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The Agreement

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My roommate and I have a unique agreement.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 03/13/2024
Created 10/06/2023
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I would like to preface this story by saying it is a revised version of the older story of the same name, it has fixed grammar and spelling as well as fleshed out and additional scenes and information.

This story is based on real events that have occurred to me in real life, though the overall plot is fictional.

Hello, my name is Red Lafayette, I'm from Omaha, Nebraska, six feet tall on a good day and twenty-three years old. I have straight chocolate brown hair, almond shaped green eyes and lightish beige skin. I'm a little overweight at two hundred and twenty pounds, but most of that is from a life of good cooking and physical labor from a variety of trade jobs. Most recently I work as a night shift security guard.

My roommate's name is Agatha Macintyre. I've known her for a few years now, but we have only been sharing our apartment for a few months. She's on the smaller side, being about five foot five and maybe one hundred and ten pounds. She's half black and half Irish with beautiful milk chocolate skin, long black dreadlocks, big honey brown eyes and a very nice heart shaped ass. She's a little younger than me at twenty and is working as a nurse at our city's VA hospital.

Ever since I was a child I'd been attracted to black girls, they just had a little spark that other girls didn't seem to have. But I always felt self-conscious being half Japanese. Agatha and I had been slightly flirty with light teasing and joking here or there and we did generally get along pretty well, but I decided it was better if I didn't pursue her since we were splitting the rent and utilities fifty-fifty.

That's more or less how things went, we'd talk in the mornings and evenings before we'd head to work or bed. Once in a while Agatha would go on some Tinder date, but she usually came home disappointed and I'd listen to her complain. And she would listen to me complain about the girls I dated. Honestly I was really enjoying these little moments with her, I have very few friends left in the world... and I liked to think of Agatha as one of them.

During an unseasonably warm day in March she came home from work and needed a shoulder to cry on. Apparently she had broken up with her most recent boyfriend because he was married. As I comforted her, saying that he was an idiot for giving you up, I half jokingly suggested that we date to get back at him, fully expecting her to laugh at the idea... but instead she agreed.

She left the room to go get ready... I, however, was freaking out. I'm completely inept when it comes to romantic relations, even personal friendships, and I hadn't gone on a date-date since college. Oh, yeah sure I'd gone to get coffee or lunch with people... and there'd been the occasional club hookup.

Those kinda ended when I ended up tied up in the center of a pentagram with some naked chick fucking my ass with an eightteen inch dildo... which was a lot more fun than the alternatives like being sacrificed or waking up in a tub full of ice.

I texted my siblings asking for advice, all six texted back moments later. Yeah... I have a very big family. My parents have been together for over thirty-five years and they've been INCREDIBLY happy together.

Scott, the oldest at thirty-four, said don't be afraid to be a real man. Yeah, right... he's been divorced twice. Ann, the second oldest at twenty-seven, told me to just be myself and relax. Lizzie, the third oldest at twenty-five, told me not to stare at Agatha's breasts... too much at least. I'm number four at twenty-three. Lucy, the fifth oldest at twenty-two, laughed at the idea of any one liking me. Damn her. Dom, the sixth oldest at twenty, told me not to fuck this up. And Robbie, the youngest at fourteen, was confused that I hadn't already asked Agatha out, he was the only one who had met her before.

As I argued with my siblings Agatha came out wearing a white sundress and sandals. She had her dreadlocks tied back in a ponytail that swept over her left shoulder down to her breasts. My heart nearly stopped there and then, I even dropped my phone.

She smiled while taking my hand and said, "C'mon or we'll be late."

She took me to a ramen shop she liked in our neighborhood. She was so pretty that I didn't want to take my eyes off of her the whole night. She noticed my blushing and teased me mercilessly. Laughing at my stupid jokes and touching my arm. Even if it was just because we were already friends, well I was feeling better about myself.

Literally the next day our city declared a lockdown for the pandemic. Thankfully both of us were essential workers so we survived that summer better than some other people. We continued the arrangement by having movie or tv show dates. Agatha is really into foreign stuff mostly because other countries don't push political bullshit like Hollywood does, with her favorite being Asian dramas.

After a couple of months of this arrangement, Agatha came home with a Hawaiian pizza saying she wanted to watch a particular Japanese show. I turned on the oven to preheat as she went to shower. As I squatted there I thought about how much our relationship had changed in a short amount of time. Sure we'd been a little flirty here or there, but lately Agatha had been dropping hints. Once or twice now I've come home from work and found Agatha sleeping in my bed.

I was so wrapped in my thoughts that I didn't notice Agatha's voice until she tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, Red, can I borrow some shampoo?"

She was standing in the doorway, only wearing a towel... water dripping from every bit of her dark body. Her dreadlocks down to her breasts and to her toned legs.

I stared blankly for far too long before saying, "Uh... yeah... sure."

"Thanks," she said, smiling.

As she turned around the hem of her towel raised just high enough for me in my squatting position to see where the tops of her thighs met her ass. My face flushed crimson when she glanced over her shoulder grinning slyly.

