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Starr Summer Academy

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A new teacher is initiated by faculty and students.
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Faculty Initiation

Dr. Saunders, please report to the activity hall this evening at 6:00, sharp. Dress professionally.That is all it said. But nevertheless I read and re-read that note over and over again. It made me scared but at the same time both nervous and excited. Slowly I folded the note and put it in my jeans pocket and looked over at Margie the executive assistant. She was looking at me with a smirk on her face. I blushed. I stammered a "see you later," as she called after me, "have fun." I returned to my empty classroom and waited. Still feeling nervous. I pulled the note out and read it again. I sighed and leaned back and closed my eyes. How in the world did I get here?


My name is Abigail Saunders. I am 38 and I am full professor at a major university, holding a Ph.D. in history. My personal life is much more complex. My husband and I have a very open and trusting relationship, but we have also had times of estrangement. And this was one of those times. He moved out last February and left me with our 4 wild children. My sister helps me out a lot, but still it was hard with young children. Sexually Greg and I were at one time very open and my sister Rachel and her husband, John, had joined us on many occasions. But children have a way of putting a damper on that kind of thing. And while we tried to keep up with our social activities we found it harder and harder. This is why Gregg finally decided he needed a break. Of course he left me with all the responsibilities. So by the end of March I was feeling depressed and stressed and unwanted.

That is when my colleague, best friend, and secret lover, Hannah, appeared one day in my office with an envelope. She handed it to me. "You should do this." What is it I asked. "You'll see, I think it is just what you need." It was information and an application to teach at Starr Academy for the summer. They needed a history teacher. I read through the material that afternoon. Starr was located on an island in the Carribean and it was a place for over-achieving college age students to come, pursue their academic interests, and to also learn to have some fun. The wide variety of pictures in the brochure showed students and teachers dressed casually, in bathing suits and in some cases partially naked. Some of the pictures were in class, on the beach and some playing sports. One picture that really caught my eye was a picture of one of the female teachers in class teaching topless.

The more I read, the more I realized that part of what was unique about this place was it's relaxed attitude about sex. These students, both young men and women, mostly Americans and Canadians, but from other places in the world, had spent so much time in books that they had never had any relationships or social life at all, much less any sexual experiences. This place sought to provide this for them. And they wanted faculty who were not only qualified to teach and open minded, but also who would participate in the activities, which I discovered ran the gamut from simple nudity and mutual masturbation to bondage, spanking and domination games.

Hannah was right, this was just what I needed. I had had a really active sexual life when I was young and Gregg and I had had some wild times. But in the last few years that had seemed to disappear. This opportunity might be just the thing for me. I pulled out the application. It was pretty standard until I got to section 3. This section had a note that if the questions in the section caused discomfort then you should stop and not apply. I turned the page. "Are you a virgin?" No, definitely not. "Are you straight, gay, bi or trans?" Bi-sexual. "Are you uncomfortable with nudity, your own or others around you?" Not at all – I like being naked and being around naked people. And it went on asking me to check off experiences I had had and to describe various sexual events in my life. I really enjoyed writing out these essays in detail. By the time I was finished I was tingling with excitement and my pussy had gotten so wet it had caused a spot. I had pulled a towel out of the drawer, lifted my skirt, removed my panties and fingered myself to orgasm right there at my desk. Finally it asked me to sign a commitment to confidentiality and to include a several pictures, a professional head shot, full body dressed casual, and a completely naked picture, also full body. I complied, had sent off the application and the pictures and waited.

During the time I was waiting to hear back I got in touch with both Greg and Rachel and found that they were both very supportive and willing to take the children during the 6 weeks I would need to be gone. Greg even suggested that maybe at the end of it he might join me and we could have some private time alone and away – just the two of us. This was a wonderful idea and I was very excited when I finally received notice that they were interested in me. There was one more step. The Headmaster, director Dr. Moody required an interview. He sent a number and I was to use Skype. At the appointed time I called and he answered right away. There were couple other participants he told me and he slowly got the others online with me. There was Dr. Moody who was an older man, but very elegant looking; his Executive Assistant, Margie, a woman in her 50's; Dr. Karen Speer , a Math professor in her mid-40's and finally a young graduate student by the name of Todd, who had been a student and staff member, but who would not be returning this year.

