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The Chair


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The camera cut to a view that was becoming all too familiar. This time the crosshairs was centered on her clitoral hood. The machine hissed to life and extended a third rod. This one didn't have a dildo attached; it was just a heavy rod with a metal ball on the end. It closed in, until the ball was eventually pushed tightly against her.

The screen cut back to Etta, who was now smiling.

"All right baby, the preliminaries are over. The machine is preprogrammed, so just relax, you're about to go on the wildest ride of your life."

The screen flared, died and then came back to life. The scene was in the very room she was now in. There was an orgy in progress. She recognized Etta, moaning, growling and screaming her way through an orgasm on the very same chair Candice was now lying on. She recognized Caramel, wearing a blue skintight cat suit with cut outs for her pussy and tits. She was strapped across the horse, and seemed to be enjoying a good paddling while sucking a man's cock. There were others there, people she didn't recognize, but almost as if on cue they all turned and waved to the camera while shouting, "Hello, Candy!"

She was so caught up in watching the various people, she barely noticed the machine sputter to life. When it did, she saw the big wheel begin to turn.

"Fuck!" she shouted in surprises when the vibe in her ass was slowly withdrawn.

When just the tip was still in her, it started another plunge, but at the same moment, the dildo in her pussy began to withdraw. She could feel the two of them, scraping against each other, separated only by the membrane between her two canals. At first they moved slowly, but as time passed they picked up speed. The machine hissed and spit out more oil, not that it was needed. In spite of herself, Candice's pussy was sopping wet.

Candice couldn't tear her eyes away from the many people having fun on the screen. Her body adjusted to the two toys and soon she was really enjoying them. Without warning, the ball on her clitoral hood began to gently vibrate, sending wicked tremors of pleasure through her.

"Oh, my god," she moaned.

The dildos were in perfect sync now, alternately filling her and leaving her achingly empty. She could feel her body coiling, tightening, drawing in upon itself. When the tension seemed unbearable, she unwound. Blast after shrieking, mind bending, world shattering blast assaulted her senses. Starbursts exploded in brilliant colors on the backs of her tightly closed eyes. Her body jerked and twitched as she rode the waves ever higher. Through it all the cocks continued their steady rhythm and the vibe continued to dance across her sensitive flesh.

She was gasping like a fish out of water as she came down from the euphoric high. Almost without warning, a second orgasm rocked her. This one was weaker, but no less beautiful. It had barely rippled away, when the dildos changed action, suddenly they were driving into and out of her body in unison.

The rhythm was maddening. She went from unbelievably empty on the out strokes to totally full on the down strokes. The vibration on the ball had altered too. Buzzing happily on the down strokes, but pausing on the out strokes. The difference in stimulation was jarringly, radically different, and soon she found herself longing for and anticipating the down strokes. Actually barking in pleasure each time the twin dildos were driven home.

Not surprisingly, her next orgasm was on the down stroke. She could hear herself, mewling in pleasure and whimpering in need when they were withdrawn. The orgasm was strong, not as strong as the initial one, but easily enough to make her cry out at its peak. Another one came, and another, and she was still experiencing aftershocks when the tempo changed again.

Now the vibe in her ass was making slow, deep strokes, but the cock in her pussy was making extremely fast, but relatively shallow plunges.

"Oh, God," she groaned as her body tried to absorb the new influx of sensation.

It felt...indescribable. There were no words. No expressions for such pure, unadulterated sensation. When words finally came, they shocked her to hear them from her own mouth.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she was chanting, in time to the driving of the dildo in her pussy.

She could feel herself building to another shattering climax, and the anticipation was almost more than she could bear. When it came, the pleasure was so thick and heady she screamed, like some feral animal in heat. Outrageous pleasure, beyond any comprehension, assailed her. She was ripped away by the tide and carried where it would, totally lost in it.

When she regained some semblance of coherency, she found the tempo had changed yet again, both vibes were slowly, deeply stroking into her, the ball was still. Almost like a planned respite, but all too swiftly, the ball began humming with its own contained joy. The dildos picked up speed, and her body went berserk.

Orgasm came upon orgasm, and she couldn't separate them, one from the other. Some were weak, others strong, but before one rippled away, another came. The sensations blended, melded, morphed and bounced off one another, until the entire experience became one of pure bliss. Unendurable joy, exquisite agony, Heaven, Hell. All of them or none.

Her brain was misfiring; the sensations were so powerful they trampled boundaries in her mind. Random thoughts floated before her, like snowflakes. She could watch them, but if she reached out to examine one, it was gone. She was gone. Candice was no more. Only the pleasure remained. Only the exquisite blasts, the soft cascade, the unending kaleidoscope was real. No longer concerned with anything else, Candice floated away on the tide, happy and serene amidst the turmoil.

Minutes passed, then hours, but the relentless machine never slowed, never tired, never missed a beat. Regular inundations of oil kept the toys from chaffing and regular orgasms kept Candice from even noticing.


When it finally ceased, and the toys retracted, Candice was trembling and exhausted. The screen, which had been showing orgy after orgy, came back to Web, now seated at his desk, with Etta on his lap.

