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The Education of Adele

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On a nude beach, a girl watches a naked boy masturbate.
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Just before college started, I spent a few days in Vancouver with my high school friend Josh. He was starting school in the fall as well, in Seattle, and he had already moved into an apartment with his girlfriend. I flew to Seattle, hung out with both and them, and then Josh and I headed up north. We had a great time hitting the bars, hiking, and river rafting. Josh left early Sunday morning and headed back to Seattle, leaving me one entire day to enjoy the city before my flight out the next day.

I knew exactly what I wanted to do that day. I had heard of Wreck Beach: it was Vancouver's only nude beach and I was very curious to go see it. I was full of boy bravado, but was really pretty shy about showing off my skinny body. Still, my curiosity got the best of me. Besides, it was a beautiful warm August day and no one could force me to get naked. If I wanted, I could just observe.

So I headed off. It was an easy trip from the city. One bus brought you to the end of the line, and a second shuttle bus took you right to the beach's entrance. Five other people got off at the stop, all pretty young. I had heard nude beaches were full of old hippies, but this beach, I discovered, is near the University of British Columbia, so I was hoping there would be some people closer to my age.

The entrance led you to stairs which wind down this wooded path. There are like a million stairs, so many that they had rest benches along the way for people coming back up. So on the way down I started chatting with this young couple from the States, they were very cool and attractive.

As we got close and the beach came into view, the first thing I saw were portable bathrooms and a line of three naked boys waiting to use them. They were totally naked and totally un-self-conscious. One of the boys was jiggling nervously because he needed to pee so badly and his dick was flopping up and down. The reaction of the young couple was pretty priceless. The boy kind of half rolled his eyes bashfully and the girl had this big big smile as she took in their naked bodies. This young attractive girl enjoying the site of three naked boys made me embarrassed. It was like she was looking at me.

The beach was very pretty, quite large with a great view of the mountains. Of course, there was a great view of other things too. Not everyone was naked but a lot were. And there were all ages, from families, to college kids, to the aforementioned old hippy types. There were also a lot more naked guys than girls. Sometimes girls would be topless which I enjoyed. But sometimes they'd be fully clothed while their boyfriends (or boy friends) would be bare assed. That didn't quite seem fair to me, but that's the way it was.

I saw a group of naked older women smoking joints and doing some kind of embroidery. I saw a college couple doing yoga together naked. I saw a group of kids from UBC, four guys and three girls, where the guys were nude and the girls had skimpy bikinis. The guys didn't seem to mind the unfairness. There were a good number of Asian people there, some of whom were clearly visitors and quite fascinated with the nudity. I saw a family of four: mom, dad, a girl about my age, and a very young boy. All were dressed in conservative swimwear. The boy had a small digital camera and he was happily snapping pictures of the nude adults around him. No one seemed to mind.

I walked around a bit, bought a huge plastic bottle of water, and tried swimming. The water was freezing. I finally found a spot that was secluded and shaded by some trees which was perfect. My body was too pale to endure a whole afternoon in the sun. I laid out my blanket.

After about a half an hour I figured it was now or never. So I slipped off my swimming trunks. It was a thrilling experience even though no one noticed. I decided to get a little bolder, grabbed my backpack, and walked naked to the edge of the water. A couple of girls passed me, glanced at my dick, and smiled. I smiled back. Could they tell I was embarrassed?

I headed back to my secluded spot, only to find that there was now another person who had set their blanket next to mine. It was a girl: specifically, it was the Asian girl from that family I had noticed earlier. She was very pretty, but also very clothed. As I approached my blanket I instinctively covered myself with my backpack. Then I sat down on my blanked crossed legged and took a swig of water.

I looked over to my right and the girl was looking at me.

I smiled and said "hi," wondering if she and I could even converse.

"Hello," she said, "My name is Adele. Do you mind if I sit next to you? There aren't many shady spots at the beach." Her English was perfect and sounded slightly British. It turned out the family was visiting from Singapore.

"No, sure, of course, that's fine," I stammered, as the thought penetrated that I was fully naked and this girl was sitting next to me. She was also sitting cross legged and positioned herself to face me. Which kind of compelled me to do the same.

It turned out that she was 18, a year a younger than me, and she was checking out UBC for next year. She asked me if I came here often, and I told her truthfully, that I had never been here and was curious to see what it would be like.

"I find it quite amazing," she said in her clipped accent. "Singapore is a very conservative country. To see so many people - especially boys and men - openly naked is very surprising."

Especially boys and men.

"Yes, it is for me too," I said.

"I'm glad you had the courage to get undressed," she said.

I smiled. "Glad to help," I joked with a little boy bravado. "Do you plan to undress as well?"

"Oh no," she said. "My parents are here. And my little brother."

(They were nowhere in site now, I thought).

