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The Beginning Pt. 01


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"Nothing I haven't seen before!" I said matter of factly. But that was an obvious lie! My face was flushed and my heart beat rose quite a bit. His first attempt to hide it dissolved as he noticed my flustered state I guess, because soon enough, he somehow regained his composure and removed his hand. And there it was again, the bump seemed to have risen up even higher.

"I guess I won't hide it then! Should have figured out a nurse was used to these kinds of things!" he said with a level of cockiness that I somehow found endearing.

"...ok perhaps not like this...good lord look at this thing!"

I walked up[ to him and helped him out of the bed. As usual, he got up and was facing me. This time however there was an obvious uninvited guest.

He grinned while trying to press it down. I guess I didnt notice that i was staring because he cleared his throat and asked me if I could turn around to let him adjust himself. I did, albeit reluctantly, but I did. The reluctance surprised me at first but I allowed it to slip away as I simply basked myself in the glow of the intense desire slowly swelling up within me.

I could hear the fabric of his shorts as he did what I assumed was pressing down on his penis. It felt like hours were passing by as I grew somewhat impatient.

"Need some help with that?" I meekly said.


"Nothing" I responded, surprised by what had just slipped out of my lips.

He said nothing else and finally after what seemed like an eternity he asked me to turn around.

He was taller than I and so I held him at his hips at first as he wrapped his left arm around my shoulders for support. The climb this time was slower. He held onto me tightly as he went up and I could smell him. They say that a person's natural scent could tell a thousand words of attraction. Well that was it. I simply drowned in his. Thomas' scent was tickling and arousing, or perhaps it was this whole situation. I felt his finger loosen around my shoulder, almost as if he was caressing them. In response, my hand holding him close almost trailed lower. At the top of the stairs, he asked me to stop and let him rest for a bit.

"Honestly, I can't thank you two enough." he said as Kevin came around a corner. Kevin offered to help and went over to his side.

"No worries bud! You are in good hands, Mary is the best nurse around!" Kevin's help allowed Andre and I to reposition our arms. As we walked toward the kitchen, he wrapped his arm around my waist instead and my arm went up a bit higher.

My left hand met his and in a bold attempt, I secured his hand firmly at my hips instead. The trip to the kitchen was short but electrifying. Perhaps it was the fact that we were all such close proximity, or perhaps it was that his hold on me felt so intimate while my husband was also there.

As he sat down on the kitchen stool, his fingers trailed on my lower back and made me feel electrified.

My husband kissed me goodbye soon after and left for work. But before he left, he turned around and told Andre to let himself go a bit and relax.

"...stress isn't good for recovery!" he pointed out as he stepped out. There was a subtlety behind his words that could have escaped us if not for the recent events so far. It felt less as a word of advice and more as a recommendation for us to let loose. Kevin would later tell me that he felt like in trance when he had said that. He wasn't quite sure why he did so at first but he had a special lingering thought in his mind while doing so...

Andre was done eating while I busied myself around the kitchen. I heard him stand up and support himself on the edge of the table as he rounded the corner to the sink.

"Oh gawd, just ask me to help you up!"

He smiled and told me that he always disliked feeling helpless. There again, by the sink, we engaged in a long discussion. He was leaning on the table on his good leg, and I, on the sink. All the while I could feel his eyes roaming and quite honestly, mine as well.

And that's when I noticed that he yet again was sporting another tent down below. I smirked and he laughed while covering his face with his hand.

"Sorry, it seems the painkillers are doing more than just the intended job! He claimed.

"Oh ya? And here I thought I was the cause!" I replied slyly.

He only smiled in return and slightly nodded. He extended his arm toward me and I walked closer to him to help him. His left hand rested on my shoulder, but unlike their usual rest-stop, they fell a little lower. I took notice and took hold of them before releasing them. I knew what I had attempted to do but somehow, I had pushed away the initiative at the last moment. Ignoring that pesky voice within that had been bugging me all this time. He was still clearly aroused as I walked him back to his bedroom shower.

Before I left the room I stopped and looked back at him.

"I can help you undress if you'd like!" I said as I did my best to act stoically.

I expected him to say no but to my surprise, he smiled and nodded.