"Well, that's it. The cock in your pussy was made from a mold of my own Mr. Johnson. I hope you enjoyed it, as it's as close as I could ever bring myself to actually introducing you to my lifestyle and my friends. There's a kind of user's guide along with the bonds in the safe. I know you'll probably decide to sell the place and move away, but I guess I'm kind of hoping you'll decide to stay. This room is really my crowning achievement in life. I poured a lot of resources into creating a place where a person's every sexual fantasy could be fulfilled. I doubt any of your cousins will understand, but I hope you will. This is a room designed and built by me, with the only motive being to bring others pleasure. I'm sorry I wasn't ever able to get to know you as myself, but your mother would never permit me to see you without her being around. I had hoped, after you graduated, to invite you here, but you were such a go-getter and landed that job before I even found out you had graduated. I guess this is goodbye, Candy. I'm sorry we didn't have some time together. I'm sorry I never got to be the kind of grandfather I wanted to be. Hopefully, you'll remember me a little differently than your cousins and my kids. Take care." The tape stopped, the screen faded and to her relief, the metal bonds retracted, freeing her. She rolled off the chair, nearly falling on her rubbery legs. The chair hissed, and slowly returned to the upright position. Candice struggled over to the console and looked in the safe, sure enough, the bonds were there, as well as the user's guide. It was as thick as the Manhattan phone book, she noted with a wan smile.

She closed the safe and pressed the buttons one by one, until the room had returned to the blank walls. Candice clicked off the light after opening the door and headed upstairs. She was hungry, so she made a snack before going upstairs and crawling into bed. In the darkened room, her mind, which seemed to have shut down, began to function again.

She felt she should be indignant, after all she had basically been raped. But the whole thing had been about her pleasure, which seemed incongruous with being raped. She wondered about her grandfather, what kind of man he really was. She had a hard time reconciling the hard-bitten and mean spirited man she had known with the free, easygoing and likeable fellow she had seen tonight. She had always been grateful to her mother for shielding her from her grandfather, but now, she wished she had been allowed to know him.

As to the house, perhaps she would sell. Perhaps not. She could sell the bearer bonds and be free of financial worry for the rest of her life. She thought of Suki, her best friend in the Tokyo office and how sad she had been at their parting. Perhaps, she would agree to come over and stay a while. She also thought of Caramel and Etta and all the other people she had "met" tonight, but mostly, she thought of Suki.

Candice drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face, imagining the small woman crying out in pleasure, securely bound to the magical chair in the basement.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I generally don’t comment. But I quite enjoyed this read. Thank you!

wheelmancharleewheelmancharlee5 months ago

It was a great, different, hot story! It also went from creepy scary to a calming, relieving, sexy story with a cool ending! I loved it!!

SirDesteclesSirDestecles5 months ago

What a tremendously enjoyable story, well-written with a plausible plot. Dunno if it was hot but it sure was sexy. 5/5

Wishful_ThinkerWishful_Thinker8 months ago

Love a wee bit of technology used for pleasure, well written and descriptive. Despite the list of spelling errors, from a commenter some 8 years ago, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your story! Have you ought of revisiting the characters within this story (you may well have done, but this is the first I’ve read), they could be a rich treasure trove to dig into? I’ve noticed that the first comments were from 18 years ago, 2024 now, so this was published in 2006! Thank you for entertaining me.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 1 year ago

Just extraordinary marvelous …… crazy and deeply emotional , touching

The special ones always leaving at a wrong time …. Namaste CT


ace351ace351about 1 year ago

NEED MORE !!!! I dont know how else to say it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The problem was that she had a .357 magnum with her that would have blown the door to smithereens and none of this would have happened. It's like a horror movie - "Don't open the door" or "don't go into the basement". Nobody would have been stupid enough to take off their clothes and sit in the chair.

Talon5KarrdeTalon5Karrdeover 1 year ago

Is there going to be a book two?

Did she discover she is a Rubberist?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cool idea, but took way too long to get anywhere. Very rambly. I ended up skipping whole paragraphs.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I thought it was very charming of a family coming back together after a long misunderstanding..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well I did manage to read it all the way through on a second attempt, and yeah the familial links still make it feel “off” but it does go too far. Honestly what’s not to love about finding an awesome sex toy in your basement. Suddenly the house is a keeper.

