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Taken By the Sea Serpent

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Andromeda finds a new life among tentacle plants.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/05/2024
Created 02/07/2014
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Andromeda screamed as Ketos coiled a great arm around her and wrenched her from the harbour wall. She heard her mother scream as she was pulled into the turbulent sea by the giant sea serpent. Her last coherent thought was to curse Perseus for his promises that had brought her so much hope. He had failed.

Her dress tore away as she plunged into the water, loosening the monster's hold on her, and she struggled free, swimming desperately to the surface. She had just enough time to take a breath before the serpentine arm reached her again, circling about her chest, around her waist, curling between her legs. It was powerfully muscular, crushing her painfully and she struggled to hold her breath as she was dragged through the water away from the shore, below the surface, and gradually deeper.

The pressure of the water intensified as she was pulled inexorably deeper. All around her was dark and cold, and her skull hurt terribly. She struggled frantically to be free of her captor, until it became impossible not to breathe. Salt water flooded into her lungs and she convulsed with pain and horror, knowing that her death was certain and imminent. She fought to stay conscious, to stay alive, but the icy darkness claimed her and stilled her.


She awoke in pitch blackness, her body bruised, her head aching, her jaw and lips wrenched painfully wide about some intruder that seemed to have lodged deep inside her. She tried to pull free, but Ketos still held her tight. Her arms were not bound, but she wasn't strong enough to pull the invader from her mouth. Biting it had no effect either, and eventually she gave up the struggle.

She realised she could breathe - or, rather, she couldn't, but for some reason she didn't need to breathe, despite being deep in the sea. She had been so sure she was about to die, indeed that she had surrendered to death, and instead she was being held helpless but apparently unharmed in watery blackness.

She relaxed slowly, the tension easing from her muscles. The terror washed away to be replaced with boredom. She wasn't in any immediate danger, that she could tell, but there was nothing to see, nothing to hear, nothing to do. The thing filling her mouth had a slightly salty, slightly fruity flavour, unfamiliar but not unpleasant.

The arm hugging her shifted, tightening in a gentle squeeze before relaxing again. It didn't feel threatening, or personal, but the movement between her legs brushed against her tender lips and pressed for a moment that special place between them, sending a shiver of pleasure through her.

Andromeda hoped the monster would move again soon, so she could feel that thrill of pleasure again. With nothing to distract her from the feel of that muscular arm between her thighs, her desire to feel that touch again grew into an obsession. The pressure against her breasts increased along with the itch between her legs.

Unable to wait any longer, she rotated her legs, and kicked at the water, trying to adjust her position just enough - and was rewarded at last as the arm tightened about her and pressed against her lips. She clasped her thighs about the arm to hold it in position as she rubbed her lips against it, as she thrust her secret pleasure at it.

The sensible part of her mind told her she was being absurd, that a princess should never behave like this, that the gods themselves would no doubt disapprove. The part controlling her body continued anyway, perversely excited by the idea that the gods were watching her. She concentrated on the feel of that oily-scaly skin sliding against her lips, her motion increasingly unsteady as the tingling pressure built, until she reached the peak of pleasure and her thrusts echoed the blissful contractions that tore through her body.


When she awoke again, Andromeda could see with surprising clarity. She was still far below the bright surface, but the light penetrated into the depths, revealing her dark skin and filtering through the cloud of her long black hair. The pressure no longer bothered her, and still she felt no urge to breathe.

The water that filled her mouth and nose felt rich with unusual tastes and scents, some of which stirred a hunger in her, like the smell of cooking meat after a long day in the fields. The object that had invaded her mouth was gone, much to her relief, as was the giant arm that had captured her and held her for so long, the arm that had given her such pleasure.

She was in a large rocky valley, densely carpeted with a variety of colourful seaweeds and plant life. Her eyes were drawn to certain large, strange flowers - or perhaps they were sea creatures - that dotted the sides and floor of the valley, although only the closest could be seen clearly. They were greenish-blue, with long fronds, or tentacles, projecting out. There was something almost beautiful about them.

But she was free!