The interview began with the usual pleasantries and introductions and then it went the normal course for a while. They asked me to describe my teaching style, discuss my research, what courses did I teach and what courses would I teach for them and so forth. Could I teach a class that did not require much homework, they asked. (That was in interesting question, I thought!) Slowly the questions began to get more intimate. They asked why I wanted to come to Starr and I told them the truth about Gregg and my need to re-connect with myself in a variety of ways. They asked about my sexual experiences, when I had started, when I lost my virginity and so forth. They asked about bondage, spanking and other activities. I answered all of their questions in a very matter of fact way, trying not to act flustered. They asked me to describe one of my most memorable and exciting sexual experiences. I told them about the special wedding reception when Gregg and I got married.

Then they asked me if I had ever had sex with a student. I turned white and hesitated. Dr. Speer quickly sought to put me at ease. "We are not judging you, Abi. We have all had sex with students and teachers, we just want to know about your experiences. So, I told them then the secret I had not shared with anyone. That is that during Gregg's absence I had had an affair with a female graduate student. It only lasted a few months and then she broke it off. Everyone nodded in approval.

"Is that all?" Asked Dr. Moody.

"Well, yes. I have tried to be very professional at school and also very careful."

Then Todd asked, "Abi, do you masturbate at school? In your office, the bathroom or even in class?"

I blushed. "Well.... Yes I have. I have masturbated in all three places. In fact, I keep a towel here in my desk just in case the mood strikes."

"Lovely," squealed Margie. "Has this experience, answering these intimate questions and so on gotten you a little aroused."

"Well..." I blushed again... "Yes, a little."

"Good" said Karen. "Let's see."

I wasn't sure I understood. I hesitated and looked at them questioningly.

Todd answered, "Please remove all of your clothes for us and then move your camera around your body so we can see everything..."

"We especially want to see if your pussy is wet, dear," chimed in Margie.

I stood and slowly I ran my hands over my body. I had worn a very nice professional suit for the interview. I began by removing my jacket. The silk blouse and the slacks really accentuated my curves and everyone expressed delight with how sharp I looked. I then moved my trembling hands to the buttons on the blouse and slowly one by one I unbuttoned it. I pulled the blouse from the slacks and then removed it now standing in my white lace bra. I next unbuttoned the button on the slacks, unzipped them and pushed them off of my hips then I removed them.

"Turn around," said Dr. Moody. I turned around in my white panties and bra.

I paused for a moment and then I unclasped the bra and removed it. My small but saggy breasts now were visible as I bent over to remove my panties.

I was naked. They asked me to present to them every part of my body beginning with my mouth, then my neck and each breast, tummy, my pussy and then my ass. They even asked me to turn around and bend over and open my ass for them. I did as they asked. Then they told me to masturbate for them.

So, after placing the towel on the chair I sat and spread my legs and begin to rub myself with my fingers. I had not gotten very far when I heard Dr. Speer say, "Abi that is wonderful. I think you will be a wonderful addition to our faculty."

The others agreed and I noticed that each of them seemed to be playing with themselves as well. The interview was then ended. I couldn't stop there so I continued to masturbate at my desk. As I fingered myself another call came in on Skype. I answered it. It was Karen Speer.

"I didn't want to leave you in that state. So I thought I would join you and we could get off together." She stepped back away from the computer and I saw that she was naked. Her large, saggy breasts were hanging low and she was very hairy. But she sat and spread and together we masturbated until we both came hard.

"I can't wait to do that with you in person," she said right before she signed off. As I dressed to go home I thought to myself that this would certainly be an interesting summer.


