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The Comfort Inn Incident Ch. 02


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"Of course, but we need to move, now!"

Into the Hallway we went and out the back door, into the parking lot and found my SUV, opening the rear hatch, throwing in the bags, and we were off. I asked Helena what city we were headed for and she told me. I set the car's GPS and instructed it to avoid highways and main roads. She thought that strange.

"Don't we want to get there quickly?"

"Yes, but not by a route they would follow. Understand? If we take back roads, it may take a little longer but they aren't likely to find or follow us."

We drove for about an hour and stopped at a diner for some coffee and breakfast. She ate like she hadn't eaten in days. Back in the car, she fell asleep and was a pleasure to glance at as her breasts rose and fell with each breath. Six hours later and a tank of gas, we arrived at the Marriott hotel I had called ahead for a room reservation. As we off loaded the bags, a large passenger van pulled into the front of the hotel and a group of nine boys, about 18 years old, bounded out of the van along with their two adult chaperons. We all seemed to meet at the reservations desk and the boys were not hiding their delight at such a young, shapely, smiling, friendly girl. As room keys were being assigned, I asked for a top floor room, at the end of the Hall. Room 755 was to be ours for the night.

"Neat" one of the boys called out looking at Helena.

"We are in the next room, 753."

"Isn't that nice for you." I said.

I received an elbow to the ribs from my female companion.

"I would like to meet them, maybe." She said to me as we headed up in the elevator.

"We will see what the evening holds for us."

Once inside the room, I asked if she was hungry.

"Yes" she replied without hesitation.

She changed into a halter top, this time no bra, and a very short skirt. I watched as she exchanged her panties for a minuscule thong, covering just a triangle of her cunt and a string up through her ass cheeks. There was an upscale restaurant within walking distance and we headed for it. As we walked, I let her lead and watched as her mini-mini skirt bounced and caught any stray breeze, exposing her ass cheeks and all.

"You realize you are exposing your ass cheeks and all to the world, Right?"

"I love the feeling of the wind on my rear. It makes me wet and I like being... what you call a show-off?"

"You mean an exhibitionist."

Helena seemed to blush as she turned toward me and just grinned.

Entering the restaurant, she was the center of male attention, as every male eye was on her chest and legs. Once seated, I ordered a martini for me and, to my surprise;

Helena said "Same for me."

The waiter just looked at Helena's chest, her exposed legs, with her skirt just covering her pussy and looked at me, again, and I nodded my approval. Off he went to fill the order.

"Well that was interesting. I thought for sure you would be are under legal drinking age."

"I am?" She asked.

"Legal drinking age in America is 21." I replied.

"Oh, in Germany it's 16. Well I must look old enough."

The drinks arrived, I sipped mine, and Helena downed hers and popped both olives into her mouth. When the waiter arrived to take our order, she asked for another. Again, the waiter looked to me and I said;

"Whatever the lady wants, she gets."

Helena was quickly learning how to be a cock tease to get her way. She managed to hike her mini skirt up so as to expose her pussy lips as the thong was now tightly pulled into her crack and her lips were exposed.

The water returned with her second drink and we ordered, I had the swordfish, she ordered the largest steak on the menu, with all the fixings. The waiter continued to look to me for approval, all the while glancing at the raised skirt and exposed pussy of this young flirting girl.

"Again, I say, whatever she wants, she can have."

"Yes, sir, as you say." was his reply.

I ordered a bottle of wine with dinner and only had one glass, she finished her second Martini and ordered another martini. Helena finished the bottle of wine, her third martini and was becoming noticeably intoxicated. I got the check, paid the bill. I had to help this very drunk and unsteady young girl out of her chair, re-set her skirt and move her arms around me in order to leave the restaurant and head for the hotel, the elevator and the room. Helena walked reasonably well, once we got outside, as I tucked one arm around her waist and held her other hand around my waist. But her speech was slurred and beginning to make little sense. She kept talking about those cute boys at the reservation desk, how horney she was and how much she wanted to fuck, fuck, fuck. I had to remind her that we would soon be in the public area of the hotel and that that kind of talk sould get her into trouble with me!

At the elevator, surprise, surprise, we met two of the young boys Helena was fixating on earlier along with two other couples. The elevator arrived and we all piled on. I steered Helena to the rear of the car, knowing we were going to the top floor. The two boys must not have immediately realized I was watching Helena as they moved to either side of her in the rear of the car and as the car rose, I noticed they were aware of her intoxicated condition, and there was eye contact between the two boys. From the corner of my eye, I could see one boy's hand on her hip, easing her skirt up. The other boy's hand was heading for her ass. As the last couple got off, I thought I would play the role of purveyor of sexual activity as I asked her;

"I'm going for a swim when we get back to the room. Interested?"

