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Sydney's Descent Ch. 01

Story Info
A coed's laptop crashes. She soon follows.
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/14/2021
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It was another rainy day in Southern California. Third day in a row of this wet weather and that was unusual. Sydney sighed and shook her head as she headed out of her apartment into the soaking drizzle. This was Los Angeles, California, for Christ sake, not Seattle, Washington. It was just one of those unusual weather patterns that happened to be hanging around far longer than anyone wanted.

Sydney Liu walked with her head down through the cool wet rain. She was a 22 year old half Chinese half Thai student at USC. Normally she was in a good mood, but arguments with her parents about some of her recent choices had soured her upbeat attitude. The rain didn't help either.

Her parents were ultra conservative and kept a firm grip on their little girl until she graduated high school and went to college. All through high school she was not allowed to date or alter her body in any way. They kept her very focused on her education, expecting her to be the very best. Syd loved her parents, but she felt like they were smothering her and as soon as she was out on her own, she pierced her ears and bellybutton.

It felt so liberating to her to finally make her own decisions about her own body, and she was truly happy. That is until her folks found out. They were very upset that she would do such a thing that they were so against. Syd hated making her parents feel that way, but she felt like she needed to do it for her own sanity. After all the hard work she had gone through in high school, she felt like she needed to have a little fun and blow off some steam.

Besides, getting her ears and bellybutton pierced were pretty tame compared to what she might have done. She saw her friends with lip, eyebrow, and nostril piercings, sexy tats, and tight fitting clothes. She was envious, but she had a reputation of being a student first, and a female second. She felt she had pushed her parents to their limit, so held her inner desires and fantasies in check. She had a crazy idea that some day, some how, she might connect with the perfect man or woman who would force her to be more daring, and yes, sexy.

At this point in her life, she hadn't yet decided if she was more attracted to men or women. It didn't help that she hadn't yet had sex with anyone. Oh, she had her chances alright. There was no shortage of guys or girls that wanted to get with her. Sydney was stunningly beautiful with long, loosely curled black hair, brown eyes full of expression, and a bright smile that was infectious. But she never lost her self control, and so remained a virgin.

She was well liked with many friends and she had a few close friends with whom she felt she could share many things, but no one would ever know what really got her juices flowing. It had all started when she was the young tender age of thirteen and she found a book that would forever change her. The book was a science fiction story about a planet in which the men were all superior to the women. On this planet, women were slaves and had to do everything they were told by the men in charge.

If her parents had found her reading that book they would have probably sent her back to Taiwan to live with relatives and get away from the wicked western world. For years she had kept her secret hidden from the world. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time to think that she could be caught, but she was helpless to stop reading.

To top it all off, what really put her in a sour mood was her computer had been gone for a whole week after it got a particularly nasty virus. She usually could take care of her computer by herself but this virus was more than she could handle. Being without a computer for so long was rough. The computer, or the internet really, was her way to read stories and see pictures that would provide sexual release. That was her masturbation tool of choice and with it gone all this time, she was frustrated.

A friend of hers told her about a man who used to have a computer repair store until the economy tanked and he moved his operation into his home. He now had a part time job and on his off time he fixed computers out of his home. He was able to charge less than others and he was good.

It sounded great to Sydney and when her friend said that he was going to be going right by the guy's house and would drop off the laptop for her; that sealed the deal. It would save her a trip and give her more time to study. She wrote her name and phone number on a Post-It, stuck it to the keyboard, and folded it shut.

That was a week ago and finally this morning she had received a call from the guy saying it was ready. That lifted her spirits somewhat, but she knew that the cost was going to be more than she really wanted to pay and she was worried that it might break her budget.

The computer repair guy lived within walking distance, about a half hour hike, and the weatherman had said that the rain would clear out early in the day and the sun would be back, so she had decided to just hike to his place and hope the weather would break. Besides, the rain felt kind of cleansing to her, as if it could wash away all her stress.

