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Starting from Scratch Ep. 017: MANic MONDAY

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First day jitters for everyone but Piper.
6.9k words

Part 17 of the 178 part series

Updated 10/27/2021
Created 02/20/2020
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First day jitters for everyone but Piper. With an ass like hers you can understand why.


6:00 in the morning...

"Monday good to me. Monday morning it was all I hoped it would be..." Piper Cherry was singing along to the Mamas and the Papas on a local AM station there in Nashville as she got ready for her first day at work. Well rested even though her dog Rotten hogged her bed forcing her to relocate to the edge of her mattress. She just didn't have the heart to scold him and make him return to his own pet bed in the corner of her bedroom. It was wonderful feeling safe by having him back in her life now that she had moved from Atlanta to Nashville. Watching her apply make-up she casually snapped glances at her Rottweiler. "What? You don't like my singing?"

Rotten lowered his gaze to look over his brow as if saying, "I've heard better." She couldn't resist that sad face, taking a break to kneel in front of him and grip his cheeks. "Mommy's going to miss you today. I'll forgive you for not liking my range, I promise not to try out for The Voice. Is puppy hungry?" Her own tummy was growling at the mention of it.

Smelling something remarkably delicious she peaked a brow toward its source. "No way is Mace up this early to make breakfast." Standing up she straightened the skirt of her very short dress and found that her panties were uncomfortable creased up into her butt crack. Lifting the back of her skirt she frees the fabric from her captive crevice. "I really should just take the risk and go commando. It's not fair to dare Josie to go without and not follow through with our pact. I'll wear them to school to get started then take them off later and prove to her I did. My first day at Horton-Dexter I just want to make a good impression. Carl knows what I'm capable of already but the rest of the Teachers? Not quite yet. Today I make a few new friends."

As if a friend had been reading her mind a text pinged on her cellphone still charging on her dresser. Shuffling over to it while finishing her rouge she used the dressers mirror to see how her cheeks looked. "Moolah-la! I'm money in the sperm bank." She grimaces at her joke then looks down at Rotten tailing her. "You didn't hear that. Too masculine right?" She sighed, "Sometimes I just speak before I think." Whispering at Rotten she says, "Mommy doesn't have one of those." Strangely, she smelled eggs. "Is Mace really cooking this early?"

Plucking up her cell she took a stroll from her bedroom and followed the aroma. Rotten took off ahead of her to beat her to the kitchen. Sure enough her shirtless nephew Mace was sliding scrambled eggs from a skillet. "You know how to cook?"

"Morning Aunt Piper. Yes, Mom gave Monet and I lessons. Eggs benescrambled?"

"Weird!" She winced, "I was just thinking about..." She pauses to finish her words in thought, "...sperm banks and eggs. Now I been dicked." She giggled then noticed juice in a glass. "Oooo! OJ!" Change of subject was required.

"Nervous being this is your first day Counselling?" He asked moving to the toaster as toast popped up. "Sit!" He pointed at an island barstool. Instead Rotten sat down. It was too cute.

"I'll join you." She blew her dog a kiss. "This is very thoughtful of you Mace. Thank you."

"Just showing you I love you Auntie."

"Skip the Aunt part and just call me Piper already."

"Respect is all but okay. How about Hottie? Can I call you Hottie?"

"Surrrrrrrrrrre! I know it's true." She flipped her dirty blond hair feigning a blush. Taking her seat she slides her plate toward her, fork in wait. Mace lightly buttered her toast and passed it to her. "Yes, I'm nervous. To be honest I'm excited too. New people, new friends...shoot I didn't read my text." She opened it to see it was a note from Horton-Dexter's resident Art Teacher, "Awww! Mimi just wished me luck."

"Who's Mimi?"

"Art Teacher at the school. Petite little nerd, but really sweet. Cat lady I hear." She winks at Rotten, "Don't think I'm going to let you chase her kitties up a tree." Rotten woofed once but it was more because he wanted a bite of her vittles. Pinching a bit of her toast she shared it with his greedy appetite. Escaping his thievery she decided to text back with, "Thank you Button. Cute ass...I mean cute as. LOL!"

Across town Mimi received her text and laughed. Sure enough she was feeding her six cats. Fending them off with a brush roller knowing her soon to be put on outfit was going to be loaded with hair. Every day hell. At the moment she wore a knee level t-shirt with Mickey Mouse on the chest. Maybe she was Mimi Mouse, Minnie's long lost sister. Texting back while pouring dry cat food in a bowl to a hunger battle she answered, "I adore how you are so open. I look forward to working with you."