So the time finally came. I said goodbye to everyone, boarded the plane and was off to the Carribean for my first summer at Starr Academy. I was very nervous and very excited. Two students met me at the airport. One was young Jamaican student named Christopher with beautiful dark skin who was an undergraduate physics major. The other was a pretty little blonde with ivory skin named Cathy who was a history major. They were very friendly on the trip and they told me all about themselves. I found Christopher to be a very assertive and attractive young man. In fact, Cathy was very deferential to him and by the end of the trip I too found myself being deferential. He took it in stride and seemed to enjoy giving orders. It all seemed so normal, until after they had moved me in. As they said goodbye Cathy gave be a deep, sensuous kiss and gently ran her hand over my body. I slipped my hand over her ass. Then Christopher also kissed me deep and took obvious liberties with my body, feeling me all over – my breasts, between my legs, over my ass. I could feel his cock as he held me tight. I was about to melt when he slapped my ass hard and they giggled and were gone.

As I stood there, breathless, trembling and tingling there was a knock on the door. It was Karen Speer. And after another deep lingering kiss and gentle fondling she volunteered to give me a tour. That was a great idea. She was wearing a one- piece bathing suit and insisted I put on my bikini. She watched me as I changed into it and then we set out. Not all of the students had yet arrived but many had and there were lots of happy greetings and kisses and fondling to go with it. As I would be introduced the students would all kiss me deep and we would feel each other's bodies.

Next, we arrived at the activity hall that was set up for the rush of registration scheduled to take place tomorrow. On all of the walls were the pictures of the faculty and the staff and students. For each person there was the full body clothed picture with the full body nude right next to it. She took me around to all of the pictures and pointed out different colleagues and students. I was interested to see pictures of Christopher and Cathy and I wasn't disappointed. Cathy was a beautiful little wisp of a girl, with long blonde hair, completely shaved and tiny breasts, but Christopher was very handsome with a very nice sized cock. I also saw the pictures of Margie, who was rather dumpy and overweight, but who had nice large breasts and a nice mat of pubic hair. Finally we made our way back to the faculty cabins stopping along the way to kiss and fondle each other. By the time we got to my cabin her one piece bathing suit was half off and her breasts were exposed and my suit was completely gone and I was naked. We then finished the evening in each other's arms. It was a sweet way to end a very sweet day.

And so we were under way, beginning classes on Monday and it was that Wednesday I had received the order to report at 6:00. I had actually felt a little self-conscious and had not exposed myself yet as many of the students and other faculty were doing. But, I had a feeling that was to change this evening. As I thought about all of that was possibly in store for me I realized that my pussy had again leaked so much that I now had a spot on my jean shorts. I opened the drawer of my desk and pulled out a towel, put it on the chair and unclasped my shorts and unzipped them. I pulled them off and then took off my very wet panties and stuffed them into my purse. I sat on the towel and opened my legs while my hand played with my nipples over my t-shirt. With my other hand I moved my fingers between my legs and began to play with my pussy, rubbing my clit and fingering myself. Harder, faster and deeper I went. Pinching my nipples hard as I rubbed my pussy; then two fingers and my other hand to slap and rub my clitoris. Finally I came with a little scream and a shudder. I lay my head on the desk as the feeling subsided.

Clap, clap, clap.I looked up suddenly. There at the door stood Christopher. "That was very nice professor. Stand up please." I was so stunned I complied with his order without thinking. I stood. My hairy, wet and throbbing pussy was now on display to him. "Beautiful pussy, Dr. Saunders. But you better get cleaned up. Class will be here in 15 minutes. You could teach like that, but maybe it would be best to save that until later in the session. I will look forward to tonight even more than I already was." I stared at him and didn't move. "Push a finger back inside your pussy, professor." I did it, slowly. "Now take it out and lick your pussy juice off your finger." I pushed my finger into my mouth and sucked the juice off of it. It was, as always, intoxicating for me to taste myself. "Nice." And with that he left. I suddenly snapped out of my trance and quickly wiped myself with the towel and pull on my shorts, with no panties. Just as I put the towel in the drawer my class arrived. Still flustered, I tried to regain my composure and begin to teach.