Sydney knocked loudly when she finally reached the door of the one and a half story bungalow style house, and waited patiently. The rain had actually let up and, at least for the moment, it looked like the sun might make an appearance. Apparently the weatherman had been right this time. Syd hoped she would be able to catch a few rays later on when she got home. This being a Saturday meant that she had no classes.

The door opened and Syd smiled "Hi, I'm here to pick up my laptop."

The man at the door was probably in his early thirties, glasses, with brownish hair and a goatee. "You're Sydney," he said. It was not a question and that made her somewhat uneasy for some reason.

"Yes," she answered and followed him in to the quiet home. He told her to sit at the kitchen table while he went to retrieve her laptop. She couldn't wait to just see her computer again, and after a few minutes he came back in carrying it and set it down in front of her.

He started to tell her everything that he did to clean the virus out and tune up her system, but she wasn't really listening. It seemed like he did know what he was doing after all, but she was anxious to get back to her apartment and have a good cum.

"Would you like me to turn it on so ..." he asked.

"Actually, I am kinda in a rush, and I am sure you fixed it. How much do I owe you?" She said cutting him off mid sentence. She hadn't even realized that she had done it.

"It's ninety dollars. You can pay me all of it today, or we can set up an alternative payment plan."

Syd stared for a moment and her heart skipped a beat. What did he mean by an alternative payment plan.

"Uh, no thanks, I have the money here." She reached into her pocket and pulled out two folded fifty dollar bills with one hand while she shut the laptop with the other hand and stood up. "Here's one hundred and you can keep the change. Thanks again." She dropped the bills on the table and headed for the door, her mind a blur, still wondering if what he had asked had a double meaning. Her only thought at this point was to get the hell out.

"OK, as you wish. I imagine we might see each other another time."

Again, this seemingly innocent statement made her throat tighten, a defensive reaction to a real or imagined threat. There was, in fact, no reason she would ever see him again.

Without replying, she left, shutting the door, and moving just a little bit faster up the street, her goal being the safety of her apartment. She looked behind a couple of times to see if someone was following, but there was no one. Finally, she half laughed to herself, deciding her mind was making this all up, that there was nothing in the least to fear.

Twenty minutes later, she was back in the safety of her apartment, the door to her room locked, and she was stripping off her clothes, already anticipating a good cum, so long delayed without her computer.

As she often did, she propped the laptop on her study desk, and sat in her leather covered chair. She propped her legs on the arms of the chair, spreading them invitingly. In moments, the computer opened to her desktop background, expecting to see her favorite picture, a sunset at Santa Monica beach, with the Ferris wheel on the pier as the main subject.

Instead, to her shock and horror, the background was one of the pictures she loved to masturbate over, an Asian girl, arms locked behind her back, pulled upward by a chain locked to her wrists. She was bent over, gagged, her ass totally available to her captor. She knew right away that the computer guy had been in her picture file, which she thought had been well hidden, and brought up an image that she would never allow anyone else to see.

Quickly she right clicked to go to the background options, determined to delete the picture and never return to that computer repairman again! The moment she clicked on the background tab, she knew she was in trouble. A message popped up saying that this option was only available to the owner. But she was the owner! She tried again, trying her hardest to enter her own computer controls.

By now, she had taken her legs down from the arms of the chair, and was intently focusing on the computer. Her pussy was dry and her stomach felt like it was in knots. For several minutes she tried everything, but nothing could override the control that now belonged to the repair guy. She now remembered his parting words. "I imagine we might see each other another time."

The fear she now felt was real. She was trapped, but on the other hand, as long as she kept the computer screen at another site, or opened to another screen, she could hide the background until she figured out what to do.

She opened Internet Explorer, expecting her Google homepage to pop up. She suddenly could barely breathe, when instead of Google, up popped / a page based upon the imaginary science fiction books she had read 10 years earlier, books that had led her to follow a path of bondage and slavery in her fantasy world. She went to her Favorites bar, to leave the page with Gorean details. The Favorites bar was empty.

Frantically, she typed in, working quickly to try to escape the overwhelming feeling that she was trapped. Instead of gmail, she got the same page of Gorean information, as though that was suddenly the only default.