Nibbling her eggs benedict Piper replied with, "Same here. Especially when I give you a makeover. Trust me Miss Kitty." It was accompanied by an emoji sticking its tongue out at her, "See even he wants to French you." Piper was always over the top.

"Oh my goodness. I need a makeover?" She sent a blushing emoji.

"Sweetie you have a killer body and a gorgeous smile. You need to shine more is all. I wuvs you already so just trust the Counsellor. You're my first patient. LOL!" Technically not but let her feel special. Josie McKellen being her first, a girl named Megan at Horton-Dexter the second. Plenty more to come.

"I do trust you Piper. I'm just a simple girl though."

"Simple WOMAN." Piper spoke loudly in print, "You're an Artist right? Well so am I. I like sculpting. You're my first bust. A nice bust at that. Wink! Wink!"

"Thank you." Another blush emoji, "I need to get dressed."

"No pants. Wear a dress." Piper encouraged her. "Any dress for starters."

"I only have two dresses, those are for church. I'm used to tan pants and pullover shirts."

"Just wear a dress."

"Okay! I'm trusting you."

"Good! See you at 8:00? If I can recall where the Teacher's lounge is."

"Bye!" Conversation over with a waving emoji, Mimi Alexander shivered and went to her closet to decide which of her two dresses she should wear. One white, the other pale yellow with a white overlay blocking any cleavage. At 5 feet tall she appeared as cute as some of her more youthful students. Selecting the yellow she got dressed and brushed her teeth. Yellow matching pumps finished her attire. Stepping from her room her Grandmother now up and watching a cooking show noted her granddaughter's brightened spirit instantly.

"You look radiant."

"I feel radiant." Mimi swooped in and kissed her granny on the cheek, "Just trying something new." She steps back and performs a 360 in step for Evelyn Alexander. "See you this evening." Three footsteps toward the door and dodging cats she paused, "Lint roller." Snatching it up along with her car keys Mimi shot out of the house. Morning coffee from a drive thru Starbuck's a daily routine, she was off to a good start.


Next door to Piper at the McKellen residence, Josie McKellen was getting dressed herself choosing from borrowed dresses that Piper had loaned her. Undecided as to which one she found her husband Henry shuffling into the closet behind her. Just waking up himself he merely wanted to show his love by sneaking up from behind and wrapping his arms about her waist and kissing her neck. After an interesting early morning sexual romp outdoors they both yawned, but embraced the others emotions. Feeling Henry's dick sliding along her bare bottom she smiled. Mace's dick is up early..."MACE?" Josie flared her eyes at her mistaken lover. Henry's dick was nice too. "Why did I just think of Piper's nephew, before my own husband? Or, even my boyfriend Roman for that matter. Get a grip Josie." She turned to face Henry and kissed him hard. Back on track.

"You okay?" He winced as she lay her head on his chest sighing.

"Never better. I love you Henry."

"Love you too. Pretty awesome what we did last night. Front yard even, felt like we were teenagers again."

"It did." She pepped up, "We have to do that more often."

"As long as we don't keep getting interrupted by the neighbor's dog."

"It was funny." She wrinkled her nose, "Do you think Mace was watching us?" Her hunch was pretty certain but she needed a second opinion.

"You know he was." Henry chuckled, "What I wanna know is why did you feel the need to walk Mace home with the pooch. Naked at that."

"I know...I'm shameless. He had already seen me and Piper together the day he arrived in Nashville. I guess I just didn't let it bother me. I mean come on Henry, he saw Piper sitting on my face."

"I guess. Is that going to become a habit? You walking nude in front of him?"

"No. But, if things like that occur again I'm not going to scream and run away."

"Piper's in your head isn't she? Miss Nudist 2020."

"Teeny bit." She giggles sharing a measure between an index finger and her thumb. "I like being seen. Do you hate me?"

"Never! We agreed on our freedoms as long as we discuss it rationally. Like we're doing now."

"Yes, and I love you more now than ever. Thank you for...not kicking me to the curb."

"Long as you keep things legit between us I'm good."

"Same here. I need to get dressed for work. Can you drop the girls off at school so I can get there early."

"Roman?" She grits her teeth and that was all he needed to know, "Wear the black dress with red flowers. I've been picturing you in it since you brought them home."

"You read my mind. It's really short though."

"Carl going to send you home to change?"

"With Piper having my back? She's probably going to wear less than me." She pauses, "Well, maybe not." Right in front of Henry she slips the silky dress on without putting any underwear on and pulls it down for him to admire. "Like it?"

"Don't bend over." He chuckled, "Love it. Just don't get fired."

