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Summer School Pt. 01 Ch. 02

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Tom must pass his classes; one way or another.
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Part 2 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/13/2018
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Hello you naughty girls and boys!

For those of you ready to settle in for a longer story I offer you this tale. It is about lessons learned and steps one must take to achieve a goal. It is also something of a favorite of mine. And there is a lot of naughtiness to enjoy. Many delicious themes will be covered and the cast is large. It is a story about Tom and his attendance of a very special summer school in which he must prove his worth to his teachers. Only then will he be able to gain access to his trust, which will assure him of a life of leisure and high society.

In Part One we find out how Tom landed himself in this very special Summer School. Tom and you the reader, get a taste of what's to come.

Please note the story I have listed for each chapter cover all 5 chapters of Part One. Chapter 1 is bereft of any sexual activity while providing information about our principle character and his motivations. Chapter 2 introduces the foot worship and foot kissing. Chapter 3 relates to spanking, caning, and whipping. Chapter 4 is again without any sexual encounters. And finally Chapter 5 sees some ass worship and ass kissing.

In Chapter 2 Tom starts making deals to pass his classes. What will be required of him?

All characters in the story are 18 years of age or older.


In the days that followed things didn't get any better. For one thing Mildred had nearly caught him with some booze and she was getting suspicious. It wasn't a big deal as far as he was concerned, but he knew Mildred wouldn't take it well, and then she would contact his parents, and at some point they would be upset at the loss of alcohol; and maybe that he had been drinking it.

If that happened, there would be a clearing out of the bar and new steps taken for security. And that would suck. It was pretty easy for him to manage a key to the liquor cabinet, and he felt he had been pretty careful up until this point. But if Mildred started snooping around and spying on him his personal bar might become closed. And who knew what it would take to break into the new hiding spot. Better not to lose the access he had.

And he had been hitting the bottles lately. And why not? Everything was going to hell. He needed a way to blow off some steam. The drinking was a small thing. It was everything else that was causing him to drink.

He had managed an appointment with an attorney. This wasn't so easy as they seemed hesitant to make an appointment with an eighteen year old. But when trust funds and wealth were mentioned he was able to get a face-to-face. But even so, there was no joy there. The attorney essentially agreed with everything the little man has said. And he also warned that without contacting his current lawyers he really couldn't get involved. So he was going to have to go through with this song and dance.

Then he thought Josephine would be a good way to unwind and forget about this nonsense. But she wasn't being too helpful either. She never was very smart and Tom had certainly gotten the best out of their relationship. In fact he thought a night of multiple blowjobs would relax his mind. After a lot of talking and arguing he got one, and it was a lousy one.

Now the little bitch was pestering him with all sorts of questions. She wanted to know what would happen after school. She wanted to know if he would always be there for her. She wanted some kind of proof that he loved her. She was even trying to get him to talk about marriage. Yeah, right. Was she nuts?

She was a nice piece of tail and he loved her tits. He also loved her on her knees using her mouth on him. He had already come up with several blowjob positions that he liked. But once he came into his money he could buy all sorts of women; better women. He could have multiple girls long term, and even have disposable ones on the side. Why the hell keep Josephine? He just wanted a summer of blowjobs from her and maybe get into that tight ass. And lately it seemed, she was fucking that up.

So then he had to square things at school. He had to meet with Ms. Rodriguez and Ms. Wechsbotham to get those grades fixed. Normally he'd just tell them to fuck off. But now he needed those grades. Good grades of course would help but he wasn't as worried about that. He knew those schools had leeway in their applications and he could persuade them with some sort of deal. But you just couldn't get into Harvard without so much as a GED.

So he decided to start with Ms. Rodriguez. He figured she'd be the easier of the two. Once he had that grade worked out, then he could face Ms. Wechsbotham. So he had arranged to meet Ms. Rodriguez after school, and he was just approaching the offices of the language teachers. What the hell did he really need Spanish for anyway? Surely any servants he had would be able to speak basic English. And he could always hire a translator.

He knocked on the door and he heard Ms. Rodriguez on the other side. She invited him in and he stepped inside closing the door behind him. She was finishing with some papers and asked him to have a seat. The office was shared by a few teachers and he could see another instructor in the corner tending to her own business. He would have much preferred to speak to her in private. This meeting wasn't off to a great start.

"So Tom, what can I do for you? I assume this meeting is about your grades in my class."

Well he wasn't here to get a recipe for tacos! He hated being in this position, but he just had to play nice for a little while and strike a deal. Yep, a little charm, a little dealing, and he could move on, and in a month's time it wouldn't matter.

