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Click hereSometime around 2:00 AM, I am awakened by a door slamming. It appeared quite close, maybe the next room. I rolled over trying to return to sleep, and succeeded for a short time, only to be awakened by the sounds of fucking happening in the next room. The bed is hitting the wall in rhythmic cadence, a female voice is heard reacting to each push of cock into pussy and there is the muffled male voice maybe encouraging or giving directions or... whatever. It continues for some time, interrupted by a pause and a different female voice, same activity, but a younger sounding female voice. I am not one to pound on walls, so I call the main desk and inform the manager of my inability to sleep. He says he will take care of it.
Within a few minutes I hear a phone ring in the next room, muffled voices, and then quiet. Finally, to sleep. And then there is a tapping at my door. Shit, I say under my breath, now what. I get up, walk to the door and peer into the peep hole. A man of about my age is standing there, and I say to him through the door.
"Can I help you?"
In a heavily accented voice, he apologizes for the disturbance and wants to extend his apologies in person.
"OK, just a moment."
I reply, going to the bathroom to retrieve a bath towel and wrap it around my waist. I unlatch the door and open it, and see a very handsome, tanned male figure, standing in his boxers and says.
"My family and I wish to apologize and wish you to join us for a drink."
"But it is very early in the morning. Don't you need to sleep?"
"We just arrive from Germany and are on different time." He says.
"OK, give me a second and I'll join you."
I leave him in the doorway, go into the bathroom, retrieve a pair of condoms from my kit, why, I just had a feeling, and refasten my towel wrapped around my waist. My cock is beginning to stir, and it is producing a bulge in the towel. I get my room key card and follow him to the next room.
Once in the next room, I find a pair of women, one in each bed. One is about my age; sitting up against some pillows and covered to her neck by a bed sheet. The other woman is a girl, about 20 and is also in bed, leaning against pillows and covered by a sheet. My host closes the door, walks to a side table and pours from a bottle, a short shot The girls are eyeballing my bulging towel as the older one says,
"Danka, vielen dank für Ihre geduld mit uns. (Thank you for your patience with us)"
My college German kicks in and I reply,
"Sie sind willkommen. "(You're welcome)
OK, I can't keep this up at this hour, so I ask the big question
"Sprechen sie Englisch?" (Do you speak English?)
They all begin to laugh.
"Ya, ve do, ve just arrive from Germany for new job. We still learn."
My host's name is Roderick, his wife is Rachel and the girl is Helena. Roddie' as Rachel calls him, has been offered a new position at a multinational research company in the area and they are looking for a home beginning tomorrow. They are not married and the girl is her sisters daughter.
"Sehen sie sich die großen schwanz hat er" (Look at the big cock he has)
I'm no dummy, as I watch their eyes on my bulge.
"Mögen wir deinen schwanz?" (May we see your Cock?) the young one asks.
And I oblige her by removing my towel, releasing my near 10 inch cock to their amazed eyes. Even Roddie was impressed, as he dropped his boxers and exposed his manhood to us all.
"Mein gott, ist es groß" (My god, it is big) Rachael said as I folded the towel such that my movements made my cock sway in front of me.
"Wer gerade jetzt ficken??" (Who was fucking just now?) "macht den Lärm, weckte mich?" (making all the noise that woke me).
The young Helena began to blush as she pointed her hand.
"Roddie and I were making the noise and bed banging." She replied.
"Really?" I asked.
" We........ share." She coyly replied.
"You mean you fuck them both?" I asked turning to Roddie, who also blushed and replied;
"All in the family, yes we all fuck as you Americans say. No shame in Germany, we all love. Would you like a turn as apology from us for you waking?"
"Sure, who would be first?"
I stupidly replied, knowing full well that I just spilled most of my cum with, with, shit I never even got his name.
