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Starburst Eleven Cornerstone

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He hypnotized a young hottie. What could possibly go wrong?
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"HI Kell."

"Hi Mr. Lieberman."

"Kell, I've told you to call me Reg, not Mr. Lieberman."

"Well, that's how I think of you, Janie's dad or Mr. Lieberman."

"Sounds like you need a new way to think of me then. Starburst Eleven Cornerstone. Now suck my dick you little whore."

Kelli dropped to her knees and hungrily gobbled his cock. Even hypnotized she could suck dick better than anyone he knew. He was never going to get tired of this.

It had become his new habit, to stop over here and get a blow job, then zip up and drive home. It didn't seem like it would ever happen in the beginning though. He remembered...

-About a year ago-

She looked just as good as he expected. No bra, pokey little nipples just begging for a twist. He had tried being subtle, being bold, and still she sidestepped his advances. Sure he's married. Sure he's twice her age. That doesn't mean she shouldn't fuck him.

He had wanted her for a looooong time. She used to come over for sleepovers and Reg would watch her bounce around the house in a t-shirt and panties and he knew good and damn well she knew he was watching her. She liked the attention and she didn't care about the boner she caused. He whacked off more than a few times thinking of her tight little ass and what he'd do to it.

She still plays hard to get, flirting and teasing him unmercifully when he went to her office. Her dad owned a company he did business with so he saw her about once a week. She would sit there, dangling her Louboutins absent-mindedly while he ogled her from the corner of his eye. He would love to slip off that pointy little shoe and give those toes the loving they needed and then he would...

"Anything to drink sir?"

The waiter gave him a great idea. Let's start things with some alcohol.

"It's from the gentleman in the corner."

Kelli looked for a familiar face but didn't see one or anyone waving. She looked suspiciously at the drink.

"I poured it." the waiter said, sensing her concern.

Kelli was used to drinking free so it was no big deal. When you're this hot it's simple to get the poor fools to buy you things. She threw back the shot and placed the glass back on the table. Not too bad.

It was a full house at the comedy club. This hypnotist always drew a crowd. He would make them do the funniest things. She wasn't sure if it was a gag or not, but one way or the other, it was funny.

It was a little bit of a surprise when he called her on stage. Usually he asks for volunteers but she figured she looked so hot he wanted to flirt with her or use her to get catcalls and whistles from the guys in the audience.

She arched her back and gave her hips some extra roll when she went on stage. It never hurts to excite the boys.

"Ok, you can go back to your chair now."

Kelli looked around and saw the crowd staring back at her. She guessed it didn't work. She ambled back to her seat. She watched a few others go up there and had fun seeing them act like fools. She couldn't shake the feeling she had missed something though.

"Eight hundred, nine, one thousand." the hypnotist counted out loud. "Don't forget, this was a deposit. If you want to keep her under control, you'll need to renew your 'subscription" each year." Reg had no problem with that. He was sure he'd get his money's worth out of her.

The club closed at 2 a.m. and Kelli wasn't surprised to see a guy coming her way. Oh well, let's see what he has to offer. The figure got a little closer and she recognized one of her dad's clients coming over to say hi.

"Hello Kelli."

"Hi uh..."

"Reg, Reg Lieberman."

"Yes, I remember. It's nice to see you Mr. Lieberman." She had been friends with his daughter way back when. He was creepy then and he was still creepy.

"Reg, Reg please."

"Ok. Reg." and Kelli gave him a sparkling smile. It's fun to give the old guys a boner and send them home with it. Mama ain't gonna play when he comes in all drunk and horny, so she knew he was going to be jacking off thinking of her tonight.

"I'll tell Dad I saw you." and she turned to leave.

"Oh Kelli, one last thing?"


"Why don't you come out to my car and suck my dick?"

The shock on her face was hilarious. How could she have misjudged him so completely? Sure he stared at her all the time, but normally he stopped there.

Time to nip this in the bud.

"You are one sick fuck to think you can talk to me that way or that I'd ever, on my worst day, want to suck your tiny..."

"Starburst Eleven Cornerstone."

Kelli's torrent of hateful words quickly faded to silence as Reg spoke those words. He had a huge smile when he saw the results.

