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The Grudge

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She hated him for years. Can he change her heart?
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Hello everyone, I am currently working on a series. But I decided to take a break from that. This is a slow burn, so if you're looking for something quick this isn't for you. This is based on true events, but a little fabricated as well. As always everyone in this story engaging in sexual acts are 18 years of age or older. Happy reading!!


You know that kid at school that everyone loves, but you hate? Well I was the hater in this situation. His name was Gage Bryant, and I'd definitely say he was a real piece of work. He thought he was God's gift to the world. But, I for damn sure knew he was the exact opposite.

When we were younger, he'd been a really nice kid to me. I was the girl that no one really talked to. I was about thirty pounds over weight, and in the fourth grade I was in a bike accident that cost me my front tooth. Since my parents weren't the richest, we couldn't afford to get me a new tooth that was screwed in, so unfortunately I was stuck with a flipper. A flipper is a tooth that you put in as well as take out. Pretty much like denchers, except it was one tooth instead of all of them.

Well that one bike accident ruined social life for me almost completely. When I went back to school a few weeks before my flipper came in, everyone stared at my mouth. They all laughed and pointed until the teacher told them to stop. But that wasn't enough to stop them. One day on my way home from school, I heard some footsteps behind me as I walked. I looked over my shoulder and it was the biggest group of girls and guys I'd ever seen. My instincts took over and I began to run.

"Who you running from little pig, we aren't the tooth fairy. We aint gonna take your teeth," they laughed. I continued to run until I hit something. I looked up and it was Gage. We lived right around the corner from one another so we typically walked the same route home. "Hey Sophie, what are you running from," he asked curiously. I looked over my shoulder and he just nodded in recognition. The gang of big kids were closing in on me, I felt like I was about to pass out. "Who the hell are yall trying to scare," Gage asked.

Now two things happened, one I was shocked that Gage used that kind of language. I know it was just "hell" but at the time, my parents would of killed me if I'd even uttered the word. And two the biggest guy in the group Anthony swung and hit Gage right in the stomach. I was petrified. "Stop it I yelled," but that just cued the girls to come for me. I really can't quite describe these girls; I guess you'd say if there were a chick named Helga in a movie, they'd be that chick. I looked over at Gage to see that he was upright. And he was given Anthony some terrifying blows. As I was looking I felt a smack come right across my face. I turned to see the Helga chicks both aiming for me at the same time. Right when I thought it was over for me, I heard a deep voice yell," Everyone stop right now."

We all backed away from each other. Both of the girls glared at me as they moved a few feet away. And Gage released his death grip on Anthony's neck. "What's going on here," the man said. My heart was pounding I'd never been in trouble before. "These group of bullies here were ganging up on Sophie." Gage said. Since I seemingly couldn't speak.

"Is that true," the mystery man said. I took that moment to look as his features. He was tall with gray hair and a big rounded belly. He looked like the cops on TV who eat hella donuts. "No its not sir. She hit my sisters, and I defended them from her. And that's when this idiot came along." The older guy gave him a look to let him know he crossed the line. To make a long story short, we were taken to the school, where our parents came to get us.

I explained my story, and since I was known as a good kid, of course they knew I was telling the truth. Gage gained even more popularity for being the hero. And I gained sympathetic looks from everyone. They all looked at me like I had some kind of defect.

The next day Gage came up to me as I was eating my lunch alone as usual. "Hey, you mind if I sit here." Of course I said sure, he was gorgeous after all. I'd always had a damn crush on him. He had nice long blonde hair that was usually in a ponytail. A white smile with dimples to die for, and the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. My heart stopped as I looked at them. "So Sophie, you wanna share my fruit roll up," I was so happy I smiled. Something I hadn't done since before the accident, as well as something I regretted doing immediately. Gage stopped smiling and immediately looked at my teeth.

