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The Inheritance


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I whispered back, "We haven't had a chance to discuss this but I would like to have children with you. At least a boy and a girl."

She drew back and looked in my eyes. "Yes! I'd adore that." Then she wrapped me into one of those kisses again. I was seeing spots before my eyes before she let us up for air.

The Captain said, "You two need to get a room! I don't know what you said to her but wow!" I got another slap on the back.

Even my cousins congratulated us. All except Jerry who was back in jail, for a year this time. He was hoping to have his sentence shortened by testifying against Sherwin Wilson.


In December we started two new plants to manufacture desalination plants. One in Alabama and one in North Carolina. Again we found abandon factories that we could purchase cheaply and refurbish. We also started a midwest climatology center in Madison Wisconsin and another one in Greenville North Carolina. Even with all the caution Audrey and I had gone into this with we came within a hairs breath of overextending the corporation. I sold off ten percent of our stock which was scarfed up immediately and boosted the value of the remaining stock. The money we got for the stock saw us thru the tight spot.

Now between the two of us Audrey and I controlled seventy percent of the stock. She had twenty percent and I controlled the remaining fifty percent. This led to one of the few fights we had. I wanted to transfer five more percent to her.

She was ridged. She was not going to accept my proposal, "No Ryan. Things are fine just the way they are!"

"Audrey, I meant it when I said I wanted you to be a brake on me in case I got some wild idea that would harm the company."

"Ryan, it's not going to happen! You don't need a brake. I do!"

"But Audrey, we agreed to this. We need to keep the corporation healthy. To do that we need for no one to have a whip hand!"

We argued for two hours before she took my face in both hands and looked deep into my eyes. "Ryan, I was the one who wanted to build four new plants and open three more climatology centers. You always listen to me but you always give very reasoned and rational arguments for not doing things my way. Never, not once, have you pulled rank on me and used my submissive nature to get your way. I don't believe you ever will."

We went around and around for hours when she finally proposed. "Ryan, why don't we make five revocable proxies. Give one to each of your cousins. They can be tiebreakers. I'll do the same. That way I can vote fifteen percent maximum and you can vote forty-five percent maximum. Neither of us will have a whip hand but together we can do what's right."

I thought about it for about half an hour before I grabbed her and gave her a kiss. "That's a marvelous solution! And when we need more capital we can revoke the trust and sell the stock." I paused, "Altho they might cause us some trouble with the ten percent share."

Audrey kissed me back and laughed, "I don't think that will be a problem. They'll probably vote your way no matter what."

"Why do you think that?"

"Look at all the money you've made them. With the dividends and the increase in stock prices your leadership has almost tripled their money. Why would they vote against you unless they seriously thought you were wrong. Besides can you see all of them agreeing on anything enough to vote the full ten percent against you?"

I laughed, "I guess you're right. We'll let them know as soon as the lawyers have the agreements drawn up. Let's make the proxies for three months at a time."


We had a small quiet wedding in May and took our honeymoon by touring the new facilities we were opening. It wasn't all work. We took our time and toured the area around each of the new plants. Spring is a wonderful time of the year in most of the country so we had lovely weather the whole time and all of the scenery was fresh with the bursting promise of spring. We rented a motorhome for the tour so we weren't rushed. We drove about three hundred miles a day and rested a day or three at a time. All together it took just over two months before we returned to our home in Monterey.

The towns where we had started our factories were overjoyed to have a new employer in the area and we were welcomed by the locals as heros. In both cases the first desalination plant produced was installed locally.

The climatology centers were greeted with enthusiasm. We already had contracts with Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Omaha and Indianapolis and several cities on the east coast. They were hard at work producing forecasts for their areas.


The following September we were surprised when Sherwin Wilson asked for a meeting. We agreed and set the meeting for the 16th. We met on neutral ground at the local Marriott. My cousins, except for Jerry, attended.

Sherwin opened the meeting. "Have you been following the stock of Pacific Explorations?"

I spoke for our board and my cousins, "Yes we have. It looks like you're really in trouble."

He gave a strangled laugh. "That's the understatement of the year. Revenue from the fishing and kelp processing plants is way down. It's costing us more to get the kelp and fish we do bring in. The environmentalists are all over us like stink on shit. The banks are getting ready to call in our loans. We're to the point of defaulting on some of the loans. It was your uncle's corporation once. Can you do anything to help. Can you figure out a way to save the corporation?"

