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The Big Tits Club Ch. 33-34


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"And then what, water sports and scat?"

I blinked. "Uhhh no."

"Just checking." Alice chuckled. With a sigh, she pursed her lips together and shook her head. "This is the escalation I was worried about in the beginning. The idea that once one girl crossed a line and took things to the next level, the rest of us would have to put out just to keep up."

I frowned. "Please tell me you don't still feel that way."

She shrugged. "You, obviously, haven't pressured me at all. I'm here, dolled up in makeup, this pretty skirt, and a skimpy tank top that shows off my boobs, and yet you haven't made a single move on me."

I blinked and frowned. "Did you WANT me to make a move on you?"

She shook her head in the negative immediately. "I don't want you doing anything you don't already want to do of your own initiative. If I have to tell you to do something, it defeats the whole purpose."

"Okay..." I furrowed my eyebrows and thought about that.

"And no, I don't feel any pressure from the girls, either. Even when I stormed out and left the BTC for a while, that was me putting pressure on myself. Once I realized my friends wouldn't think any less of me for being a virgin and not ready to do the same sex things they were doing with you, I chilled out about the whole escalation thing."

"I'm glad."

"So back to the main topic. Is anal sex really so much better than regular sex?"

I frowned. "I never said it was better. Just different."

"You said it was dessert. Doesn't everybody love dessert more than regular food?"

I thought about that. "Well... it's certainly sweeter. But at the same time, people can't eat dessert all the time."

"Because of all the sugar and calories and lack of nutritional benefits. That's not the case with anal sex. I mean, you and Neevie certainly seem to be trying to have anal sex all the time."

"Well if we're going with this metaphor, maybe it's less about the dietary consequences of having anal sex and more about the effort involved in getting there."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's not as easy to just line it up and shove it in. Well, most of the time it isn't. But let's take us for example right now. If you wanted to give me a blowjob, you could just park on your knees in front of me, pull down my shorts, and start bobbing away."

"Sounds reasonable." With that, the scantily-clad Asian beauty slipped to the floor in front of me and reached for my shorts.

"Whoa, whoa, I meant talking hypothetically. I wasn't asking for a blowjob."

"I know you weren't. But you put the idea in my head and now I want to."

I stared down at my best buddy in surprise as she went ahead and pulled down my shorts, took my mostly-limp dick into her mouth, and started sucking. It didn't stay limp very long, and soon enough sprouted into a full-blown erection.

At that point, Alice popped off and gestured with one hand, saying, "Keep going with your explanation."

"Uh, I forgot what I was saying."

"You were saying how anal sex takes a lot more effort to get there."

"Oh, right. Well... you just demonstrated how easy blowjobs are. And even regular sex, while it wouldn't be easy for me to just flip up your skirt and shove myself in dry, it usually doesn't take that long to get a girl wet enough for vaginal entry."

Alice paused more than halfway down my dick, looked up at me with her warm, almond-shaped eyes, and then pulled off the top. "If that was a suggestion for me to hop on board and give you my virginity right now, the answer is, 'No, not like this.'"

I chuckled and shook my head. "We're still talking hypothetically. But the point is: we could if we wanted to right now. I already know you're getting wet while going down on me."

Alice conceded that with a silent shrug. She was also rubbing herself at the same time. And she went back to her blowjob.

"Anal sex, on the other hand... I mean, you know what Belle just went through. It took a month of gauging her asshole with successively bigger butt plugs, and even then she had to get a wider one from Sam in the end to make it work. The first few attempts were disastrous, and I sincerely doubt we'll ever be able to do it without lube. So it's not like we could just spontaneously decide to pop your anal cherry right now and slam it in. Even Neevie wouldn't be able to do that without warming her up. And we haven't even started talking about the inconvenient need to clean up afterwards."

She pulled off again. "Then why do it if it's so much work?"

I laughed. "Because it's fucking amazing, that's why."

Alice frowned. "I thought you just said anal sex wasn't any better than regular sex, just different."

I sighed. "Just because I like pizza doesn't mean I'm gonna stop eating burgers."

"So it's a variety thing."

"I suppose."

"Neevie seems to think pizza is better than burgers."

