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The Christmas of 2023


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'Damn, you really tied one on,' he thought to himself as he pulled his boxers up.

His first order of business was to get to the bathroom and relieve his bladder. He must have stood there pissing for almost five minutes before he finally felt empty. Next he reached inside the medicine cabinet and grabbed the bottle of aspirin, which he took with him as he made his way to the kitchen. Once he downed four tablets he set about making a fresh pot of coffee. Two cups later the aspirin were starting to work, but his recollection of last night's activities were still muddled. He vaguely remembered going to a bar, but everything else was a blur. A sobering thought occurred to him.

"Please tell me I didn't drive," he said as he ran to the front window and looked at the driveway.

Not seeing his truck he sighed, "Well, at least I did something right."

After another cup of coffee he made his way back to his bedroom where he searched through his clothes. If he hadn't driven home last night then he needed to know where his truck was. He didn't find his keys, but in one pocket he did find a parking stub for a twenty-four-hour parking garage. He also found a match book for a bar called the Rusty Nail. Written on the inside cover was a note stating that his keys were there. With the mystery of where he had been last night cleared up he showered and shaved then called Uber.

The driver dropped him off in front of the bar and sped away. There were only two customers in the place, none that looked familiar, and he didn't recognize the man behind the curved mahogany bar either, but the man recognized him.

"Hey sailor, back for some more action?" the burly man asked.

David explained why he was there, and the man happily reached into a drawer and brought out his keys. When asked if he knew where the parking garage was he was told it was two blocks away. After a bit of chit chat David hoofed it the two blocks to the garage where he was informed by the attendant that it would cost him fifteen dollars for the overnight parking. It was almost four o'clock by the time he pulled into his mother's driveway. With a heavy sigh he slumped down into the soft cushions of the couch, picked up the remote for the television and aimlessly surfed through the channels. As he flipped through the channels bits and pieces of last night's activities started to drift in and out of his subconsciousness. Most of the night was a blank but he did remember sitting next to an older gal who couldn't keep her hands off him. There was something else that tried to surface. Something dark. Something forbidden. Something delicious. But try as he might, he just couldn't force it to reveal itself. His train of thought was broken by the sound of the garage door opening.

Evelyn Cavenaugh's stomach was tied in knots as she pulled into the garage and turned off the car. She had been dreading this moment. Her hands shook as she opened her door and stepped out, the prospect of seeing her son after last night's indiscretion terrified her. Even though she was sure he didn't know what she had done, she still worried about it. Taking a deep breath she opened the door into the kitchen and stepped inside. She found him sitting on the couch watching TV. He looked like death warmed over.

"Hey Honey," she greeted him.

"Hey Mom, how was your day?" he replied, his head slowly turning to look in her direction.

"Long," she answered, taking a few steps closer to the couch.

"You look really nice," David said, taking in the stylish pants suit his mother was wearing.

"And you look like shit. Have a good time last night?" she asked.

With a chuckle he replied, "To tell the truth, I don't remember a thing. I don't even know how I got home."

She could feel her nerves relax upon hearing that. For the next few minutes she told him about being brought home by some guys, and how she helped him up the stairs. She didn't mention anything about undressing him or getting him into bed. When he apologized for being so much trouble she couldn't help but let out a little laugh. God, if he only knew she thought to herself. Relief flooded her as she realized that he had no memory of what had actually happened.

"I'll let you make it up to me. There's a box on my front seat, I'd appreciate it if you could get it for me and bring it up to my room," she said while making her way to the stairs.

After she left he sat there for a bit then went out to the garage and retrieved the box. It was fairly large but hardly weighed anything. He reached her bedroom door and found it partially open. Hesitant to go in he called out to her and was told to come in and put the box on the bed. The room was empty, but the sound of splashing told him that his mother was in the bath.

"I'll just leave this here. Holler if you need anything else," he called out, then turned to leave.

"David, could you come in here for a minute," Evelyn asked through the half-closed bathroom door.

His eyebrows rose at that. He knew she was in the tub. A tingle ran through his crotch as he pushed the door all the way open. Stepping inside he was surprised to see her in the tub completely covered by bubbles with just her head sticking out. She smiled at his discomfort.

