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Speedy Delivery


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"So strong," she said, running her hands over my shoulders and down my arms. I was standing between her knees with the hem of her dress now riding up around her thighs. She kissed me quick and then pulled away.

"Annie," she said in a serious tone, "we need to eat dinner to keep our strength up. And when we're done, I'd really like you to reconsider modeling one of your new suits for me." She ran her finger down my nose before continuing. "I have a very hard time saying no to a woman in a business suit, and I don't want to say no to you tonight -- about anything."

I needed no more convincing than that. I helped Miranda down from the counter and hugged her tightly. She promised to make a quick dinner if I promised to go get changed. I was sent away with a playful slap on the butt and a giggle from Miranda.

I was nervous as hell when I got back to the table. I didn't want to spill anything on my new clothes and I was also thinking about what we were planning for dessert. I hoped I would be able to live up to her expectations. I was certainly not a Casanova by any means.

"Can I help with the dishes?" I asked as we were clearing off the table.

"Tomorrow," Miranda answered and grabbed me by the lapels. I felt her lips melting into mine. Oh this was nice! So soft, so full, so warm. I pressed my body hard against hers and was rewarded by the sound of Miranda sharply inhaling and then throwing her head back with a lusty moan. "Oh, Annie," she cooed as I began tracing the outline of her neck with my tongue.

"So sweet," I whispered as I wrapped my fingers in the luxury of hair and continued exploring her. "I could get lost here, Miranda." It was entirely true. It wasn't just her beauty that captivated me, though she had plenty of that to go around, but the way she held me. When I was in her arms she made me feel like I was the most important person in the world, and god knows I hadn't gotten much of that in my life up to now. It was intoxicating.

"Annie, take me to bed," she whispered, "I'd like my first time with you to be nice."

"Sure Miranda," I said and gave her a peck on the lips, "do you want to walk, or should I carry you over the threshold?" She practically swooned in my arms, so I decided that meant carry. I scooped her up as she threw her arms around my neck and leaned into me, covering me in little kisses the whole way to her bedroom.

Chapter 9

We tumbled onto Miranda's bed together with my body ending up on top. Her beautiful brown eyes were watching me as I wiggled out of my suit coat. "What?" I said when she gave me a little frown, "I don't want to wrinkle it." My remark earned me a smile, and I took the opportunity to lean in and nuzzle her neck.

"Mmm," she moaned in response.

I had my hand on her knee when I decided it was time for another confession. "Miranda," I said hesitantly, "I really don't have a whole lot of experience with this."

"Oh, Annie, me neither. Let's not worry about that right now and just do what feels right."

"Like this?" I asked as I caressed her thigh.

"Mmm-hmm," she was responding as she peeled my shirt over my head. I wasn't wearing a bra, not that I needed one, I had pecs more than I had boobs. I avoided her eyes, feeling somewhat ashamed. Miranda placed her finger gently under my chin and raised my gaze to meet hers.

"I like muscles, Annie," she said, running her soft hands over my chest and my arms. She gave my biceps a little squeeze before taking my face in her hands and pulling me in for a kiss.

"Oh, Miranda, where have you been all of my life?"

"Right here," was her response as she slid the straps of her dress down. Wow! What I lacked in the chest department, she certainly had in spades! I couldn't help myself, I leaned in and buried my face right between those two beautiful orbs that were staring up at me. Miranda was giggling and running her fingers through my hair as I explored.

"Oh, Annie, I think I like this new phase of our relationship."

"What's that?" I asked when I came up for air, "Friends with benefits?"

"Partners in the boardroom and the bedroom," she quipped in return and unbuttoned my trousers. She was beginning to slide them down along with my underwear, when she stopped, wide-eyed. "Jeez, Annie, what happened?"

"Um, yeah, about that. I kinda got it in my head to shave. I thought you might like it, but I've never done it before and I'm obviously not very good at it, so I got a few nicks."

"A few?" she laughed. "Honestly Annie, if you want to keep it that way, you should really let me do it next time. You'd definitely lose a lot less blood."

I smiled. A few days ago her comment would have sent me screaming into the bathroom for a cold shower. But now, it just felt kind of nice, like we had grown close enough to share intimate details like that with each other.

"I'm pretty good at it. See?" Miranda continued, lifting her dress to expose her smooth mound. My eyes went wide, and a lustful grin crossed my lips. "Given my heritage, I have to do something to tame it," she continued. "Besides, I like it bare, it makes me feel sexy."

"Oh, you are very sexy," I said kissing her neck and inching her dress a little higher. "And you know what? I just realized you aren't wearing any underwear. How long have you been like that?"

"Remember when you were trying on suits?" she grinned, "Well, right after that first one, I shimmied out of my panties and stuffed them into my purse. I'm surprised it took you this long to notice. I told you I couldn't say no to a woman in a business suit."

