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The Flight Attendant: Job Interview

Story Info
A hotwife is double teamed during a job interview.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/06/2024
Created 08/29/2024
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Special Thanks to LittleTitLover for editing this story.

Author's note: This story includes descriptions of a submissive female who enjoys consensual name calling (i.e - slut, bitch, whore) during sex by dominant partners. After I initially published this story, to my horror, multiple readers have interpreted this activity as "abuse". I've made small adjustments to the text in an attempt to make it clearer this activity is intended to read as consensual and not as abuse. However, this is fair warning, if you don't enjoy name calling, I recommend you move on. Thank you for reading!


Kristen sighed. "No new emails."

She was three months into a job search and felt like she was no closer now to finding a new job than when she was laid off 93 days ago.

Kristen Spector was a petite brunette in her mid thirties. She had wavy shoulder length hair, a beautiful ass with an adequate C cup chest. Light freckles on her nose and shoulders. She had a pretty face with big eyes and soft lips.

Her lack of a paycheck was starting to take a toll on her family. Her husband, Matt, gave up his daily Starbucks weeks ago, and she canceled her beloved hot yoga classes. The credit card balance kept on climbing and the savings account had almost been completely depleted.

Kristen knew that she had a great job waiting for her if she just said the word. Her old job - flight attendant on FMF Airlines. Kristen was hired at 24 and worked in that role for five years. She was great at her job and loved exploring new cities. She got opportunities to try new things. She loved meeting new people.

And she loved the sex. All the casual sex she had. Mostly with pilots and other flight attendants. Threesomes, moresomes. The sexy uniforms, dimly lit hotel rooms, new men, girls. Crazy adventures with other flight attendants that always seemed to end up with someone new in between her thighs.

She also learned that she was a submissive. Pilots bossing her around, making her call them 'Sir', calling her names, demanding her to kneel, suck, lick... She found it all incredibly hot.

One pilot in particular, Captain Kollman, knew exactly how to push her buttons. Just the way he called her 'slut' immediately set her on fire. She was putty in his skilled hands. He could get her to do almost anything. She knew it and he knew it.

Every once in a while, she would receive an email from Captain Kollman who always kept inviting her to come back to the airline. It had been years since she responded.

Ultimately, it wasn't the sex that drove her away. It was the travel. She left when she felt an overwhelming urge to settle down. She wanted to get the hubby, the house, the dog, the stability that she had come to feel she deserved.

So at 29, she quit FMF Airlines and got an entry level sales job at Hillcrest Insurance. It was far less personally fulfilling, but it provided her with stability. It's also how she met her now husband Matt (he was a client). Before she knew it, she was a married, suburban home owner. She felt light years away from her former life.

"Why don't you just go back to FMF?" Matt said as he sipped his homemade morning coffee.

Kristen gulped. She was kind of surprised it took Matt this long to suggest it, and had been dreading this question.

"I know it would be tough to be away for weeks at a time, but we would make it work. I mean you always light up whenever I ask you about your crazy flight attendant days. Seems to make a lot of sense."

"I know... you're right... can we talk about this later?"

She could tell that Matt was frustrated. "Just think about it, okay?"

"Yes, dear."

Later that day, Kristen checked her inbox again. A new email had come. It was from and with the subject Invited to Apply.


Kristen Spector,

Recently, we surveyed our senior members of our flight crew and you specifically were called out as being a top performer during your previous tenure with the company.

At FMF Airlines, we are committed to always providing world class customer service. We would like to invite you to return to our company. We are willing to offer you a 30% increase over your previous salary within the same role.

Please reach out to Senior Talent Manager Melissa Cummings at if you would like to schedule an interview.

Thank you for your consideration,

FMF Airlines

'It's our pleasure.'


Kristen leaned back in her chair. This seemed to be an answer to their prayers. She'd be lying if the idea of being a flight attendant again wasn't thrilling. But she knew herself. She couldn't resist falling back into her former lifestyle.

She's always had an ample sex drive but the further she crept into her 30s, the more desire she felt. She had a very active sex life with Matt, and he though he couldn't satisfy her completely, she would supplement it in ways that wouldn't damage the physical monogamy a marriage requires. Reddit posts, adult chat rooms, erotic stories, porn, sex toys. She always found ways through fantasy and self pleasure to manage it.

