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Super Bowl MVP


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Will was first to react, his eyes bulging as he turned to her. "You know I support the 49ers right?"

"Oh sorry. Fuck you Taylor Swift!" she shouted. As the other guys roared in laughter, she felt a big smile fill her face.

"Not a Swiftie?" Scott asked.

"She's great but not my favourite."

"She's smoking hot. I'll tell you that much." Theo was keen to offer his own thoughts.

"For sure. She's the type I always went for." said Will, to which Holly turned and offered him a squint and then a scowl. "What's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong with that my friend is you just told your girl that your type is leggy blondes when she's a stacked brunette." Scott answered on Holly's behalf.

"Oh come on. I said the type I used to go for." Will defended himself.

"Doesn't stacked mean fat?" Holly asked, a little shook by Scott's wording.

"No it means, uh,..." Everybody was enjoying Scott's brief flirt with disaster, but he managed to compose himself and make his point with aplomb. "It means you've got big tits."

"Wow." Holly said, but the bluntness of it actually made her feel more comfortable. If she wanted to be accepted by the guys, she needed to be one of them. "He's right though. You should prefer Katy Perry."

"I prefer Katy Perry now. The thing with blondes is historic. You've seen Emily's mum right?"

It was a strong defence. Both Emily and her mum were leggy blondes. "You got lucky this time."

"Stacked brunettes are my type, for the record." Scott was finding his groove now, and offering the first genuine flirt of the night. Holly found it easy to laugh along and she was quickly growing in confidence.

"Now that we're not completely avoiding the elephant in the room, why don't you tell us how this thing started?" James asked.

Will had offered half answers at best earlier in the evening and he was trying to focus back on the game now, but Holly was keen to cement herself among his friends and she was happy to answer away. "It happened after a night out about six months ago. I know it looks bad, especially to you James, but sometimes things just happen and you have to know I would never try and hurt Emily."

"I have no doubts about that." he agreed, to which Holly smiled again.

"I was staying here for the night with Emily but she was blackout drunk. I was dealing with her being sick in the taxi and being sick in the toilet and it was stressing me out. When she finally fell asleep I came down to get a drink and some fresh air and Will was still awake. You know it was never going to start in a normal way, we just needed to be in the right place at the right time and there's really no other way to say it but I really needed a release that night. We got chatting and one thing led to another. I made the first move so he doesn't have to feel too guilty."

"What was your first move?" Scott asked, a slightly unusual question to most in the room.

"Do you want me to give you a play by play? I kissed him." Holly laughed.

"I don't think you did anything wrong. You're an adult. You're allowed to have fun." James said, and it was a relief to hear that from the other person in the room who would understand the predicament of sleeping with their daughter's friend.

"I'll take the play by play if it's on offer." Scott said, but he was shut down quickly by Henry.

"You can ignore him. He just gets a bit excited when there's a pretty girl in the room." Henry stood as he spoke, and he was every bit the imposing figure he had always been. "If it was down to me you'd ignore James too. He just wants you to feel sorry for him because Will got to you first."

"Fuck you, old timer." James said

Will had taken notice of that, moving his eyes off the screen for the first time in the quarter and watching as Henry grabbed himself another couple of cans and sat back down again. The guys were beginning their assault on Holly, and they weren't taking it easy on each other. He had thought Henry least likely to involve himself but even he was trying to embarrass James and knock the wind out of his friends' attempt to seem the most mature and understanding.

Holly had been a little surprised by that comment but she wasn't given much time to ponder the significance. "What's your type Holly?" Theo asked, with hope in his heart.

"Old men apparently."

"I'm not that old." Will said, before doing some thinking. "I'm third oldest here, out of the guys at least. That makes me third youngest too."

"That still makes you old." Holly assured him.

"Have you been with many older men?" Scott asked.

"Will's my first."

"Hopefully not your last." Henry said.

Holly turned to Will. She was becoming more aware of the flirting. It was coming from most directions. Maybe all. It wasn't new to her. She got it from her friends all the time. She just never expected it from this group of people. Not least of all from Mr. Miller.