I brought his tower closer and wrapped it around him; was that dissatisfaction that I sensed from him? Regardless I continued! Still standing and supporting himself on the bathroom door handle, I somehow managed to slip my hands below the towel and inserted my thumbs between his shorts and his skin.

"No wonder he looked so big, he isn't wearing anything below!"

I lingered there for a bit and met his gaze. I pulled down, making sure to keep the towel in place. The short felt stuck around his buttock, so I extended my hand carefully around him to tug on it. To keep it balanced I slid my left hand toward the front of his short, my thumb still hooked around the waist belt. I could feel his tickling hair.

I looked at him again smiling as I tugged down.

"Hold on tight!" I told him as I smiled. He smiled back and brought his other arm on my shoulder as I kneeled down.

He stepped out of the shorts lightly and I rose back up again. This time a few inches close to him. I looked in his eyes and held it for a while. That's when I felt it, grazing against my navel. We both looked down at the same time and laughed nervously. I stepped away as he complained jokingly. "And here I thought you'd give me a shower too!" he said smugly.

What followed surprised me at first, but the nagging voice felt louder.

"... get in there and wash up!" I said as I slightly spanked his butt. This made him almost jump, and luckily he did not hurt himself in the process; but when he looked back at me, he winked and seemed amused by my own surprise. I profusely apologized to him and stepped out of the bedroom.

The rest of the day was tension filled. I couldn't focus on my own work and kept reminiscing about the whole morning encounter. At some point, he called me over and reminded me that he needed to start massaging his affected leg but needed some lotion.

"Do it yourself Mary... something might h-"

"Mary? Are you listening?" He interrupted my thoughts this time. I nodded and as if possessed, I blurted it out.

"Ok I can do it!" I said to him too late to control my own voice and facial expression. Andre eyebrows rose up and he looked puzzled at first but smiled. I left the living room and went on about my day after that. Soon after, I texted Kevin, and let him know that I would need some massage oil for Andre. He readily acquiesced with a winking smiling face. I tried to ignore it but the back of my mind was rolling in subtle thoughts and machinations.

"Hey bud, how is it going? How was your day?" Kevin said as he stepped into the living room. They sat there and chatted for a while about this and that. I on the other hand was busy unpacking the items Kevin had brought back and soon after I headed upstairs to change into my PJs. My heartbeats could be heard a mile away!

I was so eager to visit his bedroom that night. Despite my intense heartbeats, a welcomed calm washed over me, as if a fundamental truth had finally dawned on me.

Kevin joined me in our bedroom and told me that he had helped Andre to his bed. He stopped for a bit and was clearly checking me out. He smiled and came close to kiss me on the lips. "What are you so giddy about?" I asked him. Nothing he replied and shrugged.

"Are you going to give him that leg massage right now?"

I replied affirmatively before locking eyes with him and kissing him longingly.

"Kevin, I don't have to do this, we can ask him to get a nurse to care for him..." I said meekly. The back of my mind however was screaming.

"I have no issue with this, so long as you don't either, I mean has he been disrespectful toward you or anything along those lines?" I shook my head vehemently and told him that Andre has always been respectful. I paused, looked down as I wrapped my arms around his neck. And then, I told him about the morning encounter.

"Ahahah! Wow this is quite the marital tale huh?" he teased. I looked at him again and took a deep breath. "I will go downstairs and give him a massage!" I said this time matter of factly. Kevin smiled again and brought me closer for a deep kiss. He spanked my butt cheeks lightly before adding: "he probably should have done this too!"

I shook my head as I grabbed the massaging lotion and headed out of our bedroom.

He was already settled in bed when I arrived. He was wearing some blue shorts that revealed most of his thighs. Without hesitation, I poured some of the lotion on his thigh, and started to knead it lightly. The pressure seemed adequate as I inched closer upward. This went on for half an hour in silence. Only our breaths break the current status-quo from time to time. This was usually accompanied by our gazes meeting and one of us smiling profusely. My hands kneaded and pressed, at times, my finger trailed down his thigh. His skin was smooth, smoother than legally possible. I jokingly asked him about his skin care routine and he shrugged. Still, my little fingertips motion on his skin seemed to have an effect. His shorts seemed to rise lightly around his crotch area. My heartbeat accelerated as this occurred. My thoughts became singular. My intent became purposeful and obvious as time passed. He said nothing and did nothing to stop me. I relished that!

