by Colleen Thomas
What a wild imagination this writer has!
Very original and hot.
Well done.
Great story do not usally write bur this was the best l have read for some time
Excellent job, imaginative, and extremely sexy, can't wait till the next installment.
cant wight to read some more of your stories. keep it up i really liked it thanks
This was THE best story that I have read. Your imagination is wonderful. The depiction of your thoughts on "paper" is incredible. I felt I was there. I wish I was there. Write more on this line of thought.
Excellent job! Very well written! Your descriptions took me there!
Well done! You have such a knack for creating the scene and situation, and with staying true to your characters as they work their way through these stories. I look forward to the next! (And the next, and the next, and the next...)
Ireally loved your story but afraid a chair like that may take up to much of someones life lol eally hot and very well written
It wasn't as good as most of you other ones
but it was enjoyable none the less.
Though I found it more funny than arousing, I'm not quite sure why, but it just seemed to make me laugh.
keep 'em coming
I look forward to your next one.
~James Flowers
... or any season! What a thoroughly delightful invention. The device itself is wonderfully alluring, and the descriptions of it in action are perfect in their close attention to rhythm, effect, and variation. The chair itself may be mechanical, but there's nothing mechanical in the erotic thrill it delivers. The story behind the sex is great stuff as well - it builds and toys with audience expectations in the most expert manner.
Fine work, Colleen - that in itself will surprise no one, but the story throws some very enjoyable curve balls.
Colly, this is one of the coolest stories I've ever read on this site.
Colleen you never fail to amaze me. Great descriptions of incredible fantasies. So different to most of the rubbish in Literotica, keep up the great work. (A few spelling mistakes annoyed me as usual but I admit to being pedantic, lol)
This is a great story!
I get turned on just remembering it!
Thank you
you have quite the talent for writing, I am thrilled you choose Literotica. I enjoy reading you stories, thank you for sharing.
This was a fantastic story with exceptional writing prowess. The mental imagry of the room and the sheer creativity of the premise are both astounding! I really hope that your fans, which now includes me, will soon be treated to a sequel!
Suspend disbelief, you say? This transcends disbelief. What a powerful imagination, incorporating reality and fantasy in such an ingenious way. I like the way the trap is sprung--but then finding the marvelous way to unspring the trap, with Candice really enjoying herself to the max. And great management of the characters, as usual.....
One of the best and most imaginative esays in this site. I had to deduct only because of the anal chair feature, which added nothing to the goodness of the story but lowered it's value a bit
I found myself spellbound, unable to pause my reading. Very imaginative, incorporating a bit of everything. I was easily transported to that room and was clearly able to "see" through Candy's eyes. Wonderful! (and not to mention, way hot!)
This story was great I loved it ur an exellent writer and u have a great imagination I could never think that up
Backstory, scenario, psychological-technical eroticism all nicely done.
awesome story no other word can describe it better than wow loved it whole thing
What a wonderful story! Your imagination is vast and you make it all believable.
Liked the story very much. I think you should write future stories on Candy keeping the house and throwing wild parties in it. You know keeping with tradition!
and hot as hell. I love to see women enjoy sex so I wish that I had a chair like that. I would have even more photos of my wife.
Awesome story! I loved it and i agree with the comment that you should write more about Candy, "The Chair" and parties. Keep up the good work, and please keep going with this one!! Oh! forgot to add...this is the best story i have read on here so far and the first one to comment yeah i really liked it.
We liked it... can you publish the plans for that chair? lol
I loved the story, loved the character and totally loved the concept of the chair (May I have one please?). I sure hope you consider writing more!
I really love the way your imagination works!!!
That's how good this writing is. Normally half the stuff in this story is a turn-off for me, and I nearly clicked away, but the storyline called me back. Just had to find out how it ended. And I imagine it'd be really arousing to someone who likes this stuff. Great combination of hot stuff and storyline.
A beautiful story, thank you so very much I hope you turn this into a two or three part series so we can see how she lives her life from here. Will she follow in gramps footsteps, live a full wild life while helping those in need when she can?
Good story that could go many places, lots of things to explore. On the dark side you may never trust a chair developed with 'space age' may take on a life of its own - learning about its visitors and creating a more sinister addiction to its pleasures and torments. OR she could just continue down the path of her grandfather! Look forward to another chapter to this one.
Loved it very entertaining; you are some writer. Thank You.
Good characters, good build up, and plenty of loose ends for a sequel. The only suggestion I would make, if I may be so bold, would be to add a version of the chair, targeting men.... perhaps using one of those artificial vaginas. Ok, a bit far fetched, and perhaps a bit more difficult to adapt, but the possibilities are there.
