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The Boys of Summer

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Cara decides to buy a brand new Boy(tm).
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Cara sprinted to the door the second she heard the knock, but she paused with her hand on the doorknob to try to compose herself before opening it. Her skin was flushed, her long black hair was limp and heavy with sweat, and she couldn't stop herself from composing her facial expression into a look so studiously innocent that anyone seeing her would immediately say, 'Oh, yes. There's that woman who just ordered a life-size sex doll and just masturbated thinking of humping her brains out on its fake cock over the next three days. The pervert, right?' Just asking for the day off had made her feel like some sort of kinky sex maniac.

But when she opened the door, the delivery person seemed completely disinterested. And no wonder, really-the package was just a large white box with the Revolution Technologies logo stamped on it, no different than their televisions or their computers or their home appliances. The man who handed her the electronic clipboard and stylus and said, "Sign here, ma'am," probably had no idea what the package contained, and they probably cared even less. If he noticed that she looked flushed and sweaty, he probably just looked at her yoga pants and crop top and put two and two together to make wrong. He had no idea that Cara had been spending weeks diddling herself to fantasies of this exact moment.

Today was the day her Boy(tm) arrived.

After she signed, the delivery person took the clipboard back and balanced the dolly containing the box on its wheels. "Where do you want this, ma'am?" he asked, his voice still perfunctory and professional. It didn't stop Cara from feeling self-conscious. She wished that Revolution could just discreetly pop the Boy right into her bedroom when she wasn't home, like the way it worked with the Girls(tm), but then again the thought of someone going into her bedroom with a life-sized sex doll when she wasn't there didn't exactly sound great either.

That was why she went with a Boy in the first place, she reminded herself as she led the delivery person wordlessly into the living room and pointed at a spot on the floor in front of the couch. Sure, everyone who got a Girl raved about the experience, but Cara always felt weird about getting a sex toy from a mystery company that didn't make anything else and didn't have any stores. Even as her friends succumbed, one by one, to the allure of their own personal robot lover, Cara knew she was waiting for something else to come along.

That was when she saw the billboard. It was one of those rotating digital displays, so the image only lasted for about ten seconds, but it practically seared itself into Cara's retinas. It had a banner with the words, 'The Boys(tm) of Summer Are Here!' displayed over a fake beach filled with robots sculpted in the image of perfectly-built men in a variety of colors. They stared out at her with deliciously confident smiles, each one slightly different but somehow all of them reflecting an image of smoldering sensuality. And while they all wore swimsuits, the bulges left no doubt as to what they were packing underneath. And at the bottom of the ad, Cara saw the perpetually-spinning flywheel that was the Revolution logo.

Cara wasn't a brand junkie or anything, but just knowing that there was a customer support line and a return policy and a company she could sue if something went wrong and her brand new sexbot decided to run around smashing all the dishes in her house because she forgot to boot it up in Safe went a long way toward allaying her lingering reservations about getting her very own fuck machine.

Plus...she had to admit, even if the Girls did have vibrators they could pop out on demand, there was just something about seeing a hunky guy with a nice package. Call her old-fashioned, but she wanted to be fucked by a man, even if he was made of plastic.

And she knew she wasn't alone. When she logged into the Revolution website and went to their new 'Personal Devices' page, the counter for the Boys was already up to 672,000. That was less than a day after launch, too. It was no wonder that they had a six-week waiting period for the first batch off the assembly line-Cara heard some people saying that it was up to six months, now. Whoever made the Girls was definitely in for a run for their money. (Which was about as much as Cara wanted to think about how much her robot lover had cost. She'd be brown-bagging it for another month.)

All those thoughts flew through her head in a matter of moments as she escorted the delivery person out, locked and chained the door, and darted back to the living room so fast she smacked her knee on the edge of the kitchen counter. She didn't exactly picture that part in her fantasies, but she figured her Boy could kiss it and make it better. Cara sat down on the couch and massaged the sore spot with one hand while she pulled open the box with the other.

Cara had to take out a few of those foam dividers, but it only took a few moments' work before she finally saw him. He was curled up nude in the box like Arnold Schwarzenegger at the beginning of 'Terminator', his midnight-blue plastic muscles contrasting beautifully with the white cardboard. She looked around next to him, but didn't see a manual or a charger or anything. There wasn't even a sheet of paper labeled 'Quick Start Guide'. How did she even turn him on? Do a striptease and grab his crotch?

Thankfully, she didn't need to worry about it for long. After a few seconds, the Boy stood up in a single smooth motion, straightened his body like he was taking a deep breath for the first time, and opened his eyes to reveal an electric blue glow that flickered like two tiny strobe lights. He smiled, the same confident grin Cara remembered from the billboard, and said, "I know what you need."

