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Tales of Reluctance: Tale 01

Story Info
A man tries to seduce a rich bored wife.
12.5k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 06/19/2015
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The new apartment

The phone vibrated, it's motion against the hard surface making an unusually loud noise. He jumped a little, surprised by the sudden sound. Jolted out of his daydream it took a second to realise what it was. He looked in his rear view mirror and from side to side, checking there were no police around, and as it was clear he risked a quick glance at the phone's screen. A glance was enough and it made him groan.

What the message was about was immediately clear, and what made him cross was it was unnecessary to text him. He had remembered. How on earth could he forget? The last million was almost spent, and so he needed to find someone to fill the hole that left in their finances. Pressure, he slowly inhaled, somehow the pressure made it all the more exciting. Deliciously exciting.

He nosed the Porsche into his parking bay and looked up at the opulent Chelsea apartments. The facade of the building was impressive, with its large windows, the gold block over the main entrance and its pillared porch-way containing two stone lions. The building appeared both modern and elegant. It was a perfect place to live for someone moving up in the world. Personally he thought the lions a little too much, but what did he know.

Either way this would be his home for the foreseeable future and he wondered if he would like it. He pressed the button and the faint burble of the engine died away and with a solid click he undid his seat belt. He slowly guided the seat belt as it slid back into its holder and took in the scene around him.

Three parking bays away was a removal van, not his, he always moved light. Everything he needed was in the boot of the car. Three workmen, young lads were heaving stuff from the van and carrying it into his apartment block. It seemed he was not the only new arrival today. His phone vibrated again and grateful for the distraction he picked it up and began to check the alert that he had received. Yet another tech company was rumoured to be floating, ready to make its founder a very rich man indeed. Lucky bastard he thought.

At the removal van now was a man, grey haired and probably in his late forties. He was barking orders at the hapless workmen who had managed to get a large table stuck between two cars, as they tried to carry it into the apartments. A bit of manoeuvring and finally it was through.

Table, workmen and man disappeared inside.

The car park was briefly empty. A brown bird landed on the pavement, pecked at the ground and then flew off with a rustle of wings. He reviewed the cars around him and smiled. He realised there was not a single car, costing less than fifty grand in the car park. The Porsche he so delighted in owning was almost the cheap old banger amongst this lot. Almost.

Movement distracted him and a young lady appeared carrying a pile of cardboard boxes. Clearly empty by the ease with which she was holding them. She was beautiful, a curvy figure with long dark brown hair cascading down over her shoulders. It looked as though she was off to the gym, but obviously she was in her scruffy clothes to help with the move. She extended her bottom lip and blew, making her fringe lift a little. It was clearly hot work.

She was wearing a grey vest top, which to his mind anyway, emphasised the fact she had large breasts. A 34 bra size at least, he mused to himself. He watched her closely from the car as she walked across to the van, perhaps she could be moving in today as well he thought. Surely though she could not be the grey haired man's wife?

Deciding to find out he made his move. It took only a few moments for him to get out of the car, shut the door and pressing the remote to lock it, he headed over to say hello. Behind him the car beeped once and flashed it lights twice to show it was locked. He normally looked back and delighted in watching the car perform this ritual, but today the girl had his full attention.

"Hi," the lady said turning at the sound of the beep. Her hand pushed a hair back off her face making him gulp a little. Up close now, he could see she was extremely attractive.

"I am Kate, do you live here?" she said smiling.

"Mark," he replied, shaking her hand and loving the fact it was both cool and soft. "Mark Dunlow and as of today I do. Live here that is. Guess we are both moving in at the same time?" and then after a pause he added, "I am at number 12."

His heart missed a beat as she nodded. Wow she was indeed moving in.

There was no time to get further acquainted before both workmen and man returned and so Mark learnt that the man and women were in fact married. Kate was indeed this man's wife. He tried to hide his look of excitement as he realised how sexy she was.