My heart began to pound in my chest. I didn't want him to stare at me like I was a freak. I thought he was different. "Hey Gage you really gonna sit with that freak," The schools most popular girl Sasha chimed in. His face went red like he didn't know what he wanted to do. My eyes pleaded with him to stay. If he left me I'd be the damn laughing stock of elementary school. He sat there a few more seconds. Then everybody started singing a chant that Sasha made up. "Greg and tooth sitting in a tree. . ." And that's when he left the table, and I ended up with the inevitable nickname "tooth."

It was our senior year in High school and I still hated him. He was a coward then, and still a coward now. I did my daily morning routine, and was just out the door when I remembered I didn't use any mouthwash. I darted to my room, and swished it around my mouth. I smiled at myself in the mirror after spitting it out. It was still weird to me, the fact that I had a tooth that would stay in. My church's charity paid for me to have the surgery my parents couldn't afford. Now I had a natural looking tooth that blended in perfectly with the others.

I checked my appearance one more time, and I figured I looked pretty ok. Or as ok as a girl like me could look to my small town. I wasn't your typical black chick. I had stretched ears, three tattoos, and naturally curly hair that flowed midway down my back. I'd say I was pretty hot, but to most of the guys and girls at school I as weird.

I loved myself. After years of listening to all the bullshit of the outside world, I told myself I was beautiful and anyone who didn't think so could fuck off. I was tired of berating myself for things I couldn't, wouldn't, and shouldn't change.

Once I parked my little busted up 2002 red Pontiac in the senior parking lot, I gained a headache just thinking about how today would probably end. I had senioritis in the worse kind of way. Don't get me wrong I was an above average student, but my patience for school was definitely getting a little thin.

"Hey Sophie, you feel like going to the rinks with me today," my friend Dave asked. Hockey was a big part of our little community, and Dave never let me forget it. Although trust me I've tried, considering that Gage is the captain of the hockey team. "I cant today, I have that English paper I have to write. It's due tomorrow." Ok I lied. But I was sick of sitting in the damn rinks watching guys slug each other with sticks. Because that's pretty much what our school did. "Alright, we can go tomorrow then," he said as he walked away. I inwardly groaned the boy did not let up.

You'd think Dave was actually on the team. Trust me he tried it, but it didn't work out in his favor. Dave was a pretty scrawny pale guy. He wore black eyeliner, mascara, and even sometimes went to the extent of black eye shadow. Although people had suspicions of him being gay, he'd always say he wasn't. And I knew for a fact he wasn't, he had girls for days. He just so happen to never let go of the emo scene he'd often say. And I didn't blame him; I hadn't let go of whatever my "scene" was either. And I didn't plan on it.

Once I'd finally rid myself of Dave, I went to first period. Which hands down was one of the worst. It was one of the three classes I shared with Gage. But that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was the fact that half of the cheer leading team and his hockey jock squad was in there as well. "Well well well, if it isn't the tooth fairy," one of his ignorant buddies said. Their whole little group snickered at that played out fucking joke. Everyone except Gage, what a shock.

"I'd say I was the tooth fairy, but then what would we call the hockey puck that knocked your teeth out last week." He blushed at that. Lucky for him they were able to put his original teeth back in before the nerves in them died. "Shut up dodger," Gage said. I arched an eyebrow. So he was speaking up for me now?

"I don't need your help Gage. Once a coward always a coward so let me handle this on my own." His eyes flashed with anger at my remark. "Still mad about fourth grade I see. And here I was thinking that we'd moved past that," he spat out. Sasha laughed, but immediately stopped once Gage looked at her. I don't know what it is about him that causes everyone to follow his commands, but whatever it was wouldn't work on me.

"I'm not mad sweetie, you taught me the biggest lesson of all. Some people just can't do well under pressure." I finished with a smirk. Right before he could retort, our teacher came in the room, and announced the bell work.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Gage glared at me in all of my classes. Which kind of intimidated me. But I'd never show it. It seemed that every time I glanced over my shoulder, his icy blue stare was throwing daggers at my back. But that didn't stop the tingle from coursing through my body.

Even though I hated him, my body always seemed to betray me. He was so hot it was unbelievable. His body filled out so nicely from sports. He had muscles rippling in every direction. His cheekbones were high and prominent, and his jaw was as sharp as a razor. What used to be long blonde hair was now short and tousled. I itched to run my fingers through it.

