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Spellbound Pt. 03


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"Adam, is this true? You would allow us to stay with you if Dad gets too out of sorts to remain home?" Jill asked in shock. She would have thought Adam would let their mother flap in the wind then help her out.

"What would they say if the next Sage couldn't or wouldn't house his... mother." Jill's face held a bit of sadness on it; she had the idea that they were working out their problems, that they were finally getting close like she had always hoped it would be. However, the tone of his voice told her he had only offered because of its optics, not out of some familial ties.

"It's okay, Jill, we'll get there; we just have to be patient," Amanda uttered in a motherly tone as she smiled at her daughter. "Adam?" she cooed, getting to her feet. Her eyes watched how he rolled his right hand as he stood with his back to her as he gazed at that little pillar of dirt. "Would you permit me into moving some items for the bedrooms in for the time being in case he does do something fiendish?"

"Very well, only the beds and a single dresser; you staying will not be permanent," Adam stated in a firm tone. Knowing that blow up with Edward and how calm he was handling it and offering them shelter from their difficulties would have the nobles leaning in his favor. Now all he had to do was ratchet it up some more. Edward wasn't at the tipping point yet. How he was going to love watching the man lose everything!

"Thank you, honey; I promise we won't impose on you if we are forced to flee our home," Amanda said in a sweet tone. "Don't stay there too long, Adam; there are other works to see to," she uttered before leading her daughter back into his manor. Looking back, arching an eyebrow at how her son waved his hand and fingers around the pillar and uttered something even she couldn't understand before slipping into his house.


"Only a day remains, Adam," Holly stated as she corrected his stance as she was teaching him a new spell from the Sage's grimoire.

"I know, Master," Adam answered, keeping his attention on the spell.

"Are you prepared?"

"Can't say, Master, only time will tell; I am as ready as I can be," Adam stated, moving a finger a certain way, bending another at a sharper angle as Holly oversaw his teachings. Feeling the wind ripping at his clothes as they stood on the stone balcony high on the spire that Holly has called home for the past twenty years. Seeing how she stepped away and gestured for him to cast the spell out into the sky before them. His chest was heaving as the magic left him on his fifth cast.

"What of your staff, have you been working on..." Holly's mouth snapped closed as her sea-green eyes ran down his staff when he returned it to its normal size. Her pride in her student showed in her eyes when she knew what those glowing lines meant. It meant her student had indeed mastered his staff. "Good, I was afraid you would be going into this fight with only half your staff mastered. I'm pleased to see that you can now unlock every magjol that lies stored within it. At least you should give Sage Bartholomew a run for his money. Yet..."

"I know Master, he has the experience I do not in elongating his magic usage," Adam said, peering over at her as he rested on the wooden bench.

"So, what's your plan of battle going into this?" Holly asked, leaning against the stone railing. Feeling her cheeks heat when his eyes fell on her stomach. "I know; it's strange for me too, Adam. But we'll make the most of it, won't we?" she asked, wondering if he was going to play a part in their child's life. "I know this life isn't one conducive in raising a child, yet we put our own lives on the line, just so they," waving out to the city, "don't ever have to lift a blade or staff against another. Nonetheless, we deserve to have the same joy everyone else has. I don't know if this will be my only child; I already love him or her; if I have more, I will love them all the same. I'm hoping you think so as well. You are the only one, minus the King, that can give me the family I hope for. I know we can never marry, can never date, can never be seen kissing...." Pushing off the railing, her red, on the verge of orange, hair lifted as her eyes drank in her student. Her hips swayed, remembering his touch on her skin in the ring of mushrooms. Holding out her hand to him, her fingers curled around his, smiling lovingly at the man who gave her, her greatest gift -- motherhood. Walking backwards as she guided Adam into her private rooms.

"In here, Adam, in here I can touch, I can taste, I can bask in your presence without a worry. In here, I will raise our children. In here, Adam," her voice took on a sultry feel as it grew deep in cadence, "here I can feel like a woman again, in here," guiding his hand along her chest, the curvature of her breast, the muscles of her stomach, the shape of her mons Venus, "in here, I make you mine," Holly growled in a ravenous need.