The husband was called Paul, and Mr and Mrs Turnbull were going to be next door to him at number eleven. They had been married a year and a half. When asked if he was married Mark said he wasn't. This was a lie, he did have a wife, but she wouldn't be living with him at this address or ever visiting, so there was no point complicating the conversation. He tried to change the subject, but Paul took the conversation over and they naturally moved onto another topic anyway.

It was hard for Mark to concentrate on Paul's friendly questions and conversation. He could not help sneaking glances at Kate's impressive chest or light brown eyes, which were lovely or her long and shapely legs. Her half-length track suit bottoms showing her toned thighs off perfectly. Mark stood there dumbly nodding as Paul droned on, his mind completely focussed on Kate's wonderful body.

The pleasantries over, they shared the usual "see you around" and Mark went to walk away, but suddenly Paul called him back.

"Did you say you owned a computer company?" asked Paul. Mark nodded.

"I did indeed," he replied. "We cover PC's and Macs and offer all kinds of support and repair options."

"I wondered if you could come and set up my new study for me?" said Paul. "I'll pay you. Connect the broadband; set up the printer, what ever needs doing to get me functioning again. I don't have the time and anyway am crap at that kind of thing."

As Mark confirmed he would be happy to. Kate from behind put her arms lovingly around Paul's shoulder.

"He owns his own technology company and he can't connect up a computer," she laughed. All three of them shared the joke, as Paul shrugged his shoulders. It was agreed that Mark would come over at the end of the week.

It took several knocks on Friday morning to get someone to open the front door but finally the door opened. To his delight Kate stood there, trying hard, but failing to hide from Mark that she had clearly forgotten the arrangement to come and sort out Paul's computer. To be fair they had had a lot going on he thought. Whilst Kate struggled to overcome the awkwardness, Mark took in the vision of loveliness in front of him.

Today Kate was wearing a white dress with black spots. The cut of the dress was breathtakingly low, giving Mark a great view of her expansive cleavage. As before her long hair hung down over her shoulders. He was delighted to have a much better view of her legs today, as they were bare and the skirt of the dress well above the knee. She wore black open-toe sandals. She was even sexier than he imagined the first time, now with a pretty dress on and makeup she looked like a model.

"You look nice," he said. "Off out somewhere special?"

"Thank you," replied Kate with a slight blush. "Actually I am seeing my agent for lunch later."

"Agent?" asked Mark.

"Yes I am a model," she replied. "And so I have to look my best."

Mark laughed to himself; she not only looked like one she was one!

"It all sounds very grand, but although I say I am a model, I am not a very successful one." She continued. "But it is how I met Paul. So it's been good for something. I met him at one of the modelling agencies parties. There he was successful business man and there was little old me." She shrugged, talking too much as she always did when she was embarrassed.

"I thought I recognised him," said Mark. "He is the founder of YNBF right. The computer company, that's in the news right now, something about floating on the stock market.

They shared a brief conversation where Kate confirmed Mark's suspicions were correct. Kate explained they had moved around a lot whilst YNBF set itself up, going on to explain the plan was to stay here while they float the company and then apparently they could buy a proper house.

"We want to start a family," said Kate with a smile. "I don't know why we can't just buy a house, Paul is already well on his way to his first billion, but he controls all the big decisions." She finished with a sad note in her voice.

Mark took a deep breath and decided to change the subject. He disliked thinking about Kate and Paul being together and he did not want Kate to feel sad. When he was around it was important she thought happy thoughts.

"Would you like me to come back another time?" He asked suddenly, breaking the awkward silence that had descended.

"Come back?" said Kate, confused. She was still thinking about houses.

"Well you obviously had forgotten I was coming Kate and," at this he leant in a little bit and looked around the apartment. "It looks like Paul is out." So I thought maybe coming back would be the best plan. To set the computer up I mean."

There was another brief pause, and then they both burst out laughing. Kate putting her hand to her mouth in a way Mark found very attractive and seriously cute.

"Was it that obvious?" Laughed Kate.

"Just a bit," said Mark shrugging his shoulders.

Kate apologised over and over and Mark tried hard to stop her feeling bad. Telling her it was no problem. They agreed he would come in and see what he could do. So Mark was let in to the apartment and then the study. Where he found everything he needed. Paul had obviously organised things for his arrival, even if later he had forgotten about the visit.