I thought about that. "I'll grant you that. But it's different for everyone. If you ask Mari, I'm sure she'll tell you that she gets much more pleasure from regular sex than anal sex. Belle, too."

"And yet Belle is so driven now with getting you into her ass."

"Well, maybe that's BECAUSE she had to work so hard for it. You know what they say about the best things in life being the things you have to really earn."

"I thought the best things in life are free?"

"Well, maybe 'best things' is the wrong phrase. More like... you get more personal satisfaction hiking four miles to get to an okay scenic vista than just pulling over to the side of the road and staring out across the Grand Canyon. The effort involved makes it more rewarding."

"Okay that word 'rewarding', I get that, at least. Belle won't shut up about how thrilled she is that you can finally assfuck her. She did say it's not as physically pleasurable for her as regular sex, but she said it's so much more rewarding when she cums during anal sex because she knows how much pain and suffering she had to go through to get it."

"Well there you are."

"That's also not a glowing recommendation that would inspire a girl to give up her anal cherry."

"I'm not trying to inspire you. You asked, so I'm just giving you my opinion about why the others do what they do. And well, I really don't think it's so painful or difficult for most."

"I hope not."

I arched an eyebrow and looked down at her. "Were YOU thinking about having anal sex?"

She pursed her lips, made a face, and went back to giving me the blowjob. The immediate pleasure was such that I was in no hurry to make her answer the question, and in fact was completely ready to let it go.

But after a minute, Alice popped off again and answered, "I was thinking about it, yes. I wouldn't go so far as to say I was considering it, but I am trying to understand what makes the other girls want to do it."

"Have you tried asking them?"

"Of course."


She thought about that and looked away, rather absentmindedly continuing to stroke my dick. Without looking back at me, she muttered, "For Belle it's a personal achievement; she's insecure about her body and she needs to feel like she can please you the way others please you."

I frowned at that pronouncement.

Alice kept going. "For Mari it's dessert, or pizza, or... I think I lost the metaphor. It's a change of pace, and while yes, she likes pussy sex better, she enjoys anal sex every now and again when she's in the mood or when she's sharing the experience with her friends, like yesterday. The BJ Queen of the BTC probably enjoys showing off her Body Built For Sex."

I nodded.

"Neevie's the opposite. I genuinely think that girl loves your dick in her ass better than in her pussy, and if it weren't for all the effort and cleanup stuff she'd have you up her ass all day every day. There's a reason she's the Anal Queen of the BTC. She also keeps going off about you touching her 'sacred core' and stuff like that."

I chuckled at that.

"Sam confuses me. Sometimes it feels like she's just trying to keep up with Neevie. Or at least, it felt like that in the beginning. I mean I wasn't there, but the others said that she gave you her anal cherry literally the night after Neevie gave you hers. And it was horrible and painful and all that, but she insisted she had to do it."

I grimaced. "Sam's... complicated."

"But it's not like that anymore. It's weird, like... Sam is always in control and she definitely enjoys being on top when she's having regular sex with you. But then--"

"But then she has this other side to her where she likes surrendering that control and letting me have my way with her," I finished for her. "She does it with face-fucking sometimes and the anal sex too. Like she just wants me to bend her over, pin her down, and violate her for my selfish pleasure."

"Yeah, that's what it looked like to me," Alice agreed. "It's like there's a submissive streak in her or something."

I blinked. "I wouldn't go so far as to call her a submissive."

"Whatever. Maybe it's just a trust and safety thing. She loves you, and she trusts you, and the idea of putting herself in your hands and getting all that pleasure..." Alice's voice trailed off as her eyes unfocused a bit, but she squeezed my dick a little tighter in her hands.

"Want me to go down on you right now?" I asked quietly.

"Yesss..." Blinking from her reverie, Alice looked up at me and blushed, finishing, "But uh, no not yet."

"Well now that you mention it, I think there's a certain level of intimacy Sam shares with me when we have anal sex. For all of the girls, actually, it's so much more... personal... special... like Neevie's bit about her sacred core. A girl letting me into her ass is like the ultimate representation of putting her trust in me, of expressing how safe she feels with me to let me do that to her, even if it's not the most comfortable thing."