"To answer your question, Master," bringing up his right hand, "my plan for the fight is to start out with a bang," Adam uttered sinfully, closing the door with a flick of two of his fingers.


It was late in the afternoon that found Adam in the Royal garden. There was no rule against it; they might frown on it, he wasn't about to die, especially from mana drain. A death that was common in the last war, as the nations pushed their mages to the breaking point, a death that is akin to having your skin peeled off, fried in hot oil, and stitching it back on while it's dripping with hot oil, alive. Something he was not too keen on experiencing, yet he knew during the fight, in order to win it, he might have to push his body to that point. Yet there was a very brief window one could reverse that and come out alive. Adam just hoped the trapped Djinn would hear his wish. The light buzzing of wings caught his attention, looking for the natural flow of magjols in the air, hearing that giggle, some people call it cute; Adam, on the other hand, found it downright creepy. He had been waiting for her to return. Glancing down at the top of the fence post as two bottles of Fae nectar appeared in a shower of dust.

Nodding when she explained, given his size and amount of natural magjols within him, that all his three wishes from the only Djinn that would hear his request on short notice, in Djinn terms, were consumed to create the two bottles of nectar, each equivalent to his normal magjol count

"Adam? Who are you talking to?" Nodding, using his body to block her view so his friend could seek cover.

"What? Huh?" Adam muttered, playing it off like he didn't hear her.

"I asked who were you talking to?" Roselyn asked, eyeing curiously.

"Oh?! I was talking to my golems I created."

"Do what?"

"Well, since I can't leave the city and I have people constantly looking over my shoulder, present company excluded," getting a smile out of her, "I had them deliver my private messages to my grandparents along with other things I need for spell work that you can't find here," Adam lied.

"Oh, sorry, yeah, castle life does take some getting used to," Roselyn nodded, inviting him to join her side. "But I hear you'll be free of this place soon, with how your manor is coming along."

"Yeah, wasn't that into it at first, but now," looking around seeing just about everyone's eyes on him, "thinking of turning the third floor into a workshop of sorts," Adam muttered with a tap of his chin.

"Oh? Sounds... interesting; yes, I'm sure you can't practice casting in such confined spaces..." Her voice suddenly died off when her mind began to piece together the spells he would need to insure nothing broke free from the barrier that she knew he would place around the floor, "Now that I think about it, I very much would like to see this workshop of yours when you've completed it of course."

"When I return tomorrow, how about I escort you over."

"Would it be imposing on your hospitality if I asked Selene to meet us there?" Roselyn asked in a shy tone.

"Sure, actually, you'll be doing me a favor."

"Yes, I did sense the tension between the two of you. As long as you're sure," Roselyn said happily as he nodded.

"I'll have her get the front room prepared for entertaining guests." Adam huffed when Roselyn hugged him hard, knowing that was as far as she could go. "I'll be back, I promise." Were his last words to Roselyn as he was led to the room where he was to be sequestered until the time of the duel. A smile formed on her lips at how confident he sounded as he made preparations for the day after, like tomorrow wouldn't come.

"Hello, son, they let me in to have one last word with you." His mother's voice stilled him in his tracks as the chamber door closed in a bang. "I know you don't wish to speak with me about your life, as saddened as I am by that," rising her hands undoing the belt that held her wrap dress taut on her body, "yet allow me to give you something before you go off to meet your fate," Amanda said, pushing her dress from her shoulders, displaying her naked body to her son.

Chapter Six

The stench of smoke hung foul in the air. Taunts, shouts, explosions rained down on that small, floating island landmass as it hung unmoving in neutral territory. Where all duels took place, where countless bodies lay buried. While the victor went on to claim glory. It was no less deadly than as it was at that moment as Adam hid, waiting for his time to use his diversion so he could continue in building up the spell. While he could normally cast it without all the build-up, yet against an opponent like Bartholomew, he needed a little bit more of a focused blast. Which meant he had to keep the man distracted while he formed the circle of his spell.