"Oh, yes, that would be great."

She replied, and recognizing that I was watching their hand movements, the boys retracted their hands, quickly.

"You boys are invited to join us, if you would like. I'd like to see the party continue."

They smiled, broadly, like Cheshire Cats, and looked to Helena.

"That would be fun. We'll meet you at the pool.' They replied.

As the car reached the top floor, the boys stepped aside and I let Helena go first. As she left the car, I purposely lifted her skirt and made sure the boys saw her thong split ass. Recklessly, I tossed the car keys out onto the floor in front of the elevator car and Helena drunkenly bent over to rescue them. She lost her balance, fell onto the floor, and rolled over onto her back exposing her pussy which had her thong pulled up into her crack, separating her lips for all to see. As I moved to help Helena to her feet, I watched the boy's eyes open in delight and they slowly turned toward their room. They had broad smiles on their faces. I grabbed my crotch and their smiles just broadened.

Once in the room, I went to the adjoining room, and, placing my ear to the wall, listened to the boys reactions to the female sights they had just witnessed.

"Did you see that pussy? I can't wait to get a feel of that sweet set of lips."

"I just want to get a taste of her cunt, sink my tongue into her and slip my fingers in. My cock is hard just thinking of fucking her."

"Yea, me too, but you think the fellow with her will let us? Is he her father, her brother, what?"

I broke away from listening at the wall as I was pleased at having lit the fuse of lust. Helena was noticeably unsteady as she stripped her clothes off and struggled to find her bikini amongst her packed clothing. Again, I watched as she snugged her 'D's' into her way too small bikini top, the bottom of each breast was slipping out the bottom of each cup and the tops spilled over, barely covering her dark areoles. She then slipped her soft, round ass into a thong bikini bottom that covered only her pussy, again with the thong string splitting her ass. I had to help her tie the sides of the bottom as her fingers were not working. She bent forward to put on her flip-flops and I could clearly make out her lower pussy lips and her brown eyed pucker barely covered.

"Oh, those two boys are going to love you, tonight." I said, knowing I would get a reaction.

She righted herself by holding onto the bed, sat down and blushed at me. As she sat, I could see the wetness building in her bikini fabric just from the thought of being intimate with two boys.

"But where are you going to go if... if?"

"I'll be right here... with all three of you. If you think I have come this far with you to let you wander off to another room with two strange boys? Not going to happen. If it does, you can kiss your ride and finding your father good-bye!"

"But if they want to, you know...?"

"What do you mean 'if'? I expect the two boys will be very willing to 'play' with your body, probe your body and generally examine every part of your body, hopefully fuck every hole in your body, and I will be right here watching and participating, if I need to. And besides, someone has to provide the refreshments."

At that, I stripped my clothing off and found my swim shorts. Helena was sitting on the bed, holding herself up, still drunk from her over imbibing. I walked up to her, naked, and looked down at her. She took my cock into her hand, kissed the tip and asked;

"Will I ever get to experience this guy again? Will you fuck me again, tonight?"

"Maybe. Maybe with the boys as an audience. How would you like to be an exhibitionist, showing them how it's done?"

She sucked my cock into her mouth and moaned, her tongue working all sides of my growing rod.

"Better save that for later. Two horney boys are waiting at the pool for your body to arrive for their pleasure."

She tried to stand and I assisted and steadied her.

As I tried to confine my cock in my swim trunks, she wrapped a towel around herself, a bath towel which barely covered her ass cheeks, and we headed for the elevator, taking it to the basement where the pool was located. As the elevator doors opened, several people were waiting to board and the two men eyed Helena's barely covered body as she exited the car.

The boys were waiting for us in the pool. I let Helena go ahead of me, dropping her towel on a chair, as she joined them. The two boys grew visibly excited at the sight of this nearly naked girl, tits spilling out of her bikini top and, as the boys were lower, in the pool, they could see the bikini thong as it split her pussy lips. I found a chaise and settled in to watch. What the hell, I didn't own her, it wasn't my job to shelter her, she had finagled her way from Germany to America... she ought to be able to handle two 18 year old boys. But I still needed to protect her from anything forcibly done to her.