Tess (uk)

ktuSubktuSubalmost 2 years ago

jo der



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Weird, funny, why not :D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hot on fire hot

DomFckrDomFckrabout 2 years ago

I feel like the Grandfather as nobody gets to see the real me and only those close friends / ladies have experienced some of my naughty vivid imagination. I have a special room too and as a contractor the clerks at the stores think that some of the supplies are just for renovations when in reality it is for my hobby of special devices. And I can appreciate how your imagination dreamed up such a chair as the ultimate pleasure creator. Ironically i found some pictures shared by my Grandfather who was like a kindred spirit sharing those of his lovely bride when she was in her 20's and 30's and saw her in a completely different light and saw how he was awestruck with this beautiful blonde and fell in love with her for the rest of his life right then. It didn't matter she gained weight from childbirths or age as he adored her forever. So, I could see how the naughtiness of the added incest play of the Dildo being Grandpas cock was exciting as would be grandmas velvety pussy and firm little ass of her youth. A it all boiled down to living a good stress free life with making connections and helping others while still unleashing the lust and not being ashamed by it. But even better is to do it with those you care about without judgement. Sadly my estranged father was disowned by my Grandfather who i took are of in the last few years of his life passing at 95 painlessly. I got my work ethic from him and by being the contractor centered on helping more then the money has kept me busy and in demand because of sincerity and integrity. I yearn for a Etta or Caramel (Ironic my other Grandmother was "Carmalita" or Carmel for short) but Grandma Nancy was the beauty in her younger days that nobody real knew of her past beauty once she became the devoted housewife and mother. I wonder if there is a kindred spirit here in Indiana or if in my extensive travels i will find her as i venture to some Asian countries later this year with a buddy. Will I find a Caramel with past trauma and drama or a widowed Etta as I will hope she is adventurous as I am or at least open and willing to try even if like the heroine needs some coaxing to get there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Complex scenario that failed in one thing - it never would have happened. Do you realize how big a hole a 357 Magnum would have blown in the door down to the basement??? She would have gotten out easily with never having discovered the chair and what it was meant for.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It's a shame the writer passed away. She was so talented, I love all her work

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The best I've ever read... If only i were a girl😭

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I was originally viewing your other story "Mistaken Identity", when I suddenly discovered this other erotic gem; "The Chair", which reminded me of yet another Literotica story from back then; "Eleven Days". You may have to use the "Search for Stories" link to find it.

Another - woman in peril - locked in a room - with machines involved. Now go and find the story and enjoy another erotic journey.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I cannot imagine that you (Colleen) are continuing to scan the reactions of those who comment on this story 16 years after you wrote it, but should that be the case, please add me to the tally of those who both appreciated the talent displayed with your writing skills (I'm sure writers' workshop leaders could easily use your work in illustrating excellent technical technique and well-staged plot development.) and with your creative blending of both male and female sexual fantasies of bondage and submission, incest, bi-sexuality, sci-fi, fetishism, exhibitionism and voyeurism, revenge...well, hell--just about every erotic fantasy genre published in Literotica.

For those who couldn't appreciate either the straightforward tale or the nuanced allusions, you have my pity. Go back and read it again--this was an artist at work. Kudos indeed. 10 out of 10

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

To bad the author never wrote another chapter, this story would have been a lot of fun, but after 16 years I guess not..

Whip01Whip01almost 3 years ago

I lack stars to rate it. Very styllish.

StrixalucoStrixalucoalmost 3 years ago

Hot and disturbing at the same time, the really disturbing part being the incestuous sentiment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So, let's just say I ignored the grandpa part and assumed it was instead an older guy who had been courting her when she was younger but whom she had always rejected because she didn't wanna be a trophy wife but instead go her own way. Maybe they had even kissed once or twice. Incest is disgusting, and so is rape, but there is something very enticing about the idea of being forced into experiencing the best orgasms of your life by a soulless machine that isn't driven by its own lust. But what made me rate the story 5 stars is how thoughtful you were by making the machine calibrate her depth so as to avoid hurting her. I'd surrender to such a pleasure machine anytime.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Fantastic. Just like the chair, gave me much pleasure. Hope you write a continuing series.

silenceup2nogoodsilenceup2nogoodabout 3 years ago

Great story, thanks for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I have reread this story so so many times. Please please make a sequel. More things the chair can do?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

"she wished she had been allowed to know him" you say, dear author? I bet you think raping women is fun.

you are a sick author.

the and category are the wrong one. This story is just about the rape of an innocent woman by her evil grand father and his sick friends.

and your little shitty disclaimer at the start is just your way to say :

"I swear mister judge, I didn't rape her. She didn't say no."

You wrote "some N/C overtones" when you could have put this in the and the proper category.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A unique story with a novel storyline. I enjoyed it and will pass it on to my wife. Thank you for taking the time to write it.

Could have done without the Grandfather perving on her, though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Couldn’t finish this, the grandfather : granddaughter connection made it feel sleazy and wrong, which left me feeling queasy.

Thanks for sharing

Tess (uk)

groomleadergroomleaderover 3 years ago

Fantastic story. really hot and very enjoyable!!

If you would like to create a sequel with Suki enjoying the chair, would be superb!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Any chance of a sequel?

Tripper_DudeTripper_Dudeover 3 years ago

Fantastic read and see those of us that have similar desires and experience have to hide it from the real world. It was difficult to understand why his desire of his granddaughter was pushed to this. Though in the end it was definitely the only way he would be able to share his life in a way that would help her understand.

Fantastic thanks for sharing

NJCkLver56NJCkLver56over 3 years ago

Great story! That is a chair and device everyone should have in their basement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Loved it! Second time I have read it. Wish there were photos or illustrations.

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