Will was beginning to think that Henry was winning so far, but he thought his big and hairy friend was likely more of an acquired taste physically. He had to make up for that with his mouth, and he seemed to be confident in doing so. Will put a hand on Holly's thigh, offering her a little comfort amidst her surprise.

"Are you planning to tell Emily at some point?" James asked, putting the focus back on the potential longevity of the relationship.

"I don't know." Holly said. She had felt guilty about it at times. She thought she should probably feel more guilty than that, but she had been having a good time with Will and she didn't want to regret a part of her life that had been so much fun. Even if it couldn't last forever. "I wouldn't even know what to say."

"I think it's possible than this thing is just going to be a brief affair, but as long as the sex is worth it, you've nothing to worry about it." Even if nobody got laid tonight, the least James could do was try and get Will's message across. Some good things don't last forever, and it was realistic for Holly to accept that. "You must be a good actor though. Keeping a secret like this from your friends."

"It's awkward but necessary."

The only distraction to the conversation was Will getting rowdy as the 49ers registered a 10-3 lead as the second quarter came to an end. "We've got this shit in the bag." He informed his friends, who by this point simply didn't care. They were all facing Holly, locked into their separate seduction attempts.

As the stage was set up for the half time show, Holly excused herself to get a glass of water from the kitchen, and she was quickly followed by Will. "Do you see them flirting with me?" she asked upon his arrival.

Will walked in her direction and once he got to her, he lifted her and sat her down on the kitchen counter with her legs around his waist. If this plan was going to work, he needed her a little hornier. He sank into a long kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth. His hands went to her thighs and tickled the soft skin before breaking from the kiss. "It doesn't turn you on?"

"I just never expected it."

"You should expect it. Everyone flirts with you."

"Mr. Miller never flirted with me. James has never flirted with me." Holly gladly accepted another kiss as Will leaned in.

"Now they see you in a different light. You're even hotter to them than you were before so who can blame then? Does it turn you on at all?"

"Does it turn you on?" Holly asked. She was beginning to realise that her lover wanted her to enjoy it, and to flirt back. He had no intention of stepping in and telling his friends to cut down on the flirting.

"It really turns me on. I think you should have some fun with them. Is that okay with you?"

"I can tease them for you." Holly answered. She felt safe to have some fun. She was sure Will would step in if necessary. This whole situation was still more than unexpected but the way he pressed into her crotch as they kissed on the counter was enough to tempt her. The sex afterwards would make it worthwhile.

The pair returned to the front room soon after. Holly didn't get started on her tease immediately, instead focusing on Usher's half time performance. The guys weren't too interested but it certainly didn't hinder her growing libido. As the third quarter kicked into action, Will remained the only person completely locked in on the game.

"So, do you boys have anything fun going on in your lives or is Will the only person here capable of getting laid?" she finally asked, giving up the spotlight to anyone who wanted to claim it.

"I can speak for everyone when I say none of us can match what Will has done here." Scott replied.

"Oh come on." Holly moaned. "Surely some of you have a naughty side? Have any of you ever slept with someone you shouldn't have?"

"Secretary at work." James said. "Don't think HR would be too happy."

"I slept with a lab assistant at university." Theo added. It was fun for Holly to get a little more out of them. Will wasn't the only person trying to get himself in trouble.

"Scott?" Holly pressed on the usual loudmouth, who was staying quiet.

"He's inexperienced." James joked, to which Scott assured everyone he was not.

"I've fucked around but nothing that would get me in hot water."

"What about you Mr. Miller?"

Henry grinned. "Some married colleagues. I work with kids mostly, and I find it weird when teachers start pining after the girls when they turn 18 in their last year."

"Any teachers I know?"

"Mrs. Rose from English? Remember her. Her husband was a real piece of work. Sometimes she just needed a proper seeing to. They're divorced now. I still see her every few months."

"She seemed so innocent!" Holly said, quite surprised at the revelation.

"So did you." Henry replied, and Holly could feel the warmth in her cheeks.