Andromeda swam up towards the surface, noting with surprise that her skin had slits along her sides, not unlike gills. Was that why she didn't need to breathe? Had Ketos - or the gods, perhaps - transformed her somehow, made her into a fish so that she could live in the water?

As she swam higher, the warm water and the bright sunshine started to bother her, and the tastes and scents in the water became increasingly bitter. It became a struggle to continue, but she was determined to reach the surface, to look for land, or a boat.

When her head finally broke through into the air, it was torture. She quickly dropped back below the waves, bewildered by the harshness of the world up there. She felt very lost and longed to be back in the cool depths. But her family was up there. Her world was up there. Once again she thrust up to the surface, opened her mouth to breathe the fresh air - nothing happened. The sun blinded her, its heat terrifying, and she didn't know how to breathe any longer.

Andromeda collapsed into the water with a silent cry. For a long time she drifted wearily, staring morosely at the bright horror above her, but eventually the discomfort of the high water was too much for her and she surrendered to the call of the deep.

As she swam down into the valley again, into cool water rich with exotic and alluring scents, she started feeling hungry - thirsty too, which was strange given where she was. Something smelled delicious, however.

She followed her nose to one of the strange, beautiful plants. The plant itself was a round, spiky dome. Little silver fish swam in between the blue-green spikes, nibbling at them. Out of the top of the dome grew a single white tentacle almost as thick as her wrist, and longer than she was tall. Around it, six dark red tentacles, thicker than the white but even longer, grew out from the base of the dome.

It was the white tentacle that attracted Andromeda's attention. Now that she was closer, she recognised the flavour of it. This was the object that had been stuck in her mouth while she had pleasured herself against the arm of Ketos. Slightly salty, slightly fruity.

It smelled so good to her now. She swam right up to it, reached for it, but before she even touched it it reacted to her presence, whipping round and slithering through her parted lips. It stretched her mouth wide and slipped into her throat, penetrating some barrier there that kept the sea water out.

The shock of that invasion faded swiftly, however. Somehow it felt right. Natural. The tentacle in her mouth started pulsing along its length and Andromeda felt thick liquid spurting down her throat. Suddenly she didn't know whether it was feeding her or fucking her. (She had once spied on her father having sex with a slave, a pretty girl he had brought back from his conquests. The slave had taken her father's long, erect cock deep into her throat, moaning with pleasure.)

As the liquid pumping slowly into her belly alleviated one hunger, a very different hunger awoke between her legs. With no one to see her, to see what she had become, she felt safe to touch herself there, to caress her lips and brush her clit with her fingertips. With her other hand she pinched her nipples, driving the pleasure higher.

She could feel her stomach filling as if she had gorged herself at a feast. She was painfully full, but she cared only about the climax that was building in her. While one hand rubbed frantically at her clit, she inserted first one finger, then two, of the other between those lips, loving the feel of her warm, slippery pussy. Until at last she crested, her body shaking with relief.

The tentacle slipped free at last and she allowed herself to drift for a long time, caught between lazy post-orgasmic bliss and the strangely satisfying sensation of being full to the point of bursting. Her belly was distended, almost as if she were pregnant.

Andromeda gradually drifted close to another of the plants. It seemed impossible, but the smell of it made her hungry, and the thought of that tentacle feeding her, fucking her, filled her with a tingling excitement.

As before, she swam down and reached for the white tentacle, opening her mouth in anticipation, welcoming it into her mouth like a lover. This time, however, the red tentacles swarmed about her, two coiling round her thighs and forcing them wide apart. She tried to wriggle free, tried to reach them with her hands, but two more tentacles captured her wrists and held them away from her.

The white tentacle in her mouth pulsed as it delivered its fluid into her, arousing her as before. Andromeda pulled at the binding tentacles, aching to touch herself, but they held her fast, and she screamed silently in frustration.

She flinched, surprised, as one touched against her bum, tickling her tight ring. Understanding what it wanted, she tried to pull away, to close her legs, but could not. The soft, pointed tip of the tentacle pressed against her ring, and she flinched again as she felt it spurting into her.