Slipping off unseen to the next place of cover, keeping his eyes open. The man wouldn't know what was coming to greet him as Adam made it to the westerly point on the island. He didn't care what the nobles thought of his actions; they weren't the ones with their life in the balance. Wondering how his father would take it if he found out he had been fiddling with his storm tomes. It was what gave him the idea for his version of a lightning whip. He got three of the man's fingers with that move, which was why the man was screaming for his head at the moment. Turning the two trees into a trap for Bartholomew to give him time to get the spell ready. He knew the moment he saw the man; he couldn't win in a head-on fight. Bartholomew just had too much on him. However, if he could catch him unawares, then he would unleash the greatest spell in their grimoire. He knew it would take the man out, now if it killed him along with Bartholomew, that he couldn't say.

Spinning around, startled, as Bartholomew's voice filled the air. Creating an illusion of himself and sending it bounding loudly through the forest southward to the clearing. Calling his broom to him, smirking when the man was doing exactly like he hoped he would. Taking to the sky so he could get out of the blast zone.


"No, don't tell me, Adam, what... no, it can't be done," Holly mumbled and cursed as she watched on from the stadium where all duels in the city took place. "It's not too late to stop this, Adam!" Looking over when King Aragon touched her hand.

"What's the problem, Holly? Adam's about to win, aren't you..."

"You don't understand; even if he wins, he's still going to die. He doesn't have the magjols needed to cast that large of a spell without sacrificing his own life in doing so?!"

"What?!" Roselyn shouted, surging to her feet in shock and heartbreak as she looked back to the broadcast. "No! Adam!" she cried out as she was helpless to watch the death of her friend.


"Oh, blackness shrouded in light," Bartholomew huffed and puffed as he lumbered through the dense trees, "I beseech thee," stopping in his tracks as a red light shot up at him in his chase for vengeance, "a destructive force without equal! I am the alias of destruction incarnate," his eyes were all about as the wind began to pick up, his clothes were buffeted, fear crawled up his spine as the realization of what was happening dawned on him, "in accordance with the principles of all creation. Allow the spear of eternity to pierce the sky and rain justice upon the land. Cosmic Meteor!" Bartholomew chanced a look; his stomach fell out from under him as he stared up into space. All thought of the duel was thrown to the win as he raced to get off the island alive.

Cursing his King as the first thunderous impact shook the ground. Sliding on his heels in the loose dirt and falling onto his rear. His legs scrambled as the remains of the animated husks advanced. In the end, Bartholomew screamed like a little girl as he gazed up and saw his death.

A loud hush rippled through the crowd in a wave as all watched on in helplessness. Two lone voices cried out: 'Adam!' as the tax of using such a spell, given his magjols being drained from his body, came due. "No!" A horrific wail resounded throughout the stadium as Adam Bordun's body fell to the left and to his watery death. Elenore and Frank watched on from the rear of their shop, her teeth tearing at the cloth of her neckerchief in her worry as all they could do was watch the fate of their grandson play out before them.

His mind was adrift. His magic was all gone. The wind howled in his ears as he neared the end of his life. Suddenly his eyes snapped open as the face of his father flashed in his mind. Adam could have sworn he heard his father's voice encouraging him not to give up. Quickly reaching into his tunic, wrenching the cork free with his teeth, he downed the contents as quickly as it touched his lips. Flipping his body over, trying to keep his eyes open due to the rushing of wind. Feeling the nectar restoring his magjols.

"Al' tu chekler!" Adam's voice thundered like a breaking glacier as he thrust his hand out.

Thunderous cheers rang out in the stadium as all watched as that pillar of ice grew and grew. Roselyn and Selene danced in each other's arms. Holly's hands cupped her mouth, she had no idea how he did it, yet she was so very happy he was still alive. Aragon's fist thumped on his armrest, reaching over taking his wife's hand into his, feeling her worry just fading away. Jill and Amanda shouted in joy as the orbs that were sent to broadcast the duel circled around Adam as he stood alone on that pillar of ice. Both Edwards' paled at what they both witnessed; Edward Sr., because he knew Adam was going to kill him, he just had a feeling. Edward Jr. because he knew he could never match his brother and knew if he kept pushing his luck, he too would meet the same fate as Sage Bartholomew. Frank and Elenore were howling in joy at the sight of Adam. Holding each other tightly, knowing their son would have been so proud of Adam if Jason were still alive. All watched as Adam held out his hand; his broom soon filled it as the spatial portal opened in front of him. Blowing out a breath, steeling himself for what was to come next before stepping through the portal.