"Yeah, it's the discomfort part that worries me the most. I mean, I trust you Matty, and I feel safe with you. But it just looks so painful."

I shrugged. "Don't knock it 'til you try it."

"I have."

My eyebrows popped. "You have?"

"Well, not with your dick, obviously. But Neevie's played around with my butt a little bit. Pretty early on, actually, she was going down on me and I was super-close to orgasm and she popped a finger in my ass and started wiggling it. It stopped me from cumming and just freaked me out. She got all apologetic."

I frowned. "Having Neevie surprise you with a finger is different from truly 'trying it'. Honestly, Belle got me to put my thumb into Sam's butthole one time and just like you, it freaked her out. But now, obviously, she's much more into it."

"I didn't say that was the ONLY time I've tried it. After Neevie turned into the Anal Queen and wouldn't shut up about it, I got around to having her try it again, this time with me at least expecting it. But honestly? It's just sorta... weird."

I held up my hands. "I'm not gonna argue with you. Neevie's tried playing around with MY butt too while she was going down on me. It uh... I didn't like it."

Alice started guffawing and she actually choked on her own spit for a second. At the same time, the discussion about my girlfriend sticking her fingers in my ass was not arousing in the slightest, and at some point Alice had stopped stroking my dick. I was deflating, and when she noticed, she pulled her hand away and gave me a thoughtful look.

"Maybe it would be different if you were the one playing around with my butt."

I blinked in surprise. "Excuse me?"

Alice sighed. "Messing around with the girls has been... eye-opening. I mean, having anyone's tongue wrapped around my clit, male or female, is pretty awesome. I don't mind going down on them either because fair is fair and to hear a girl moaning from an orgasm -I- gave her is a bit of a rush. But at the end of the day, I think I'm pretty straight. And while Neevie is hot and all, I'm not super-attracted to her. So like I said: maybe it would be different if it was you."

With that, Alice stood up and started tugging down her skirt and panties. I gawked at her, a bit of a deer-in-the-headlights expression on my face.

"Go down on me first. Get me warmed up," she said matter-of-factly. "And then when the mood seems right, go ahead and start playing around back there. Just as long as you know that licking me and putting your fingers in my butt is as far as you're gonna get."

I gave her a questioning look, one that asked if she was sure.

"What?" Alice smirked. "Hasn't this basically been your role in the BTC for years already? Let us girls experiment with you, test our boundaries with a safe guy we know will never push us past what we're comfortable with? This is the next step I want to explore, and I want to explore it with you."

"Well when you put it that way..." I gave her a warm smile. But rather than slip off the couch and immediately start eating her out, I pulled the half-naked girl into my arms, abruptly dipped her over my lap, and sealed my lips over her mouth. She squealed in surprise but swooned when I started kissing her. I knew Alice would be perfectly happy to make out with me, and the adrenaline rush of feeling like she was falling for a second spiked that pleasure.

Knowing that the end goal was to get her comfortable with me playing around with her ass, I knew I should have patience and take the time to really work her up to it. So we made out for at least five minutes first.

I couldn't hold her in my lap forever though, and I wound up shifting Alice over a bit until her head was supported by a pillow propped against the armrest to my left. I slid my right hand up her torso, circled it around to her back, and flipped the clasp of the lacy black bra she'd worn in stark contrast to the peach-colored scoop-neck tank top that had been showing off her cleavage to me all morning. I paused to brush dark bangs back from her pretty face, obviously highlighted by her makeup to give her an even more exotically-beautiful appeal while at the same time remaining quintessentially "Alice". And I smiled in obvious admiration to make sure she understood just how lovely she was to me before I bent down to capture her lips with mine once again.

I fondled her breasts and scraped my tongue against hers. I slid my fingers down her belly and through her neatly-trimmed pubic hair before gently caressing her protruding clit. She moaned into my mouth and then pulled her lips off mine to gasp against my neck when I penetrated her pussy with two digits. I kissed my way down her neck, pulled the neckline of her tank top down and underneath her big boobs so that the peach fabric held the massive mounds up and together invitingly. I accepted my self-made invitation and began to lick and slurp and suckle at her proffered pink teats. And she whimpered and shivered and finally squeaked an orgasm into my ear when my nipple-suckling combined with fingerbanging combined with my thumbing of her clit to bring her up and over a small peak.

