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The House on the Hill Ch. 02 - Maid to Submit

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A new maid has sex will all of the Markhams.
10.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/11/2018
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I didn't want to announce a series until I had at least written a second one. I sometimes am frustrated by Literotica contributors who write a great first part, then never write again. I hope to write many more installments of the "The House on the Hill" (THOTH) series. It will have supernatural elements, incest, mystery and more. This may be the longest thing I have written for Lit, but it seemed to "tell me" it wanted to be one piece so I kept writing. The first third is mostly character, setting and background for future stories as well as this one, so please be patient. You can skip ahead though if you want to. It could be in any of several categories but I opted to put this one in NonConsent/Reluctance for reasons that will become clear. I didn't want to 'trigger' anyone's real, past trauma accidentally. I hope you enjoy it.


Eli Markham pulled his 1972 Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser station wagon into one of the empty spaces at the front of Sonny's Sunshine Plaza, and stepped out with the flyer in his hand.

He'd created it an hour earlier in his home office in the Reinhardt House. Despite being immensely tech savvy, Eli had decided to kick it analog first. He'd cut little tear-away paper tabs at the bottom of the eight-and-a-half-by-eleven piece of paper, each one with his cell phone number and email address on it.

"Hey, do you have a community message board here?" he asked the two young women behind the counter.

"Sure, Mr. Markham," Becky said. "It's over there as you walk into the restaurant."

Eli walked down one of the convenience store aisles to the passageway, saw the cork bulletin board and pinned it there using one of the free tacks.

Next, he served himself a large soda and approached the cashiers to pay.

"You're not selling that sweet ride, are ya, Mr. Markham?" Gina asked hopefully but playfully, not expecting an affirmative answer.

"Hell, no," Eli said with a smile. "I just got it finished a few months ago."

"What'd you hang up the flyer for?" Becky asked.

Eli explained how he and Evi, his wife, were looking for someone, preferably a local girl, who might be able to help as a live-in maid. The house was just too big for them, and already there were too many family and friends living in it or visiting to just try to keep everything in order themselves.

"Salary is negotiable," he said.

Both twentysomethings looked at each other.

"Let me know if you hear of anyone looking or think of someone," Eli said. With his purchase in hand, he walked out as he said goodbye.

Gina told Becky she was interested but she wasn't sure about living in "that weird house," and her mother and boyfriend probably would both object.

Becky said she was going to think about it and might call Eli and ask some more questions.

An hour later, when Becky went to the rest room opposite the message board, she tore off one of the tabs. When Bobbi came in to take her shift at 3 p.m., Becky walked out to her junker Taurus and called Mr. Markham. She had the next day off, so they scheduled a later morning interview in the Reinhardt House. Half the reason she called to get the interview was just to be able to see the inside of the legendary mansion with its weird late Victorian exterior, stonework and expansive layout. It had sat vacant since the late 1980s and an abortive attempt to turn it into an exclusive resort hotel, and Eli Markham had sunk a lot of money into its restoration and renovations.

Because of local folklore about its possible ghosts and haunted character, Becky was relieved when instead of the overcast morning typical of the Cadron Mountains before noon, it was bright and sunny. She parked on the wide shoulder of the U-drive in front of the house and rang the front door bell. Becky had to ring twice more before the door opened, and she met Paul Markham for the first time.

"Well, and who are you?" he said with a smile and a slight lilt in his voice.

Becky explained why she was there and Paul introduced himself as Eli's nephew.

"Oh, what a relief! I hope you're good and you get it. We REALLY need help around here. I'm much too busy in the kitchen to look after anything else."

Becky quickly began to form the opinion Paul might be gay. She just smiled as Paul opened the door wider and ushered her in.

There was an intercom near the front door. Paul stared at it for a second, and then spoke into it announcing Becky's arrival.

Becky heard Eli reply to bring her up to his office. Paul escorted her to the elevator. It had an old style steel, accordion gate and glass door.

"You've got to really slam this thing," he said as he shut it and pressed '3.'

Slowly it rose. Paul reassured a slightly nervous Becky that the elevator was completely modern except for the old style appearance.

"Eli had an elevator company come in and bring everything else up to code, replace the controls and put all the modern failsafes. Technically, the doors aren't code but we're a private residence so we're exempt really."