"Yeah, about my grades, I'm sorry I haven't done as well, I'm sure my mind's just been on other things. But I thought we could review my tests and assignments and see if maybe I could gain a few points. I don't need an 'A' but I've got to pass this class."

"I'm sorry Tom, but let me get this straight. You don't pay attention in my class, you won't apply yourself, worse than that you're disruptive to my other students, And now that your grades are reflecting your poor behavior you think I need to review them and find these magical points because I failed to grade your papers properly? No Tom I'm afraid I can't do that for you."

Oh boy. She was really going to be a bitch about this. Well he'd just have to take care of business. He was going to get this done.

"Well you were the one who came to me about my failing grades. Surely you have some idea of how to pass me. I can't fail this class. What do you expect me to do?"

"Tom I expect you to apply yourself. I expect you to pay attention in class, do your homework, study at home, with a tutor if need be, and earn a passing grade. To which I might add that since I talked with you there have been two homework assignments to turn in and you didn't do either of them. You're worse off now than when I gave you that warning."

"So, what, you just want to see me fail? You're not willing to help out a student? Maybe I need to take this up with the Principal."

"Watch your attitude Tom. I was going to offer you some chances for extra credit, but if you can't even manage the last few regular assignments, then what's the point? And they were easy Tom. I was practically handing out bonus points with those."

"Okay, okay, I'll do some extra credit. What sort of options do I have?"

"Honestly Tom, I'm not inclined to offer you anything right now. You don't seem sincere in wanting to improve your grade. And as for a talk with the Principal, I think you'll find she's more on my side than yours."

Gee this was becoming a pain in the ass. And worse than that, the other instructor seemed to be paying a little more attention to the discussion they were having and less on the papers in front of her. It was time to bring this back under control.

"Come on Ms. Rodriguez. There's gotta be a way to work this out. Let me do some extra credit and we'll both be happy."

"I'll tell you what Tom; I'll give you some extra credit right now if you can translate these words for me: la mujer, su pierna, su pie, arrastrarse, besos, lamer, chupar."

Tom had no idea what any of those words meant. But the giggles he heard from the other teacher in the room, told him that she was listening in and it seemed there was some joke at Tom's expense. He thought about what he heard for a few seconds, really wanting to be able to show he knew what the joke was, but he couldn't come up with anything.

"No. I don't know what any of those words mean."

"No? How about 'Besame el trasero' or maybe 'Lamer el culo'?"

Now the intruding teacher giggled and gasped. This wasn't helping, and she had no business butting in. Tom needed to work out a deal with Ms. Rodriguez, not get laughed at by some teacher he didn't even know.

"Listen, can we talk about this privately?"

Ms. Rodriguez paused for a moment. Maybe she had her joke and could get back to the business at hand. A few silent seconds passed, and then she gathered up a few of her things.

"Okay Tom, let's take a walk down to the teacher's lounge. It should be empty by now, and we can lock the door."


On the way out Tom cast a glance at the back of the office. He just might have to find out who that teacher was and get back at her in some way. But for now he still had to seal a deal with Ms. Rodriguez.

They made their way to the lounge. Probably each thinking what they wanted from the current situation, and thus talk was all but absent. She directed him into the lounge and followed after him, closing the door behind her.

"We can sit over here."

She sat down on a couch and gestured to a nearby chair. Tom took a seat and waited a moment before getting back to the matter at hand. When it was clear she wasn't ready to begin, he took his cue to speak.

"So Ms. Rodriguez; what are my options for extra credit?"

She paused again before responding. She looked like she was weary of this discussion but that could mean that she was ready to cave. Tom waited to hear what she had to say. She looked at him once or twice before taking a deep breath.

"Well Tom, I'm still not sure if I should offer you anything. I just gave you a chance with basic words and phrases and you were completely lost. If I do come up with something how do I know I'm not wasting my time?"

"You're not wasting your time. I'm good for the work."

"But you clearly haven't been paying any attention in class. I don't think you can learn it all in just a couple of days. And you're going to have to spend some time studying for the final which will be hard enough for you without taking time away for another assignment."

"Ms. Rodriguez, there's gotta be something we can do."

"Well if you're willing to prove to me how sorry you are, that you really want my forgiveness for your poor behavior, and if you're willing to put in a little effort to make me happy...then maybe I can come up with something."

Ha! He had done it. He was going to pass this class. He just needed to find out what she wanted and get that over and done with. Finally something was going right.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to get on your knees and massage my feet."

Tom's jaw dropped and he sat there with his mouth open. He was unable to reply, unable to process what she had just said. She however, was not so affected and swung her legs up onto the couch facing him and gently kicked off her shoes, letting them fall to the carpet.

"What? What did you say?"

"I want you to get on your knees and massage my feet."