I tried to shake the image of her ass from my head as I stepped into the tv room... but I couldn't. The way the water drops caressed its excellent shape. I went back into the kitchen, filled up a bowl with icy water and repeatedly dunked my whole head in it until Agatha stepped in and laughed at what I was doing.

We sat down and she turned on a Japanese noir drama. She sat down in my lap, deliberately snuggling up close enough for me to smell the peach scent of my shampoo. As we watched the show I noticed that the subtitles weren't quite matching with what the characters were actually saying in Japanese. From what I gathered the lead was a detective trying to find her partner's killer while also balancing her work and love life with her boyfriend.

The oven pinged that it was done preheating, I got up and put in the thawed pizza and came back. Agatha sat down in my lap again, but she didn't resume the show.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, looking down at her.

"I was thinking," she started, turning to me and I shit you not, with the most nonchalant tone of voice asked, "Do you wanna fuck?"

It took me several moments to understand the question before I started sputtering, "W-what? Seriously?"

"Yeah, why not?" she asked, a little too comfortably, "You've noticed my hints, right?"

I was speechless as she grabbed my hand and brought it up to her breast. I felt through her thin shirt that she wasn't wearing a bra. She got up and pulled her shirt over her head, causing her perky apple sized breasts to bounce slightly.

"I-I don't have any condoms," I said, not taking my eyes off her breasts as they swayed.

"Not a problem," she brushed it off, pulling down her gym shorts and showing off her freshly shaved pussy.

My heart leapt into my throat as I silently watched her kneel down in front of me and pull down my shorts and boxers. My cock sprang up at full mast, bumping her nose.

"Oh my," Agatha joked as she stared at my cock, "Good to see that not all Asians have small packages."

I chuckled nervously, I know that some people like to exaggerate and brag that they have like twelve inches of pussy pounder, but I'm not gonna. I'm not cartoonishly Johnny Sins pornstar big, six or seven inches when full... depending how you measure, but I'm a grower so I occasionally surprise some girlfriends.

Agatha leaned in and licked the underside of my cock, making it flex in response. She continued licking like it was a lolly before slipping it into her mouth. My cockhead rested at the back of her tongue and brushed against the opening of her throat as she slowly bobbed her head. She hummed contentedly as she stared up at me with those big honey brown eyes as she took me down to my base and my cockhead pushed against the back of her throat making her gag.

I reached my hand down and cupped her cheek, suddenly her finger slipped into my ass and pressed down at a specific spot. I grabbed Agatha's head as I arched up, driving my cock into the back of her mouth so my cum shot down her throat. Agatha gagged and sputtered before swallowing the remaining jizz in her mouth.

"Been drinking my pineapple juice?" she smirked, licking her full lips.

"Sorry," I whispered, coming down from my high, "Where'd you learn that finger thing?"

"I got into some trouble with a teacher back in high school, the dirty old bastard enjoyed it."

I didn't ask any further. She gestured for me to lay flat, before climbing over my face and lining up her dripping pussy with my mouth.

"My turn," she smirked, "And don't forget my clit."

I leaned my head up and kissed her pussy, her juices had a nice taste. My tongue slipped inside as deep as it could swirling around. My teeth brushed against her nub and Agatha moaned. I decided to suck on it, she ground her womanhood into my mouth in response. We were like that for a while sharing our bliss before Agatha's juices squirted into my waiting mouth as she fell backwards onto me, trying to catch her breath.

"Looks like someone needs some more attention," she giggled, planting a kiss on my now throbbing dick.

She switched herself around to straddle my lap and line up my cock with her pussy, offering a coy smile she asked, "Sure you can hand-"

I didn't even let her finish, instead I quickly grabbed her hips and speared her down on my cock. The ebony girl buckled over, her pussy rhythmically gripping my shaft tightly.

"Sorry," I asked, desperately trying to not cum myself, "You ok-"

As she moved up I noticed blood dripping down my cock, but I didn't feel any pain. No... no way... she's a virgin!

"Wait," I said, grabbing her arm, "We should stop to clean you first-"

"S-shut... up," she snapped, her hands grabbing my chest to stabilize herself, "Just fuck me."

We slowly started thrusting so she could adjust to me, once she had we fucked like dogs in heat, my cock plundering her depths as she rutted her cunt into me. It could've been minutes or it could've been hours, it didn't matter to me as I lost myself in months' worth of wanting for the ebony goddess in my arms.

"Yes! Yes! Just like that!" she shouted, spurring me on as she came again, "Fuck my black pussy!"

We rolled over so I was on top as my cock hammered away at her gushing snatch. I bit at her neck, finding a spot that made her scream. Suddenly my cock tightened and I felt the edge approaching fast.

"Agatha," I grunted through my teeth, "I'm not gonna last."

"Don't fucking stop!" she shouted, her legs wrapping around my hips to keep me inside, "Spill that jizz in me! Knock me up!"

I couldn't have held on if I tried, her pussy pulsated rhythmically and my cock stood no chance this time. Agatha and I screamed together as we both leapt over the edge. My cum splashed into her womb as her pussy milked me dry. Her ragged breath filled my ear, we held each other tightly as we came down from our shared high.

