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Story of Sissy Blackmail Ch. 01


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"I just needed a back up plan in case things didn't work out or you wanted to leave earlier. Plus, now I have you to watch forever. And its always good to have a video or two like that don't you think? In case you want something in the future. So where were we? Oh yeah you were about to beg for your master's cum, back to it and I'll keep this little home movie between us."

I thought about running, I thought about fighting, but most of all, and truthfully, I just thought about his cock and that cum I was craving now. So not seeing much choice, I went for it.

"Master, please-" and he cut me off.

"Hold on one second faggot." He reached over and grabbed his phone and began recording a second angle, one from the classic POV view, and said, "Okay slut, beg for master's cum right into the camera now like a good girl."

I sat on my knees at his feet, looking up at the camera with his cock only inches from my lips and said, "Please master, I have worked so hard for this cum. I loved sucking your cock it has been the best time of my life, so please let me get my reward at the end for worshiping your cock."

"Alright sissy get back to work doing the thing you were born to do."

I didn't take a second to rethink; I put his cock back in my mouth and began bobbing up and down on the cock with my hands behind my back. Feeling the softness of a cock like his, but somehow also so hard, sliding in and out of my wet lips was ecstasy. All the while I was doing this, I didn't have a care in the world that two cameras where watching this go down.

"That's it girl, I'm almost there. You've almost finished slut, keep working it, oh yeah, just like that."

Then, without warning, he pulled his cock out of my mouth, and began furiously stroking it, aiming it at my wide open mouth like I had seen lots of girls do in porn.

"Here is comes, take it slut, and swallow every fucking drop you faggot."

Then came the climax. His cum shot out fast, hard, and in large quantities. The first two large shots missed my mouth and coated my face in his warm cum. Then he placed the head of his cock on my tongue, and the next several strands of cum coated my tongue and the inside of my mouth. I handle it fairly well, and when he was done he removed his cock from my mouth and instructed that I swallow, all while pointing the camera at my cum covered face.

I swallowed the cum that was in my mouth, the taste was bitter, but something I could get used to, and then he stuck his cock back in my mouth unexpectedly and commanded that I clean.

I cleaned his cock for what felt like forever, until he removed it and threw me my towel to clean my face off. I did just that and then sat back down on the couch waiting for him to say anything. He sat at his desk, messing with the computer, then turned and looked at me.

"Here's the deal. I just sent an email to you containing both of the videos so you can see what I have on you. I have deleted these off my phone and computer completely, but I would love for you and I to come to an understanding. It's quite simple. I know your full name, email, and I can get a lot more in about 30 seconds. If you wish, you will send me back the two videos in email form, and you will become my sissy slave. Obviously, by giving me these videos back, you are okay with me blackmailing you into being my little bitch until I'm done with you. If not, then you will lose the privilege of worshiping my cock. When I say sissy slave, I mean you are on call, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to come and pleasure me how I see fit. The thing is, you get pleasure by giving me pleasure so I think you'll enjoy this arrangement as well. Since I know your kind, you will think you got off easy by me, but you'll get back to your room, and slowly but surely, you will begin craving my cock again. You may think you won't now, but soon, you will need my cock back in your mouth and my cum down your throat." He then stepped forward right in front of me, and instructed me to give his cock a goodbye kiss.

I was so horny, but ready to get out of there, that I leaned forward and placed an incredibly long goodbye kiss on his softening cock head, then looked up and nodded at him. I stood up, gathered my things expect my towel, and turned to him. He was holding my towel, which of course meant I was walking to my room like this.

I rolled my eyes to his pleasure, took a deep breath and opened the door...

To be continued...

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SuckergurlSuckergurlover 1 year ago

Lovely, please please please write some more ๐Ÿ’‹

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

More dressing total dressing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Hello babe, thanks for this. I read it on my tablet, on my knees leaning over the foot of my bed, wearing boots and thigh socks, a tight rubber bodysuit with the butt-thong pulling a dildo up my ass. Even now as I write this, I'm rocking my hips, the rubber strap clenched between my cheeks - working at the rubber dick inside of me, a chrome ring on my leather collar jingling as I buck and swoon to your words. Want to team up and blow some cocks and minds? :kiss:

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Wish there was more.

KRoyKRoyalmost 4 years ago

The idea of being blackmailed into committing to being a sissy for a master alpha male is hot. Would love to be put into that comprised position. Great story. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I Became a Sissy slut

I how you feel I was emailed a picture of me and him letting me suck it. He then called me and said me sold it to a porn site... How I loved it!

stories55stories55over 4 years ago
looking forward to more

imagine as it goes a little further Jenna grows reluctant again. Imagine her to get a spanking. They go to the communal shower together to be sure other see the red ass

caseyjordancaseyjordanabout 5 years ago

This is one of the hottest stories I've ever read! I wish I was Jenna!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I listened to the story while driving. Iโ€™m wearing a very small steel chastity cage and I love the feeling of how hard I tried to get inside the cage as I enjoyed listening to your story. Thank you very much

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
More please

Did Jenna have him put his Dick into ass?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Part two

One of the best, is part two still happening?

sissy_mendybellsissy_mendybellabout 7 years ago
Yes Yes Yes!!!!

Please give me part 2!!! i love this and dream of this being me some day. I am sissy mendybell and have fantasized about this for ever. i am married with a family but a secret cross dressing faggot also. please continue this story!

cdCindy1cdCindy1over 7 years ago
enjoyed this story

This story was very good and is something that I'd love to do. I'm a secret closet CD and I love sucking cock and getting fucked. I would love to get caught and have to admit that I'm a faggot cocksucker. Please tell more stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Mmmmmmmm !

Yummy story !

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