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The Blind Girl in the Rain Pt. 03

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Seeing with the Colors of Her Mind.
7k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/14/2017
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The room quietly echoed to the sounds of city life as I lay there staring up into the fading dark as the world turned and night slipped into the beginnings of the new day.

Sleep had been fitful. The constant turning of my mind as random thoughts flared, flickered and faded keeping me awake until the early hours. Night visions dancing in the darkness always bringing me back to the way she looked at me and the dawning realization that nothing would be the same again.

I got up and sat on the edge of the bed for a moment. I closed my eyes and hung my head as my body began to wake from its slumbers as I stretched and ran both hands through my thick dark hair. I got to my feet and walked naked to the window of my fifth-floor apartment and watched as the first signs of a red dawn began to appear from behind the concrete horizon.

Another day. Another Monday. I stared out into the far distance as the world began to paint herself with cloud strokes of deep copper and burnt umber. But it wasn't another day. Or another Monday.

A blind girl called Heather McCallister had made everything different.


Monday was a seriously cold day.

I had already parked the Lambo and was making my way up from the underground car park towards the main entrance of the building when I saw a cab pull up to the curb and the driver gets out to open the rear door on the left-hand side.

Suddenly a white stick appeared and I watched as the girl eased herself out onto the sidewalk as the cabbie fussed around her. So that was how she was getting around in this weather. It was then I realized this was my opportunity and quickly made my way to where she was standing.

The nearer I got to her the more my heart began to quicken. She was dressed in a dark grey overcoat with a bright yellow scarf wrapped around her neck, a black woven skirt, and what looked like thick woolen black stockings and knee-high black leather boots. Her hair was tied with a ponytail hanging down her back.

She waited until the taxi had moved off then reached forward with her stick and began to tap it back and forth. She had that thing in her ear and I could tell she was listening to whatever the device was telling her. I stopped a few feet from her and watched as she moved carefully forward and into the flow of pedestrians. Even from where I was I could see that she was nervous and flinched every now and again as she felt someone get too close as they walked past.

She walked a few meters then stopped. Her head was tilted to one side as she listened to the city moving around her. She was practically at the entrance to the courtyard in front of the company tower and tapped the end of her stick along the low wall in front of it. After a moments pause, she carefully set off again and I could see her mumbling to herself and it suddenly occurred to me that she was counting her steps as she went.

I stepped to the side as she came right past me and the faint smell of an Autumn perfume filled the crisp still air. She was so close I could see the flush of her cold cheeks and the soft billowing of her breath as she concentrated on where she was walking. The more I saw of her the more amazing and impressive she became.

It was now or never to set things in motion.

"Hey, hello," I said to her. Not too loud as I didn't want to startle her. But loud enough for her to hear over the din of traffic, "Miss. McCallister, right?"

She gave a slight start of surprise and she turned to the side trying to figure out where I was standing in relation to her. "Oh, uh, yes, hello!" she replied breathlessly with a smile that was completely endearing.

I stared at her. She was wearing her spectacles again and I noticed they had a slight tint to them and I suddenly felt a deep empathy for her. "Mike. Mike Sloane. We sort of met briefly last week before everything got a little mad in the asylum."

"OOooooooooh, I remember you," she exclaimed. A soft flush crossed her face as she pulled her stick to her chest and stuck out her hand, "Tenth floor, right?"

I laughed as I took her hand - again. "Yep, tenth floor," Then it hit me; she was shaking hands so she could get some sense for where people were standing in relation to her. That made me smile wider. Smart is as smart does. I looked around, "Are you waiting for anyone?"

She let go of my hand. "Well, usually," she explained, "A couple of the new girls wait at the main entrance for me. I still need a little help to figure out where everything is in this place, to be honest. But every day I'm getting better at it," She raised her arm and looked at her watch, "Um, I think I'm a little early this morning because of the snow," She pressed a button on it and held it to her ear, "Uh huh, they're not due here for another half hour."

The cold was beginning to bite and I saw that she was shivering slightly as she fiddled with her stick. "Well, I'm heading to the canteen for something to warm me up," I said as she turned her face towards me, "You're more than welcome to join me for a cup of coffee or something. My shout."