There was the computer, router and printer, plus the logins and passwords were all written down for him. He began plugging in cables and arranging things as he thought best. At one point Kate appeared with coffee and then disappeared again. Mark briefly stopped work to admire her ass swaying out of the room, the way her dress swished around revealed a little more of her thighs as she walked.

He said to himself "down boy" and tried to concentrate on the job in hand. He didn't really like the router Paul had, so he changed it for one he had brought and he also carefully installed some hardware into the computer so it would work better. He borrowed Kate's mobile phone at one point, connecting it to the computer, making sure it was up to date and again installing a little bit of software to help it run.

Mark checked everything was working one more time, and then wrote Paul a note. In the note, after explaining most of the things he had done, he suggested Paul also synchronised his phone with the computer. Finally confident all was operational he walked back into the lounge with the coffee cup half-empty in his hands. Kate was sitting on the sofa facing him and she was slowly crossing her legs as he entered. He had the chance to briefly admire the view before she realised he was there. She looked up and smiled at him. God even her teeth were perfect. Her white dress had ridden up as she moved. She casually pulled the skirt back down with her hand. Mark watching forgot to breathe for a moment, his heart pounding hard in his chest.

"Finished?" she said getting up.

"Computer yes, coffee almost," replied Mark. "Wow what great plants!" He exclaimed, noticing for the first time the collection of greenery growing on the balcony outside. He wandered over to take a look through the window.

"Thank you," she replied standing by his side at the window. He breathed in deeply, loving the spicy, musky smell of her perfume. She was so close now her bare arm was almost touching his and he felt his heart racing even faster. It felt as though the hairs on his arm were just gently brushing her skin.

"Just a little hobby of mine." Kate said and she broke the spell by reaching out to take his coffee cup, for the briefest of moments they both held the cup and she looked deeply into Mark's eyes. Mark felt as though his hand was shaking, so he quickly let go and she turned to head towards the kitchen.

"I'd love some plants like that," he said casually, as she disappeared out of sight.

"Well if you like I could come and help you sort something out," yelled Kate from the kitchen. Mark wandered into the kitchen to find her, not wishing to loose any chance of spending time with her and wanting to keep her in sight.

"Really?" he said.

"Yes, as I said it's a hobby," she said. "I'd love to help. It could be a little project for me. Our house is pretty much sorted so I have the time."

"Ok," replied Mark. "I'll make you a deal. I won't charge for the computer set up today, if you come and help me with some plants.

"It's a deal just leave it to me," replied Kate. Offering him a hand for a light-hearted handshake that Mark eagerly accepted, his eyes strayed down to her cleavage as they shook on the deal.

A shared hobby

He dived into the water, allowing himself to sink to the bottom before several strong strokes took him the length of the pool; surfacing at the other end he wiped his face and blew hard to clear his airways. A blurred blue figure appeared in his sight and blinking hard he focussed on the person standing over him, realising as he did it was a member of the gym's staff.

"We don't allow diving," said the lifeguard pointing at the sign, which clearly said, "No diving and no ball games."

"Sorry," he said, holding his hands up, "first timer." and with a smile the young lifeguard wandered away, the whistle round his neck rocking from side to side as he wandered casually off.

"Upsetting the staff already," said a mocking voice behind him and he turned to see Kate standing behind him in the water. She was smiling at him.

Mark and Kate made the usual comments about it being a small world as they realised that they had joined the same gym. Kate also made a promise to come and see him about the plants. She had them almost ready she said. Mark slid himself up onto the side of the pool, so he sat toes in the water, looking down on her. He thanked her, telling there was no rush.

He admired the purple once-piece swimsuit that Kate was wearing. The clingy material tried hard to cover most of her large breasts, but there was more than enough flesh on display for Mark to admire. Fearing Kate would notice if he stared too much, he got up and grabbed his towel, Kate had not on this occasion noticed him looking at her, since she was focussed on the realisation of how fit his body was. So for the first time it was her studying him.

