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The Double

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Mother and Son go for a massage.
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All characters engaged in sexual activity are 18 years or older and the story is pure fiction.

This story is a blend of First Time, Mature and Incest.


"God damn it! Getting old sucks" I said entering the house; walking stiff because my back was aching up a storm.

"Oh honey you're only 19, wait 'till you're in your 30's" Mom replied from the kitchen as she was making lasagna. She had a pair of tight jean shorts and a white tank top. Her curly dark hair falling on her shoulders. Mom could easily pass for Carla Gugino, with larger 38D breasts though. Her apron was shielding me from seeing them. But man, she had a nice round ass as well.

I'm not going to lie, ever since I hit puberty I started noticing Mom sexually. So did my friends. They'd tease me when I came over and Todd; the brave one, would even hit on her to my chagrin. Mom would even join us in the hot-tub outback on the porch despite my uneasiness. Now that Mom and Dad were divorced, I've been getting in more peeks as Mom has dressed less and less conservatively.

Dad had gotten caught not only cheating on Mom with a younger co-worker but the bastard had knocked her up. He left the state to start a new life with the young girl; who was just 21 and left me Mom and the dog behind. Luckily we were able to keep the house.

I've been working at a local discount furniture store as a sales associate, but I'm really just my bosses bitch. I have to assemble, sell, stock, ring up and load furniture while he scours for porn on the office computer. Luckily there's another associate I work with but we often just see each other in passing as our shifts overlap. I often have to lift desks into vans and trucks without help. I'm grateful when the guest helps me load it in, but that usually means no tip.

Mom works as the merchandising manager at a large clothing store, working from 7am-5pm. She's great at her job but hates the winter season when trucks become endless and more frequent each week. Luckily that isn't for another 3 months because it's the 7th of September. She works out before I come home and clearly it shows.

"Wayne, I know you've been complaining about your back for a while. We both are dealing muscle aches. It's natural from us busting our asses in retail. So since we're both off on Saturday, I booked us an appointment at the new Massage Parlor they built in the same shopping as my store. Tracey from work took her and her husband and can't stop raving about it. What'd you think honey?"

"Some dude touching me, no thank you."

"Kelly is your masseuse actually, she's quite pretty." Mom said with a devilish grin.

"Just how do you know what she looks like?"

"Their profiles on the website sweetie."

"Who'd you pick?"

"Sebastian, Tracey said he worked all her kinks out and was extremely pleasant."

"Whatever, what the hell. If it I'll help relieve this back pain before my Monday shift, I'm all for it."

"Delightful, it wasn't cheap to book but I think we'll both get our moneys worth, just remember to bring money for the tip. Don't want to get a bad reputation."

Me and Mom finished our lasagna. I stayed in the den and watched TV, falling asleep on the couch.



After eating breakfast, Mom went to her room to shower and change. I changed into a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and sneakers as it was 94 degrees outside. Mom came out in very short black shorts that hugged her ass like a second skin. She was wearing a sports t-shirt and a bra beneath. The t-shirt like her shorts was also very thin.

"Honey you okay?" Shit! She caught me staring at her boobs.

"Just haven't had my caffeine." I replied, shaking my head as I looked away.

"Well, grab a can of soda and let's head out, don't want to lose our reservation."


We got to the large building that was secluded in the shopping center. No other stores or buildings were attached to it. As Mom walked ahead of me, I couldn't help but stare at Mom as her perfect ass swayed.

Arriving to the counter there was an older woman in her 60's waiting in the lobby. An older man about Mom's age named Bob was at the counter.

"Hi, Liz Roberts and my son Wayne for a 10 am appointment with Kelly and Sebastian."

"Ah, the double. Right this way."

Mom and I were led to our own changing rooms that were like that of a clothing store's. Inside were a large white beach towels and a regular sized white towel.

"Strip down and cover yourself with the beach towels, we'll put your clothes in their own locker. Put your cellphone, wallets and whatever else you brought in the tray." Said Bob.

As I got changed I thought about Mom changing in the changing room next to mine and got a little hard.

