with you, Clarissa." Natalie lifted up Ris's chin to meet her eyes again. "I'm sorry if it's too much too fast, but I will not hide anything from you. You have seen all my sex toys already." Another joke and a giggle. Damn, she loved this woman.

"Well, if we aren't going to hide anything from each other, I better get your Valentine's Day surprise from the hall before someone swipes it. Can you take me to work tomorrow? My car is still at Keith and Monica's place."

"Nope," Natalie said with an ornery smile, then bit her lower lip.

"Why?" Rissa was puzzled.

"Because we are both taking a personal day tomorrow. C'mon, more snow is supposed to come through tonight. I might have to meet a patient or two online, but they don't need us." She pulled her into another kiss. "Go get your present from the hallway, and I'll get mine." Her sultry voice made clear what that present might be.

"I still want to move out, by the way." Rissa couldn't help smiling as she said it. "Not far, though, just one room over."

"So, we have one thing to do tomorrow with our day off. Now, I believe I was promised a present." She shooed Ris away and disappeared down the hall to their room.

Clarissa shook her head and smiled. "Your momma loves me, Chester." She relayed the good news to the interested pup, doing a little happy dance as she bounced to the door. "Try not to bark at us every time we have sex." The presents she had set aside had not disappeared. When Natalie did not appear immediately, Ris decided to get her one more present, stripping off her clothes and placing them on the kitchen island with three other gifts.

Nat was gone for about ten minutes, and when she came back, Rissa's heart nearly stopped as her breath caught. Natalie had redone her makeup and put on a pair of thigh-high stockings and a pearl choker. "It was last minute, but I hope you like it," Natalie said as her eyes traveled up and down Ris's body. "I see we had similar ideas."

"I got you roses, chocolate, and wine too."

"I love the roses," She picked them up lovingly and smelled the bouquet. "But none of them are as beautiful as you. How about we see if we can make Chester angry at me again?" Natalie grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the couch like the bedroom was too arduous of a journey for what she had planned.

Cupid 542 -- That night

"We did it, Angela!" 542 went flying back into the kitchen, making loop de loops along the way, where Angela prepared yet another cup of tea. The night had been sleepless for each of them, plotting any way they could think around the snow. Angela had used muses again to inspire Rissa's family to talk with her.

542's concentration was on the dreams of the dean at Keith and Monica's college. His thinking was that there would be a much higher probability that Keith would take Rissa to work and drive her back to her apartment if classes were canceled. The snowstorm had seemed to work in their favor, giving Ris time to fully work through her feelings. When she arrived at her apartment, the confident young woman had zero doubt.

"I knew we would win!" Angela was spinning on her wings in the air; she was absolutely beautiful all these thousand years after they had dated.

"That's going to get you your promotion." He fluttered to the fridge; there was too much celebrating to do for tea. 542 grabbed a bottle of sparkling wine that he had been saving for a couple of decades; he had brought it up from the cellar last night to chill, hoping to have occasion to break it out.

"About that, 542..." Angela suddenly seemed closed off and embarrassed.

"Yes, my muse?" He was getting flutes down from the cupboard.

"I am not going to take it." Angela grabbed the bottle of bubbly off the counter and slowly undid the cork. "I will make damn sure that the jackass from lust doesn't get the position."

"What? Why not? We worked so hard for this." His pulse quickened; a flash of despair shot through him.

"It's just..." She steadied herself with a long slow breath. "I forgot how much I liked working as a muse. They have their own opening in management."


"Yeah, 542, I just don't have the same passion I used to for the Long-Term Division. And..."

"And what?"

"If I work with the muses, I can do this." Angela flew over and met his lips hungrily. A surge of passion rippled through 542's body like he had not felt in a thousand years. "The prohibition on dating is only on two employees both working in the love field."

"I..." 542 stammered, his ability to talk destroyed by a kiss. He slowly smiled broadly. "Are you sure? You're the best boss I have ever had in the division."

"I was born to be a muse, 542. Dating you again would just be a very nice bonus. You were born for this; bringing two people together is your thing."