She frowned slightly and licked her lips as she contemplated my offer. "It really is cold isn't it," she sniffed, "Alright, you have a deal. Coffee sounds awesome right now," She moved around to face me and blushed, "Uh, can I take your arm?"

"Sure," I nodded as I came to her right side watching as she slowly raised her hand and slipped it through my proffered arm, "Okay?"

She gave me a wide smile and stepped beside me. "Great!" she grinned, "Good to go. Don't worry, if you hear me mumbling to myself it's because I'm just counting out steps and how far things are for me. I haven't gone nuts or anything."

"Well, I did call this place the asylum, didn't I."

She laughed and nudged herself against me, "Coffee."

So that was it. The start. The beginning. God only knows where it would lead us both as we headed into the building.


We sat in a quiet corner of the canteen away from the groups of people who had arrived to work early in order to beat the rush hour made worse because of the weather. It was a window seat which looked out onto a lawn covered in deep snow.

She had removed her spectacles and sat on the other side of the table taking careful sips of her coffee and nibbling on a bacon sandwich. It was such a strange feeling to know that I could be this close to her and look at her without feeling brazen or awkward. Every now and then she'd glance up at me and we'd make eye contact before her sightless gaze would slip away from mine. I wondered what she was thinking in those moments. No doubt imagining what I looked like and knowing that I was probably staring at her openly.

Taking advantage of her disability didn't bother me as much as it should have done because being able to look at her properly was just such an absolute pleasure.

She looked about eighteen and wore her youth with an easy grace. Her face bore the purity of innocence and her natural charm and character shone through for all to see. Her skin was clear and unblemished and it was only a faint sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose that marked it. I smiled at her over the rim of my cup as I watched her carefully put her cup in the plastic tray and run her fingers around the sides before sitting back in her chair. Her eyes once again met mine and I just stared at their simple clear beauty as she blinked and dabbed her lips with a tissue.

My eyes dropped to her open coat and unwound scarf. She was wearing a pale white blouse under a sky blue cardigan that revealed the hint of a shadow between her breasts that were softly rising and falling as she breathed.

Our conversation had been easy and the basics flowed back and forth between us as we sat doing breakfast. We talked about simple things. Life things. Work was good. Work was different. Work was interesting now that those first awkward days had passed. New friends had been made and there was always someone to help her when she needed it. She lived in the suburbs with a friend called Melissa who worked from home. The daily commute into the city was a pain made more so because of the sudden change in the weather. I couldn't even begin to imagine what doing something like that would be for her. The sheer willpower and fortitude to take that first step out into the world each morning made me appreciated her inner strength more with each passing second I was in her presence.

Like I said, the conversation was natural and the warmth of her personality was plain to see, feel and enjoy.

"Can I call you Heather?" I asked.

She looked at me for a second and nodded. "Sure," she replied as a faint blush kissed her cheeks before fading away, "Of course," She frowned slightly, "Um, what do I call you?" Clasping her hands in front of her, she sat forward in her chair, "I mean, you're my potential Boss, right?"

I sat forward conspiratorially and whispered "When it's like this you can call me Mike. If we have to pretend to be serious then it's Mr. Sloane. Alright?" We were so close I could see the pores and fine hairs on her smooth skin. She was also leaning forward and my gaze dropped to the suggested hidden charms under her blouse before she bounced back in her seat and gave me a knowing look of amusement. I slowly raised my eyes back to her face.

"Ahhhhh," she laughed as she dug her hands into the deep pockets of her coat, "You'll get me into trouble!" She bit her lower lip and tilted her head to the right, "But who would know?" She looked around and sat forward again, "There's only me and you here, right?"

I stared at her hard. Yeah. Only me. And you.


Janet stared out of my office window watching as the next Winter storm rolled in from across the Atlantic and the snow began to fall again. "This thing keeps up, we're going to be snowed in here until December!"

I was sat at my desk going over that morning's paper data making sure all the indicators checked out and that all the relevant info was sent to the various floors that handled the backend garbage. I grunted as Janet grabbed my shoulders and massaged away the tension that had built up in me. "Mmmmm," I murmured, closing my eyes, "Feels good."