As I walked out, there were two massage tables and 2 showers marked "Guest Shower" and "Employee Shower." A tall buxom dirty blonde with voluptuous wide hips reminiscent of a young Lisa Kudrow in white shorts and a white polo came forward and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Kelly, your masseuse today. If you could please lay on the table face down. Put your face right in that gap there and we can get started."

A tan skinned muscular man in his late 20's with dark wavy hair and a nice 5 'O Clock shadow, white pants and matching polo stood waiting for Mom to come out.

I heard the door open and Mom walked out. Her breasts pressed against her towel and the lower part of the towel barely covering her ass.

"Hello Mrs--"

"Oh it's just Liz, no formalities please."

"Hello, Liz; I'm Sebastian of course and this is your first time with us here yes?"

"Yes it's our first time here."

"Very good, please lay on the table and put your face in the gap, I'm going to lower your towel after you do and get started on your back."

Laying on my stomach. Kelly started asked me where she'd like for her to start. I immediately said my lower back. She applied warm oil on her hands and dug in. I gasped. Her fingers and knuckles were working wonders.

"So Liz, any places that are off limits?" I could hear Sebastian ask Mom.

"No, not yet. When you find them I'll let you know." She said in a husky voice.

I turned my head to see Sebastian running his hands up and down her naked back. Her side boobs blocked by her arms.

"Mind if I removed your towel Liz, I wish to massage your gluttious muscles. I sense there is tension there."

"Not at all."

My mother's eyes closed and a smile ran across her face. I saw Sebastian remove her towel, getting to witness something I'd die to see. After he did he removed his shirt.

"What about you Wayne? Want me to go lower?" Kelly whispered in my ear.

I gulped and responded "yes please."

Suddenly I felt the towel covering my ass being removed. I tried lifting myself off the table to look around, but Kelly stood in front of me and pushed me down. What was weird though was that I could briefly tell Kelly had removed her polo since I could see her midriff. Man, I couldn't wait to see her tits.

Her hands ran all over my ass in an oddly delightful sensation. I turned my head to the left after hearing a brief moan to see Sebastian rubbing oil all up and down my mother's large firm ass. He even shook and jiggled it from time to time. Lucky bastard' I thought. What I'd give to squeeze those thick cheeks. Then to my dismay he began working lower into her feet and ankles, making her moan a little more. I'm not a feet guy, so I was not in the least bit jealous, however I still had a growing erection from him massage or rather "play" with my Mom's ass.

Kelly worked from my feet to my ankles and then up to my thighs. Sliding her hand in between my cheeks, brushing up against my balls. I nearly jumped off the table, but Kelly lay her hand on my lower back and assured me to relax and take it easy.

That's when both Kelly and Sebastian told us to get up and lay down on our backs. The sight of Kelly's 36DD's on display and not in a bra made my dick throb even more. Her areola's were large and pink with pebble sized nipples. I was looking for my towel to cover myself up as I saw Mom sit up. I briefly saw her breasts and dark trimmed bush. She immediately began trying to cover her tits with her arm and her pussy with her other hand. I had no luck as my dick grew to 7 inches and my hands couldn't quite cover it. Mom looked down at it, then back at me and blushed.

As I laid back on the table bare naked, I looked up mesmerized by Kelly's tits dangling above me as she worked on my neck and chest. I looked over to Mom to see Sebastian working on her tits. He was running his oily hands all over them, pushing them together and making them bounce up and down.

Then I saw him unexpectedly take a tit in his mouth as he groped the other one. I was getting a little angry when Kelly shoved her tit in my mouth and I latched on like a baby to her nipple. Flicking and licking it with my tongue, it was amazing. I felt her other breast, clearly natural for sure. As a virgin, this was the closest I've ever been to sex.

"Ooh yes Sebastian suck these titties good" I heard Mom moan. I guess she was having just as much fun. Kelly then took of her breasts and I had to let go. She then worked her way down my chest and began sliding her hands along my 4-pack abs. She began kissing them strangely until she reached my cock. "It's a very beautiful cock Wayne, mind if I taste it?" she whispered in my ear with a giggle. I just gave her a thumbs up, unable to speak.

"Oh fuck!" I blurted out as Kelly engulfed the head of my cock. Her mouth was wonderful, her tongue swirling around the tip of my penis. She moved her mouth deeper down onto my cock and I knew I wasn't gonna last long as she slowly began bobbing up and down.