She went to My Pictures. She expect to see dozens of folders, mostly of friend and family, but instead her hidden folder, the folder within 3 other folders, had been opened and all her bondage/slave pictures were shown. She tried to cut one...access denied, read only. She tried to delete one...access denied, read only.

She quickly opened Microsoft Word, where she stored hundreds of school related essays and papers and projects. Everything was gone except for one document: Open Now Syd.

She clicked on this one available document and within seconds, her eyes began to tear and she felt like vomiting.

It read:


"Kajira!" she said quietly aloud. The name for all female slaves on this imaginary world of Go.

As you can see, your computer no longer belongs to you. Sorry, I just could not resist when I saw your interest in things that also interest me. Fantasies, fetishes, no wonder you got a virus, with the multitude of porn sites that you search on a regular basis.

In addition to removing those viruses, I made a few other changes to your computer. Yes, I am now the owner, so you do not have access to anything unless I permit it. I have downloaded all your pictures and documents and PowerPoint's and they are safely saved on an external hard drive. I have also taken your gmail and facebook accounts and the passwords have been changed.

Sydney felt the tears roll down her cheeks and the knots in her stomach restrict her breathing. Shocked, she noticed that her left hand was playing with her pussy, pulling her labia lips, scratching her clitty! She quickly withdrew her fingers, shocked that her clit was so engorged by this horrible experience that had taken control of her life!

Some of these documents look quite important, but don't worry. They are safe. And don't be overly concerned about your gmail and fb accounts. I also plan to return that to due time. I suggest we meet at my place tonight at 10. Bring your laptop and if things go as I expect, you will regain control over all the missing items.

Dress as you did for Halloween in '19, at least that is what you captioned this picture as. You may want to wear a long coat if you plan to walk to my place, or if you wish, just leave a message at: (xxx-xxx-xxxx). Tell me where and what time you would like me to pick you up, saving you a rather long walk with those deliciously high heels.

In this picture, you were wearing dangling chain-like earrings. Nice, but I prefer you wear your biggest fuck-me hoops to our meeting. And have your hair in a ponytail.

I imagine you are thinking all sorts of ways to avoid seeing me again. You are totally free to do so. Just toss your laptop in the trash and start over. Unfortunately, you did not leave your address anywhere in your documents, so you are quite safe.

Also, if you are thinking at all about contacting the cops, you may want to reconsider. You see I have set up an entire website based on you and all your interesting fetishes. There is one entire section with nothing but pictures of you and a few photo manipulations that I made of those pics.

Don't worry though, the site isn't available to anyone, yet. I've set it up so that I have to enter a pass code every day before noon. If I fail to enter the code on time, the site will automatically go online and send out e-mail messages to everyone in your address book. I might be in jail, Sydney, but you will have a very hard time explaining that website.

Oh, by the way, I want to compliment you on that Halloween set. Seems like when you got home, you decided to take a few extra pictures, wearing only boots and sexy black collar. Very nice, very nice indeed. I have them embedded in an email, saved and ready to send to your mom via your gmail account. Wear the collar.

Yes, yes, I know, you can tell your mom that someone hacked your account, but how do you explain those perfect pictures which are obviously you in a high state of sexual arousal?

Looking forward to our meeting,


"Master!" she whispered. She had to think. There must be something she could do. Police? Her friend who told her to use this computer repairman? But she didn't want anyone to know about this! She had to solve it herself.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great start, but want to see where if goes. My own fantasies lean toward blackmail and I look forward to more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I was sad when you retired from Tumblr. Glad to see you here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Plausible and shows promise. Will see how this pans out.

aznlookinguyaznlookinguyover 3 years ago

It has been a while since I have seen/read a good "kajira" themed story. I won't get my hopes up too soon.

jleetechiejleetechieover 3 years ago

Two blackmail stories posted on the same day, delicious. This is the better of the two by far. Like all, however, it will be a surprise if it does not become the same old cookie-cuuter plot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good start

I love a good blackmail story. Looking forward to reading more.

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