The moment Adam stepped out of that portal, his ears were filled with their roaring cheers. Waving to the crowd as their faces were lit with glee as his gaze ran over the cheering crowd of nobles. Waving especially to Skyler and Ryann when he spotted them in the crowd, which earned them looks from the surrounding nobles. He couldn't make out what Jill was saying to him over the noise, yet it was odd seeing his mother crying on his behalf as she wiped her tears away.

"Settle down, you rowdy lot!" King Aragon spoke in a joking light, getting a rolling chuckle out of the crowd. "We all witnessed what this fine man has done for this kingdom," looking back at his daughter, who was blushing hard, "what he will once again do for this kingdom when it's his time to take the reins of Sageship. Yet, let us not forget the cost of this victory, the loss of a life; of a man who was very honored among his people." A moment of silence drifted through the crowd as each expressed their remorse for the man's passing. "Now," Aragon's powerful, booming voice filled the air, "let's all give a round of applause for the Sage-in-waiting, for his grand performance in that fine duel." The beating of his hand on the railing of the Royal box was drowned out by the clapping of the hundreds of nobles in attendance. "Now, I am sure there are many people who wish to congratulate you on your victory, young Sage, yet the duties of the Sage never stop. So enjoy this moment and return to the castle so we might discuss future things." Smiling down at Adam when he bowed in understanding.

"Adam! Adam!" Jill shouted out, waving her arm for her brother to see as he floated upwards on his broom. Looking over at the touch on her shoulder, seeing the worry and the relief on her mother's face as Adam neared.

"What?" Adam spoke as he hovered in front of his sister.

"Very nicely done, Adam; I'm sure Sage Hawthorne is very pleased by how you've taken to your studies," Amanda praised, waving off Edward's grumbling. Knowing he's been doing everything in his power to tie her son to the fires that ruined the indigo field and cotton plantation he owned. She knew that was going to hurt Edward greatly, seeing how a quarter of his income came from those fields. She would admit she was getting great joy from watching Adam humiliate him. More so when it was Edward's own doing that caused said humiliation in the first place. Recounting how Adam had her pinned against the wall of that room, thrusting that hard rod into her. Making her pussy wetter than she could imagine at the thought of the guards overhearing them. Loving how her pussy felt cumming on his cock as her son took her, and took her again, sucking on her lower lip, she did enjoy being her son's slut. And now, with this win, she knew her son would reach heights that Edward could never achieve.

"I thought you were going to die?!" Jill exclaimed.

"Me too," Adam admitted.

"You... how?" Jill stammered at the realization that Adam had gone into it, knowing he would die regardless.

"Trade secret," Adam said coyly.

"We must have a feast! We need to celebrate this victory," Amanda uttered with a firm nod.

"What were you thinking?" Jill asked, instantly hooked.

"Well, Warrenton manor is still in no shape to house such a grand party for one such as thee," gesturing to her son who peered at her oddly, "our manor will just have to do, after all, Edward would be thrilled in hosting a party for his esteemed step-son, won't you Edward?" Amanda asked, turning to him, putting Edward on the spot.

Edward glared at his wife, knowing full well if he said no, all of the nobility would question the lies they had told them. He had already heard some snickering about him going on when he would visit the tavern where most nobles go to do business and have some good wine while doing it. He knew if he said no, the contacts he had would dry up, his goods would be left to rot, and soon he would be penniless. Something he was sure Adam would have a hand in, yet he couldn't prove his involvement as much as that infuriated him.

"Of course, dear, it would be an honor for House Mortanhouse to host this event. Such a remarkable feat given his upbringing," Edward stated, taking a jab at Adam's father as he tugged at the lapels of his suit jacket. "I knew if we pushed him hard enough, he could do..." His voice died away when those pale blue eyes fell on him.

"What was that, little noble? I didn't quite make that out; I might still have ringing in my ears due to the explosions. It sounded like you helped to teach me; when was this exactly, hmm?" Adam hummed. "As I recall, you shipped me off to boarding school since I would rather not see that..." Gesturing to Edward's face, smiling cruelly at how red Edward was getting, "every single day of my life. How she puts up with it is beyond me."


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