I walked over to Helena and she slid the sheet down her body, revealing a pair of 'D's'with very pink areoles and small nipples in their centers. As the sheet slipped further down, she revealed a small belly with a small tuft of light brown pubic hair, and a tight slit nestled within. She reached for my cock and was visibly amazed at its size and shape. She pulled me closer and began to lick the head, running her tongue around the head and into my pee hole. Her eyes were rolling back as she enjoyed my cock's head. I slid onto the bed and we settled into a 69 position, me separating her pubic hairs and opening her pussy. She obliged me by opening her legs wide and I was given a view of her treasures. My fingers began to probe into her wet slit and she was arching her back in response to my fingers. I separated her outer lips and found her clit, now engorged and emerging from her covering. My fingers moved into her tunnel and with two fingers, I pushed into her very tight hole. She was enjoying my touch as her breathing changed and her mouth on my cock would start and stop with every sensation. I turned my head to find Roddie and Rachel also in the process of coitus. Roddie was positioning his cock over her cunt and was about to push in. They saw me looking and smiled back at me.
"Sie hat ein sehr enges loch, dass man." ( She has a very tight hole, that one.)
"Yes, I can tell. I doubt I can fit my cock into her small opening without hurting her. "
Nein, nein, sie versuchen. Sie mögen es sehr." (No, no, you try. She will like it much)
I looked up at Helena, still trying to get the top three inches of my dick into her mouth, and she released my cock and re-positioned her body for my entrance into her small, tight pussy.
"Wie mayn mal habt ihr das getan? (How many times have you done this?)
I asked Helena, quietly in her ear.
"Fünfmal." Five times) was her reply, as she looked over at Roddie.
"Nur mit ihm?" (only with Roddie?) I asked.
"Ja" she quietly replied.
I looked at Roddy's cock as it slid into Rachel and knew I would have a difficult time with this. He was long but only an inch or so in width. Kind of like fucking with a pair of pencils.
"Das wird schmerzhaft sein, wissen sie dieses. " (This will be painful, you know this).
"Ja, aber ich will dich." (But I want you) she replied.
I handed Helena one of the condoms and asked her to put it on my cock. She looked at the foil package, looked at me and shrugged.
"Was ist das?" she asked.
She had never seen a condom, let alone had experienced a condom on a cock. OK, she was damn near a virgin... skip the condom. I slid my fingers into her opening slit, gathered some female lubricant which she was dripping with, and slathered as much of it as I could over the first two inches of my cock. I positioned my cocks head over her pussy and began to –tease- her with small forward movements, into her tight, wet hole. She gripped my shoulders and held me, tightly, as my hips pushed into her. I managed about an inch past my cock head and, as I looked at her, lying under me, I saw tears of pain running from her eyes.
"Sie erhalten an spitze." (You get on top) I whispered to her.
"Du gehen sie bei Ihre geschwindigkeit" (You go at your pace, your speed)
"Ja, besser." (Yes, better) she replied.
She positioned herself over my cock and her upper thighs were not tall enough, so I pulled her forward to lay on my chest, digging her beautiful breasts into my chest. She brought her hand back and grasped my cock and aimed into her cunt. Slowly she eased back, sinking my rod into her pussy, in and out, each time going in a little deeper. Rachel and Roddie were watching and it looked like Rachel was growing impatient with Helena's pace.. She moved from under Roddie, slipping his cock out of her, and moved to our bed. She grabbed Helena's shoulders. Helena's body was just barely sitting atop my cock. A look of pure panic enveloped Helena's face as she realized she was sinking onto my cock faster than was comfortable. With a sudden push, Rachel pushed down on Helena's shoulders forcing most of my cock into her pussy. With a yowl of pain and a scream of –something I did not catch, but which I did not think was a compliment to Rachel's actions- Helena collapsed onto my chest and screamed into my neck.
"Du schlampe." (You bitch) she screamed. "Warum sie das tun?" (Why you do this?)
By pushing my cock into her, Rachel had forced my 10" cock through Helena's vaginal canal and through her narrow cervix opening. My cock's head was now all the way into her uterus. It was a painful, fast journey for me, but a much more painful, long suffering injury for this young 20 year old near virgin girl, with little sexual experience. I dared not move, fearing I would cause Helena more pain.
"Don't move, the pain will slowly disappear." I whispered into her ear.
"Can you lift your chest off me? I want to play with your nipples and maybe take your mind off the pain of my cock."
"No, I dare not move" she replied.
