by thor_pf
Everything was going great despite some simple spelling errors "faced" should have been fazed, you can spell ferocious but squeeze you spelled correctly only one time!! Then to add insult to injury you elude to piercing and fisting as a precursor to future chapters? I seriously recommend you forego piercing and fisting. Do use spell check in the future, this could have been quality but you settled for sloppy.
This is actually an old story I wrote over 10 years ago but have kept on an old disk. It re-surfaced in my mind since I've made acquaintance with a girl who likes watersports!
The poor spelling is largely because I wrote it on a Palm Pilot (remember those?) and could never quite get that "handwriting" to flow well.
But I should have fed it through a spell-checker before posting. Apologies.
I adamantly refuse, however, to forego piercing. My stories always contain at a minimum some reference to piercing, usually lots more. I am, after all, Thor PIERCINGfan.