"Miranda, I don't think my brain really functions all that well when I'm around you."

"Then it's a good thing I'm only after your body right now," Miranda replied as she deftly slipped out of her pretty summer dress and tossed it aside. She was wearing nothing but that beautiful smile as she took my face in her hands again, planting a number of kisses on my cheeks and lips.

"Oh, I could get used to this," I sighed.

"Me too," she cooed, helping me to wiggle out of my trousers. When I was free, Miranda pulled me down and wrapped her legs around my waist. I let myself get lost in the softness and warmth of her body for a moment before reaching up to trace the outline of her mouth with my finger.

"Has anyone ever told you, that you have the most beautiful lips?"

"I think a certain someone mentioned that while we were having wine on the patio," she said and gave me a little peck. I couldn't help myself, my lust for this woman had been building for days and I was eager to give in to temptation.

The hand I had on her thigh was inching ever upward, massaging and caressing along the way, until I was home. I brushed my fingers gently against her sex. Miranda was warm and moist, and obviously enjoying herself if her moans were any indication. She was squeezing my ass in her hands, pulling me toward her and whispering something about muscles.

"Oh, Miranda," I moaned as I began grinding on her bare thigh, moving up and down on her soft, sexy skin. Soon we had our legs intertwined as we began pressing a little harder, and moving a little faster. I found myself relishing the feeling of her slippery wetness all over my thigh. "Miranda," I whispered, "I want to taste you." I thought maybe she had lost consciousness, as her body went limp underneath me and she let out a long, passionate sigh.

"Annie," she heaved, "no one's ever done that for me before."

"I don't know why. I bet you taste sweet," I said as I kissed my way slowly down her stomach until I was nestled between her legs. She moaned as I slipped my tongue in for a sample of her nectar. "Mmm, so nice," I cooed. Miranda was sweet, and tart, and a little tangy -- a nice mixture that was uniquely her.

"Oh, god, I had no idea what I've been missing!" she sang out. Miranda's reaction made me decide to make my explorations last as long as possible. I wanted to show her how good it could be. Plus, I was really enjoying the things that I could do to her with just my tongue. "Mmm," she moaned while wrapping her fingers in my hair.

"Is that good?" I asked.

"Mmm-hmm," was the answer I got.

"Show me what you like, Miranda. Use your hands to guide me."

She pressed firmly on the back of my head and I took that as an indication to lick more forcefully. I got plenty of good feedback as I felt her thighs beginning to quiver. She let up a little and I backed off slightly.

"Do you like fingers, baby?" I asked. Did I just call her baby? Shit! I was completely lost under Miranda's spell. I smiled a little. "Not a bad place to be," I thought.

"Ahh, yesss," she answered. Apparently she was just as mesmerized as I was.

I gently slid my index finger into the warm, moist confines of Miranda's entrance. It had been long enough that I had almost forgotten just how nice it felt to be exploring the inside of a woman. Miranda didn't seem to mind my explorations one bit. She was moving her hips in time with my gentle thrusts.

"You like that?" I asked.

"Mmm-hmm," she responded as she started guiding my mouth a little higher. I knew what she wanted, and I set to flicking my tongue across her nub a few times before pulling her between my lips with a bit of suction. I began slowly swirling my tongue around as I alternated between pulling in and letting go using the suction from my mouth.

Miranda really seemed to enjoy what I was doing for her. I didn't get a chance to ask, since I had my mouth full at the moment, but I thought maybe the way she was kicking her heels on the mattress might be a good indication that she was into it. And I was really taking pride in my work. Miranda had been so good to me and I had been wanting to do something nice for her for a while now. This was definitely nice!

The way Miranda responded to my touch was incredible and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have found her. I think Miranda felt pretty lucky too with the way she kept moaning my name. Soon her moaning gave way to urgent gasps. "Oh, Annie!" she cried as her trembling increased, "I think -- oh, god -- I think I'm gonna come!"

I reached up with my free hand and felt around until I found hers. We held onto each other tightly as her legs thrashed under me. "Oh, god!" she sang out. "Oh, god! Annieeee! Yes! Yes! Yes! Ohhhh!" Miranda had my fingers clutched in a death-grip as we rode out her orgasm together. "Mmm," she let out as she eased back down.

"Annie, that was incredible!" she announced. "You have got to let me do that for you."

"A little later, baby," I said. Damn, I did it again! -- called her baby. "Right now I'd just like to hold you if that's alright."

Apparently she thought that was OK, because she let out a contented little sigh as her body melted into mine. "Thank you, Annie," she said after we lay there spooning for some time. The sun was going down and the air was getting cooler, so I reached over and pulled a blanket on top of us.

"So, Miranda," I asked after a while, "what's next for us?"

"I don't know yet, Annie," she said perking up a bit, "but I'm thinking tomorrow we should probably formulate our business plan, get the paperwork started on the license, and maybe go look at some properties."