So, now it was my turn to concentrate and shrink my cock to ease it out of her. I thought of baseball, apple pie, paying taxes, driving home...anything but sex and the situation I now was involved in. It was working, I felt my cock begin to retreat as blood flow eased, my mind was actively working to relieve this girl's pain. I began to wiggle out from under Helena, and managed to get my cock's head through her cervix and into her vagina, where I was met with a flood of fluid. I rolled over onto her, and lifted myself off her chest, and finally out of her pussy. A flood of clear fluid, streaked with blood seeped out from between her pussy lips. I went to the bath and got towels and began cleaning her off. Rachael and Roddie just watched.
"How could you be so cruel to her?" I asked.
"She was nearly a virgin, only experiencing your thin cock" as I looked at Roddie.
"And now, you let a stranger clean her and comfort her? What kind of people are you?"
I lashed out at Rachel.
"Take care of your niece and be quiet in here. I need to get some sleep. I have to work in a few hours."
Helena seemed to be recovering. She sat up on the bed and looked at both Rachael and Roddie.
"I am 20 years old. In America, I am of age, able to act for myself."
She looked at me for agreement. I shook my head.
"I am tired of being with you two who do not help me find my father, who was reluctant to take me with you to America. I want to be away from both of you."
Looking at me she said; "I want to be with you tonight."
This was getting to be way too much for me tonight - this morning. As I grabbed my towel, unused condoms and room key, I turned to leave, hoping for an escape, but heard a small voice say,
"Sir, may I stay with you for the night?"
I turned and asked "Are you asking me to let you stay with me, after all this? "
Helena looked at me with tears in her eyes and with anger in her voice said,
"I am not happy to stay with them for tonight. Please to stay with you. You are kind to me and I like it. "
I looked at Rachel and Roderick and they shrugged. So, tossing my towel to Helena, which she just carried, not bothering to wear it, we headed next door to my room. It was now almost 3:30 AM and I might get 4 to 5 more hours of sleep... if I am lucky. Helena was sore and walked carefully into my room and I secured the door. I offered her the bathroom to clean herself and she agreed. Once in the room, she started the water and climbed in, starting the shower.
"Sir?" She asked.
"Helena, my name is Josh; call me Josh, not sir. What do you need? "I asked.
"Can you please come in here? I need help."
I walked into the bathroom and found her behind the shower curtain. I peeked in and she grabbed my arm and pulled me into the shower with her. "Thank you for rescuing me, tonight." She said to me in fluent English and no accent. As the shower ran, she explained that she was the daughter of Rachel's sister, who married an American and that her mother has passed away from cancer. Her parents divorced before she was born and her Father is here in America and she needs to find him. She was schooled in an American based all-girls school in Germany and pleaded to travel with these two just to get to America and hopefully find and stay here with her father. She did not want to go back to Germany nor stay with Rachel or Roderick.
"Do you know where he lives? Does he know you are here? Does he know you are his daughter?"
"Yes, I know where he lives, on the coast here in North Carolina. No, he has no idea I am here nor does he know I am his daughter. My parents divorced while my mother was pregnant with me. He has never seen me. I am asking for your help in getting to him. Can you help me?"
"And what of the two in the other room? Will they let you go, willingly? "
"I am in America, the daughter of an American citizen, I am, as you say, 'of age 'capable of making my own decisions. I have done my research. If they try to stop me, I will claim abduction and rape. They know that. "
"But you have no cloths. How do we get past that? Am I supposed to buy clothes for you in the morning? "
"I did not lock the car when we arrived here. Roderick is so dumb and trusting, he never checked."
She was facing me, in the shower, talking a blue streak and unconsciously stroking my cock. I, also, had moved my hands to her sides and was working my hands to her soft, young breasts, my thumbs reaching her nipples and began rubbing them to erection. (come on, what else would you do with a naked 20 year old in the shower) Helena let go of my cock and I sank to my knees, eye level with her femininity. I moved my hands between her legs and encouraged her to part them. I used my fingers to 'clean' any remaining blood, fluids or whatever had accumulated since I roughly entered her.
"It's OK" she said. "I'm not that hurt. See, I was forbidden to date boys, but could have sleep-overs with girlfriends... they taught me how to pleasure myself. I've had hair brushes and fingers, tongue's and mouths, and fists pushed into my pussy up to the wrist. What Rachel did was to push you just a little further, further than anything else I have had in my cunt. A little blood, but no damage."
We dried off, each enjoying the job of exploration.
"I need to get to the car and retrieve my bags"she said and headed for the door.