"I know I promised to cook you a nice dinner tonight, but I was hoping we could put that off until tomorrow. I'm just not up for it tonight. You don't mind, do you?" she asked.

Taking a seat on the toilet he said, "No problem, we can just order take-out. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine, it's just been a long day and I didn't sleep too good last night," she told him.

"Was that because of me?" he asked, trying hard not to look in her direction, even though he knew he couldn't see anything through the bubbles.

"No," she lied. "It's just been hectic with the expansion and all. Nothing for you to worry about."

"Is there anything I can do?" he asked finally looking at her.

"Not really, but thanks for asking," she replied, sitting up in the tub, the bubbles barely covering her chest.

He was about to leave when a thought entered his mind. A thought that brought back the tingle in his crotch.

"Want me to wash your back for you?" he asked, a questioning smile on his face.

She was taken aback by the question. It had been years since she'd had anyone wash her back for her. Without thinking she took a washcloth, put some body wash on it and handed to him. She watched as he kneeled down by the tub and began to run the cloth over her back. It felt good. Real good. So good in fact that she closed her eyes and let out a soft moan, unaware that the bubbles were no longer hiding the breast closest to him.

"You're muscles are really tight Mom. Maybe you should let me give you a back rub," he suggested as his eyes locked on the one erect nipple that he could see.

"That's okay sweetie, I'll be fine once I soak for a while. But thanks for the offer," she told him.

David finished scrubbing her back and handed her the washcloth. He took one last look at her exposed nipple then got up and left. When he reached his room he undid his pants and fished out his erect cock. Closing his eyes he began to stroke the throbbing shaft while the image of his mother sitting in the tub played over and over in his head. God, he wanted her. He wanted her in the worse way.

While David was busy pounding his pud, Evelyn had lain back in the tub and was softly caressing her tingling clit. She had declined her son's offer of a back rub simply because she didn't trust herself. With her sexual frustration at an all-time high and knowing about the monster in his pants she was afraid she'd do something rash. Something like rape him. A loud moan escaped her lips as two of her fingers sank into the depths of her starving pussy.

Dinner had consisted of Chinese food delivered by Grub-Hub. The rest of the evening was spent watching TV, neither paying much attention to what was on. They were both lost in their own thoughts. Around nine Evelyn said goodnight and went to bed, David followed shortly after.

Saturday morning David woke just before ten feeling much better than yesterday. After a quick shower he threw on some sweats and a t-shirt then went downstairs where he found Evelyn sitting at the island drinking coffee and reading through what looked like invoices. She was dressed in a fluffy pink robe with matching slippers.

"Morning Mom," he said, stopping next to her long enough to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning honey," she replied, her eyes scanning the papers in front of her.

As he fixed himself a cup of coffee he continued to talk to her.

"I forgot to ask, how did your date with Larry go?" he asked.

"It didn't," came her reply.

Turning around he leaned against the counter and asked, "What happened?"

Evelyn set the papers down and answered, "He didn't show up."

"He stood you up? What a loser!" he said as he slid onto the stool next to hers.

"Why do you say that?" she inquired.

Turning in his seat to face her he placed his hand on her back and said, "Because if I had a foxy lady such as yourself waiting to go out on the town with me, I sure as hell wouldn't stand her up! Hell, I'd probably be two hours early just to make sure she didn't get away."

Smiling, she said, "That's sweet of you to say, but Larry and I don't have that kind of relationship."

"What kind of relationship do you guys have?" he asked, puzzled.

Picking up her cup, she took a small sip, then said, "Ours is more a physical one than romantic."

A huge grin spread on his lips as he realized what his mother was saying. "Ahh, so he's just a booty call then."

"Something like that," she said with a chuckle.

"So how long have you and Loser Larry been seeing each other?" he asked with a smirk.

"About six months, and you don't need to call him a loser, he's actually a nice guy," she said defensively.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. So tell me, does he ever take you out to dinner or a movie? Or does he just come over and you two knock boots for an hour or two, and then he leaves?"