He explained that you had to be sure to close the gate and door or no one could call it from another floor. Paul walked her down the long hall to a corner door, knocked and entered. The two walked through an outer office to Eli's inner sanctum, an oak-paneled office.

"Hey, Becky," Eli said with enthusiasm and asked her to sit down.

Paul said he had to get back to the kitchen before he burned a pie and left.

The first part of the interview was nothing surprising — work history, personal goals, comfort with living and working in the same place. Halfway through, Evi Markham came in, and Becky saw why some of the local called her 'Morticia' after the Addams Family matriarch. She had a model's build, slender and talk, pale skin and long, jet-black hair. Becky found her more intimidating, but she mostly listened. Things took an unexpected turn when she was asked to take an online test. Eli brought it up on his own computer, asked her to take his seat behind the desk and both Eli and Evi left her to it.

It had a multiple choice format and weird questions about authority, rules, then posed lots of hypothetical questions about situations that required whole sentence responses.

"You're in a dessert with a full canteen of water, then meet a man who is dying of thirst..."

Becky had no idea what to make of it but she did her best to answer them.

Finally, she reached the end after almost an hour. The computer 'thanked' her for participating.

Eli and Evi returned shortly after and asked her to wait in the outer office. There was nothing there but a couch and coffee table. She sat down while she waited, half listening to the murmur of voices from the other side of the door. She looked through her smart phone's social media in a mostly successful effort to distract herself and diffuse her nervousness. After about 15 minutes, Becky was invited back in by Eli.

"Becky, we think you'd be great for the house and the family. We want to make an offer with some stipulations," Eli said with a smile. "If you can agree to those, we're prepared to pay you this amount."

Eli pushed a small piece of paper toward her. It had columns and lines for Social Security, taxes and health insurance, but it was the almost $60,000 gross annual salary figure that stunned her.

"Holy shit!" her mind yelled inwardly.

"Now, we're going to ask a lot of you, but you'll basically work 40 hours a week. Some weeks we may ask you to help with a party or something after hours. We may find that you need more help. We're just going to see, if you accept our offer."

"Absolutely, yes!" Becky said, beaming with excitement.

Eli chuckled, "Hold on. We haven't gotten to the stipulations."

Becky uttered a crestfallen "oh."

"We're going to ask you to sign an NDA. Do you know what that is, Becky?"

When she shook her head, Eli explained that she would be required not to discuss the inner workings of the Markham family, the household and its guests with anyone outside the estate. Doing so would result in huge civil penalties. Becky said that was fine. Eli also said any overnight guests of Becky's must be cleared with himself or Evi. Finally, she would be required to wear a uniform during her work hours. He said that was as much for Becky's benefit as theirs because everyone would know if she was out of uniform then she wasn't working and not to ask her to.

"Of course, you'll have your own bedroom suite and access to any of the amenities and features of the house that aren't clearly personal property of our family or guests," Eli said. "You'll be charged nothing for your room and board, so all your earnings will be above the line, so to speak."

Becky was stunned.

"Is all that good with you, Becky?"

She said it sounded "perfect." Although she'd still be living with A family, it wouldn't be HER family any more — no more drunk stepdad, no more mom waking her up to drive her to work or babysit her cousin. "Shit, I'll be making more than anyone in my family and NO RENT!" she thought.

Eli and Evi both smiled at her.

Evi handed her a small stack of documents to fill out.

"Just fill these out and when you're done, please come find me in the master bedroom next door and I'll give you a tour," she said. "When can you start?"

Before she could answer, Eli suggested two weeks so she could give proper notice at the travel plaza.

Becky agreed. Sonny wouldn't have any trouble filling her spot.

Evi and Eli left her alone in the office and she began filling out the tax and other forms.

Quietly, in the hallway, the Markhams conversed.

"I cannot believe her test scores. Those are some of the strongest numbers we've ever seen for obedience and submissiveness," Evi said. "If she doesn't work out, we should never use the exam again."

Eli gave her a predatory grin.

"I agree and those lips are so full and luscious," he said. "I can't wait to see them latched on to your tit, baby."

Evi chuckled in response.

Becky took about 45 minutes to finish the paperwork, then knocked and entered the huge master bedroom suite next door. She was startled to find Evi topless.