"Follow me." Reg was rewarded with the sound of obedient little footsteps behind him. But that's just where the rewards began.

Reg had to remember to let her up for air sometimes. She might keep sucking his dick until she choked otherwise. Her fucking hot blond hair was spread across his lap as her whore mouth worked on his cock. This bitch is one great cocksucker.

He imagined her practicing it in a hundred back seats. The thought of her youthful body being felt up in some dark car sent him over the top. Cum gushed out of his hard cock and she drank every drop. That was an orgasm unlike any he had had for a long time. Reg gently pulled her head away from his cock. "That's enough."

Kelli woke up the next morning with an awful taste in her mouth. She couldn't' remember brushing her teeth when she came in last night though. That's what she gets for drinking so much and staying out late. Yuck, what did she drink?

-Back to the present-

Kelli woke up and looked at the time. Dammit, she fell asleep again! Someone was supposed to come by at the end of the day but she couldn't remember who. They must not have come after all or they would have woken her up.

She never used to fall asleep at work. She would count the minutes or leave early if she got a chance. This was the 3rd time this week that she had woken up and found it was 5:30 or 6:00.

Ugh, she had that awful taste in her mouth again. She thought she ought to make an appointment with the dentist because she must have a cavity or something.

-The next week-

"Son of a..."

6:12p.m. Kelli grabbed her purse and stood to leave. After the weird week she had last week, she determined there was no way she would let that happen again. This morning, she set an alarm for 5:00 to wake her if she did fall asleep at work, but she must have slept through it.

When she stood, she lost her balance slightly and fell back into the chair. She must have been sitting in a wrong position or something because her hips ached. She felt like she had been doing the splits.

And there it is again. She was as wet as she could be. She figured she was having sex dreams because her panties would be soaked after each of these naps. But how could a dream excite her that much but leave her with no memory of it?

Kelli blinked and sat still for a moment. She doesn't just feel wet, her pussy hurts. She hooked up with a guy last night but he wasn't big enough to make her hurt the next day. What the fuck was going on? She couldn't very well make a Dr.'s appointment and tell him, "I'm waking up at work and my pussy is throbbing and soaked. What do you think that is?"

Kelli didn't even turn on the radio on the short drive home. She was thinking.

Kelli inhaled to try again. They still wouldn't button.

This pair of jeans had always been a little tight, but in a good way. The way that makes her ass look like a million dollars. Maybe her mom had dried them on high heat for too long or something. Kelli's bottom lip poked out in a pout. Why do terrible things always happen to her?

She was in a hurry since she took longer to dress, so she skipped breakfast. She didn't miss it too much because her stomach felt funny.

-A few days later-

Kelli pulled her hair back as her stomach convulsed again. How could there be anything left in there? She must have caught a bug or eaten something that was bad. She was puking her guts out this morning.

"Well, there's no way in hell I'm going to work today." she thought and headed back to bed. She sent her dad a short text telling him. He wouldn't care, she always took off a few days each month if she felt bad, was bored, hungover, etc... He spoiled her but loved his Princess.

"Kelli, it's been a week! I need you to help." Kelli wiped her tears and looked at her dad standing in her bedroom doorway. Why in the hell was he bothering her at 8 am? She had called in sick all week and he was pissed off. Couldn't he see she was sick as a dog?

She went back to crying and he sighed loudly and shut the door. He muttered in his particular blend of Yiddish and Hindi but anyone who saw him would understand his emotion. Frustration.

More clothes wouldn't fit. Kelli looked down at her stomach and it did look swollen. It has to be some kind of weird stomach flu making her bloated. Whether she feels like it or not, she'll need to go to the Dr. today.

His face was flushed and he had difficulty looking her in the eyes, "Umm Kelli, I know what is wrong now. You're pregnant." The word seemed to echo around the room before fading away.

"I can't be!" Kelli blurted but somehow inside she knew it was true as she pieced all the symptoms together.

"How could this happen?"

The Dr. looked uncomfortable and opened his mouth to reply but Kelli stopped him. "I mean, I know how this happens, but I always make guys use a condom."

"Well Kelli, a condom isn't 100% effective. I did run the test twice to make sure. I'll have the nurse give you some literature and a prescription for prenatal vitamins."

"But I don't want to be pregnant!"