Looking over I saw Sebastian's head disappear between my mother's knees that were now at an angle. She had one hand running her fingers through his dark hair and the other groping her breast.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, you're gonna make me cum" mom was moaning.

I looked down at Kelly and she winked at me. She then took my whole dick down her throat in what porn describes as "deep-throating" so I was on the verge. My breathing began to be more shallow by the second and I knew. "I'm cum-cum-CUMMING!" a huge load emptied from deep within me and I think I must of had three large spurts of semen flood her mouth.

"Oooah fucking god!!!" I heard my Mom scream. Sebastian must be working wonders with his tongue.

"Stay on the table" Kelly said to me in a commanding tone. I obeyed. I could tell by the snapping of her shorts, the 'zip of of her zipper, the sound of them fall to the floor and the soft sound of fabric sliding across skin that Kelly was now bottomless and naked. She got on the table and positioned her bare pussy over my face, lowering it. A musky perfume took over my senses. I took a cue from porn and began licking. It was very sweet and strange tasting. I was trying to find her clit, when I remembered where it was: towards to the top of the pussy. Once I found that nub she went wild and began scratching at my chest.

"Oh yeah, right there boy, right there, keep circling it"

As I did as I was told she began to lick the head of my penis and eventually took it back in her mouth for the second time. I couldn't see Mom due to the two legs straddling my face but I could tell based on the sound of Sebastian groaning and another mouth sucking and popping that she was giving him a blow job as well.

I was now fully hard again. Kelly was moaning onto my cock, making her mouth vibrate. After a while Kelly got off my face and moved around my body so that her waist was just above mine and her breasts dangled above my chest. She whispered "Your Mom told me you're a virgin when she booked the appointment. Told me to be really gentle with you. Don't worry, I will." She said with that extremely hot giggle of hers.

She slowly raised her hips and grabbed my penis. Oh man this is it! The head of my penis touched and pushed into her pussy. I was engulfed by something warm, tight and wet. Then she slowly sank down further.

"Oh fuck!" she shouted.

"What's wrong Kelly? Did I hurt you?" I desperately asked.

"Fuck! No baby, it feels good. You're long but more importantly very very thick."

I looked to the side, Mom and Sebastian were sitting on the table. Sebastian had his fingers in Mom's pussy, but was being slow with his movements. Mom looked very pleased and had a small tear running down her face. I could see her breasts on display. So big and firm with tiny nipples.

I focused back on Kelly as I felt her ass finally sit fully down on my lap, I was completely inside her now. This was heaven. I reached under her to grab her ass. Then I began lifting her up and down onto me. I couldn't hold out much longer. Kelly then took my hands and pinned them down over me as she twerked her bubble butt on my cock.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, it feels so good Wayne. So fucking good. How does it *ungh feel for you?"

"Like a dream, Kelly."

Mom was bent over the table now as I watched Sebastian pull his pants down and off to reveal a massive 8 inch penis. He grabbed some lube and applied it to his cock. He slowly pushed into Mom who was looking right in my eyes the whole time until he bottomed out and her eyes rolled back. "God you're so big!" Mom said.

"I'm getting close Kelly. Where do I cum? Where do I cum?" I asked frantically.

Kelly just gave me a deep kiss and whispered "Cum deep inside me, I'm on the pill, don't worry."

I gave three final thrusts up and came inside her. It was heaven. I was seeing stars. I was woken up by Sebastian slapping my Mom's ass hard.

"Spank me! That's it, tug on my hair, make me your bitch!"

Mom was whimpering and whining as he did as he was told. I sat on the table as Kelly stroked my cock. "You love seeing your Mom like this don't you. She knows you've been checking her out. Naughty boy."

Mom began panting real hard and Sebastian began moving like a piston. Mom reached under herself and began fingering her clit.

"Fucking cumming, cumming, cumming!!!" Mom arched her back and her mouth hung open trying to scream. Her body trembled and flushed red. Sebastian pulled out and came on her lower back.

Sebastian sat back on a chair, trying to catch his breath. He took a swig of his water bottle and got back up from the chair. I gave Kelly a deep long kiss. She pulled back after a couple of seconds.