"Miranda, you're really killing the mood here," I teased and kissed the back of her neck.

She just giggled and replied, "Don't worry, Annie, that'll be much later in the morning. First, I'm going get up and make you pancakes."

I smiled and hugged Miranda close to me. We held each other that way until the morning.


Eventually, Miranda and I had everything in order for our joint venture into the courier business. We even found a nice little storefront only a block away from my previous employer. Ironically, it was on the ground floor of a nice new condo building. Rent was high, but we made it work, and the business was expanding at a good pace. I managed to woo back some of the better clients from my old job and we even hired the grumpy old dispatcher. I'm a little worried about him though, his mood has been remarkably cheerful ever since he signed on with us.


Congratulations, you made it to the end! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Let me know in the comments.

Wax Philosophic

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THBGatoTHBGato6 days ago

See, here's where you're wrong:

"Unlike many of the other tales I have written, this one has a very slow build with a lot of sexual tension before getting to the good bits." The build up and sexual tension ARE the good bits! ;-) Not that there's anything wrong with the sex suene, far from it, but it's the flirtation - and Annie's inner control tower monologue - that really hooks us in. Great writing!

WaxPhilosophicWaxPhilosophicover 3 years agoAuthor

There's no sequel to this one, but I do have other stories in the same vein. Check my profile page where I have them categorized as Sweet Romance.

Cindy1001Cindy1001over 3 years ago

So warm and endearing a story! Lovely characters. Would love a sequel, if you have the inspiration.

Only_connectOnly_connectover 3 years ago

Such a cool story! Nice that you could vary your tone and evoke the 'hood girl's voice in the narration.

TheserialwaffleTheserialwafflealmost 4 years ago

a pleasure to read. nice characters, smooth story ,well written, kind people, sex great and the happy ending.WOW a very nice story , an example.

thank you and stay safe

Merry Christmas

BillyslateBillyslatealmost 4 years ago

Absolutely Delightful!!

This was an amazingly wonderful story to read and I intensely enjoyed the dialogue. These cute and sexy romance stories, with 1 or 2 sensual sex scenes are definitely my favorite reads. I hope that in the future you will offer more of these type stories, written in the 2-4 page range.

The Storyline, conversations and all other aspects of this brief love love story were just delightful & definitely 5*-Star Rated!!!!!

alexwatson62alexwatson62over 5 years ago
HERE WAS I ...........

........... thinking that I had read all your stories, so I have no idea how this one slipped me by.

A nice, sweet, simple tale, yet I have to wonder how many people have come together as partners with such a simple act of kindness as the loan of a bike (ok, maybe not such an expensive one, lol).

As for the "Annie to tower" internal monologue, I can actually envisage someone have an inner conversation with themselves in this fashion.

DeceptivedomainDeceptivedomainabout 7 years ago
Loved it

I always loved long stories that have a nice buildup. Though your story is not too long but still I love the way it's told actually. The pace is nice and easy and there's no rush, nothing extravagant, just a simple little love story. Hope you decide on next chapters, I would like to read more of them

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenabout 7 years ago
Very good story!

I truly enjoyed this story! thank you very much for sharing it with us!

RenataAsheRenataAsheabout 7 years ago

I've enjoyed this little story, brought a smile to my face.

jenorma2012jenorma2012about 7 years ago

I thought this series is much better than your other one, I really liked they way they went into business together, I guess fate had stepped in to make this happen

TrueMortTrueMortabout 7 years ago

I so totally loved this. Absolutely perfect story.

WaxPhilosophicWaxPhilosophicabout 7 years agoAuthor
Thank You

Wow! Apparently I hit the right combination with this story. This one has gotten more votes in just a few days than anything else I have written, and it still maintains a very high rating. This story was different than my usual style and I'm so glad that you guys like it. I had a great time getting to know Miranda and Annie! --WP

MaonaighMaonaighabout 7 years ago
Great, just great

A great little story, WP, I loved every word of it. It made me smile a lot, even made me chuckle several times. This is one of those Literotica stories that everyone should read just for sheer pleasure. Let's have a lot more like this one from you---I promise I'll read every one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
The King of Pop

Anybody else catch the references? Annie is listening to Michael Jackson in her room. Miranda keeps asking, "Annie are you OK?" and "Are you OK Annie?" Annie's bike is stolen by a very stealthy thief, a "smooth criminal" if you will. Ha! Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Loved it! I loved a slow, romantic story. Thanks.

JoyJoy4MeJoyJoy4Meabout 7 years ago

Yes! I thoroughly enjoyed this. I love happy endings.

farnorth69farnorth69about 7 years ago

one of my favorite reads to date

QRD23QRD23about 7 years ago
Love stories like this

I loved it!!!!

lesbearlesbearabout 7 years ago
Liked it

Nice build. The characters are fun. I would have liked some more sex, though.

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