Interesting Sci-Fi and somewhat erotic. Well written. Good "escapism" .
Definitely "fantasy"
one of the interesting aspects of Lit is never knowing what you will find when you click on a link in Similar Stories. This was one of those little mysteries. It is a unique trip down the rabbit hole. The closet in the hidden room in the basement.
I wish there were more parts to this story as she gets to know Etta etc . Her Grand father should have asked her to try and continue his habit of helping those who are not afraid or to lazy to help them selves. thank you!
Yeah, that was rape no matter how it is explained or excused
Thank you. This is definitely similar to my rape fantasies. Unlike the people down below I recognize the difference between a rape fantasie and actual rape. If you noticed they still of Their own free will read this amazing literotica. You did not mind rape them. Although I wish I could have a go with the machine.
Thanks to Blackshang and Cloudy for editing and impression reading. If it weren't for your efforts I would have published an error-filled first draft posing as a completed and competently edited story. OOPS On closer review, I believe that this comment is thoroughly inaccurate as evidenced by:
one-to-subtle (none-too-subtle)
states (States)
one's claves (calves)
arm rests (armrests)
book case (bookcase)
safe like (safe-like)
forth button (fourth)
Button (button)
Dragon's (dragon's)
electric magnets (electromagnets)
Question (question)
grand kid (grandkids)
noaccounts (no-accounts)
Paris Island (Parris Island)
Pelilu (Palau) (2)
wanted to met (meet)
god (God)
mind bending (mind-bending)
world shattering (world-shattering)
out strokes (outstrokes) (2)
down strokes (downstrokes) (3)
chaffing (chafing)
mean spirited (meanspirited)
Typically I don't like reluctance themed stories, but you did a very good job. The people that feel the need to post anonymous bullshit comments, are typically mean-spirited people that are lucky to put more than a few words together.
I wish it really existed and I could use it.
One of my big fantasies brought to life. I do some vigorous roleplaying with an older gentleman who is a father figure to me. No, I was very young when my father died, but I have been drawn to older men since my teen years. He helps me bring to life some of my secret fantasies; but double penetration, gangbangs, or pulling trains are not in our capability ...yet. This story blew my mind.
It's always wonderful watching someone trying to correct mistakes, make them.
Pelilu is most likely Peleliu, the specific island. Not that it matters, CT has been dead for quite a few years and will be unable to take your suggestions to heart. ☹
Sorry to hear the writer is no longer with us. She was a very talented writer. :(
On or off Literotica. Unfortunately, the content will never let it become mainstream. It would be a New York Times best seller if it could ever be openly published.
I liked it.
It'd never actually work out in the real world, but for this literary world it's actually a decently thought out story.
A continuation wouldn't be bad.
I realize it is a fantasy and I like it its wonderful. I wish we could have seen ski ride it lol
Takes too long to get to the actual fucking. Also, clearly written by someone who has never had their pussy and ass penetrated at the same time.
If you don't like it don't read AssHole. Yeah you have one big hole alright all. Try writing before you comment idiot!
Fabulous storyline, and the build up and background took me there and had me immersed right from the start. Have now read several times over a long period and it gets me off every time. Ignore the ignoramus and the stupid comments, its a great fantasy which I shall come back to I have no doubt!
Thought this was going to be a sadistic ghost story... boy was I fooled (and pleasantly so)! Great story, wonderfully well written! You have a new fan in me.
Beautifully written, intriguing , flowing storyline that grips the mind as all good ghost stories should! But no ghost !? Excellent. .. horny enough for most to enjoy ( there's always some morons ) but with a sense of drama and humour to drive one to wanting more ... thank you . Another new fan x
absolutely loved it...way beyond literotica. your other submissions come next.
many thanks.
Phenomenal! Amazingly hot, and I had tremendous visual images from it. Thank you for sharing it! I hope we DO get to see Suki join her!
Loved it! Second time I have read it. Wish there were photos or illustrations.
Great story! That is a chair and device everyone should have in their basement.
Fantastic read and see those of us that have similar desires and experience have to hide it from the real world. It was difficult to understand why his desire of his granddaughter was pushed to this. Though in the end it was definitely the only way he would be able to share his life in a way that would help her understand.
Fantastic thanks for sharing
Fantastic story. really hot and very enjoyable!!
If you would like to create a sequel with Suki enjoying the chair, would be superb!