Dress professionally.What did that mean, I wondered as I finished my shower and started to get dressed. Well, I suppose it means to dress as I do when I teach during the year. So I started to arrange myself as was my custom back at home. First, I started with a little make-up to hide the aging. I put my hair up into a bun, and I selected my nicest suit: A dark blue suit with a blazer, and a knee-length skirt. With that I chose a white silk blouse and underneath I wore a lace bra, matching panties and sheer pantyhose. To add a little flair I wore a scarf and chose a pair of heels, not too high though. I never wear heels to teach, but this was a special occasion, I thought. I looked at myself in the mirror. Still pretty, I thought. A bit older and worn, but the make-up covered up the stress and age that had come upon me especially during the last few months. Still, I was pretty.

There was a knock at the door. Who could that be, I wondered? I answered and it was Karen. Karen was in her late 50's but had been coming to Starr for almost 10 years. "I thought you might like a friend to walk with you to your first event."

I smiled, "That is sweet of you. I am nervous. I don't know what to expect."

"I can understand you would be nervous. I was too my first time. But don't worry, you will love it."

"But what will happen?"

"It's a surprise!" She giggled. "Here let me see you."

I turned for her as she looked me over. "You are beautiful. Do you wear heels to teach back home?"

"No, but I thought..."

"I think you should loose them. The idea is to strip all of the stress and pretention away. You need to present yourself as you are usually, so then the experience can help you re-discover that other wonderful part of you which has become hidden inside of you."

"OK." With that I went and grabbed my pumps from the closet. "I guess I am ready. Can I ask a question?"

"Sure honey."

"Who will be there? Will it be everyone?"

"Oh no," She said. "Select faculty and students. Only ones who have been here before and those who you have in your classes."

I did a quick calculation. Returning students in my classes, that would mean about 10 students, both men and women.

She stepped close and kissed me gently on the lips. "Don't be nervous, enjoy it. It was be wonderful. Oh and you know the safe word, right?"

"Oh, ah.... It is Waterloo."

"Right, if you say that word, everything comes to a grinding halt. But, I hope you won't feel you need to. No one ever has for my entire tenure here."

I smiled and looked at her. She was wearing a wrap-around dress of a sheer and colorful fabric. She had a flower in her hair and it was obvious to me that she was wearing nothing else. "You look beautiful." I said.

"Thanks, honey." She kissed me again. "Come on."

And with that we stepped out into the night air. It was humid but there was a nice breeze and the smell of the sea was in our nostrils. Karen and I held hands as we walked to the activity hall. There were torches lighting our way and other students milled about the grounds, going down to the beach. Some were in vaious states of nudity, some were partnered, some were heading to other events that were scheduled for the evening. As we approached the activity hall Dr. Moody was outside to greet me. Karen kissed me again and slipped inside.

"Are you all set?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I answered.

"Tonight's activities have been carefully put together on the basis of your application responses, your interview with the committee and with our conversations with some of your close associates, like your friend Hannah, your sister, Rachel and your husband, Gregg."

I was surprised. "You talked to Gregg?" I was surprised.

"Yes, he had only tender and loving things to say about you, Abi."

I could feel a tear glistening in my eye. "It will ruin my make-up," I thought. I shook my head to dispel the thoughts and feelings surrounding my husband.

Dr. Moody spoke again, "Sorry, that is a tender subject. Let me just say he is supportive of this event."

I didn't say anything.

"OK, take a moment and compose yourself and when you are ready I will lead you inside."

I took a deep breath and looked at him and smiled. "I am ready."

He offered me his arm and together we walked into the hall.

The first thing I noticed was that the lights were off, and there were torches and candles everywhere. I could see figures in the dark and hear the whispering of both men and women. I tried to see how many were milling about and it looked like there might be as many as 15. Not so many as I expected I thought.

Dr. Moody led me to the center of the room where there was a stool and where a spot light shown on the stool. As I entered the light, he backed away leaving me standing in the spotlight alone. The assembly applauded as I stood there and blushed waiting for instructions.


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