"Da-yum," She moaned, "We should've done this months ago."

We rolled over so she was on top again.

"Hey, what did you mean by knocking you up?" I asked, concern in my voice.

"Oh... that," she blushed nervously, "I... kinda have a... um... fetish."

"Are you...?" I started, leaning up on my elbows.

"Don't worry, I took a plan b earlier and I have an implant," she said reassuringly, lifting my hand up to her bicep just below her armpit. I felt a small pill sized bump under her very soft skin, "I'm definitely not ready to be a mom yet... but I just think of the idea of a man making my belly swell with his baby... Well, I think it's really fucking hot."

"I think we need ground rules," I said, my hand lifted up to cup her cheek.

"Yeah," she sighed, leaning into my hand, "I promise to stay on my birth control."

Agatha lifted herself off of my cock and rested on top of me, she raised her hand and drew lazy circles with her fingertips on my chest.

"Hey?" I asked, "What if you do get pregnant?"

She glanced up at me and offered a small grin, "One bridge at a time, Red."

We contentedly laid there in each other's arms for a while before I noticed something was burning.

"The pizza!" I shouted, springing up and rushing into the kitchen.

I turned off the oven and pulled out a blackened disc from a cloud of black smoke. Agatha came up and exchanged looks with me. I tossed it into the trash and looked for something else for dinner as my now lover opened the window above the sink. I pulled out some eggs and scrambled them up.

"Can you fertilize mine?" She joked, wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my cheek.

Maybe one day.

That's more or less how our new relationship went, we'd typically fuck every couple of days or so either in the morning after I got back or in the evening when she got back. Once and a while, after long frustrating days, we'd fuck each other awake.

At first we were just fucking to blow off steam, we were consenting adults that had needs afterall, but as the days turned into weeks, I started to feel things for Agatha... and not just my cock rising everytime she took off her clothes. I've never been very good at understanding my emotions and I didn't like being vulnerable to someone else's whims.

But whenever Agatha and I were together, fucking or just hanging out, I felt like I wasn't so vulnerable with her.

My birthday is June twenty-sixth, I turned twenty-four. My parents wanted to do a video call to meet Agatha. Dad instantly liked her, he could make friends with damn near anyone. Mom however was less than thrilled. She hates black people because her sister had been raped by a black soldier back in the Eighties. When the US military tried to sweep the whole thing under the rug my grandfather, a family boss in the Yakuza, had his underlings track down and castrate the soldier.

I told Agatha to give Mom some time, she'd warm up to her... eventually.

Agatha's birthday is July fourth, I had bought beer on my way home to celebrate her turning twenty-one. We sat on our balcony watching the city's firework display at the park just down the street. Agatha became red faced only after a couple of drinks and was all over me... not that I minded. We climaxed together as the last of the fireworks exploded.

Everything was damn near perfect, until one day in September when our city's lockdown was lifted and people could go out again. I was worried that Agatha would go back to Tinder, but instead one morning when I'd gotten home from work she came to me and sheepishly asked if we could start dating properly. I felt so much relief that I wrapped her up in my arms, cupped her cheek and pressed my lips to hers. She immediately returned the affection.

I know it's a little stupid, considering that we'd already been fucking for months by then, but that had been our first kiss... and it had been the best kiss of my life.

She led me outside onto our balcony and pulled down her gym shorts as she leaned over the railing. I unbuckled and pulled down my pants and boxers and stroked my cock to full hardness. Agatha cooed adorably as she spread open her lips letting my cock slowly slide deep into her welcoming warmth.

We fucked in full view of the apartment complex. Our moans and screams echoing into the brisk fall skies. Agatha came twice before I shot a heavy load into her womb. As my limp cock slipped out some of our mixed juices followed, I enjoyed seeing the contrast of the milky fluids on her dark skin... it felt right.

We got fines for public indecency, but fuck if it wasn't worth the 500 bucks.

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Redoctober1995Redoctober19958 months agoAuthor

Agatha is based on a few different women, but mostly my wife who is half black half Irish.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Didn’t read through the story after all the personal character data, and then - a reference to “Half-Black”. Why? We are sure there is a point?

It’s your story, but people are people are all equal.

You could easily make a reference as to her family heritage or where her parents came from and fell in love.

Not because he has always been attracted to Black or Half-Black!!!!!

That implies any woman who has loving and attractive traits, characteristics, intelligence and beauty; is off-limits - unless she is???????

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy8 months ago

You can do what you want to if you're willing to suffer the consequences!


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I didn't read past the second paragraph. Any story that begins by rattling off character body dimensions and descriptors as if they were sports stats is an immediate pass. Most details don't need to be given, and for the ones that do, reveal them naturally through the course of storytelling. Leaving some things to the reader's imagination instead of lazily listing them is so much more interesting and erotic.

pocketrocketpocketrocket9 months ago

Much too short for this category. Each installation should be at least three times this long.

On merits, not bad for an intro but try to post 2-3 chapters at a time, ie this one and the next two.

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