"Now you two shower in the guest shower as me and Sebastian use the employee shower." Said Kelly.

I couldn't believe it. I was going to shower with my mother after I just watched her get railed by a stranger. I guess vice versa as well. This was the best and most awkward day of my life.

Mom and I slowly stepped into the showers. We didn't speak a word to each other until she asked if she could shampoo my back. I said "yes" and she grabbed the body wash. Our naked bodies so close together. I felt her hands rub up and down my back. From my shoulders to my lower back above my buttocks. She then applied more body wash to her hands and slid them across my ass. She gave me a little pinch. I felt her breasts touch my back as she began rubbing my cheeks in circles.

"Feel good honey?"

"Oh yes, it's hypnotizing."

"Well then I command you to do your Mother's back now" she said in a spooky but funny hypnotist impression.

I turned around and Mom had her back facing me. Her plump round ass on display. I began scrubbing her shoulders and then worked my way down her spine until I reached her ass.

"May I return the favor?"

"Go for it stud!"

I knelt down and began rubbing her ass. Luckily Sebastian had already used a towel to wipe off his cum. I groped each cheek and opened them up to reveal her asshole and pussy. I was so horny. "Fuck it" I told myself as I slid a finger into her puss. She was surprisingly tight. Not as tight as Kelly, but still tight.

"Oh sweetie! Please..."

"No I need this, Mom."

I stuck another finger in and began fingering her. She was so wet and not just by the shower. Finally I stood up and aimed my cock at her pussy and pushed slowly in.

"No we shouldn't Wayne! No!"

I kept going until my balls rested against her ass. I slowly pulled out. Then I thrusted hard back in.

"Oh Wayne! Yes! Just go ahead fuck me then. But don't you dare go fucking easy on me. Pound my pussy like your father never could!"

That was all the motivation I needed. I pinned her up against the glass shower and thrust hard in and out. Maybe it was because I had came twice already, but I didn't feel the need to cum as suddenly as I did previously. Like something had been unlocked or I was using a cheat code.

The steam was so thick I couldn't see the other shower. I just heard the same whimpering Kelly had made when she took my virginity not long ago.

I grabbed a fistful of Mom's hair and smacked her ass hard. I beat it so bad there were clear red marks on her ass. I leaned forward and grabbed at her tits. Mauling and groping them with my hands like they were handles.

"Yes, yes, yes, that's it honey I'm cumming, cumming soon. Cum with me baby, cum deep inside my womb!"

I then turned her around and lifted her off the ground. I held her as I plunged my dick back in. The sound of our pelvis's slapping echoed in the shower. I took a nipple in my mouth and began sucking on it. Then I lifted my face to passionately kiss her. Tongues swirling and we had to stop to breathe.

My orgasm was approaching and I was trying hard to be in sync with Mom's. I hadn't made Kelly cum on my cock, so I wondered what that felt like.

"It's here! I'm cumming baby, CUM WITH ME!"

Mom arched her back for the second time and I felt her pussy clamp down hard on my dick. Milking me, trying to make sure my cock didn't escape as I pumped 4 large loads of cum deep into her.

"Oh baby I felt it hit my cervix. That was awesome!" she said panting. Bits of cum dripping out.

Mom then grabbed the nozzle and tried washing out as much cum of mine as she could.

"Oh well, guess I'll have to take the pill tomorrow....But honey that was great. At first I didn't want to cross the line any further but I'm so glad you took initiative and crossed it for me. The girls at your college are going to love you. But promise me two things."

"What's that Mom?" I asked dumbfounded.

"That this won't be our last time and next time you'll use a condom."

"Deal." I said as Mom and I kissed.

We went to our changing rooms and got dressed. As we came back out there was an older couple that looked to be in their 50's waiting. Mom took care of getting the receipt from Bob. Kelly and Sebastian came back dressed through the door in their uniforms. Mom pulled out her wallet from her purse and gave Sebastian a $100 bill. I turned to Kelly and pulled out 6 $20 bills and thanked her profusely. She nonchalantly said "Come back any time."

We got into the car and Mom asked: "How does your back feel now?"


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