The Dr. started to reply but thought better of it. He had known Kelli for many years. In fact he had spent more than a few hours thinking about her. She would get in here and come up with some excuse to lose her top or bottoms and prance around getting him hard. He nearly lowered his mouth to a small hard nipple one day when it seemed so clear she was offering it, but he found some control he didn't know he had and stopped himself. He thought of the lucky guy who had fucked her and wondered what his life was going to be like now. Whoever it was, he just signed on for a super high-maintenance bitch. Foxy as hell, but whew, she's going to be expensive.

Kelli was thinking about the guy too, but she was having a hard time thinking who it could be. She ran down the list of her recent sexual situations and well, a few were fuzzy, but she was certain she had made them wear condoms. She bit her lip while she thought. Well, she did let a few of them do some "In and Out" where at the beginning they didn't wear a condom but if they were going to cum, she always made them bag it. There weren't that many recently who had gotten to fuck her though. Maybe 5-6 guys in the last month? Oh man, and they were NOT husband material either.

She thought of the pack of boring boys her mother had paraded before her. Good boys, eww. Kelli didn't even bother being nice any more. She would let them know how things were going to be and if they didn't want to play by her rules, seeya.

Most of them didn't even get that chance. She could look at them and tell. But if they looked hot and were rich, she at least gave them the option.

"Spoil me. Buy me anything I want. Do anything I say, and I get to do anything I want. Anything."

Surprisingly, some were more than ok with that. Pussies. She would let them buy her some nice things, but after a while, she stopped returning their calls. Maybe if one of them was really, REALLY rich she could put up with them?

Problem was, the guys that had fucked her recently weren't super rich. Two were friends with benefits, but the others were just guys with big bulges in their pants she had taken a liking to.

Umm, and a couple of them, well, she didn't really know their names or where to find them. Her head fell back against the seat. What was she going to do? What was she going to tell her parents?

Kelli had never seen him like this. He had swept the dishes off the table, crashing them to the floor. Her mother had screamed like a banshee and she continued wailing in that special way that only Jewish mothers can.

"How can you do this to me? Tell me who did this so I can kill him. I will kill him!" He clenched and unclenched his hands, wringing pain from his body but the reservoir was full. There would be no shortage of pain and anger around here. This would be the death of her mother, as she repeatedly told Kelli.

Kelli had pretty much decided it was the replacement UPS guy that was the dad. He took over when the regular guy had a sick day. Kelli had seen the outline of a big cock in his pants when she looked on the security camera and she decided to fuck him.

She buzzed him in and when he went to her desk to have her sign for the packages, she unzipped him. She wanted one more package and his was just right. They fucked pretty much every night that week. Odds were, he was the guy.

She decided she might as well leave since her parents were both being so unreasonable about things. She would go to the office and review the security tapes and see if she could get a clear picture of the guy. She could get someone at UPS to tell her who it was if she told them the day and had a general description.

Work was about 10 minutes away so it didn't take long to get there.

That motherfucker.

Kelli watched Reg fuck her doggy style over her desk. His old ass was white as a sheet and he was plowing into her. There was no sound on the video but each time it was clear; he said something that changed her mind. She would slap him or cuss at him with the ugliest face because something really pissed her off, and then he would say something and she would calm down and let him have his way.

That motherfucker. The night with the hypnotist... It all fell in place.

We'll see how this shit plays out. He's got a surprise coming.

"Mom, Dad, I don't want to keep it a secret any longer. The baby's father is Reg and he and I are in love. I want to marry him."

Her dad now just sat with his head in his hands. Reg was 20 years older than her. Reg was married. Reg was not a man of good character. But love is a fickle thing. Who knows what goes on in the heart of people to bring unlikely matches together? Stranger things have happened.

"Dad, will you go with me over to his house? I think I should tell his wife my side of things."

He agreed and before long they were parked in Reg's driveway. Reg's wife answered the door and smiled, but then she saw Kelli's red swollen eyes and the look on her dad's face.

"Is he dead?"

"No, no, no. Nothing like that." my dad assured her.

"Mrs. Leibowitz, I'm pregnant with Reg's baby. We didn't plan on it, and I didn't want to hurt you, but I want him to marry me and help me raise the baby. Your kids are grown and gone but mine needs a daddy. Please don't hate me."