All this time, from the time that I first met him to the moment before this when I was brushing my hair and selecting a tighter than usual t-shirt that outlined my modest yet enticing breast, and pajama pants that could easily pass for--

I digress, all this time, I had but one desire whispering at the back of my mind: "I want

something to happen".

And here I was, yet again, his bulge right in front of me, my eyes tracing its outlines. This was the something, the opportunity that I wanted to happen--all I had to do was to seize it.

"Do it...come on, do it and feel it in your hand, between your fingers, between your l--" "Someone looks eager!" I said. A deafening silence grew between us. His shorts rose up more and more. My hands inching closer to his bulge; the medical treatment turning into a more intimate affair much sooner. I breathed deeply, mustering the courage to finally let the following decisive words take us to new territories!

"Andre, I'd like to take it out!"

He nodded, that little...he simply nodded and I simp-

"Go ahead..."

He grinned so mischievously, yet there was no malice behind it.

I brought my right hand to it, then retracted it while pinching my lips together. Building up the courage, I again and again moved it back and forth over the heated pulsing thing--his bulge seemed to have grown. It was hot and I went ahead and brought my second hand to it. Slightly, my left hand frolicked over it from the top-down and extending the affair at the tip of its voyage. And as if on cue, it moved up. Was it just me or it seemed to stay there for quite a while before coming back down. My right hand would let me find out that it was indeed the case as it moved, tip-toeing its way to his pelvis--and the several pulses that meant only one thing...

Release was needed, and release was found; I wasted no more time and started pulling the hem of his shorts down. He helped me by raising his hips, and just like that it sprang to attention! It was ebene...Sorry I need a moment, even now I can still remember it.

...Andre settled back down, but "it" didn't. Steady heart beats could be felt coursing through his pulsing engorged cock. And so I felt it, in my hand, gently tugging on the skin rubbing it against the hardness. He must have liked it, because as I turned my gaze to him, he took such a deep breath right when I felt something dripping down the back of my hand giving him quite the sensual handjob.

I stopped as if frozen, and I smiled at him looking disappointed. My hand had stopped; intentful on bringing it up to my lips. And so I did and didn't stop myself from licking the precum still dripping down my hand. I took one more look at him wanting to smile but stopping myself for a more important course of action. I removed my wrist band and brought it up to my hair, I bundled them together and tied them with the band. All the while I kept eye contact with him. He was all smiles, and that was the last thing I saw before lowering my head. My lips parting slightly, my tongue anticipating the touch and twitch of his cock. I licked the pre-cum that seemed to come out of him ceaselessly. I have always enjoyed doing this and this moment was no exception. I licked his glans which made his whole cock twitch! An invitation? He will have to be patient.

My tongue trailed down his cock, then rose up again leaving a glistening trail on what would be the top of his penis. I twirled it around the glans this time, and licked him at the base down. He seemed ecstatic. I smiled triumphantly!

I pulled my head away as I took hold of his cock; again, tugging on his skin which slid up and down his hard cock. More pre cum came out and I brought my lips to his glans this time. As soon as it enveloped it and formed a seal around it, I slid down on his cock, I felt it pusle and flex intensely in my mouth. My lips held there as my tongue twirled around the glans lusciously. All the whole I kept tugging up and down on his hard cock.

"Can I touch you?" he asked!

I slightly turned my head toward him and nodded. I heard a gasp as his left hand found its way toward my breasts. Another gasp... but I continued on, tugging, licking, twirling and sliding my lips up and down. Then with a pop I released his cock, and asked him to move more inside the bed. I climbed on and stayed on all four. I looked at him again and smiled as my hands found their way back to his hardness. I took his left hand and brought it to my waist and led it down my hips. He didn't need any more directions and he let it settle on my butttocks which I slightly turned toward him. He was all smiles as I went back to suck his hardened penis.

Another audible gasp could be heard...