Cara shivered at the sound of his voice. It had a rich, harmonic baritone quality to it, smoky like a mellow bourbon, and every word seemed to stroke her body like a velvet glove. "Mmm?" she muttered, already very aware of how much her pussy was doing the thinking for her. She'd been daydreaming about this moment, daydreaming and night-dreaming and wet-dreaming and now that it was here she could barely even speak. If her Boy knew what she needed, she was more than happy to let him take the lead.

He reached out and took her hand, pulling it forward to wrap around the shaft of his cock. "You need this," he said, guiding her into a stroking motion. He felt warm to her touch, the plastic surface slick under her fingertips as she worked a trickle of lubricant over the head and up and down his length. It smelled wonderful, thick and musky, and Cara's eyelids fluttered a little bit with arousal as she took one deep, shuddering breath after another. She wanted to look down, to get a good view of that thick, powerful cock, but she couldn't stop staring into those beautiful blue eyes of his. They sparkled like the waters of the Mediterranean, and all Cara wanted to do was dive into them and let herself sink into pleasure.

He must have noticed how turned on she was, because he said, "I'm right, I can tell. You need that cock of mine, little girl. You need to feel it, hold it, taste it. You need it inside of you." Cara shuddered with arousal as his hand left hers to stroke helplessly up and down his shaft, while he slid his fingers up under her crop top and began to stroke her nipples with a thrumming, vibrating touch. She felt herself melting under his caresses, her pussy dripping with excitement at his words. She always had a thing for guys who knew what they wanted in the bedroom and took it, and her Boy was sure as hell doing a good job of taking her right now.

He slid her shirt up and over her head, posing her arms straight up in the air like a doll so that he could remove it completely. Cara loved the strength in his arms-he was careful and precise, handling her as gently as if she was a kitten, but she could feel the irresistible power in his body. It made it seem like she was so deliciously helpless under his touch. "Tell me you need it," he said, his voice a husky growl that made Cara shiver with excitement. "Tell me you need my cock inside of you."

Cara stifled a tiny whimper as the Boy's hands lifted her to her feet, then slid under the waistband of her yoga pants and slid them down to the floor in a whisper of sheer fabric on skin. "I..." A subvocal moan escaped her lips as he leaned in a little bit closer, the tip of his cock rubbing against the entrance to her pussy. "I need it," she gasped. "I need your cock inside me."

"That's right, little girl," he purred, running a finger over her lips before sliding it carefully into her mouth and allowing her to suck on it. It tasted like the musk that was wafting up from his body, a warm, sensual scent that seemed to slip past her conscious awareness to sink right into the depths of her mind and make her sex drive rev up like a Formula One car. "You want me to fuck your brains out. You want to be a helpless, horny little slut for my cock. You want me to fuck you until you can't think anymore."

Cara let out a sharp moan around the Boy's finger, squirming as his cock slid between her thighs to rub back and forth on her pussy lips. He was huge, thick and long and buzzing against her cunt until she could feel herself dripping onto his shaft, and somehow he knew just the right things to say to get her so horny she could barely fucking focus. She had kind of figured that they made something like this to appeal to women who weren't into 'soft and sensitive', but they really programmed him to be a caveman in the bedroom in all the right ways. She was just about ready to beg him to fuck her.

He slid his finger out of her mouth and traced his way down her warm flesh to her tits again. "That's right," he said, as her eyes rolled back in her head with pleasure. "Just give in to your Boy(tm). Just let me do all the thinking, while you listen to the throb in your clit like a good little girl and let your Boy(tm) fuck you senseless. Is that what you want, little girl? You want your Boy(tm) to fuck you until your brains drip out of your cunt?"

"Nnnnh, yes..." Cara moaned, squeezing her thighs around the Boy's cock as he slid in and out of the slick tunnel of flesh made by his lube and her juices. She wanted to impale herself on him, feel his length sliding into her wet pussy, but he seemed to know exactly how to move to keep her helplessly teased with pleasure, quivering and passive and aching to be fucked. "Yes, please..."

"Please what?" he said, his voice almost cruel with innocence. "You need to tell me, little girl. You need to beg for what you want. Give in to your Boy(tm) and beg." His hands buzzed and throbbed, strumming her nipples until they stood up stiff and straight like little cocks. Then he tugged on them until she squealed with delight.

"Please," she gasped, in between moans. "Please fuh-fuck, please fuck me...oh God, please..." She felt drunk with arousal, and she leaned into his chest to keep from falling over. This close, his musk was overpoweringly strong, and only the crackling strobe of his stare held her own eyes open. She couldn't think about anything but her throbbing clit, her wet, agonizingly empty cunt. "Please!"

He settled her back onto the couch, easily and effortlessly maneuvering her into a supine position. He spread her legs just as easily, and she marveled at the shining slickness of her vulva and upper thighs. "That's not what I told you to beg for, little girl," he said, his smile infinitely beautiful and infinitely sadistic. "I told you to beg me to fuck you senseless." The tip of his cock rubbed against her labia, slowly insinuating its way between them, thrumming all over. "I told you to beg me to fuck your brains right out of your cunt." He paused, holding completely still. Painfully still. "Didn't I?"