She chuckled and said, "An hour or two? I wish."

He could tell she was uncomfortable discussing this with him which only made him want to prolong the conversation. He asked, "So if not an hour, then how long does he stay?"

Evelyn stood and walked over to get another cup of coffee. Once she had it poured she turned around and leaned against the counter just like he had done.

"I'm not really comfortable talking about my sex life with my son," she said.

Holding up his hands in surrender he said, "Fair enough. I was just curious is all."

She took a sip of coffee then whispered, "Fifteen to twenty minutes."

"What? Did you just say fifteen to twenty minutes?" he asked in a strangled voice.

Evelyn almost burst out laughing when she looked at his exaggerated expression. She knew he was just screwing with her now but felt obligated to defend Larry.

"A lot can happen in that amount of time," she remarked.

"Hell Mom, that's barely enough time to get warmed up. What a loser," he snickered.

"It's been plenty of time so far, and please stop calling him a loser," she said with an edge in her voice.

David couldn't help himself, teasing her was too much fun.

"Yeah, okay. I won't call him loser anymore. How does Speed Of Light Larry sound instead?" he chuckled.

She fixed him with a glare then doubled over with laughter. If he only knew the truth she thought. Sure, Larry was fast, and most times he failed to get her off, but the times that he did left her feeling oh so relaxed. Sex for her was like an addiction, she couldn't go too long between fixes.

"That's funny," she managed to say after her laughter died down.

"Truthfully Mom, I never thought you would settle for a quick roll in the sack. I always figured you for someone that would want the whole enchilada. Dinner, dancing, going out on the town. That sort of thing," he told her.

"I don't have time for that relationship crap. Nor do I want it. What I have works fine for me," she responded.

Just as he was about to say something her phone rang. She went over and picked it up off the counter and glanced at the caller ID. Telling David it was Larry she answered it and walked into the front room for privacy. He could still hear her, and what he could gather the conversation was quickly becoming heated. Rarely had he ever seen his mother angry, but when she returned to the kitchen there was no mistaking the look of anger on her face.

"I take it that wasn't good news," he said.

"No it wasn't. That prick was transferred to the office in Oklahoma City!" she growled.

"Wow. That sucks for you," he said, a smile plastered on his face.

Evelyn saw the smile on his face and asked, "If it sucks for me, then why are you smiling?"

"I know it's bad from your point of view, but from mine, it's as if fate intervened. Now I don't have to share you," he answered honestly.

"Share me?" she asked, not certain how he meant that.

"Your time, Mom. Now I have you all to myself," he replied.

"Well buckle up buttercup, because without Larry's visits Mama's gonna get pretty bitchy real quick," she informed him.

Taking his cup with him David sidled up next to her at the counter and put his arm around her shoulder, then said, "Well hell, Mom, if all you need is a booty call, then I'd be more than happy to help out with that."

At first she couldn't tell if he was serious or not, but one glance at the goofy grin on his face she decided that he wasn't. For some reason she felt disappointed by that.

"That's real generous of you but be careful your mouth doesn't write checks that your ass can't cash. As horny as I am right now I might just take you up on that."

He knew just by the sound of her voice that she was joking but that didn't stop his cock from lurching in his pants. He was about to tell her that he'd cash that check any time she wanted but didn't get the chance. She informed him that she had to finish up some things at work and left to get dressed. As she headed out the door to get in her car she reminded him that she still planned on making him a nice meal.

After she left he sat at the island and had another cup of coffee, the idea of doing something he hadn't done in years slowly taking shape in his mind. Years ago they used to give each other a gag gift to open on Christmas eve. Somehow the tradition had faded until it stopped completely. This year he thought he'd bring it back. All he would need was a computer and a printer, which he found in the spare bedroom that his mother used as a home office. With a smile on his face he got to work, and two hours later he had the gift wrapped and under the tree.

At three-thirty Evelyn arrived home, lugged in a bag of groceries and sat them on the counter. Next she went looking for David. She found him napping on the couch. Not wanting to wake him she went back into the kitchen and put away the groceries then headed up to her room. She stripped out of her work clothes, and after a few minutes of debating what to wear she finally settled on a pair of baggy sweatpants and a tank top. It felt liberating to feel her unfettered tits bounce as she made her way down the stairs.