"Not that way, we will use the window, it's only a small drop to the ground and because it is close to the parking lot, we can be out and back in seconds."
She stopped, turned and headed for the window. I pulled back the shears, the drapes and opened the window. I went out first, and helped her down the three feet to the ground. We ran, both naked, into the parking lot, finding their car and the rear doors unlocked. She opened the front driver's door, popped the trunk and went around getting her bags.
"Look" she pointed to the driver's seat. "Roddie left his keys in the car. This will slow them down."
She carefully locked each door and closed the trunk, securing the car with the keys clearly visible on the front seat. Back to the window, I lifted her bags into the room, lifted her under the arms and got a wonderful face full of tits. She giggled and said;
"Later you can have all of me, just get us in."
I sat her ass on the window sill and she twisted into the room. I followed, closing the window, locking it, drawing the curtains and plopping on the bed.
"Now can we get some sleep?"
I climbed into the un-destroyed bed, she did the same.
"What happened to the other bed?" she asked. "It looks like you were wrestling in it, all the sheets pulled up?"
I told her, briefly of the occurrences of my earlier evening, that I was bisexual and let it go at that.
"That makes me feel good." she said. "I like girls and you like boys."
"I like both girls and boys." I told her and I brought the laptop around, started it and showed her the video Liz and Aimee made for me.
"Oh, that makes me hot just seeing those girls having sex. Do they do that often?" She asked?
"They are sisters and love each other and me. We do what makes each other happy."
She thought about that and smiled at me. I was laying on my back now as she snuggled into my right side, her right leg over my right leg, and her head on my shoulder. Her right hand was on my chest and I felt her relax as her breathing changed. She started softly sobbing on my shoulder as her hand began pinching my left nipple. In a small voice;
"I cannot thank you for what you have done for me. I finally have the freedom I have long sought. Now, I want to make love to my rescuer."
"Fine but we have to be very quiet. I don't want others to hear what we are doing."
Helena's right hand slid down my side, finding my hardening cock, lifting it in her hand, she slid down my body and turned herself around, facing my manhood. Under the covers and in the dim light leaking in around the curtains, I saw and felt her lift her right leg over my torso, and slide back up so her pussy was at my chin and my cock was being sucked into her mouth. I began licking her outer lips and brought my hands up to separate them and admit my tongue into her pleasure zone. Once more, she jerked her body as I sucked on her clit, feeling the hood covering retract and allowing a swollen, anticipating clit to be stimulated. Her lubricant was flowing, flooding my mouth and I sucked like a hungry child. I felt my cock being pulled, sucked on, tongued and masturbated by two hands. When Helena reached her orgasm she let out a soft squeak and closed her mouth over my cock, almost sealing in the sound. That was enough to send me over and I grabbed both her ass cheeks and squeezed as I released a load of sperm into her mouth. Amazingly, I felt her swallow over and over, taking all I was squirting. My cock's head was well into her throat and my sperm had no chance of escape. She did very well for a virgin and a girl who as nearly experienced a male penis, let alone the taste of cum.
We licked each other clean, enjoying the taste of a young girl; I will never tire of the taste. She turned her body around, again snuggling into my side, her hand on my deflating cock... and we fell into sleep.
I woke with a start. 9:00 AM alarm went off and we both jumped out of bed and a deep sleep. Helena stood by the bed and looked around frantically, her head twisting as if looking for something and not finding it. She settled her eyes on me, naked, then to her own body, also naked, and lifted her eyes, quizzing me.
"Did all of last night really happen?"
"Kind of looks that way, but we can talk about that later, now we need to be out of here. Remember?"
I reminded her. She sucked in a deep breath and headed for the bathroom, and I heard the sound of a girl peeing. She returned with a facecloth and was rubbing her face with it, trying to fully awaken. I was busy pulling my clothing together and packing my camera bag and went into the bath, peed, and packed my shaving kit. I was ready to head for the car, and watched as Helena, in an unknowing, unsteady way pulled her things together.
"Hurry" I stated "we need to be on the road before Rachel and Roderick realize you are really gone."
She pulled on a tight pair of jeans, no underware, a see-through bra and a light blouse. Flip-flops finished off her attire.
"Right" she said and zipped up her bags and joined me at the door.
She leaned against me and looked up into my face;
"Think we can pull this off?"