I said, "I can think of a couple of things but they are going to hurt. They'll hurt a lot."

He swallowed and said, "Go on."

"First, you have to stop bleeding money. That means pulling back your operations. You've overfished the kelp beds and taken too much kelp from them. They need years to recover. That means you have to stop or greatly reduce your fish and kelp processing operations. You may have to stop them altogether for six months to a year. It means you have to reduce your fishing and kelp harvesting. It means firing a lot of people."

He nodded, "The alternative is to fold altogether. What else?"

"Well, you know better than I do that cutting back will actually increase your cash flow. The next part will hurt your ego as much as anything."

He looked at me, "What's that?"

"You need to go the the environmentalists and do a mea culpa. You need to tell them they were right and you were wrong."

He winced but said nothing.

I continued. "Show them that you've cut way back on your fishing and kelp harvests. The worst is you're going to have to ask their advice and take it. Ask them to intercede with the government agencies controlling fishing and kelp harvesting to open a few new grounds to you on a temporary basis. It would be really good if you could show that leaving the beds natural will cause them to die out. Thinning would be good for the kelp. There are quite a few studies in your files to show that it's true."

He said, "Jesus I'll look like a grade 'A' ass!"

Audrey answered for me, "Yes, but you really need to get them off your case fast. Ryan's method is the fastest way I can think of. Once they quit riding you, your chances of getting additional loans increases significantly. Your stock prices will almost certainly rise, if for no other reason than the court cases against you will probably be dropped."

After two hours of tossing around alternatives he looked totally frazzled. "Anything else?" He asked.

"Yes," I said, "Get an outside company to go over the IT departments in your plants with a fine toothed comb. I have a feeling that bad things are going on at least in San Diego. I don't trust Bates."

He sighed again, "Anything else?"

"One last thing, you need to do a thorough analysis of your proposed cuts to the workforce and the operations and show the banks how you plan to pay them every penny that they are owed. Implement the changes and do a week over week analysis of costs and income. Do that for a month before you go to the banks. Hopefully, you'll be able to show how your actions have improved the position of the company. That should get you some more time on the loans coming due. That's all I have, do you have anything else?"

He stood and said, "Yes. I want to apologize for all the asshole things I did to wrest the company away from you. I was sure I was right but you were the smart one. As soon as the environmentalists quit hassling you your stock took off like a homesick angel. I was holding you back. I'm truly sorry for being such a pigheaded ass."

We all stood and shook hands. He said, "I don't know why do don't just buy us back. Those were all great ideas."

I said, "I don't want to hurt anyone. Besides, if you fail and the banker's take over the business, I can get the companies at firesale prices. They sure as hell don't know anything about harvesting kelp or fish and it'll cost them a lot just to keep the plants mothballed. I wish you the best of luck."

He laughed, "Yeah, you'll probably get things for fire sale prices alright."

With that the meeting broke up. My cousins gathered around me.

Rory said, "Well that was enlightening."

Alicia asked, "Ryan, could we all arrange to go out on your boat to where we set Uncle Roger's ashes adrift? I'd just like to say goodbye one more time."

I gave her a hug. "I think that's a great idea." I looked and saw Audrey already had her phone out. I finished, "Why don't you all stay at the house tonight. I think we have enough rooms." I looked at Audrey again and said, "Ask Anthony if he would like to go with us and tell him we're having guests."

She said, "Yes Ryan." She smiled and started dialing. She held a hand tenderly over her stomach, she had a surprise for her husband and master.

The End

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xtrail65xtrail65about 1 month ago

Holy crap, do people not understand the word FICTION?

To that anonymous asshole get a griI, take it with a grain of salt…hahahaha

BgDaddy33BgDaddy33about 2 months ago

It was nice finding this story again. I thought I would stop reading once I recognized it and once more read it through to the end. :⁠-⁠)

rbloch66rbloch66about 2 months ago

I absolutely love this story. It dove into the business aspects more than I would have preferred, but not overwhelmingly so. I come back to this story occasionally.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Don’t get the overly submissive stuff but, ok that’s me. The over the bottom green shit is just stupid 90+% of the ice is floating. Fill a glass with ice, add water to the brim and watch. It won’t overflow the use is expanded water when it melts its the same tonnage of water it displaced. So the coastlines aren’t going to change by any substantial degree. ( Obama bought a house on the beach so is he stupid? Lack access to information? Or he doesn’t believe that crap either?