"I won't. Henry?"


"I'm not going to wear panties." He was about to question her omission.

"Seriously? With a skirt that short?"

"Piper dared me. She's doing it too. All year long we agreed."

"A good six months still. Alright! Do what you feel you need to."

"God I love you." She grew emotional and threw herself into his arms and kissed him harder than she had before. "I swear to you I'll grow old in your arms Henry."

"Just do me one favor?"

"Anything!" She says as he peels her away from him and takes her by the hand out into the bedroom for space. Turning her back to him he releases her and steps back four feet.

"Bend over and touch your toes."

Flaring her eyes she giggles and proves it by pinching her toes for balance. Her entire ass was in full view, her glistening clam nice and tight. For her age and being very sexually active even her labia was still well defined. Butt pucker winking she looked up at him from between her legs. "Should I drop things a lot today?"

"Jaws I'm sure." He chuckles. "Bring that sweet ass home fairly early tonight. Back yard?"

"Mmmm! Side yard? Maybe Darren will be watching."

"You're on." He moves in and rubs her ass before allowing her to stand up straight. She maintained her pose hoping that he might offer a bit more. Settling on his kneeling and eating her pussy from behind for all of ten seconds she fanned herself and stood up.

"You're going to make me late."

"Have Roman take my place. I'll resume that this evening."

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" She shivered with lustful eyes. "Can you see my nipples? No bra either."

"Not as easily, but yeah!" A ringtone over Josie's cell interrupted their playfulness as she goes to her bedside stand to see a text. "That Roman?" Henry grimaced.

"No, it's Piper. Just saying she just talked to Mimi. Art Teacher at Horton-Dexter. I introduced them Friday at her interview."

"Mimi? Munchkin Mimi? Mini Mimi?" He uses a palm to register the woman's short stature. "I recall her from the Parent Teacher conferences. Petite as all get out."

"She's beautiful Henry. She just hasn't realized her potential."

"True! I agree she does have a cuteness to her if she wasn't so nerdy looking. Get those glasses off her face and put her in a sexy bra and panties I might give her a whirl."

"I'll keep that in mind." Josie grins and winks at him.

"I was joking."

"I wasn't. Let me get out of here before I don't have time to..."

"...scream fuck me harder Roman?" He chuckles waving her on, "Go on...have your fun. I'll get the girls around and drop them off." A swift kiss he heads to his dresser to find a clean pair of underwear.

"Henry?" She looks back at him while standing to go get her heels. "Just a should try going commando more often yourself. I love this freedom."

Holding up a pair of his briefs he puckers, "Saves us laundry. Why not!" Tossing them back in the drawer he closes it. "You better sneak out before the girls see you whistling on the down low. They are NOT going to start doing that."

"We did just tell them to make their own decisions. While I agree with you they'd hold it against us if we told them they weren't allowed to be themselves."

"Right!" He thought suddenly of seeing his eldest daughter Dakota recently bending over with a similar bare bottom smile as her mother had shared with him minutes ago. "Guess we need to let them be."

"I'm gone."

"See you tonight."

Josie McKellen raced to the garage and got into her SUV. Backing out she saw Mace in the front yard walking Rotten. She nearly backed over their own mailbox admiring his shirtless physique. Catching herself and avoiding a collision she pulled up to the curb where Mace awaited Rotten to take a dump.

"Morning Mace." She smiled warmly.

"You look nice." He stepped closer to look inside her window at her cleavage, then down at her well tanned legs, her skirt allowing the tiniest peek at her inner thigh. She in turn leered over her door and down at his tented sweats.

"So does he. I have to go. Have a good day dog sitting." She left him smirking. Then he smelled the odor of crap.

"She said dog sitting, not dog shitting. Ugggggh!" Rotten merely pouted. While he picked up the dog's mess with a baggie Piper Cherry stepped out of her home and went to her own SUV.

"I should be home around 5:00. I've been given Detention duties at 4:00 for an hour, but that actually starts tomorrow. Still, I'm guessing it to be 5:00. Call or text me if you need anything."

"I got it covered. Have fun Piper."

"You too. I'll call Cable."

"Maybe I'll mow your yard."

"Need gas probably. New mower never been used. Ask Henry if he has any later, he works from home."

"Alright." He lets her go and watches her drive off. "Man alive! I wish my Teacher's had been able to wear dresses like Piper and Josie do. Wonder if I could sneak into school and pose as a new student?" He had to laugh, he had seen way too many movies.


Within the McKellen household...