The tentacle pushed harder, determined to gain entrance. Andromeda didn't think anything that big would be able to fit. But it pushed harder, and suddenly the tip, just the very tip, pushed into her, sending a shockwave of pain through her system.

Despite the pain, the feeling of having tentacles at both ends was making her desperate to touch herself. Her nipples needed attention. A fire raged between her legs. But no matter how she tugged at the tentacles that held her, she could not free her hands.

Again the tentacle at her rear squirted into her, and slowly it withdrew a little, only to drive against her once again, widening the entry bit by bit. Andromeda started to enjoy the painful thrusting. Her enjoyment of it shamed her, but that only fed the excitement. Each time the tentacle pushed a little deeper, and she wanted it to succeed, to penetrate fully.

When at last the tentacle breached her fully, plunging into her, an orgasm more powerful than any she had ever experienced crashed through her, obliterating thought. The tentacle slowly fucked her ass, working gradually deeper, then came to a stop. It was still for a minute, then withdraw from her and floated away listlessly.

Another tentacle took its place, working more easily this time into her ass, slowly fucking her deeper and deeper until it seemed to reach its goal, and like the first it stopped and was still for a minute before withdrawing.

The tentacle around her left wrist released her and darted round to take its turn plundering her rear. Andromeda quickly took advantage of this freedom to massage her pussy lips and the sensitive spot between. The combination of her fingers there and the thick tentacle thrusting into her behind brought her swiftly to another shattering climax - and there were still three more tentacles to go.

The white tentacle in her mouth continued to feed her, but she wasn't feeling any more full than before. Was it possible that the tentacles fucking her ass were emptying her even as the one in her mouth filled her up?

Not that she cared right then. The fourth tentacle released her other wrist and whipped round eagerly, slipping into her swiftly and easily penetrating to her depths. Andromeda hung in the water, massaging her breasts happily, too exhausted to do more than enjoy the feeling of being filled at both ends. The fifth tentacle likewise had its way with her unresponding body, but as the sixth and last drove into her she used her fingers once again to bring herself to climax, and shuddered to a satisfying finish just before both tentacles slipped free of her.

Andromeda felt utterly exhausted and utterly sated. She'd had no idea such pleasure was possible. She didn't understand why she was alive, or what had happened to her, and there didn't seem to be anything she could do about it, but she had never felt as peaceful as she did just then, or as relaxed about the future. Right now was all that mattered. Blissful contentment.

As darkness descended in the valley, she slept.


Andromeda awoke hungry the following morning and immediately swam towards a nearby plant. There was no lingering soreness in her muscles, or elsewhere, and indeed she felt better than ever in her life. She reached eagerly for the central, white tentacle and enveloped its darting tip in her mouth and throat. She caressed its smooth, pulsing skin as it spurted deep inside her.

She didn't fight the two tentacles that wrapped around her thighs, and she even pushed back when a third nudged at her tight ring. She shivered with delight as it squirted fluid into her, then thrust into her slowly, stretching her wide. Her fingers were busy between her pussy lips, and she squeezed her nipples, while the thick tentacle thrust through the barrier and into her. She quickly abandoned herself to the pleasure as it fucked her ass deeper and deeper, and as it rested inside her she climaxed.

Once all of the plant's red tentacles had taken their turn, Andromeda swam off lazily in search of another plant, and during the day visited two more. The next day followed the same pattern, and the next. Raised a noble princess, she had become a creature that lived for food and sexual ecstasy. Thoughts of her family, and of her life before, became dreamily unreal. This valley and its strange plants were her new home and life.

In addition to her newly acute senses, Andromeda had changed in other ways. Her fingers had become webbed, and her feet had widened, webbing between her elongated toes. With each passing day she could swim faster and more easily. She never ate anything, never drank, except what the white tentacles gave her. And although she still urinated sometimes, she hadn't felt any need to empty herself otherwise. Gradually she understood that what she took from one plant was taken later by another, in a never ending cycle, one that she was happy to be a part of.