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

My first """"WOKE"""" compliant Dumbing down text what crap !/ Global cabal desalinization (Massive energy use scam) No environmental impact studies ever mentioned. You even have the unmitigated Gaul to use OSA. the twisted green agenda ego established fools into the social engineering schism. Then add insult to injury you compared (The female and male wage B/S) . Idiot / try Blaming the Nuclear dumping into our sea from Fukushima "creating hot spot weather changing anomalies in our seas." Try blaming the PRC for the rape a pillage of our fisheries and kelp beds.! What happened to waste management dumping into our oceans? Massive discharges creating massive release of toxic red tides and gases. What happened to the monitoring of the acidification of our oceans?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Through. Not Thru.

Ravey19Ravey193 months ago

A substantially good story, perhaps a warning to say it contained Dom/ sub ascwell as some lesbian and incest relationships but this is Literotica, what do readers expect.

BabalooieBabalooie3 months ago

Well done. Five big ones.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Con6969 - Agreed!

Con6969Con69693 months ago

Great read really wish there was more

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Much better than the prevest version.

DocWordsDocWords3 months ago

I loved it. Thank you for sharing it.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I didn't put a rating on this mess. First, this is not a romance story, so why is it in romance category? Also, the whole D/s relationship is shallow and unconvincing. The "bad guys" all act stupid and insane like antagonists in really bad cartoons and not like actual people. The story tries to do too many things and doesn't do them well.

AgielAgiel5 months ago

It would appear that this author is long gone so in some respects there’s little reason for leaving a comment but I feel I need to.

Up to two thirds of the way through I was thinking it’s an average story and couldn’t understand why it was a 4.77. Then it simply slid downhill at a rate of knots and when the incompressible gobbledegook about shares and environmental issues came in I started skimming over it trying to find the story again. I haven’t read any of the writer’s other stories and after this one I won’t bother.

A good idea which unfortunately didn’t produce a story. A 1⭐️ for having the idea.

OvercriticalOvercritical5 months ago

I looked at a few of the comments because I didn't quite understand why the net rating of this story was so high. I found the inka2222 comment that had a 2* rating was much the same as I was going to write. This author hasn't met a left wing, radical cause he/she didn't like and I found much of the technical commentary by the author to be either utter nonsense or wishful thinking. A company that intends to put most of its eggs in environmental baskets is going to last no time at all. All that desalination. Putting the manufacturing plant up high enough so the rising of the ocean wouldn't engulf the palnt. It would be funny if it wasn't that the author was so serious about it. The personal stuff was the usual Literotica sex to justify being on a porn site to carry the environmentalist bull shit. A "submissive" who changed cocks 24 hours after the old one died. It would seem that Roger made the old company work OK; perhaps with some inefficiencies, but good enough to have a highly lucrative business to bequeath to one of his grandchildren. Yep, 2* was good enough (along with a personal thanks to my decision not to read every word in the story).

bushyoicu812bushyoicu8125 months ago

To the author, good read. 4 stars for me.

At inka2222, those who think as you do will be the reason we will be the first known species to bring about our own extinction. A prime example of species acquiring knowledge at rate that outstrips the wisdom required to utilize it properly.

Of course then there are those that never bother with acquiring any knowledge on there own, but instead choose to follow the lead of any who hate/fear the same way they do.

You may also want to contact an optometrist. If you do in fact live by the sea, it's obvious you do not see the sea very well.

Compare aerial images Mar-a-Lardo from 20 years ago thru last year. You know, where your hero, the very stable genius who recommended drinking bleach resides. Of course, you would have to pull your head out of the sand first.

Do it soon before the sea encroaches and drowns you.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Great yarn. Thank you.