"Come on in, Becky. It's just us girls here anyway, right?" she asked playfully. Evi was pulling on a big oversize T-shirt dotted with paint stains. As she did, she raised her arms above her head, covering her own face. It presented Becky with an excellent opportunity to check out Evi's large, milky white breasts. Each was crowned by clearly defined, rosy, silver dollar-sized nipples. The shirt quickly descended like a curtain over the very short show though.

Becky felt her own nipples awaken a bit, and her pussy moisten. She always had had little crushes on pretty older girls and women but had been too afraid to explore her attraction in the small town of Crescent City. Once or twice when they'd gotten drunk after work, she and Gina had made out to entertain their boyfriends, but it had never gone further than that.

"After I give you a tour, I need to get right into my studio to finish a project today, so I needed to change," Evi explained, pulling Becky out of her reverie. "Now, where should we start? Top or bottom?"

"Bottom," Becky said.

"Sounds good, just follow me," Evi said.

Evi escorted Becky to the elevator and began explaining the history of the house, the peculiar occult beliefs of its original builder, Adolf Reinhardt, the esteemed architecture and design and what Evi saw as the powerful sexual energy the structure focused and radiated. They stood in the elevator almost five minutes in the basement before Evi opened, exited with Becky and shut it behind them.

To her right Evi pointed to the stair case that wrapped around the elevator shaft, a laundry room and the mechanical room with all its boilers, heat exchangers and other machinery. Evi explained it was all new and managed by an intelligent system that greatly reduced their energy and water use. Eli had even installed a small wind turbine and solar panels on the grounds to ensure the historic homes carbon footprint was about that of a tiny house.

To the left, Evi pointed out a sauna, gym and work out room. They walked through all of them, Evi explaining different amenities and functions as they did. The two approached the glass door of the work out room and Evi said, "That's our oldest child and son, Oscar, but most people call him Scar."

Becky was stunned by his appearance. He was wearing a tight pair of bodybuilder shorts that allowed full-range of motion. Scar was kicking a large, heavy punching back, his body glistening with sweat. They could hear his breathing through the glass.

Becky was slack-jawed. She'd never seen a finer specimen of man Scar didn't have six-pack abs or gigantic biceps. His musculature was more subtle, a weight and density beneath his skin that rippled like the shoulder blades of a panther jutting up and down as it prowled. Also, he wasn't an inch under six-five.

"You know, he'd probably fuck you if you ask him," Evi said. The sound of Evi's voice and her pointed comment jolted Becky out of her stupor. She looked at Evi in shock. "I mean I haven't seen someone so hungry for another person in a long time," Evi explained with a smile.

"I ..."

"It's OK. Besides he's in training for the MMA circuit and won't have sex for a few weeks yet. You know like a boxer being celibate to make himself more aggressive in the ring. I think it's macho bullshit, but that's Scar. Let's continue," Evi said.

She showed Becky that most of the basement was open space for a garage and it had all the appearance of an urban parking garage with thick concrete pillars but wide enough spaces for maneuvering vehicles. Two huge garage doors at either end of the rear wall were closed.

Evi said,"Back in the 1920s, the Reinhardts still had a lot of money and Adolf's son had this all re-engineered. It used to be all thick support timbers and such, but our guys assured us it's all structurally sound, even over-engineered, they said."

Becky notices a few cars, a pickup, Eli's Oldsmobile, a Porsche, a Civic but the space was open for much more. She'd noticed the U-drive in front of the house branch off and skirt the side of the house to large, open concrete slab in back that provided enough room to turn around or even provide additional parking.

Evi and Becky walked up the stairs to the first floor, the most public interior space and explained it would take up the bulk of Becky's work time.

"We have dozens of vacuum drones," Evi pointed out. "However, you will have to empty them at least once a week, start them et cetera. But you shouldn't have to vacuum much."

Becky was awed by the size of the banquet room and ballroom, complete with public restrooms. They were in their own wing, but connected to the kitchen by a long hallway with a dozen or more windows to the rear of the house.

In the kitchen, Becky was again impressed. It was a commercial-grade, huge kitchen.

"Hey, there!" Paul yelled and waved.

Evi rolled her eyes slightly.