In the pool, the three of them had it all to themselves as there was only about an hour left before the pool closed. Helena eased herself to a seating position on the pool's edge, legs dangling in the pool. As she moved her legs back and forth in the water, she was opening and closing her pussy lips, she leaned back onto her elbows and exposed the 'cheese' for the mice The boys moved in for a closer look as I headed for the hot tub, and not seeing any video surveillance cameras there, removed my suit. I noticed the boys glancing at me, as I lowered myself into the hot water. I love being naked in a hot tub, the hot air jets pointed at just the right spots. Helena lowered herself into the pool and the boys missed none of her movements. Her breasts jiggled in their tight bikini top and I wondered if they were about to pop out. I watched from this lower vantage point as they flirted with Helena and occasionally glanced at me, to see if I was watching. Helena said something to the boys and they both looked at me and back to her. I later found out from Helena that she told them I was just a friend and was no threat to them. She also told them, I later found out, that I had given them permission to 'play' with her. That brought a smile to the boy's faces. One of them grabbed her around the waist from behind and lifted her up, bringing her thighs to water level. The other boy slipped in between her legs and I could see him bringing his hands up her legs toward her pussy. He lifted her hips and placed her thighs on his shoulders, giving his mouth and eyes a close-up of Helena's pussy. The boy holding her up had his hands well inside her bikini cups and was enjoying her nipples as her head flopped back and rested on his shoulder. She twisted her head toward his face and began to tongue kiss him. The other boy had his hands on her hips and was untying her bikini bottom, finally removing it and tossing it onto the decking. His hands lifted her hips up out of the water and his mouth opened as he went for her open pussy. Her bikini top was also removed now, and she was naked to these boys and not fighting them. In fact, Helena was held afloat by the boys, her eyes closed and she was deep into tongue kissing one of the boys as her body was being pleasured by their hands and mouth. Watching the action, I was hard and stroking my cock, enjoying being a voyeur. The boys played with her tits and pussy, exchanging places, until one of the boys pulled her back into the water, placing him behind her and I could see his hands move down her front to her pussy. Helena's face changed as the boy began to move his body back and forth, as he had managed his cock into her cunt from behind and was fucking her in the water. He floated Helena over to the side and began pumping in and out of her as his buddy watched, stroking his engorged rod. Her chin was on the edge of the pool decking. The other boy, moved to sit in front of her, dropped his legs into the pool and lifted Helena's head to his cock. She easily accepted this frontal attack and began sucking his meat deep into her mouth. This continued for several minutes until the boy fucking her from the rear lifted her up out of the water, turned her around and sat her on the edge of the pool. He pulled her forward until he could spread her legs, opening her cunt and sinking two fingers into her tunnel. His mouth followed, lapping at her pussy lips. The other boy lifted up and kneeling down at Helena's head he fed her his cock, again, which she greedily accepted, deeply into her mouth. Her hand came up and began playing with his balls. OK, I was getting a little too hot watching this and it was close to pool closing. I rescued my floating trunks and stepped out of the pool. Naked and mostly erect, I walked over to them. They all saw me and the boys stopped and starred at my 10 inches, leading my body to them. One of the naive wise guys looked at Helena, still sucking on his cock and asked;

"Has he fucked you with that?"

Helena stopped her cock sucking, looked over at me and said;

"Yes and it was fantastic."

"Ok, all of you get some cloths on and we can continue this orgy in my room. If you are really daring, you can carry your trunks and just wrap a towel around you. You too, Helena."

The boys wrapped towels around themselves, found their trunks and I found Helena's bikini. She wrapped a towel around her torso. It barely covered her ass cheeks and we all noticed. She led us to the elevator and as the door opened, another couple got out headed for the exercise equipment. Helena couldn't resist and let her towel drop. The male just about lost it as Helena smiled at him, bent over to retrieve her towel, exposing her butt to him and the doors closed. When we reached the top floor, the doors of the elevator opened, I was first out, making sure the coast was clear and motioning to my fellow conspirators, and we headed to our room, all naked, holding our towels and trunks.

Once inside, Helena dropped her towel, ran for the bed and bounced onto it, landing on her back, spread eagle. The boys looked at me and I asked;

"OK, I need names, just first names."

"I'm Jim and he's Mason."

"OK" I replied.

"And she is Helena and I am Josh. No, we are not related, dating nor anything else. I am only her ride."

The boys, with cocks in hand just kept looking from a naked Helena on the bed with her legs spread to me with my 10 inches fully erect.

"Jim, go to my camera bag, over there and get the length of rope I keep in there."

He did as I asked and handed it to me. I handed him an end and told both boys;

"Now tie an end to her wrists, not too tight as to stop circulation but tight enough that she cannot get loose."