Two small points that your editors will proofreaders should have picked up:

At the reading of the will “Wilson“ somehow becomes “Williams“

And later in the story “Barns” becomes “Bates“

Thanks again for the entertainment.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I DID give the story 5 stars, but inka2222 is absolutely correct and I find the comment by Maultasche to be the disgusting one. There are many plot faults, in the real world, including all the tripe about global warming and the discussion about how Sterling Wilson could get in the way of a Roger with 52% ownership... 50.000001% ownership gives you control and you can fire the Sterling Wilson's of the world. And, if Uncle Roger owned 52% and Wilson owned 48%, who are all the other stockholders? That IS the company.

But it is still a fun story and well written to hold the reader's interest. Well done! 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Nice story. A little something for everyone ! 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Nothing science about global "warming" just rhetoric.

Same with sea levels and I live by the sea so watch it 1st hand.

Nope just woke nonsense woven into what could have been a good story.

MaultascheMaultasche6 months ago

To inka2222: you believe that you are right. But many more don’t agree. Maybe you should emigrate to a country with a male population only, and Mr Trump as president! Your comment is disgusting.

inka2222inka22227 months ago

This could have been a great story but the author decided to go all woke-crappy, and make anyone good be gay friendly, environmentalist and "enlightened" and anyone bad opposed to that. Thereby as usual, destroying a decent story by reducing any enjoyment. If I wanted marxist propaganda, I can read "Pravda" or Marx or New York Times. That's not why I'm on LE. 2 stars, because the story could have been good.

Gym52Gym527 months ago


I hope that Ryan's model of a CEO/company chair becomes a normal situation in the world, I am not a business owner or manager, but I would be happy to work for a company fun as this one is.

The erotic and romantic side of the story appears to be an aside with little to no bearing on the principal plotline, the antagonism between the cousins is a reminder that you can choose your friends but your stuck with your relatives

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A work of fiction depicts a world of an author imagination. To criticize his world is foolish and ridiculous.

ON the other hand when he uses current events and real places, the some criticism is fair.

The author had a brilliant plan for a great story, but when he executed it two of what seem to be his pet ideas sabotaged it.

1) I am an environmentalist, but not a tree hugger. In gaining my Bachelor of Science from what was at the time was the University ranked 5th in the USA, I learned the system of scientific research, and the scientific method. Much of what is called truth today is nothing but hot air. From what was written it is hard to believe the author is a trained scientist. Much of what he writes, rather than being scientific, is the unsubstantiated nonsense of environmental fear mongers. It detracts from the story.

2) There are many dominant/submissive relationships that have worked. However, he pushed in like a zealot, and had to add lesbianism into to it in a promotional way. I do not appreciate it, and do not read Romance to have it thrown in my face. Author: There is a reason why this site offers as section called "Lesbian Sex". That where you description of Lesbian sex belonged.

I despised the story, but since the author is talented and did a great job (for free) I gave it a 4.

I learned my lesson TstormF1, I will not read you material again.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

What happened to Ryan's car at the airport. Don't care for the incest in the story. I know they were adults but still I don't think it added anything to this.

CruachanCruachan8 months ago

I liked it. I am not sure about the submissive side never having been around that situation but a good story which could have been set in any business situation without the millions of dollars. Bringing it down to most readers levels would have to meant accepting a lower level of disbelief. Thank you.

01Timber6701Timber678 months ago

Interesting story, I don’t understand why you would put the incest into a romance story that was a little far fetched for this story,,,, there was more into the business side then there was in the romance side,,, Ryan and Aubrey were the main characters in this


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Good story, but...

... don't throw incest into a romance story! Ever! Very, Very bad. I had to hold my nose and skip past it. What's the point of it? Very bad move.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Idealistically romantic.

Hard to have a protagonist strong enough to inherit and marries his (Bosses' personal assistant, submissive and mistress) but the 'shoe' fits.

Nice to read about a benevolent corporate head with progressive and prescient policies that profits well.

A win, win, win that should be passed to the next generation.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

WOW! How have I never stumbled upon this story before? What beautiful writing. Everything flowed perfectly. 5 BIG stars. DMW aka Sumnut96

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Lovely romantic story!

One of my favourite on this website!

Though it could have done without the brief incest chapter between Megan & Alicia on page 5.

I usually skip over that part when rereading the story.

It comes out of nowhere and feels like it’s from a completely different story.