"Secretary from work, lab assistant, married colleagues. Not bad. Is your secretary much younger than you?" Holly asked James, and he shook his head. "So you don't usually go for younger girls, what makes you think any of you could handle it like Will has? Some of you are starting to look old and tired."

"There's only one way to find out, right?" Scott posed the question.

"I just don't think any of you would have what it takes." Holly put her hand on Will's leg, stroking along his thigh as he found himself momentarily distracted.

"This is what I have to deal with. Like I told you all. Relentless." he said, before moaning about an in game decision that went against the 49ers.

"He's a lucky man." Henry said. "I'm not sure I could handle a girl your age. I'd like to give it a try sometime. There's no shame in failure."

"Can't disagree with the big man. I'd happily die trying." added Theo.

"I'd make you fucking scream." James said, surprising a few and sending a little shiver down Holly's spine. The other guys hadn't directed it so obviously at her and she had asked the question generally. James' eyes were laser focused on her and nothing could make her look away. "I'm telling you. I am jealous Will got there first. Luckiest guy in the world that you stayed here and not at my place that night. So, yeah, I could handle it. Girl like you. Body like that. Just say the word."

Holly swallowed hard. She was briefly knocked off her game, coming to terms with the explicit way in which James spelled out his interest in her. He didn't hold back for a second and she couldn't stop her pussy from throbbing. Will jumped to his feet in dismay as Chiefs scored a touchdown to take the lead for the first time in the game. Holly found it weird that he had told her that she should flirt with his friends because it turned him on, but he was paying no attention at all. She doubted he even realised what James had just said to her.

She crossed her legs, trying to regain some composure as four pairs of eyes watched her every move. "You boys are very confident tonight aren't you? But I don't know if that's what any of you are really like. One on one, I mean. Are you usually like this or are you just being super brave and extra bold because there's four of you and only one of me?"

There was a smattering of laughs. Each of the guys questioned what to do next. She could only go home with one of them and some had clearly been braver than others. James was the first to speak. "I think you'll find I'm not putting on an act at all. I've told you where I stand. Fuck the game. Come back to my place."

"You're living with enough guilt about fucking that idiot. Don't make the same mistake twice. Think about your friends and come back to mine." Scott made an offer next. There was no choice now. James played a strong hand and anyone who wanted some of the action was going to have to take the same risk.

"I'm interested too." Theo said, but there was less conviction in his voice. He hadn't been a silent spectator all night, but he wasn't able to compete with the candor of his friends. He didn't consider himself shy and if they were one on one, he would back himself. His friends just had more ego to play with.

Holly didn't even know what to do with herself. She wasn't planning on going ahead with any of this, but she couldn't escape the excitement of the moment. She loved the attention. Every bit of it. Every time eyes lingered on her legs. The feeling of being desired so openly was incredible. "And you, Mr. Miller?"

Henry was quiet for a moment. "I think you're an incredible girl. I think we would have a lot of fun. I also think you can do a lot better than all of us imbeciles. You should think long and hard before you do something you might regret."

Holly nodded her head, genuinely appreciating the advice she had come to expect from him, even in such different circumstances than she had experienced at school. She still expected to do nothing about it. She liked Will and that was that. As the third quarter came to an end she nudged her elbow harshly into Will's ribs. "Can I speak to you in the kitchen please?"

Will followed after Holly, still hot from the 49ers letting the lead slip at such a pivotal time in the game. "What's up?" he asked. He wasn't as handsy this time. There was no kissing or lifting his young lover onto the countertop to grind into her crotch.

"Have you heard what they're saying to me? Are you even listening at all?"

"Of course I am. I love the flirting."

"All of your friends are offering me a bed for the night. Is that normal to you?" Holly was horny and agitated. She cared for Will. She wanted to make him happy with the flirting, but she never thought it would lead anywhere. She loved the attention as well and the propositions were so new she'd barely had time to process them.

"Who are you going to pick?" Will asked. Holly's eyes bulged out of her head.

"Do you want me to fuck one of them? What's going on between us?"