One day Andromeda explored deeper in the valley where the water was colder and darker. Here in the shadows she sometimes caught glimpses of Ketos, the great sea serpent that had brought her here, but it left her alone to explore. Here the plants were larger and a paler blue, and their red tentacles were thicker and darker. They smelled different too - not unpleasant, but not quite as fruity.

Curiosity got the better of her eventually, overcoming the slight sense of fear. She swam down close to one of the largest of the plants, hesitating just out of reach. Or so she thought. A long black tentacle, no thicker than her thumb, whipped out and snared her ankle. It pulled her down within reach of the other tentacles before letting go.

Before she could react, four of the dark red tentacles wrapped around her wrists and ankles, spreading them wide. The white central tentacle plunged into her mouth. It was painfully thick, making her lips and jaw ache from being stretched so wide. Slowly it pumped thick fluid into her, igniting a hunger in her loins stronger than ever before.

Knowing it to be futile, Andromeda still struggled to free her hands so that she could touch herself, but the tentacles did not yield. She resorted to thrusting her pelvis through the water just to feel the flow past her lips, but it wasn't enough. She waved her bum about, trying to provoke the tentacles to take her there, but without response. A fire raged between her thighs and even the sea could not put it out.

Several of the thin, black tentacles reached out and started squeezing her breasts and sucking at her nipples, teasing between her legs, licking around her clit. She pushed back at them, trying to help and encourage them. Her much needed orgasm came swiftly - and, as it did, one slipped between her lips, through her hymen, swiftly into her pussy, the very core of her womanhood, bumping against the entry to her womb.

Simultaneously, a huge tentacle skewered her ass, stretching her painfully wide. Andromeda had grown accustomed to the red tentacles opening her there, but this was something else. No way was this one coming in. But it seemed content to come only partly in, while the black tentacles continued massaging her breasts, biting and sucking at her nipples, sucking delightfully at her clit, and the tentacle that had tried to penetrate her womb started fucking her, slowly and gently at first, but harder and faster all the time. The various assaults overwhelmed her senses, thrust her into a hazy awareness of wondrous pain and agonising pleasure, and at some point she became aware that the tentacle in her ass had fully penetrated her and it too was fucking her.

Andromeda felt stretched to to the point of bursting, and still the tentacle pulsing in her mouth continued to spurt into her throat. Her belly was swollen, and her breasts seemed also to be swelling slowly, as if filling with milk. The tentacle in her ass finally reached the depth it had strived for, but instead of remaining still for a minute before withdrawing, it too started pulsing and writhing, and suddenly she felt it flooding her with hot, thick juices.

At the same moment, the black tentacle burst through into her womb, and more hot juices poured into her. In the midst of her already almost continual bliss, Andromeda convulsed in a series of violent contractions.

As the tentacles slipped out from her mouth and ass, she gave in to fatigue and spiralled into unconsciousness.


It was dark when Andromeda next awoke. She felt as if every part of her insides was filled to bursting with the tentacles' juices. Instead of the lithe, graceful figure she had grown into, an elegant princess, she was now fat and swollen. And yet, like so much that had happened to her during the past few days, it seemed right. There was something deeply satisfying about her current, grotesque shape.

She was not yet free of the plant. The tentacle that had penetrated her womb was still there, but had grown, or had been replaced by a larger one. The pressure on her lips and the sensitive spot between was delicious, and she moved her hips to stimulate the welcome intruder.

She gasped as it thickened further in response, but it wasn't trying to please her. No, she realised, there was something large moving within the tentacle, moving into her, into her womb. Something hard and round. The pain of its entry was intense, but brief. More tentacles, invisible in the black water, reached out to caress her breasts and suck at her nipples, and as the tentacle inside started to diminish, it began fucking her furiously, until she forgot the pain, forgot everything, and focused on the orgasm that swept through her.

And at last she slept, drifting free.


Being so bloated made swimming difficult, but Andromeda had no wish for another such encounter. She swam up to where it was warmer and lighter, swam away from the plants to be alone. She didn't feel hungry or thirsty. For a long time she just drifted, enjoying the feeling of being full, losing herself in the memory of what happened to her the previous day.


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