Starwolf1961Starwolf19619 months ago

Dom-sub is normally NOT my kind of story. That being said this one was well crafted, excellently paced, and knowledgeably written. It was not over the top offensive and it was surprisingly refreshing in its portrayal of a good man. Nice guys can finish first and be happy doing it. KUDOS! 5+ from me.

TexMan1970TexMan197010 months ago

This is a wonderful story. Well written and I really enjoyed all that I learned!

Great job TstormF1.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Easy to spot a west coaster, only they would lump Wisconsin and North Carolina in the Midwest. And running a super environmental company while living in mansions, flying corporate jets as playthings, and driving mother homes is as stupid as Al Gore.

And the “freak friendly “ will drive up your HR complaint numbers by 3 to 20 times. Those groups she spouted don’t like each other and will rip a company apart to be “lead freak”.

That said if you can ignore the environmental green shit it was a decent story.

LynchjimLynchjim11 months ago

Ignore the haters. They must be so talented as an author but when I clicked on their name there were no stories to read. isn’t that a big clue on all these ANONYMOUS people giving horrible unjustified opinions. Nothing but asshat keyboard warriors with no skills on the subject they criticise about. If they just said I didn’t enjoy it then fair enough but they give in-depth view on how to write it’s just crazy. WELL DONE IVE READ AND REREAD ALL YOUR STORIES AND HONESTLY LOVED THEM ALL SO MANY MANY THANKS FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT YOUVE GIVEN ME MANY TIMES.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

very well written, some things jumped a bit fast, or were a bit confusing, but thats understandable if your not writing a 5000 page piece,

to the people complaining in these comments: why did you keep reading? gone are the days when if you dont like something walk away, now its "i dont like it so you are stupid".... for peats sake, this is a bloody free to read erotic story site, there are millions of stories on here, if you dont like the one your reading, just move on, if you dont like the way an author writes, dont read that author.

anyway, good read, killed a few hours, and kept me entertained. now to see what else you have written.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

All the drama at the wake....simply trailer park white trash!!!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

All the submissive shit was fucking unnecessary!!

Too fucking long!!

Worried about climate change and the envirknment yet moves around with a private jet

nyteramblernyteramblerabout 1 year ago

I will say I enjoyed reading this story again. I didn't and don't agree with some of it but the primess and plot was good. As was the bdsm that was in the story.

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 1 year ago

I was interested until that cartoon character woke up from her nap. Guess I didn't get very far. Shame, the subject was interesting. I just have no time for stupid juvenile nonsense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good ideas, interesting characters, decent writing. Love the desalinisation stuff, and responsible fishing/kelp harvesting!

What went wrong?

1) Too long

2) Too preachy

3) False science regarding climate change. Climate is cyclical, there is no global warming, and the carbon dioxide stuff is nonsense. Plants eat co2, give us food and oxygen as the by products.

Write the story, don't give us false science.

TheAnarchTheAnarchabout 1 year ago

Hey Anon (re: cartoonish), as someone who slogged through IT corporate bs for 15 years before throwing in the towel I can 100% say: that is all you can do when it comes to managers like that. You ignore them and hope HR will have your back. Suck it up and keep working. The State Wage/Hour Division will be the first people you contact if HR does nothing after your manager ‘gets even’.

lihplihpabout 1 year ago

Loved it, but a private jet for an environmentalist is a big no no


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I’m going to continue reading but I am not even 5 minutes in and his boss is saying “you may have gotten one over on me this time but You’ll Pay!!!!” because he spoke to HR about bereavement leave?!?! And then MC just kinda… goes on about his day. It’s just very cartoonish.

Ravey19Ravey19about 1 year ago

Great story throughout. Wasn't sure how it was going to work out with Audrey but it was handled well. 5⛤

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is one of those truly special stories that are incredibly rare. The author managed to evoke almost every emotion and some quite strongly. I always come back to this wonderful piece of literature when I need a serious emotional cleansing and it never fails to leave me feeling soggy but so much better. Thanks for everything you did to make this such a superb story.

Rapier875Rapier875about 1 year ago

This is the second time I've read this story and it was just as good as the first time.

Just a shame I can't vote twice !