She pressed her thumbs between my shoulder blades and gently rotated them. "How was breakfast?" she asked.

I smiled at her question. How long had that one been stewing? A good few hours I'd imagine. That breakfast seemed an age ago. Breakfast had been good. Breakfast had got my foot in the door. "She was fine." I replied as the older woman continued to ease my aches, "Why'd you ask?"

"Oh, you know. Just wondering that's all."

"Is there a problem?"

She stopped and came around to the side of my desk. I opened my eyes and looked up at her. She was staring at me intently as if trying to read my mind. "I'd like to think not, Mr. Sloane."

There was a sudden knock on the door and Jimmy came in and glanced between the two of us. "Uh, Boss," he said as he jabbed his right hand over his shoulder, "The guys are good to go. We're just waiting for the girls from the pool."

I got to my feet and picked up the data folder. "Girls?"

Jimmy looked at Janet. "Uh, yeah. I thought you knew. We're on training schedule today and tomorrow," He tapped the screen of his Ipad, "Lemme see. Here we go. The new intake. Andrews and McCallister are up first."

I stared over his shoulder as Janet picked up her things. Our eyes met and she gave me a brief smile as she walked towards the door. She stopped suddenly and turned to look at the top of the whiteboard and the faint red outline of crossed out numbers one to four. I watched as she picked up the cloth and reached up to wipe them away completely. Then she put the rag down and walked out of the room.


The idea of "training" week was to give the new intake first-hand experience of how the whole show works with each individual section or floor allowing them to see the way they fit into the machine so that everything runs smoothly.

As head of the pool, Janet would sit with them and explain what was going on in a "live" situation and the way information and data were handled. Thankfully, today was fairly quiet and the two younger women sat to one side watching - or listening - to the general buzz of the room.

Normally, I would just stay in my office and let Jimmy or one of the other clerks take the session. But not today. Today was different. Today she was here. In my lair.

The floor consisted of three rows of terminals. Twenty to each row with six small cubicles at each end with standard computers connected to the company network. Each terminal had a user and each user was assigned to a specific client or an individual task. Each row of terminals had various support staff who made sure everything was ticking along like clockwork and that any issues were dealt with promptly. As one of the banners on the far wall said "ASAP is an order, not a suggestion." My job was to make sure that the floor ran as slick and smooth as a well-licked pussy.

I stood just off to the side where the three women sat.

Most of the crew usually ignored the newbies and got on with their duties as training week was something they'd seen numerous times. But when she had walked into the room, there had been a palpable change in the atmosphere as the girl had made her way between the rows with her arm slipped through Janet's for support. Open stares and glances followed in her wake and the soft murmur of curiosity filled the room.

Heather was sat in the middle of the three and was listening intently as Janet to her left explained what was going on to her and her friend. It was then I noticed she was holding a small recorder in her lap and nodded every now and again. I was finding it impossible not to look at her. She was like some sort of magnet to me and the only way I could satisfy the urge was to just stare at her like some lovesick teenager which unnerved the hell out of me.

There was just something about her that made my world seem more worthwhile somehow. If I wasn't so shallow I'd say I had a crush on her. I reached up and straightened my tie and rubbed the stubble on my chin. Listen to you. Can you hear yourself? You're nearly twice her age. Her head was down and I let my eyes take in the soft curling waves of her rich chestnut hair that she had swept back so that it lay just over her shoulders. She had her legs tucked and crossed under her chair with her knee-length boots gently tapping against each other.

I could feel that languid sense of sexual awakening begin to rise within me as I continued to stare at her. The desire for her was taking shape and becoming intimately defined the more I was near her. What would it be like to lay her back on a bed, take each ankle in hand, and slowly part those woolen stockinged legs and thighs to reveal her...

"Mr. Sloane."



I jerked my head up to see Janet staring at me. "What?" I blinked and tried to focus on her and clear my mind. Our eyes met and held for a moment. She really did know.

She turned and indicated the two women sat beside her. "I think we're finished here. Heather," she said as she laid her hand on the girl's shoulder, "You get everything you need?"