But it became harder and harder. She missed being a submissive. She made love to Matt. She wanted to fuck again. She wanted to be used. She wanted to be dominated. She wanted to be called nasty names. She wanted to feel other cocks inside her. She wanted to be with girls again.

The next day, over dinner, Kristen explained to Matt that he was right - she loved being a flight attendant. When she told him about the email she received, Matt got very excited.

"Honey, that's wonderful! 30% is quite a bump. Sounds like they really want you back."

"Yes, but there is one detail that has me a bit worried."

"What's that?"

Out came the rehearsed line she had been working on all morning.

"As you may or may not know, flight attendants often have the opportunity to have a lot of casual sex. It's simply part of the industry - it comes with the territory. When I was with the airline, I took full advantage of these opportunities."

"Okay, sure. I had a few crazy encounters too when I was at college."

"This wasn't just a few encounters. This was a lot of sex, Matt. Countless experiences... With pilots, other flight attendants...it was like all the time."

"Okay sure. But the past is the past."

"Matt, I'm not being invited back because I was some amazing flight attendant. 'Senior members of our flight crew' are inviting me back probably because they want to fuck me. And if I'm put back in that position, I don't think I can say no to them."

Kristen immediately sunk - wishing she could take the words she just said back. She was horrified, not because what she said wasn't the truth - it absolutely was - but because she found a way to say the part that she feared would be most hurtful to Matt with the least amount of tact possible. That she secretly wanted to fuck other people.

After a long pause, Matt calmly said "I think I'm okay with that."

Kristen was shocked, but relieved. "Wait...really?"

"Yes... I guess I've always had a little bit of a hotwife fetish."

Matt went on to explain that he didn't have any desire to be a cuckold or humiliated, but that sharing her with another man and reclaiming her afterwards was something he found incredibly exciting. And the thought of her sleeping with another woman was something he had pleasured himself to countless times.

Kristen couldn't believe her luck. She was kicking herself for being too shy about her desires with her husband, but happy with the incredible gift her husband just gave her.

With Matt's blessing, Kristen replied to Melissa Cummings' email.



It was great to hear from you! I deeply miss my time as a flight attendant with FMF Airlines and I would love the opportunity to return! Please find my attached resume and let me know what the next steps would be.


Kristen Spector


The next day, Kristen received a reply from Melissa Cummings at FMF.



I have you scheduled for tomorrow at 1pm. Please meet me at (office address), near the airport. Use the intercom when you arrive, Captain Kollman and I will be ready to interview you. Dress appropriately and be ready to demonstrate your skills.



The next day, Kristen was nervously waiting for 1pm. She was extremely excited to read that Captain Kollman would be interviewing her. She even had Matt pretend to be a customer on a flight so she could do her best to demonstrate her flight attendant skills.

Before she stepped out the door, Matt pulled Kristen aside. "I got you a little good luck charm for the interview." Matt pulled out a silver anklet.

"Oh, wow!"

"Now, you're officially a hotwife. Just in case you want to try to get a little lucky after your interview."

"Stop... it's a job interview. The fun happens after the flights, not in the corporate offices."

Kristen arrived at the address 15 minutes early. She did her best to follow the instructions given to her in the email. She googled ideas for interview attire and settled on a modest black dress. Bright red pumps and matching lipstick with modest silver jewelry. And of course, her newly gifted anklet.

Under the dress, she wore lacy, red sheer lingerie, complete with a skimpy thong. The expensive, sexy material gave her a certain confidence and reminded her what was to come if she was offered the role.

And, despite what she told Matt, if things went as well with Captain Kollman as she expected, maybe he would get to enjoy the lingerie as well. She planned to activate her new found hotwife status and suggest that the two of them celebrate her new job in a nearby hotel this evening. A thought that already had her folds increasingly slick.

She found the intercom button and spoke into the speaker. "Hello, this is Kristen Spector. I'm here for the flight attendant interview."

There was no answer, only a soft buzz that indicated the door was unlocked. Nervously, Kristen pushed open the glass door.

She was immediately greeted by a tall, athletic attractive woman. She was in workout gear, yoga high waisted grey pants and loose white tank top, obscuring a black sports bra. Her hair in a tight long blonde ponytail with a hint of her natural brunette roots at her scalp. Her cheeks were rosy.