I continued nonetheless. I sucked, and tasted. His hard member was getting even harder in my mouth. He seemed to enjoy it when I licked the side of his cock--I found his weak spot! I teased and licked and caressed with my right thumb. I could feel him stir more. Still, I took my time and savored the moment. His hand grabbed a handful of my asscheeks and kneaded. I have always loved it when Kevin did that, but only this time it was another man doing so in our basement. And I was letting him do so while my husband was upstairs. The realization of the act, the situation in which we three had suddenly found ourselves dawned on me, yet I didn't stop, I couldn't and wouldn't. I looked at him again as I felt him insert his hand inside my PJs. he stopped for a bit as if looking for my approval. I looked at him and nodded while I grabbed his hand and pushed it further in.

Another gasp, and this time more audible...

He fondled my ass, and at times went back to my breast. Sometimes, he inserted his hand inside and teased my nipples. This made me suck and lick him more eagerly. My nipples were hard and wanting. He teased me however, and went back to my asscheeks. I could feel him pull on my undies as I took him a bit deeper in my mouth. My lips sealing themselves around his hard cock as I went back up for air. This went on for a while and expectantly drew him closer.

"Mary, I'm close... I can feel it! Oh gawd!"

It pulsed, hard and in short bursts. I kept stroking him as I looked at him smiling, he moaned and moaned as I grazed his glans with my fingers, the action, somehow helping him pulsate even harder. I saw it land at first on his groin area, then a little higher. It kept pouring out in jets-like trails. Even after he was clearly done, I could still feel him pulse in my hand. I smiled and held the towel in one hand ready to clean the other. But still, I held my hand there for a while, feeling it deflate slowly--it seemed to take its sweet time. I tugged on it a little bit more before releasing it.

I handed him the towel after I cleaned my hand and he cleaned up nicely as well.

"Thanks!" he said coyly.

I nodded, and slowly left his room...

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AhboomAhboomabout 1 year ago

Damn, this story is so good. The way you write the descriptions and dialogues makes it sexier and hotter. Very good writer. Can't wait to read next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

All these people complaining. Just go read something else! Some of us like having sex with different people while married. It's pretty hot. You should try it. ;)

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 1 year ago

If you're going to write a three-part story, you might want to give them all the same title.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

There is an interracial category for a reason...

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlennyover 1 year ago

Sigh....same shit,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Twins for Mary, I predict.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wow, loved evry sentence can't wait until you publish part 2

26thNC26thNCalmost 2 years ago

Another pathetic white cuck and whore go apeshit for the mystical lowlife Jamal. Ic69, a genuine sick fuck, continues to whine about nonexistent incels. Everyone knows all LW BTB fans are bitter old men.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I didn’t understand Mary’s logic or explanation of how she loved Kevin her husband but they were “bored” “in a routine” “we had sex and enjoyed it”.

I predict Kevin will be encouraging Mary to enjoy the neighbor’s cock and give him sloppy seconds and cream pies.

Hopefully Kevin has been banging a few young women while away at work and that explains his “boredom and distraction” when having sex with Mary.

OOAAOOAAalmost 2 years ago

Super HOT 🔥🔥 story!!!

Please, go on soon 😉👍

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Oh wow. What a surprise! Another cheating, 'loving wife' story and a bbc.

TwentysevenTwentysevenalmost 2 years ago

Very hot. Just do me one little favour. Give Kevin a backbone.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Terribly off-putting. White apologists wives who lie about their level of love they have for their poor pathetic insufficiently endowed and effeminate white husbands. Why do these women marry these losers to begin with? All they really want to do is control a white man. They are virtue signaling their dedication to the fantasy of social reconstruction. Interracial storyline, on the way to fetishism. Pap for the new world order of "someone else screwed up and now generations later the woke white wives must fix it!" 1☆

CptMarvel88CptMarvel88almost 2 years ago

Loved it, can't wait for part 2!

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusalmost 2 years ago

Poorly written and heavily cliched *

The_John_YossarianThe_John_Yossarianalmost 2 years ago

It started out promising it wasn't the usual story of this type. Then, it promptly slid right into that formulaic groove. Again, the same story, part 9,865,251. I won't even rate it.

lc69hunterlc69hunteralmost 2 years ago

You have to ignore the God fearing anonymous incel trolls who hate any thought of extramarital sex, but gladly beat their meat at Daddy fucking his daughter. They are a bunch of sick fucks

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