Couldn’t finish this, the grandfather : granddaughter connection made it feel sleazy and wrong, which left me feeling queasy.
Thanks for sharing
Tess (uk)
A unique story with a novel storyline. I enjoyed it and will pass it on to my wife. Thank you for taking the time to write it.
Could have done without the Grandfather perving on her, though.
"she wished she had been allowed to know him" you say, dear author? I bet you think raping women is fun.
you are a sick author.
the and category are the wrong one. This story is just about the rape of an innocent woman by her evil grand father and his sick friends.
and your little shitty disclaimer at the start is just your way to say :
"I swear mister judge, I didn't rape her. She didn't say no."
You wrote "some N/C overtones" when you could have put this in the and the proper category.
I have reread this story so so many times. Please please make a sequel. More things the chair can do?
Fantastic. Just like the chair, gave me much pleasure. Hope you write a continuing series.
So, let's just say I ignored the grandpa part and assumed it was instead an older guy who had been courting her when she was younger but whom she had always rejected because she didn't wanna be a trophy wife but instead go her own way. Maybe they had even kissed once or twice. Incest is disgusting, and so is rape, but there is something very enticing about the idea of being forced into experiencing the best orgasms of your life by a soulless machine that isn't driven by its own lust. But what made me rate the story 5 stars is how thoughtful you were by making the machine calibrate her depth so as to avoid hurting her. I'd surrender to such a pleasure machine anytime.
Hot and disturbing at the same time, the really disturbing part being the incestuous sentiment.
To bad the author never wrote another chapter, this story would have been a lot of fun, but after 16 years I guess not..
I cannot imagine that you (Colleen) are continuing to scan the reactions of those who comment on this story 16 years after you wrote it, but should that be the case, please add me to the tally of those who both appreciated the talent displayed with your writing skills (I'm sure writers' workshop leaders could easily use your work in illustrating excellent technical technique and well-staged plot development.) and with your creative blending of both male and female sexual fantasies of bondage and submission, incest, bi-sexuality, sci-fi, fetishism, exhibitionism and voyeurism, revenge...well, hell--just about every erotic fantasy genre published in Literotica.
For those who couldn't appreciate either the straightforward tale or the nuanced allusions, you have my pity. Go back and read it again--this was an artist at work. Kudos indeed. 10 out of 10
I was originally viewing your other story "Mistaken Identity", when I suddenly discovered this other erotic gem; "The Chair", which reminded me of yet another Literotica story from back then; "Eleven Days". You may have to use the "Search for Stories" link to find it.
Another - woman in peril - locked in a room - with machines involved. Now go and find the story and enjoy another erotic journey.
It's a shame the writer passed away. She was so talented, I love all her work
Complex scenario that failed in one thing - it never would have happened. Do you realize how big a hole a 357 Magnum would have blown in the door down to the basement??? She would have gotten out easily with never having discovered the chair and what it was meant for.
I feel like the Grandfather as nobody gets to see the real me and only those close friends / ladies have experienced some of my naughty vivid imagination. I have a special room too and as a contractor the clerks at the stores think that some of the supplies are just for renovations when in reality it is for my hobby of special devices. And I can appreciate how your imagination dreamed up such a chair as the ultimate pleasure creator. Ironically i found some pictures shared by my Grandfather who was like a kindred spirit sharing those of his lovely bride when she was in her 20's and 30's and saw her in a completely different light and saw how he was awestruck with this beautiful blonde and fell in love with her for the rest of his life right then. It didn't matter she gained weight from childbirths or age as he adored her forever. So, I could see how the naughtiness of the added incest play of the Dildo being Grandpas cock was exciting as would be grandmas velvety pussy and firm little ass of her youth. A it all boiled down to living a good stress free life with making connections and helping others while still unleashing the lust and not being ashamed by it. But even better is to do it with those you care about without judgement. Sadly my estranged father was disowned by my Grandfather who i took are of in the last few years of his life passing at 95 painlessly. I got my work ethic from him and by being the contractor centered on helping more then the money has kept me busy and in demand because of sincerity and integrity. I yearn for a Etta or Caramel (Ironic my other Grandmother was "Carmalita" or Carmel for short) but Grandma Nancy was the beauty in her younger days that nobody real knew of her past beauty once she became the devoted housewife and mother. I wonder if there is a kindred spirit here in Indiana or if in my extensive travels i will find her as i venture to some Asian countries later this year with a buddy. Will I find a Caramel with past trauma and drama or a widowed Etta as I will hope she is adventurous as I am or at least open and willing to try even if like the heroine needs some coaxing to get there.