"Hello Kristen. Excuse the look, I was just finishing up my workout and didn't have time to change. I want to respect your time, so I'm going to have to interview you in this."

"No worries at all. It's a pleasure to meet you, Melissa."

"Please refer to me as Ms Cummings, Kristen" the Senior Talent Manager said sternly. "Have a seat in my office and we will get the interview started."

Embarrassed by her faux pas, Kristen slinked her way into Ms Cummings' office. She looked around - there were multiple volleyball and basketball trophies. A treadmill in the corner. A Masters degree. There was no sign of Captain Kollman.

Ms Cummings sat down behind her desk and silently reviewed Kristen's resume. She confirmed the dates of her employment at FMF, discussed Kristen's reason for leaving and her experience at the insurance company.

Ms Cummings placed the resume down on the modern desk and leaned back in her chair.

"Kristen, let me cut to the chase. I'm looking for a good culture fit for this role. Someone who is committed to providing excellent service to not only our customers but also their teammates. According to our survey, you were always accommodating with your teammates on the road. You were very affectionate, very obedient. Is that something you are still willing to do now? For the pilots and your peers?"

"Yes, Ms Cummings. I'm actually looking forward to it."

"Wonderful, Kristen. I know you've been married since your employment with us. Usually, this creates complications..."

"Oh no. My husband and I have talked about this. It will not be a problem."

"Are you sure, Kristen?"

"Perhaps you didn't notice my anklet, Ms Cummings?"

Ms Cummings smiled. "Oh, I see. Good." Ms Cummings then took out another sheet of paper. It contained a checklist.

"As you know, the company provides hotel accommodations when traveling. I need to understand your comfortability with the following sleeping arrangements. Does that make sense?"

Kristen nodded.

"Would you be comfortable if you were asked to be roomed with a male roommate?"

Kristen was a little surprised with the question. Previously at FMF, it was company policy to always be paired with another female.

"...yeah, that would be okay, I suppose."

"How about two male roommates?"

Kristen smiled, now reading between the lines. "Sounds like fun."

"How about a female roommate?"

"Of course."

"How about one male and one female?"

"That would be my preferred arrangement."

Kristen squirmed, her face was flushed and she felt a rush of warmth. This veiled talk of group sex was absolutely turning her on.

There was a knock on Ms Cummings' door.

"Please come in."

Captain Kollman entered the room. He was in full uniform. He looked nearly identical to how Kristen remembered him other than that he had grown a well trimmed beard and his thick brown hair had a few grays peppered in.

Her eyes briefly locked with his. She smiled but he looked towards Ms Cummings.

"I'm sorry for being late, Melissa. Minor delay getting out of Chicago."

"No worries, pilot. You're actually just on time. I was going to have Kristen demonstrate her skills for us now."

The HR manager turned her attention back to Kristen. "We now require a skill demonstration as part of the hiring process. Unfortunately, we have had too many new hires who have said all the right things during the interview process, but then failed to socialize properly with their teammates on the road. Any questions before we start?"

Kristen was caught off guard. Was Ms Cummings referring to sex? Unfortunately, she hesitated too long for her interviewers.

Ms Cummings rose from her desk. "I'm going assume that is a yes. Take off that dress."

Kristen's eyes grew wide. She looked at Captain Kollman. He did not provide any relief. Instead he ordered her. "Take the dress off NOW, slut."

The word 'slut' coming from Captain Kollman shook Kristen to her core. Years of pent up sexual frustration, of longing to be dominated again, aching to be used, all came flooding back. A switch had been flipped.

She stood up, unable to resist the pilot. Her hand slipped behind her back. As she found the dress zipper and pulled, she said "Yes, Sir."

The black dress fell to the floor. Her petite body was covered only by the lacy, red sheer bra and matching skimpy thong on display for her interviewers. Her hard nipples were visible through the thin material. Her wetness seeped into her thong's tiny gusset.

Captain Kollman looked her up and down. "Why such slutty underwear, Kristen?"

"Did you notice the anklet, pilot? I bet this slutwife planned to stop by her bull's house on her way home."

Kristen's pulse raced. She was trying to find an eloquent way to explain that she was planning to invite Captain Kollman to join her in a hotel room after the interview in case they continued to press her for an answer. But the pair had no real interest in whatever the truth was. They had a slut to fuck.