Mark's six-pack made a pretty impressive sight. As well as his body being ripped, his stomach was pretty much hair free, just as Kate liked her men to be. His legs were long and muscly. He looked pretty good standing there in his black swim shorts towelling himself dry. The bulge in his shorts was pretty hard to miss when the wet material clung to him so tightly. Kate found herself considering that this fit young man must be quite well endowed as well. She continued watching him as he left, all the way down the side of the pool, until he was through the door and out of sight. Nice ass too she thought.

Kate thought wistfully about her own love life. Paul had lost interest in sex after about six months of marriage. The next six months they made love from time to time and then eventually intercourse stopped all together.

As Mark walked away Kate felt a dull ache of longing. She found herself imagining what it would be like to be with Mark. What it would feel like for her lips to explore that muscular body and she wondered how big his dick really was. She hated the idea of being unfaithful what ever the reason, but celibacy was hard. She pushed Mark and his large penis right out of her mind, and vowed to try and get Paul more interested in her and the bedroom.

In the meantime she saw no reason why she shouldn't hurry up and book her plant arranging for Mark. Seeing more of him seemed suddenly that bit more appealing.

However, she found it difficult to book a slot that was mutually convenient. At one point she suggested that he leave her a key, but in the end they settled on Friday evening. She was reluctant to do this day, not because she was busy, but because Paul was away. In the end though this time, and another when her husband was also away seemed the only opportunities. In the end she knew there was no real reason to bother about whether Paul was home and right now he was away all the time. So she finally agreed to come over that Friday evening.

At 7pm as arranged Kate knocked on the door. Mark was a little disappointed to find that she was wearing pink trousers today and a white top. In fact the only skin on show was her tummy, as her tee shirt left her with a bare midriff. She wore a couple of necklaces and as before her hair hung loose over her shoulders. A pair of pink high-heeled shoes completed her outfit. She still looked stunning.

The first job she announced was to ferry pots and plants from her house to his and so Mark eagerly helped with the fetching and carrying. Once everything was safely on his balcony Mark disappeared, leaving her to arrange the plants. It took half an hour of Kate fiddling around before Mark was summoned to come and view. The transformation of his boring concrete balcony was amazing and he enthused wildly, before producing a fold up table and two chairs from a cupboard. He set them up while Kate finished by watering the plants thoroughly.

"Wow," Mark said. "Good job. How about a glass of wine to celebrate?"

Kate protested, but she was made to sit down on one of the new chairs before Mark went to find two glasses of white wine. He reappeared carrying them on a tray.

"It's Chenin Blanc," he announced. "Hope that's ok?"

"That's amazing. That's my favourite wine," Kate announced.

"Really? Mine too," replied Mark. "Take the glass nearest you. No. No, not that one, this one."

Kate had made a grab for the wrong glass and there was an awkward moment when Mark quickly put the tray down, snatched the glass from her saying there was a bit of cork in it, and handed her the glass that was nearest her. He disappeared briefly and then came and sat down.

"Sorry nothing worse than cork," he said.

"It would have been fine honestly," said Kate shrugging and thinking it was a strange fuss to make.

They toasted the plants, and new friends, and drank the glass of wine. They were soon chatting easily, the difficult moment forgotten. Mark swiftly scooped up Kate's glass the moment it was empty and returned with it full again. The conversation flowed easily, helped no doubt by the wine. Once the second glass had been drunk Kate complained that the wine had gone straight to her head.

It was at this point that he suggested she stay for some food.

"Do you like Spaghetti Carbonara?" He asked. "Bit of a signature dish of mine."

"Oh my god," said Kate, "that is too incredible, that's my favourite meal as well."

"Really. Wow!" said Mark, "that's settled then and he got up to start the cooking."

Kate began to protest that she couldn't stay, but her head was spinning a little and she realised that she needed food as quickly as possible. In any case she struggled to form a coherent argument as to why she shouldn't stay. Mark already knew Paul was away, so she reluctantly surrendered and moved into the lounge.

"Thank you so much," she said. "I hope I am not putting you to too much trouble." She sat down wishing the room would stop going round.

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