I tried to stop my thoughts, but I couldn't help myself. The boy was hot, and everybody knew it. Ever since we were in elementary school he had every girl crawling all over him. But I vowed to myself that I'd never be one of them.

Once that last bell rung I darted out of class faster than a bullet. I went to my locker to gather things I needed to study that night, when I saw Gage approaching me from down the hall. His eyes looked like he was on a mission. My heart started beating rapidly. I briefly thought about running, but what was the point. He was the schools star athlete, if he wanted to catch me he would. "Can you just explain how someone could hold a grudge for years, and not be called pathetic?"

I didn't know what to say. He was invading my personal space, and he smelled heavenly. Hell, he looked heavenly too. "Well I wouldn't call it a grudge, I'd call it learning who not to fuck with." He sneered at me as he closed my locker and pushed me against it. "We were in the fourth grade, get over it." He gave me one last condescending look as he pushed himself off of me and walked away.

I didn't know what to think other than I was horny as fuck. I'd never had a guy that close to me. I'd been a part of the feminist movement for so long, that I never found a man worthy enough to share my body with. And even though I hated Gage, I knew that I would go home and masturbate thinking of that hunky body and those blue eyes.

My heart raced as I went to the car. I was horny as all get out, and I was definitely upset. For the first time I felt childish for hating Gage. He was right it was in the fourth grade, but he never apologized for it either. I was tortured everyday while he was held up as a king. Who the hell was he to say, "Get over it." Fuck him.

I got to my car and slammed my door as the tears poured down my face. I was upset with myself, and with Gage. He hurt me, and for some reason his lack of giving a shit was even worse. I wanted him to care. Yet I didn't know why. I always said I didn't give a damn about him, so why should I expect him to give two shits about me.

As I pulled out of the parking lot, I decided I'd go to the creek. I knew my mom would have a fit if she saw me upset. It seemed that no matter how hard I tried to hide my feelings, my mom could see right through me.

The creek was a great place to go if you just wanted to relax. The kids in my neighborhood named it that a long time ago. We lived in an area that was surrounded by trees. It was great for camping if that's the kind of stuff you liked. But the creek, was an area that was kind of cut off. A lot of the teens would come and have sex here if their parents were home. That was until our parents spread a rumor about a kid who died in the water that surrounded the creak. Now the teens pretty much stay away.

I knew it was bullshit. So I still came. The place was always deserted. I parked my car, and slipped off my shoes. I like to dip my feet in the water.

I sat there relaxing for about thirty minutes, when all of a sudden I hear someone behind me. I looked up, and low and behold the almighty Gage. I didn't know his reasoning for coming here. I'd never seen him here before, so why now?

"Hey," he said with a smile as if we were friends. I didn't say anything. I know it was immature, but sometimes I can't help myself. His smile faltered, but he still sat next to me and looked out over the water. I hated that he had to be so damn hot. He had on black sweat pants, and a black muscle shirt as well. My body became extremely turned on.

We sat there for what seemed like hours, seemingly enjoying the view. I kept sneaking glances at him though. And the last time I did it, he caught me. "Look all you want Sophie, I don't mind." He had that cocky grin on his face. I wanted to slap it off. "I was looking at the trees behind you." This time he laughed. "Well that tree must've been pretty hot. You look a little flustered." This time I laughed too. I'd been caught looking, and for some reason I didn't care.

We continued to look at one another for a few moments, before he moved closer to me. "I know what I did in fourth grade was fucked up. But you have to forgive me. I was a kid, and yes I was a coward. But I'm not that guy anymore. I've changed. If you would let me in you'd know that." I looked away, not really knowing what to say.

Tears came to my eyes, as I realized he finally apologized. And it was a sincere one too. That was all I'd ever wanted from him. "Ok," was all I managed to croak out. I didn't even look at him because I didn't like to show weakness. I hadn't cried in front of anyone since the fourth grade.