Captain Kollman pointed to a spot on the ground immediately in front of him.


"Yes, Sir."

Kristen dropped to her knees. Her pretty face inches from his crotch.

The pilot grabbed a handful of Kristen's brunette hair and forced her face into his covered bulge. He bucked his hips, pressing himself into her forehead and her cheeks.

Kristen could feel his warmth on her face through his uniform's trousers. A small moan escaped her lips.

"Just like old times, Kristen. You still get off on being called a slut, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir! I absolutely do! Please make me your dirty little whore, Captain!"

Ms Cummings moved in close behind Kristen. "How bad do you want it, hotwife?" Her voice was deep and lusty.

"Mmmmm. I want it so bad, Ms Cummings. Please, give it to me. I need it."

"The job or the cock?"

"I need that cock. I'm such a naughty wife. I want to blow him right in front of you and show you both what a good little cocksucker I am."

"Well, then go ahead, hotwife. Suck him off for me."

Kristen looked up and made eye contact with Captain Kollman, looking for his approval. He gave her a silent nod, granting permission. Her small hand reached out, groping his thick erection through the pants.

Then her hands found his belt. She quickly separated the strap from the buckle and yanked the pilot's pants down, making sure to bite her lip as Captain Kollman's hard cock sprang out.

Kristen winked at the airman. "I almost forgot how thick you were."

The pilot wasn't longer than most guys, in fact Matt probably had him slightly beat, inches wise. However Captain Kollman was significantly girthier.

Kristen wrapped her hand around his substantial shaft and opened wide. Her lips touched the first new cock since those same lips uttered marriage vows years ago.

Ms Cummings kneeled behind Kristen. She wrapped her left arm around the petite brunette and pulled her close while her right hand slipped down and stroked her inner thigh.

Kristen closed her eyes and wrapped both hands around his base. She was a bit out of practice with such a thick cock, and she struggled to get more than half of his meat into her mouth.

Ms Cummings was unimpressed. "Can't you get more than that into your whore mouth, slutwife? Let me show you how a FMF girl sucks cock."

The pilot pulled himself from Kristen and guided his cock into Ms Cummings' open mouth. She expertly bobbed up and down, taking all of him until she was down to the base within moments.

She then placed her arms behind her back and straightened her posture, inviting the pilot to face fuck her.

Captain Kollman grabbed the HR manager's hair and pistoned himself in and out of her waiting mouth. He then pushed himself deep down her throat and held her in place before releasing her.

Kristen took the opportunity to grab his cock back. Ms Cummings' taunt lit the fire of competition, and she was determined to show the pair that she would at least try her best to deep throat the pilot. She opened wide and took the pilot into her mouth until his head hit her throat.

The pilot gave his approval. "Much better, slut."

"Maybe this little hotwife CAN suck cock properly."

With Kristen doing her best to manage Captain Kollman's thick cock in her mouth, Ms Cummings took the opportunity to unhook the applicant's see through bra. As soon as the red brassiere hit the floor, Ms Cummings already had a handful of Kristen's right breast and began tugging at her sensitive nipple.

Kristen continued to work the airman's shaft, doing her best to mimic the HR manager's speed. She disregarded the tears that swelled up in her eyes. What she lacked in skill, she made up for in enthusiasm.

While Kristen sucked, Ms Cummings took light licks of Kristen's nipples and then moved to Captain Kollman's balls. While she licked, the HR manager's hand slipped down in between Kristen's legs, gently teasing the brunette through her thong's thin material.

He looked down at the two women and groaned animalistically. Kristen's mouth wrapped around his cock, her eyes watery, Ms Cummings mouth back on Kristen's nipples, and her hand now down her panties.

"Are you going to shoot your load? Give our little cumslut what she wants? Her pussy is so fucking wet."

Captain Kollman pulled his cock from Kristen's mouth. "Open wide, slut."

Kristen obeyed. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth, giving the pilot a clear target.

"Cover her face, Captain Kollman. I want to watch you explode all over this naughty wife's pretty face."

"Mmmmm. Fuck." The airman shot his first cumrope. The powerful strand landed on Kristen's forehead and extended to her corner of her mouth, covering her left eyebrow and left cheek. The pilot was able to adjust his aim and dumped the rest of his impressive load into her waiting mouth.


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