"You girls about ready?" Henry strolled from his bedroom fully dressed, killing a few minutes prior by shaving his face. Sticking his head into Dakota's door he caught her in only black leggings, preparing to put on a button up shirt. No bra on he got a pleasant view of her breasts and shyly turned away, "Sorry, should have knockered...knocked."

"You're hilarious Daddy. It's okay I think we're past the embarrassment days after yesterday."

"Probably not, but I'll try and keep that in mind. I'll see you downstairs. Gonna not knock on Sable's door now." He chuckled and let Dakota button up. Halting in his tracks he turned back around to see her buttoning only the bottom three buttons, leaving the top two open. Her nipples were cresting high through the thin fabric of her red shirt. "You're going braless?"

"You and Mom said we can make our own decisions."

"Right! Grown ups...pop tart for breakfast?"

"Brown sugar cinnamon please."

"Got it." Stepping out mulling over her behavior he eased open Sable's door, thankfully she was fully dressed wearing jeans and a button down shirt also. While the top buttons were also allowing freedom upstairs he could at least see she was wearing a bra.

"Morning sweetheart. About ready?"

"As soon as I'm done texting Travis."

"You two are getting awful chummy of late. Not even bringing up your neighborhood streaking." He chuckled then bit his tongue.

"You know that wasn't intentional Daddy. Blame Knox Hardecker."

"Already dealt with Knox. Toasting pop tarts for breakfast. Want one?"

"Not hungry. Daddy? Can we give Travis a ride to school? His mom wanted to know if we could. I think...that guy is coming over."

"Does Kelly even have a job anymore?" Sable shrugs as Henry awaited an answer, "Sure! Tell him to meet us out front in ten minutes."

"Thank you Daddy."

"Yep!" He left her to tell her crush he had a ride.

Ten minutes later Henry and the girls met in the garage climbing into his SUV. Starting up he sat idle a bit and watched Dakota nibbling at her pop tart, she had shotgun up front to give Sable and Travis when he arrived the back seat alone. Eying her cleavage he grimaced, he could see about forty percent of her right tit. "Looks yummy." He makes conversation.

She smiled and offered him a bite of her pop tart. In doing so she dropped a crumb down her front and pouted. Digging into her blouse for it Henry caught a glimpse of her nipple as she unbuttoned a bit more to find her annoying invader. Once found she popped it in her mouth and sat there opened up until she finished her last bite. She merely looked at him without emotion.

Saved by the pervert...Travis ran up behind the SUV and opened the back drivers side door to climb in. "Thanks for the lift Mister McKellen. Mom says hi."

"How's Kelly doing since the other day?"

"She's been kind of quiet lately." Travis hooked his seatbelt up and smiled at Sable, "Hi."

"Hi." She blushed back. The eye contact was shy even though they had a decent rapport since their day behind the Herbert home trying to get inside to get clothing. The issue was simple, they really liked one another and just didn't know quite how to express their feelings. Watching them in his rearview mirror Henry understood, recalling when he and their Mother first started dating. It was a magical but awkward time in their lives.

Backing out of the garage slowly he prepped to close the overhead door when he heard a masculine voice yell out, "WAIT! Mister McKellen hold up." Braking just five feet from his garage he looked to his right past Dakota. Through her opened window he spotted Mace Belmont sprinting toward them across Piper's yard and into theirs. Seconds later he reaches Dakota's window and leans on it. Dakota smiling flirtatiously at Mace his brain went blank. Then he noticed her unbuttoned shirt and a large portion of her left breast. Henry scowled at the boys ill mannered checkout. Sadly, Henry couldn't blame the kid.

"What do you need Windu?"

"Windu?" Mace winced as Dakota helped out with her hands making it appear as if she were using a lightsaber, her goofy mimic of the blades energy sounds made him laugh, "Ohhh! Star Wars. Sorry to hold you up Sir. Aunt Piper wanted me to ask you if you had any gas for her lawnmower. I'm gonna mow the yard. I can mow yours too for the loan."

"Red gas can in the corner. It's about half full. I'll be back after I drop the girls at school."

"And, me." Travis waves geekily at Mace.

"Hey! Nice to meet ya...ummm?"

"Travis." He unhooks his seatbelt diving forward and leaning across Dakota to shake his hand, his eyes bulging at the girls cleavage. "Whoa!" Mace moved his hand right over her chest and both boys shook hands, dangerously close to her unbuttoned shirt. She flared her eyes and faintly squealed under her breath.

"The infamous Travis..." Mace winked at Dakota.

"Sit your ass down." Henry rolled his eyes, Travis quickly moving away to return to his seat. Mace chuckled at the insanely awkward situation.


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