"We're just having fun right? Me and you?"

"I don't know, are we?" Holly knew this conversation would come, but not really under these circumstances.

Will brought his hands to her upper arms, rubbing along them gently. He had to be serious and stop messing around. "Listen, you've been the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I love it. I don't want it to end, but I can't be all you have. You're young and you should go out and have some more fun. I'm not ending things but I don't think we should be exclusive. I think it will be better for you if you go out and have some fun tonight. Short term. Long term. It's better for you."

Holly nodded. She looked a little upset, but Will was still sure things would be better for her this way. "I'm going to chill out upstairs for five minutes." she told him, needing a moment alone to really pull herself together. It had been an overwhelming last five minutes.

"Holly." Will called after her before she could get away from him. "You get to do whatever you want. That's the type of girl you are. You're in charge." Then she was gone, leaving Will momentarily emotional before he caught himself and headed out to the guys.

"She just walked right past us? Is she going home?" Scott asked, devastated.

"I'm not sure. She just needs a breather." Will said, before preparing himself for the fourth quarter.


Holly ended up spending ten minutes up in a bedroom she had made so many memories in these last 6 months. When she first fucked Will they had done it in the front room, as far away from a blacked out Emily as they could be. They got nervous every time they heard a creak and on a couple of occasions he had to remind her to keep it down. She thought it would be a one night stand, and here they were six months later.

As much as she had grown to like him she had to accept that he was probably right. There was no future for them together. He had to think of his daughter and she had to think of her friendship.

She never expected it would all come to a head quite like this, but they started in dramatic circumstances so maybe it was inevitable they would find the beginning of the end in such similar territory.

She thought it would be for the best to just go home and sleep on it. She could text Will tomorrow and they could really talk it out and see what they were going to be moving forward. But deep inside her something was stirring and she couldn't help but feel like her night wasn't over. The way the guys had talked to her had completely rocked her, and she was eager for more.

Her thought process was simple. She loved the attention. She loved how desperate each of them were to take her home. It was exciting. It felt incredible to be desired.

If she went home, she might regret it forever.

If she stayed and finished her tease, she could at least get laid tonight. And how much could she really regret that?


The fourth quarter was a tense affair. Even for those who had barely watched. With the score at 16-13 to the 49ers and with Will on the brink of complete stress induced collapse, Holly returned.

Henry heard the door go first, turning to greet her. "Feeling better, sweetheart?" he asked, before going silent. One by one the other guy's turned and admired. Holly had changed back into the clothes she arrived in, minus the coat. Her white blouse had been cut at the midriff to expose her flat stomach, and clung tightly to her large chest. The fabric was thin, exposing the detail of a red bra underneath. There were a few buttons left unfastened up top, revealing more than a tease or cleavage. It was accompanied by a black pleated tennis skirt, which was small in size and barely reached a third of the way down her thighs. The look was finished by the same knee high black socks that had caught Will's eyes earlier.

Every pair of eyes focused in on her, sending her heartbeat into overdrive. She had never really experienced attention like this, but she was glad her change had the desired effect. "Much better, thank you." she finally answered.

Four guys had set their sights on her that night, but it was the one she came for who spoke first. Will had managed to take his eyes of the television to ogle her just like his friends. "You look incredible." he said.

"Thank you." Holly replied. She had worn it for him. "I'm going to get myself a drink of water." The reaction had given her a buzz, but she still needed another moment to relax herself before settling down again. She also thought Will might follow her. To her surprise, it was Theo who did instead. The others guy had to sit and accept that he made the move first.

"Hey." he said upon arrival. Holly felt like she'd seen the least of him that night, so wasn't sure what to expect. "I haven't got the confidence of those guys. I think that's pretty obvious. I just want to say you're completely stunning and I don't want to miss my chance. I was planning to say that before the change too. This only makes it truer."

In that moment Holly realised she had very little to say. She still didn't know if she would go home with any of them, but she decided to have a little fun at least. A trial run of sorts. She could see what it felt like to do something naughty, and test out one of her potential suitors.

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