The look on her face was a little bit of sympathy- I'm sure she saw Kelli as a naive little girl who was seduced- and a lot, a fucking lot of hatred. I'm guessing things weren't going that great with them anyway, but this was the kicker. She would be all too happy to divorce Reg.

Reg was a little surprised when he saw Kelli's car in his driveway. That increased to a lot surprised when he saw the group in his living room.

"Reg, I will marry you and let you raise our baby."

Her dad's tightly clenched fists and his bitch wife's gritted teeth told him all he needed to know about his options. What the fuck, so I ditch the old bitch for a new hot toy, it could be a lot worse.

"Stella, it's the right thing to do." he said to his wife.

Kelli was more than a little pissed when the letter requesting she submit to a paternity test arrived. Her parents understood when she told them she didn't want to see him until the wedding. He had hurt her feelings implying she might have been with another man. She had of course, but he didn't know that.

He was pissed because now he was out of pussy. His wife moved out and Kelli wasn't putting out any more. He wasn't even able to look at her at work any more. She told her dad that she would never work again.

It wasn't too hard to track down the hypnotist. When Kelli showed up with a couple of football linemen friends, he told her everything.

She was free from the hypnotic suggestion. That's going to be a nice little surprise on their honeymoon.

The wedding was beautiful but more than a few snarky comments were muttered. She was a glowing beautiful bride, although she was clearly pregnant, and much younger than him.

They all assumed he had taken advantage of her in some way. When she gave him a long lingering kiss at the altar, a few of the scowls changed to smiles. It's an odd couple but she seems to love him. They didn't know that Kelli had in mind.

Reg found himself instantly hard when they kissed. A couple of months of nothing but porn had really taken it's toll on him. He was going to fuck the hell out of her tonight.

The ride to the resort was short, although with the silence it seemed longer. He understood she was upset with him over the paternity test but he would change her attitude soon enough.

Kelli insisted on wearing her bridal gown in the car and through the hotel. I guess she's proud of being married to me, he thought. The bellboy was giving her the eye but Reg thought, "Good luck buddy, I've got this one wrapped up."

"I've got the tip." Kelly said when they approached their room. It seemed a little weird to tip him in the hallway but it was nothing Reg thought twice about.

Well, until she went down on her knees and unzipped the bellboy. He had that swimmer physique with a lean tanned body and she was dying to see his cock.

It surprised the bellboy too. It wasn't the first time a guest had used him, but never in the hallway, AND she was still wearing her wedding dress.

Reg started to sputter an objection but instead, he used his secret weapon.

"Starburst eleven cornerstone! Starburst eleven cornerstone! Starburst eleven cornerstone!" he cried frantically.

She wasn't stopping! She had the bellboy's fat cock in her mouth, and he had to stop that. Maybe he was saying it wrong. It had been a while since he had used the trigger words.

"Starburst cornerstone eleven. Umm cornerstone eleven starburst. Starburst twelve cornerstone..." Why wasn't this working?

Kelli took the swollen and stiff cock from her mouth and motioned toward the bedroom with her head. The bellboy started to walk in but she stopped him and had him carry her into the room. That's what you do with brides. Reg followed dumbly.

The howls of sex filled the room and Reg could only watch from the side of the room. It didn't take long before he took his old cock out and masturbated. He was filled with shame as his wife fucked a stranger on their wedding night.

His softening dick twitched with a little life when he thought about it. The bellboy was slumped atop Kelli with a sheen of sweat covering him. Reg remembered that trained mouth and tight pussy. He knew why the bellboy was exhausted.

Kelli smiled sweetly at the bellboy when he gathered his clothes to leave. "Hey, why don't you find a few friends and come back to see me later?" The bellboy smiled, for a pregnant girl, she had rocked his world. He was going to fuck her every way and every chance he got.

"Oh, and will you punch that old bastard on the way out for me?" Her sweet tone and calm demeanor made the words impossible for Reg's dazed mind to understand until the hard crush of the bellboy's fist sounded against Reg's jaw. He hit the floor hard.

"Thanks babe."

Reg sat in silence waiting for his head to clear and hoping to avoid another punch.

The door closed and Reg turned his eyes toward Kelli.


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