He and Mason proceeded to grab Helena's arms, and tie a loop over her wrists, and the other end to the bed legs, stretching her arms out to the max. I grabbed the other length of rope, pulled her down the length of the bed, and tied her legs at the ankles and then to the bed legs. She kept asking why are you doing this, and I told her to just be quiet and she would see. Still enjoying the effects of the alcohol, she just smiled at us and took in a deep breath.

I went to the phone and ordered up a few six packs of beer, telling room service we were entertaining some guests and to bill my room. When the boys were finished tying her up, I told them to do a close inspection of her breasts and pussy, each taking turns. They grinned from ear to ear and proceeded to finger, suck, and squeeze all her erotic parts. When the knock came on the door, I went to the peep hole and saw it was the room service boy, and I do mean boy. He looked just like the two I had in the room with me. I found a bath towel, wrapped it around my waist, got two twenties from my wallet and let him in. He entered, pushing a cart with three six packs of beer and four glasses in ice buckets. He took one look at me, my towel lifted from below, moved his head to the side and saw two naked legs with ropes around them and the two naked boys with full erections, and he knew this really was his kind of party. His hand snapped to his crotch and I knew his member was growing at this sight. I pulled him back toward the door, asked him what time he got off work tonight. He looked at his watch and said;

"Midnight, about 90 minutes from now."

I handed him the two twenties, signed the room service bill, included another tip and told him;

"When you get off shift, shower, change and come back. I'll have her ready and waiting."

"Yes sir, YES Sir." He chimed.

Now that Helena was secured on the bed, the boys and I surveyed our work, a young girl, tied to the bed, helpless to escape out sexual desires. We downed several beers to lubricate our inhibitions, sharing a few with Helena just to keep her loose. The boy's cocks were so hard they were twitching to their heartbeat.

"Mason, you head for her mouth, place yourself on the bed, straddle her head and face her feet, lower your cock into her mouth as much as she can take and enjoy her. Jim, you have first dibs on her pussy, fuck it, but first use your mouth to prepare her and lubricate her cunt."

I no sooner finished my instructions than these two 18 year olds were at their places. Mason had his cock in Helena's mouth, slowly moving it in and out, in and out. Helena was eagerly sucking on it and looked over to me with a kind of smirk, as if to say 'You bastard, I'll get you for this.' Mason leaned forward and began pinching Helena's nipples and fondling her tits. Jim went to her pussy, placing his hands under her hips and lifting them to his mouth, as he separated her ass cheeks, her outer lips opened to him and he was on her with his mouth open. Helena was in the throes of an early orgasm just from having two boys, near her own age, having their way with her naked body. Her eyes rolled back with the tonguing Jim was giving her, until he moved up and slowly sank his eight inch cock into her dripping pussy. He went all the way in, slapping his ball sack onto her ass crack with every push. He reached under her ass and lifted her hips to his level, as far as the ropes would allow. Helena's body would arch and her hands would grip the bed covers with every thrust of Jim's cock. She was gaging on Mason's cock as it moved deeper into her throat. He would occasionally lift his cock completely out of her mouth and you could see ribbons of her saliva stringing from his cock to her mouth. Mason's cock was about 7 inches in length and about two and a half inches in width, with a nice walnut sized purple head on top, large enough to gag Helena when it was fully engaged in her throat. As he pushed his cock into her mouth and throat, because he was nearly siting on her face, his asshole was into her nose and she was giving him a 'rim job' with her nose. After about fifteen minutes of his thrusting into her mouth, I watched about five inches of his cock disappear into this young girl's throat. She has a great gag reflex and was able to take his cock past her gag reflux. Mason was nearing his peek, as I watched his ass cheeks contract, and a low guttural groan issued from his mouth and he pushed his cock into Helena's mouth as far as it would go. As he nearly sat on her face, he blasted his load and I watched her arms quiver, her eyes flutter like a drowning girl as he filled her throat and I watched as her throat moved and she swallowed every drop of Mason's sperm, her eyes rolled back and only the whites showing. Jim witnessed this and arching his back, pushed his cock into her cunt hole as deep as he could and released his stream of sperm deep into her pussy. Helena, sensing all the male reactions, began another series of orgasms. Her back arched as cocks flooded her holes with their loads. She grunted, groaned and seemed to be hyperventilating as waves of pleasure overcame her naked body. She had only experienced Roddie and my cock and this was indeed sensory overload for this 20 year old near virgin.

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