"You can't be serious."

"I am, and what's more I am seriously tired of you, and if I get up and walk out that door it's over. You will fail my class. At this point mathematically you can't pass without my help. So decide now. My feet are waiting."

It had to be a bluff. This was crazy. But Tom knew he had to pass that class. She didn't know just how important it was, but he had to pass. And he still had another class to fix. He most certainly had to pass one of them. Surely she was about to laugh the whole thing off. But she didn't laugh. In fact she was starting to sit up.

"Okay, okay, okay. I think this is a bit silly, but if this will settle the matter, then yes I will massage your feet."

"Then get busy."

He didn't care for her bossy tone. He told himself it wouldn't be that bad, that it was a small price to pay, and that this way it would all be over sooner. No homework, no papers, no research, just a few minutes rubbing her feet and it would all be over.

He moved from his chair onto the floor and put out his hands. Her feet were warm. They weren't small feet. Not that they were out of proportion or seemed gigantic, just that they weren't tiny girl's feet. They were women's feet, and they would take longer to massage.

He soon discovered that she wore toe rings, one on each foot. He would never have guessed that, but then he never had thought about her feet before. In his present condition, basic observations couldn't be helped. They were gold in color and he had the feeling that they were actually gold rings. Maybe just plated or low quality, but not just cheap costume jewelry.

He tried to work his thumbs into the soles, and made a few discoveries. One being that his thumb looked small in the middle of her foot. Another, that it took more strength in his thumb and hand than he would have thought to move the muscles in her foot.

"I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you haven't done this very often. Frankly you're not skilled enough to massage both feet at once. Use both your hands on one foot and get in there. Oh, and while you're at it, move in a little closer."

He moved his hands to one foot and shuffled closer. He didn't like her giving directions. He didn't like rubbing her feet. He kneaded her foot and began to notice the underside of her toes. He also found himself wondering how much she might have paid for that toe ring.

He continued to work her foot. There was more effort involved than he would have guessed. It wouldn't be long before his hands got tired. So much the better. The sooner this was over, the happier he would be.

"That's better. But you still need to come closer. You'll end up straining your arms as well as your hands."

How close could he get? Her foot was in his hands right in front of him. Still he shuffled forward again. And then he noticed something else. It was the smell of her foot. It wasn't a dirty gym sock smell. It was a mix of soap and skin and maybe shoe leather. It was bearable, but there was a foot odor in the air.

A few minutes later he switched to the other foot. And then he got the foot smell all over again. There really wasn't anything he could do about it, so he just resigned himself to the task. His hands kept squeezing and pressing into her soles.

"You can go ahead and switch, but you're going to have to go back a few times. You've got a lot more to do before you're finished."

And she wasn't kidding either. A half hour later he was working on her feet and he wasn't done yet. He had to fight cramps in his hands, and was already making plans for some ice when he got out of here. He would be so happy when this was over with. And that's when she made it worse.

"So I think you're getting the idea. A little bit more with a few closing touches and I think we'll be done for today."

"You mean we'll be done, period. I'm not doing this again."

"Oh yes, you will. Every day for a week. Or maybe we'll just make it every day for the rest of the school year. That's not much difference. You really don't have a choice. Unless of course, you want to fail."

Tom had to bite his tongue from saying something horrible. Actually to keep from letting loose a stream of obscenities at this woman. This woman, who dared to demand that he rub her feet. As if he was some kind of servant. He wouldn't forget this.

"Now then, if you're ready to finish up I'll tell you what's left to do."

Of course he was ready. Let her have her moment now. She would regret it later. What else did she want before he left?

"Now to complete the service we need some kisses. I think a kiss on each toe, the ball of the foot, and the heel. That should make for a nice finish."

He wanted her to be kidding but he knew she wasn't. She was practically gloating. She wiggled her toes in his face as if trying to get his attention. He knew what she said. He knew what he had to do. It took all his will to lean his head forward those few inches.

He kissed the tip of one toe and then the next. He had kissed five toes and was moving on to the ball of the foot when he heard the sound. It was the sound of a door opening; a door behind him. It was the sound of two women stepping into the room and then freezing motionless. The door hadn't been locked!

His head turned around with the look of a wild animal. He still had her foot in his hands and his face was inches from it. And while he couldn't face it, a part of him knew they had witnessed him kissing Ms. Rodriguez's foot.

He immediately let go of her foot and grabbed his pack, making a dash for the door which nearly knocked over the two women as he made an emergency exit. As he raced down the hall he could hear the trailing voice of his Spanish teacher shouting after him.

"See you tomorrow, Tom."

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centralsquareguycentralsquareguyover 5 years ago
Lilith... are such a dirty girl...

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