The younger woman got carefully to her feet. "Um, I think so," she smiled, holding her recorder up, "I'll type it out when I get downstairs. Shouldn't take long. Is that it?"

"For now," Janet nodded and took her hand. Several of the techs had stepped forward to help as Heather got to her feet and then stood back to let the small group through.

I stood watching as Heather stopped suddenly and turned to face the room. "Um," she said out loud, "That was very interesting. Thank you very much." She whispered something to Janet who laughed and the three of them took their leave. There was an awkward silence for a moment with everyone standing around looking at each other.

"Alright, meatheads," I said, "Back to work."

I glanced at the closed door and knew for absolutely certain what I had to do.


The opportunity came a lot sooner than I thought it would and in the most unexpected circumstances.

It had gone five. Work was pretty much done for the day as I stepped up to the elevator and pressed the button watching as the number above the door flicked over from fifteen to fourteen. The doors opened to reveal Heather standing there - alone - holding her extended white stick against her chest.

What the hell? I saw her eyebrows pop up and a quick smile cross her face. "Going down," she said brightly, "I hope."

I stepped into the elevator beside her but didn't say anything. The doors closed automatically and the lift gave a short jolt before heading down to the next floor. The girl turned her head slightly and gave me a quick smile before facing front again and sort of sucked on her lower lip. I was waiting to see what she would do. She started to hum softly and I could see her mouth saying the number of each floor as the counter pinged in the background.

She lifted her head suddenly. She wasn't wearing her spectacles so I could see her eyes widen and her nostrils flare.

"Mr. Sloane?" she said surprised.

I grinned and tried not to laugh. "Hello, Heather."

Her mouth dropped open and she tapped me on the shoulder with the end of her stick. "What are you," she spluttered as her face flushed red, "Why didn't you say something?"

I stared down at her as she stood there all wrapped up to head out into the cold. "Sorry," I replied with amusement as she scolded me. Her eyes were wide and bright, "I was just admiring the view."

She gave a start. "What?"

Tread carefully, my friend. Small steps. One at a time. "Sorry. Just daydreaming that's all."

"Oh. Oh, okay." She gave me a suspicious look before turning to face front as the counter pinged above us and the doors opened to let people in. We stood at the back not saying anything but I knew I had gently nudged her in the right direction.

Ground floor arrived and we both waited as everyone got out and made their way through the hall to the main entrance. Heather held her stick out in front of her and tapped the sides of the elevator and deliberately made her way out.

She stopped and I could tell she knew I was still standing near her. I looked up and saw a taxi parked in the courtyard waiting.

"Can I give you a lift?" I said to her, "I can drop you off home if you like."

Heather clasped her hands together and made a face. "Oh, well, actually," she explained, "I'm not exactly heading for home just yet. I have to go somewhere. A place. Uh, I'm a sort of volunteer there a couple of times during the week. So.." Her voice trailed off.

"That's not a problem."

She stuck out her lower lip considering her options. "Okay. Okay, that sounds a plan.

The taxi driver was staring at us through the main doors. I raised my hand and shook my head. Not this time, pal. Not this time.


"Do you know Huntersvaller?"

Heather was sat in the passenger seat as I keyed in the details for the nav. "Just off the Interstate?" I asked.

"Uh huh, number one eighty-three. It's the old fire station on the corner."

The computer beeped and laid out the route on the screen. It wasn't that far. A ten-minute drive at most. I glanced at her as she shuffled in the seat. It had been an adventure to get her in the thing in the first place.

"Here, give me your hand," I told her, "Now ease yourself down and watch your head. It's a sports so the seat is pretty low to the ground."

She gripped my hand with her left and felt around with her right as she placed her foot into the car. Once she got her ass onto the side of the seat, she sort of slid into position with a squeak. "Oh, my gosh," she laughed, "This feels so weird. It's like I'm falling!"

Outside, the world was lit with neon and the constant moving lights of rush hour traffic as we made our way to her destination. Heather sat muffled up in her seat as I kept my eyes on the road. The sky was a deep purplish black as night rolled in and the soft hum of the engine was the only sound to hear.


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