All their good times came flooding back from the periphery of memory. "Believe me, this is difficult for me to ask, but get the job as a muse first. I don't want this to come up when you interview for your new position." It was damn hard to do, but if he didn't, Angela could lose her job, and the guy from lust would take over the love division.

"You're probably right, 542. I just forgot how nice it is to work with you."

"We still need to celebrate." He motioned to the bottle and held out the flutes. "Now we get to toast to victory and the future."

Natalie -- Valentine's Day one year later

Natalie checked the mirror one more time; the white dress was everything she had dreamed of as a little girl, though, back in those fantasies, it was a groom that would be waiting for her after her march down the aisle. "You look gorgeous, Nat. Your bride is a lucky woman." Sara was helping her get ready; the three-headed hydra of her matrons of honor were all helping her prepare for the big day. If Clarissa was disqualified from being her maid of honor, she could think of no one better than the trio of best friends. Keith, Monica, Derek, and Chloe were all four going to stand by her wife-to-be. Chloe and Monica were probably helping Ris with her dress.

"Thanks, Sara." Sara was several months pregnant with her and Alison's second, a boy this time; they planned the birth to happen during the offseason as Sara's team was looking to make a run in the playoffs. Alison was worried about Sara being stressed while she was pregnant, but Sara wanted to carry one of their children, and being a head coach was never going to get less stressful. They wanted their children to be only a couple of years apart, thinking that would help ensure they were close growing up.

Little Maya would be one of the flower girls, at least in spirit. The church aisle was a long walk for the toddler, but Ally's mom would help her out. Chester would be the ring bearer, as long as he didn't get too distracted by the people who could give him attention and pats. He seemed to do well in rehearsals, but there would be far more people this time.

"Are you ready for this?" Samantha asked as she put the veil on Natalie's dyed fiery red hair. Her bachelorette party had been on the calmer side as only she and Alison could have any champagne. Samantha had just found out that she was pregnant as well. She was going to wait to announce anything, but her not joining in the toasts was too conspicuous, and Sam couldn't hide from Sara and Alison.

"I am marrying my soulmate; how could I not be ready?" Natalie said with a smile but felt the butterflies in her stomach. She didn't like being the center of attention, but there was no way she would deny Rissa her dream wedding. Nat never thought she would have a big wedding but should have known that was inevitable when she got together with Clarissa. Her fiancée had a big group of friends from anywhere she went.

They had only dated for six months when Clarissa popped the question to Natalie. It was nothing extravagant; Ris knew Nat well enough to know she didn't want anything showy. It was a regular weeknight near the end of the summer. Rissa had attached the ring to Chester's collar, and when Natalie knelt to put on his leash, she was hoping that Nat would notice. Nat was a little oblivious, and Ris had to ask her to check one of Chester's rosa-blanca.ru; she was on one knee when Natalie found the ring. Clarissa was crying happy tears as she proposed. Natalie barely let Ris get the proposal out before emphatically yelling yes and doing a happy dance.

"Good answer," Alison said as she checked the white dress over one more time. It would be Nat that would kick this wedding off; she was the first to walk in. Natalie's church had a unique three-aisle setup; each of the ladies would march down one of the side aisles. Once they said their vows, they would walk out of the sanctuary together down the center aisle and into their new lives. Likely followed closely by the furry ring bearer.

Natalie had not seen Rissa since Friday night and their rehearsal dinner. Ris had stayed with her mom and stepdad across the city. They wanted to surprise each other on their wedding day. Natalie had dyed her hair again as one of those surprises; it seemed fitting that the red coloring and a few vibrant dreams had been what brought them together. Rissa told Nat about her dreams that occurred before Valentine's Day a year ago, very soon after they started dating. Natalie just stared at her dumbfounded; her own recurrent nightly vision was what had set her mind on going red. It seemed very appropriate for her wife to see her hair this color again.