"You like?" Paul asked from a dozen feet away. "It's a bit overkill but we'll need all of it when we start entertaining more. Stop by on your way out and I'll make you a sandwich or something."

Becky said she'd like that. Evi showed her the library and home theater next. The latter had recliner seats for 20 and a wet bar and mini kitchen. It was done in the scaled-down style of an old 1940s movie palace.

Next, Evi showed Becky the second floor. It contained more than a dozen guest rooms. Each had its own bathroom. None were occupied. Becky was expected to clean them before and after a guest arrived but would rarely be asked to do more.

The third floor was taken up by the office and master bedroom and an intimidating number of bedroom suites, each with a bathroom, outer room and inner room and large closets. She was told not to worry about those, just the hallways and one or two common rooms.

Finally, Evi opened one of the unoccupied suites.

"This one is yours," Evi said. "Voila!"

"Wow," Becky exclaimed. "You're kidding?"


"You're welcome to change out the furnishings if you'd like or have new preferences over time. We won't be insulted."

Becky had shared a room with siblings most of her life. The closet alone was larger than her shared bedroom. The bathroom had an enormous sink-and-counter, toilet, a walk-in tiled shower and a smallish but deep tub with massaging water jets. Her bed was a king size with tall corner posts, headboard and footboard. A four foot wide, 4K tv set was mounted on an entertainment center with two comfy sitting chairs for viewing.

"So, that concludes our tour," Evi said. "Let's get you in the security system and over the next two weeks, if you'd like, you can start moving your stuff in and come and go as you please. Don't worry about hours. We're almost all night owls, but there's almost always someone up and about no matter the time."

The two women returned to the office. Evi scanned Becky's right thumbprint and gave her a passcode. She explained that she would need to enter the four digits and put her thumb on the scanner to open any exterior door.

"The last thing we need to do is get your measurements. Do you mind stripping down to your bra and panties please?"

Becky blushed. She was a shy girl.

"It's for the uniform," Evi said.

"Oh," she exclaimed. "I see."

Becky peeled off her jeans and took off button-down shirt, socks and shoes.

"Aren't you lovely?" Evi asked rhetorically. Becky barely cracked five-foot-two and had a petite but curvy build. Her breasts sat high and pert on her chest. Although smaller than Evi's, her nipples were about the same size and prominent through the bra despite some padding.

"Your bra is rather thick, Becky. Do you mind taking it off so I can get a true number, please?"

Becky hesitated for a few seconds, and then took it off.

"Very nice," Evi said breathily. Her employer then cupped Becky's breasts and thumbed her rising nipples. "I may have to paint you, Becky. You are so cute."

Evi took the tape measure and got her measurements.

"Let's see 34-24-34, impressive," Evi said. "I'll order your maid's uniform. The style we picked out is like a maid's uniform with a skirt and apron, old-style hotel. It's gray with a pattern that's subtle but should hide small stains well. The apron has lots of huge pocket space that should be handy. You're free to run along now, Becky, and you can get dressed. You're also free to linger, wander around the house, or even have Paul make you a sandwich and eat before you leave. Make yourself at home."

Becky put her clothes back on, gathered her purse and quickly made her way to her junker then sped away. A few things unnerved her about the morning at the Reinhardt house, but the money, benefits and lodging were too good to let those qualms dissuade her. Beneath it all was also a not fully conscious desire to be near Scar.

Becky moved her things into her room in two or three trips. She didn't have much apart from her clothes, just a few boxes. During her trips, she only encountered anyone else once, and that was Paul, who told her Scar was already away and competing.

Her notice and new job created quite a buzz in town and several people asked what the family was like and the house. With the NDA in mind, Becky gave only general answers, but most of her friends seem satisfied with those.

After unpacking, her days were filled with learning how to operate and maintain the vacuum bots, unpacking and arranging books in the huge family library, helping Paul keep the kitchen clean, running errands in Crescent Creek and Central City and other tasks Evi gave her.

Most of her free time she enjoyed reading in the library — sci-fi and fantasy novels of her own, some of the classic literature in the library, watching movies in the home theater, which no one else seemed to use yet and generally getting to know the quirks and peculiarities of the house. She even worked out some on the treadmill and other equipment.

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