Only then did I slip off the couch and orient Alice's body upright. Tugging on her buttcheeks, I dragged her ass right to the edge of the couch so I would have unfettered access to her sweet snatch. I dove in and feasted, wrapping my tongue around her clit right away. And she moaned and grabbed my hair, pressing my face even deeper into her crotch before groaning gutturally, "Ah, fuck, Matty. Eat me! Eat me!"

I ate her. I ate her and I fingerbanged her. I ate her, fingerbanged her, and then I flipped her over onto her stomach. She wound up with her chest and torso atop the couch cushion but her knees on the floor while I licked her slit from behind. I then dragged my tongue along her happy trail, from pussy across the perineum and finally to her winking rosebud. I licked all around that crinkled little sphincter while re-introducing my fingers into her wet box. And while I fingerbanged her cunt with three digits, I stiffened my tongue and pushed it through her anus.

Alice's head popped up and she groaned in obvious pleasure. She reached out with both arms, clasping at the backrest and the cushions to either side. She grabbed the same pillow against the armrest and pulled it to her face, smothering herself for a moment before she bared her teeth and bit down on the top of it.

By now I'd started stashing an extra bottle of lube underneath the couch since I'd started having so many anal encounters with the girls in the family room. Just yesterday, I'd used the bottle to show off Belle's new butthole trick, so it only took a few seconds of blindly searching with my left hand to find it. And after popping open the cap, I stopped giving my best friend a rimjob and instead squirted out a healthy glob of the slippery stuff right atop her anus.

Alice shivered and looked back at me, asking, "What are you--OHHHHHH!!!"

Her question got cut off when I removed my fingers from her cunt and instead pushed first one and then a second finger through the glob of lube and into her tight asshole. She'd clenched up in surprise but then relaxed a second later. I then ducked my head back down to resume licking her clit, working hard to send pleasure signals into her brain while slowly pumping the two fingers in and out of her ass.

"Turn over again, Alice," I said gently and went back to eating her out.

Her eyes were clenched shut and she moaned as I fingerbanged her little asshole, but she responded nonetheless by rolling first onto one side, and then all the way back around while I used my free hand to hoist her body back up to the couch.

Now in her original position once again, shoulders reclined against the backrest with her ass hanging off the edge, I was able to bend over and really wrap my lips around her clit while fingerbanging her butt below. The half-naked Korean babe reached out with both hands to either side, searching for something... anything... to grab onto. And in the end she came up with her video game controller.

After hitting a button, the TV blazed back to life as the racing game unpaused. Her eyes wavered, but Alice stared straight at the screen. She grasped the controller with both hands and started pushing buttons. From behind me, I could hear her start a new 1-player game. And I chuckled to myself before bearing down to really feast on my best friend's pussy, and even added a third finger into her ass while she played her game.

We went on like that for about three minutes. Twice, it seemed like Alice was about to climax as her eyes rolled up into her head and her head lolled to the side. But both times she fought off the orgasm like a sleepy driver trying to stay alert behind the wheel. She sat up a little straighter, inhaled sharply and focused on her racing. But a few seconds later, the pleasure took over again, and her head started to nod once more.

I have no idea what place she got in the race. It doesn't really matter. All that matters to me is that as soon as the race was over, she finally dropped the controller, let her head fall back, and she absolutely SCREAMED in ecstasy, "EEEEYYYYAAAAAAAUUUUUGGGHHH!!!"

Her butthole clenched around my invading fingers. Her legs snapped shut around my ears. Her pelvis bucked off the mattress and actually bumped my nose. And Alice vibrated and shuddered on the couch as the most powerful climax I'd ever seen her have exploded throughout her entire body.


"EEEEYYYYAAAAAAAUUUUUGGGHHH!!!" she screamed one final time.

And then she went limp.

I decided to keep licking her as she came down from her orgasm. Nothing super intense - I just sort of lazily dragged my tongue up and down her soaking wet pussy while keeping three fingers buried in her asshole. I actually thought of introducing a fourth, since her orgasm had definitely loosened her up. But I resisted the urge and looked up at the beatific smile of heavenly bliss plastered all the way across her face.

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