"It's that time, Natalie," Alison announced as she glanced at her watch. "We better get you down the aisle so you don't see Clarissa before you are supposed to." Nat couldn't help smiling at those words; she never thought in all her dreams that she would have a traditional wedding. At least not since she started dating women, but she was happy to be wrong again.

"I'd hate to ruin my princess's fairy tale wedding." When they emerged from the impromptu dressing room doors, her father was waiting. "Hey, daddy." He cut quite the stately figure in his tux. He may look stoic, but it was hard to miss the tear welling up in his eye.

"You look beautiful like you used to play dress up as a little girl. You say you're doing this all for Ris, but this was your dream too, wasn't it?" He reached out, clutching her hands with a soft smile.

And now she was delighted that she had worn her waterproof mascara; she would likely be putting it to the test in the next little while. "I think you may be right."

The wedding was almost perfect. If Natalie could avoid tripping up the stairs at the front of the sanctuary, Nat would take care of her portion. Ris's fairy tale ceremony was so close to having every box checked that only Clarissa's father and paternal grandparents' conspicuous absence marred the service. The rest of Rissa's family jumped aboard, supporting the relationship as soon as they found out. Today, Ris's stepfather would be proudly walking her down the aisle.

It felt strange to be the center of attention, walking into the sanctuary as everyone stood and watched her. The church was her one request for the wedding ceremony; it was vital for her and her family. The reverend stood with a brilliant smile; his husband was the expert organist filling the space with a wedding march. Chester had made it down the aisle, and Derek had him under control; Ches was sitting obediently; his wagging fluffy tail was his only movement.

The march changed tune when she got to the front and took her spot beside the preacher. Then, the left-most doors to the sanctuary opened for Clarissa and her stepdad to come marching in. Her bride seemed to glow. In her perfect, sleeveless gown, she was beyond beautiful, a small white train flowing behind her. Rissa had a similar idea; her hair was the same cute, short, blonde cut as it had been a year ago. Natalie couldn't help smiling like a fool as several happy tears tested the efficacy of her mascara. Clarissa's eyes were fixed on Natalie, with the most radiant smile.

Clarissa --Three and a half years after their wedding

Rissa still felt a flutter when Nat appeared around the corner with a couple of big fruity drinks and the most beautiful smile in the world. Holding up her room key, Ris unlocked the fantastic villa they would be their temporary home for a well-deserved vacation. They had trips and time off since their honeymoon, but they had been visiting family or staying at home. Today they were getting ready to spend a week out on a quiet sandy beach, the same one they had come to right after they were married. "Who's ready for a week in paradise?" In a half dance, Natalie spun into the room, stopping to meet Ris's waiting lips. Rissa leaned in, grabbing one of the drinks without removing her lips from Nat.

"Anywhere I get to be with you is paradise," Ris replied; it sounded slightly corny, but she meant it. Natalie leaned in to kiss Rissa one more time; her blue eyes were the most perfect and lovely thing in the world. Ris still kicked herself for almost letting this fall apart as it started because she wasn't willing to admit how totally and completely she had fallen for her now bride. Those nearly twenty-four hours between Nat declaring her love and Ris reciprocating now seemed so silly. There was no more perfect soul in the world for her than Natalie.

Looking back at what she thought she would miss out on by loving Natalie seemed superfluous and stupid compared to the avalanche of joy she felt waking up next to Nat every morning. Ris got to wear her perfect wedding gown when she married Natalie; her bride also happened to be wearing a stunning white dress. They were married on the following Valentine's Day after Rissa was able to admit that she was utterly, madly, and totally in love with Natalie. They already knew each other so well it seemed like they wasted too much time already without acknowledging something more profound than friendship was between them.

Natalie had just completed her doctorate; much of her time had been consumed by working on her thesis. Rissa had convinced her to cut back to part-time instead of working herself sick while going through school. Clarissa was now a nurse supervisor at work, and even before that, she had a great family insurance plan. They were taking on more debt than Nat would have liked getting through school, but Natalie already had a job lined up at school from which she earned her master's degree. Her wife would be a kickass professor; the position also required much research, Nat's particular forte.


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