David was sitting up rubbing the sleep from his eyes when he heard her footsteps. Looking over his shoulder he watched her as she made her way down the last three steps, his cock twitching in his jeans at the way her breasts bounced with each step.

"Oh, you're awake," she said with a smile as she walked by.

"Yeah, must've nodded off," he replied, stifling a yawn.

She took a seat on the couch next to him and asked how his day went. Glancing at the gag gift under the tree he told her it was good. Her eyes followed his, but she didn't say anything. Instead she got up and saying she forgot something she ran back up the stairs. When she came back she was holding two wrapped gifts which she placed under the tree.

"Almost forgot your gifts," she said, a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Can I shake them?" he asked just like he used to when he was a kid.

"Absolutely not!" came her reply.

"Aww, you're mean," he fake whined.

With a chuckle she stepped over to him and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. Just as her lips were almost on his cheek he turned his head and her lips connected with his. Both their eyes widened in surprise as their lips touched and tingles of pleasure shot through them. Davids cock lurched in his pants while Evelyn's pussy grew moist. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but it left both a little breathless. For several seconds they just stared at each other, then Evelyn said something about getting dinner started and fled to the kitchen, leaving David sitting there with the feel of his mother's lips still lingering on his. He sat there for a while longer then went into the kitchen to see what his mother was doing.

Evelyn was in the middle of coating some chicken with flour when she heard him walk in. Glancing up she was pleased to see the excited look on her son's face.

"All right, fried chicken!" he exclaimed.

"One of your favorites I believe," she responded.

"It is. Anything I can do to help?"

"You could peel some spuds," she answered.

"Mom, it's good to be home," he said as he hefted the bag of potatoes onto the island.

Evelyn stopped coating the chicken and gazed lovingly at her son.

"It's great to have you home, David. Now get to peeling," she said, stepping over to him and tweaking his nose with her flour covered finger.

"Oh, Oh...I'll get you for that," he jovially barked before dipping his hands into the flour and stepping menacingly toward her.

With a shriek she turned to get away from him, but he was too fast. Just as she was about to round the corner of the island she felt his arms go around her pinning her arms down at her sides. Not meaning to his hands landed squarely on her breasts as he pulled her back against him. At first he wasn't aware of where his hands were, but she was. Her eyes widened in surprise as her nipples began to respond to the warmth of her son's hands.

"I've got you now!" David gleefully said.

"Uh...honey?" she practically moaned.

"Yesssss," he teased, lowering his head and placing tiny smooches on the side of her neck.

"Your hands baby. I don't think you should have them there," she managed to choke out.

Her words drew his attention to the fact that he was cupping her breasts. For reasons he couldn't quite fathom he gave each tit a firm squeeze feeling her nipples press into the palm of his hands. When he did it again he heard his mother whimper.

"David!" she cried out, her voice more of a groan than a reprimand.

Reluctantly he released his hold on her and stepped back. When she turned to face him he could see the questioning look in her eyes. He could also see the flour smudges covering her tank top right where her tits were.

"Sorry about that," he sheepishly said, his eyes still locked onto the front of her shirt.

Evelyn gazed down at the front of her shirt and saw how extended her nipples were. She could still feel the warmth from his hands radiating through them. She could also see the flour imprints where his hands had been. Oddly she found this funny and burst out laughing.

"Okay, you got me. Now back to work Mister," she said between chuckles.

Once David had enough potatoes peeled he leaned against the island and said, "I have to say, Mom, you've got some great boobs. They're fun to play with."

She had to stop what she was doing and look at him. As soon as she saw the huge grin on his face and the twinkle in his eyes she knew he was just yanking her chain. But still, she felt a sense of pride that her son thought her tits were good enough to play with.

With as stern of a look as she could muster she told him to go watch TV and let her work. He left with a chuckle and once he was out of the kitchen Evelyn cupped her breasts and whispered, "He's not lying, they are fun to play with."

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