"But I can take the opportunity to observe," she said. "It is very fascinating to me to see all the young men." It was said bluntly, a combination of innocence and prurience all at once.

"It's a little unfair that you get to see the young men, but they don't get to see you."

"Yes, I suppose so," she replied and stared between my crossed legs.

I felt totally exposed and vulnerable. An object for her scrutiny. The blood rushed to my groin. My dick started to lengthen and thicken and then slowly it rose in little pulses until it stood straight up.

Her eyes widened as she watched it rise. "I've never seen a boy erect before. How do you do that?"

"Um, well it just happens."

She boldly came over and sat right next to me and looked at it pulsing obscenely. "It's really beautiful," she said after a minute or so.

"You are beautiful," I responded.

She began peppering me with personal questions. Did I have a girlfriend? No. Had other girls seen my erect penis? Yes, I got a blowjob last year. Do most boys masturbate? Yes. Do I masturbate? Yes. How often? Every day. Had I masturbated today? No. What was the clear liquid oozing out of my dick? It's precum. That happens when I get sexually aroused. And finally, would I masturbate for her?

"Uh well," I looked around.

I looked back at her. Our eyes met. Exposed in all my vulnerability, I wanted nothing more than to masturbate for her.

"OK," I said.

"Could you spread your legs?"

"Yes, ma'm," I said involuntarily.

I leaned back supporting myself with my backpack.

"I can see your hole," she announced.

I immediately leaned forward. "Sorry."

"No, I like it," she said. "Lean back again."

She gently touched my puckered asshole. "You have wisps of blonde hair around your hole," she said. "And your pubic hair is blonde."

She ran her fingers up from my hole to my balls and felt them. My dick was rigid as could be, standing up, and oozing precum. She swirled the precum around the tip and then looked at it.

I started pumping my dick and in about ten seconds, it spurted like a fountain, huge gobs of cum over my blanket, my water bottle, and her leg.

"That was spectacular," she announced.

I was spent, just sprawled over the blanket drenched with my cum.

She took in my nude body. Suddenly I felt another urge. I was so far from the porta potties.

"Um," I said, "can you watch my stuff while I go into the woods over there?"

She looked puzzled.

"Um, I just need to take care of something."

Still puzzled.

I pointed to the water bottle that I had been nervously guzzling for an hour.

"Oh," she said, the lightbulb coming on. "You have a need to urinate?"

I half smiled out of embarrassment. "Yeah."

"May I watch as well?"

You want to watch me pee?"


I hadn't even wiped off my dick yet, so it had strands of cum hanging down. But as she wished, we both walked into the weeds. I stood there, no hands, and waited. No girl had ever seen me piss before. We both stood there uncomfortably. Then it finally came. A torrent of piss. She watched it intently as it went on and on. Finally, it reduced to a dribble and a few more shots came out. I shook the last few droplets away and wiped my dick.

My adventure and hers were through. She learned, as she put it, "how boys work."

"Now I am ready for college," she said satisfied. She gave me a tender kiss on the cheek.

She used to me for her pleasure and education. She learned about young men - what they look like down there and what makes them tick. She performed her visual exploration and I was the sex object. When she gets her first boyfriend it will all be familiar terrain. Somehow it all made sense.

I packed up and headed for the exits. On the way back, I passed by the college couple that I had met while arriving. The boy was naked, wearing sandals, and sporting a semi-erection. He grinned at me sheepishly. The girl was wearing a one-piece bathing suit. She smiled confidently. It was that kind of day.

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Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel89over 2 years ago

That was a cute story! I have to agree with gpeta, though. If you included a bit more descriptions of their sensations and emotions, that would really enhance the story. It would also help us connect with the characters if you described them. Aside from stating that the nameless male protagonist is a natural blonde and Adele is Asian, you don't give us any description, other than their ages, which doesn't tell us much.

The fact that you describe the surroundings and actions the characters take, yet don't give us anything about what they look like creates a kind of glaring contrast. It's like what descrition you did give made what description you didn't give all the more noticeable and ostentatious.

On the upside, the characters were nicely written! They aren't the typical generica Nilla wafers. You had them act on personal motivations and they clearly had personalities. I loved Adele's curiousity about the nameless protagonist's body and the way she said his penis was beautiful.

That said, the fact that Adele gives the protagonist her name but he never gives one back is... strange. Like, given how he acted around Adele, it feels uncharacteristically rude to not give his name back. Had there been a line saying that he was too nervous to give her his name, or he didn't want to give her his name due to his nudity, that wouldn't at least helped us understand why he's nameless. But at present, to me as a reader, it reads like you either forgot to give his name or wrote him being deliberately rude and snubbing Adele during her introduction.

All in all, really good foundation, and you show promise as an erotica author! A bit of improvement and you'll go a long way.

gpetagpetaover 4 years ago

Interesting instruction for Adele but should have more actions and feelings

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