"Look at me," he said gently. I finally turned my head towards him. He started wiping and kissing my tears away. I jerked a little. Hell, what can I say? Things were going left pretty fast. He moved his kisses from my cheek, to my mouth. He pecked my mouth at first, but then he full on attacked it. It was the first kiss I'd ever gotten and my heart was about to explode. I didn't know it could feel that good. I shoved my fingers in his hair as he gently laid us in the grass. "I want to make love to you baby. But this isn't the place. I want you in a bed. My bed."

I was nervous all of a sudden. As bad as I wanted him, I was still a virgin. I looked away not sure how to tell him, but he pulled my face back to his. I closed my eyes, and he kissed them each as he told me to open them. "What's wrong," he asked, I took a deep breath as I exposed my secret to him. "I am a virgin." He didn't even look a little shocked. He just smirked as he said," I know. That doesn't matter to me, unless it does to you. I don't want to do anything you don't want to. I can wait. But, I do want you to know something. I have wanted you for so long I don't remember when I started liking you. Then I realized you hated me, and I never tried to date you, because I figured you wouldn't give me a chance. But will you give me one now? I want you Sophie. And not just your body, but your heart as well. I'll do what it takes to get it."

The shell I'd put over my heart for protection broke. His eyes were glassy as he put his heart on the line for me. I thought about how quickly we'd progressed. Just a few hours ago I wanted to kill him, now I wanted nothing more than to start a new stage in my life with him. It really is funny how things change.

"Of course you can have my heart, as long as I can have yours as well." He smiled and kissed me as he said," You've had it for a long time, just took you a minute to realize it."


All right guys, if you want this story to continue please vote and comment. Your comments mean a lot to me. It's the only way I know how you feel about my stories. I didn't intend on making this a series, but once I got to the end, it seemed like it could get a little more interesting. If you agree or disagree, please comment and let me know.

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KJay15KJay15about 3 years ago

Hated someone for years, they say sorry and now you love them and want to be with them forever

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

You gave the main male character 2 different names, Gage & Greg. There a lot of spelling errors. Good story though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
please edit this story

after seeing denchers I couldn't go any further

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

No sane person would agree to 'make love' right after chatting for a few hours. The fuck you writing?

black_maestrablack_maestraover 8 years ago
Series, series, series...

I think the title states my vote. I like how you built history, the main characters, and the annoying sub characters. Good setting for a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Please finish this story! I can tell it would be fantastic!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Loving this so much. Please continue and finish this gorgeous love story.

KittyOh48KittyOh48almost 9 years ago
Need more!

Good start, more needed, keep it going!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
but really


Didn't your spell check catch that?

If you mean fake teeth that is dentures, at least in English.

bigdnc13bigdnc13almost 9 years ago
Good Start!!

More please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
like like like

please continue

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

keep it going its really good so far!

honey3331honey3331almost 9 years ago

Very nice!!! Keep em coming!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
What a great beginning

Please continue this story I love the beginning and would keep reading if you keep writing. You have a gift, so keep on giving.

midnightdeathwritermidnightdeathwriteralmost 9 years ago
Great Start!

And keep it going!

silverstar88silverstar88almost 9 years ago

Super cute! Please continue!

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 9 years ago
Lovely Lead in

I'm looking forward to more. Way to build up to that apology and have it all flood out from there. :)

jazz1190jazz1190almost 9 years ago

Keep going and it may help to have someone look over work.. so that way you can work on ur plot and story line.. now don't get me wrong I'm liking this story too just like your other two you wrote.. so keep going and stay positive and don't let people stop you from doing what you love to do..

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowalmost 9 years ago
I like where this is going ...

Would love to read more about these two...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Keep it coming girl.....

Nicely done....ending could've been better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Told simply, but has the ring of truth hidden in it. Very likable story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Like everyone else said the story seemed a bit rushed but i really want you to continue!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I agree and think the end was rushed a bit, but this story has a lot of potential. I think you should continue with it and see where it goes. Thank you.

Make it a series.

Good bones you have here. However it was rushed at the end....but I guess that was due to the fact that you are contemplating if it should be a series. I would love to read more about these two.

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