Cara moaned like tearing metal, her voice sounding like a stranger's in her ears as she gasped out, "Please, please fuck me, please fuck me senseless, oh fucking God Master please fuck my brains right out of my cunt, fuck please yes fuck!" She didn't notice that she called him Master. If she had, she would have said it again.

"Good girl. Look at me now. And cum." He slid into her as he said it, his cock impossibly long and thick and slick and buzzing and finding just the right spots to make her scream with ecstasy as she climaxed from just his first thrust. She thought for a moment that she was glad her apartment had thick walls, but then he pumped out and back into her again and she stopped caring about anything but his cock.

"That's it, little girl," he purred, his cock moving smoothly in and out of her cunt like a piston in a cylinder. "Just watch me, lose yourself in me. It feels so good to stop thinking and cum. It feels so good to stop thinking and cum for me." Cara moaned again, her eyes wide with astonishment at the powerful waves of endless pleasure that felt like they were drowning her thoughts one by one. She couldn't stop staring into the beautiful Mediterranean depths of his eyes, the stroboscopic light flashing brighter and brighter and faster and faster as her Boy(tm) fucked her harder and harder.

"That's a good girl," he whispered, pounding her with relentless energy. "Feel me fucking your brains out. You don't need them. You don't need to think, not when you can cum so hard for me." His fingers found her clit, teasing it and tormenting it as his cock pumped in and out of her wet cunt. "Don't think, just cum. Don't think. Just cum."

"Just cum," Cara whimpered, not even realizing she was saying it. She felt like her whole body was one gigantic clit, like she couldn't stop the pleasure from swamping her senses and her mind. She wondered how much more she could take before the endless ecstasy overwhelmed her completely, then she came again and she couldn't even wonder anymore. "Don't think," she chanted in time to the voice of her Boy(tm), no longer understanding what the words even meant. "Just-cum!"

"Don't think," he said, smiling indulgently at her like she was a prize pupil learning an important lesson. "Just cum. Just cum your brains right out for me, now, cumming until you don't think at all anymore. Fucked senseless. Fucked until you can't think anymore, Cara. Until you just can't think anymore at all. One more great big climax for me, little girl, and you're going to feel those brains gush right out of your cunt so you can let your Boy(tm) do all the thinking from now on. One...two..."

He slid into her with one last, powerful thrust. "Three. Fucked blank now." Cara gasped. Her world went red with pleasure. She didn't remember anything after that.


Cara walked smoothly to the door the second she heard the knock, opening it casually to allow the delivery person to enter. "Sign here," she said, handing her the digital clipboard. "Big Revolution fan, huh?"

Cara looked at the stack of white cardboard boxes on the dolly for a moment as though she didn't see them. Then, like an old punch-card computer finally spitting out a strip of paper, she smiled and said, "They're really the best brand out there. You should try them." She said it with blank, plastic smoothness in her voice, as though enthusiasm was something that happened to other people. Without knowing why, the delivery person shivered.

She signed the clipboard and led the woman into the apartment, then gestured wordlessly to a random spot on the floor. The delivery person looked around, noticing the bare walls, the missing furniture. "Just moving in?" she asked, as she unloaded the dolly.

"No," Cara said, staring blankly at the empty room. "I'm waiting for Revolution brand furniture. They're really the best brand out there. You should try them." Her inflection matched the previous sentence perfectly. The delivery person made a swift exit.

When they had left, Cara walked back into her bedroom. There was no bed there. She didn't need one, not if Revolution didn't make it. She took her clothes off, her eyes fading into an unfocused, glassy stare as she knelt down on the floor in front of her Boy(tm). "Don't think," he said softly, but she didn't really hear herself repeat the words. She was caught in a cage of pleasure, her mind reverberating with an orgasm that stretched into eternity while her body obeyed.

"Good girl," the Boy(tm) whispered, as she took his cock into her mouth and began to suck.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The real question is, what happens next?

The Girls are going to know that someone has copied their tech. And they are going to be ... well, I can't imagine them getting "upset", so much as "curious", "How did this happen?", "Get a Girl to each of their executives", "So that's the engineer that reverse-engineered our tech, can he be recruited?", "Who else knows", etc.

The idea of a "Real company" that does a variety of existing customer products doing this sort of expansion ... capitalism and market-access economies scare me, for exactly this reason.

UrjUrjabout 5 years ago

The Revelution company is the one introduced in the "Girls with Guns" story, the company trying to reverse engineer Girls (tm). I applaud the story and the company's use of control without caring about the submissive's well-being.

The Girl (tm) stories have always scared me. The control from the Boys (tm) just anger me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Totally masturbated to that one. Fuck that was really hot.

Somewhat different from your Girl series; the vacant emptiness of the slave is more obvious here somehow but... Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Just as hot if not hotter than your Girls(tm) stories! Please make this into its own series as well!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Holy fuck

Your stories are always fucking hot. This one is no exception.

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