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wonderful story, 10 stars. Please write another part to tell about mommy and daddy, the new parents. Audrey isn't his slave, she's his life partner and he's changing her name to mommy,displaying the love she has for her husband!

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 1 year ago



Well crafted tale!


NKenNKenover 1 year ago

Enjoyed this tale (and the little mention of Greta, Solano & Willow). I look forward to many more of your stories.

45ACPTo45ACPToover 1 year ago

I hope those stretch limos were stretched Priuses.

Delray23Delray23over 1 year ago

Beautifully written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's good enough, but it could be better. As some have said, incest is too readily accepted. However, the main problem I see is that Audrey is always saying the same things to prove that Ryan cares for her. There should be new things after several weeks together.

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

I loved the plot , characters but you went over the top with how soon he found out she was sub, over preaching about the environment to us in a patronising way, yes important but it is supposed to be asexual story so not enough of that in what is quite a long story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A few things were a bit over the top and way too picture perfect and overlooking incest so blatantly makes everyone look poor. From the way you worded it incest is part of the lgbt community and you see it as something that should be easily accepted.

There are many reasons why it's illegal in most places. First and foremost is the preponderence of dangerous genetic deviations and second is high chance of abuse that can arise from the public acceptance of such things.

While this could have been a 5 star story it's rating is dropped to 2 because of the incest thing.

Oldbear59Oldbear59over 1 year ago

I like the story alot. I have readed 5 times, I hope you will add more to it.

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 1 year ago

Good story, although Jerrys attitude was utterly unrealistic, almost caricatured tbh, also I don’t think that an incestuous relationship between two sisters would have been as readily accepted by their relatives. All that said, I looked past the flaws and saw a good plot and a few good characters, I really think a good editor would have boosted this and made it fly, but then it’s not my story so it’s just an opinion after all.

Many thanks for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz.

juanviejojuanviejoover 1 year ago

Anonymous needs to go to Florida Keys, while he still can, and check the shorelines at high tied!

juanviejojuanviejoover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just another global warming bullshit tale...

Rapier875Rapier875almost 2 years ago

It seems I've read this before and had already given it 5 Stars.

Thankfully I had no recollection of it and enjoyed it immensely.

Just a shame I can't 'vote' again !


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

As has been said, the Sub/Dom stuff detracted from the story. I would have liked to see Pacific Explorations go under and Ryan buy them out at a bargain basement price and then to build them back up to what they were but keeping them as two separate companies.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The only missing logic here is the stock situation. Stock value is governed by supply and demand, which means the value goes up when more stock is wanted, and down when more stock is not. Since all the stock of the new company was locked up by either family or reserved initially, there are no others buying or selling it, and therefore the value would not change or if so, it would be theoretical. It was a fulfilling tale, so thank you.

Oldsofty1961Oldsofty1961almost 2 years ago

I got into this story right away only complaint it ended to soon with audry holding her stomach . baby ? needs several more chapters lol 5

PhotoMeisterPhotoMeisteralmost 2 years ago

I could have done without the Sub/Dom, Sister-Sister and anal, so gave it 4*. Wilson, Jerry and and his asshole ex-boss (Is is Barns or Bates?) were a little over the top. But I liked the romance between Ryan and Audrey and the fact that the 'good guys' won in the end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I enjoyed it a lot. The characterization and dialog were decent. I do think the protagonist needed some faults though. He was verging on being a Mary Sue. Also he ended up on top in every battle of the war. I think having him experience setbacks would have added to the drama. What would a Rocky/Creed movie be if there was not a plucky underdog getting kickef down, but still getting back up. Still, despite the flaws, you are a talented writer.

xhristianjxhristianjalmost 2 years ago

Oh God so funny de-salination and kelp farms really? No carbon offsets, desert reclamation or solar farms? Liberals are always good for a laugh I love how they spent a Trillion Dollars on renewables yet that money represents less than 10% of electric power production?!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

just brilliant

UncertainTUncertainTalmost 2 years ago

Beautiful, just beautiful. An amazing story, I don't agree with some of the climatological viewpoints, but a great story none the less.

I was at university in the early '70's, and had climatology lectures as part of my course, given by a world renowned Prof. It was a time of oil shortage and reduced temperatures, and the general message was that we were slipping into the next ice age. And then it got warmer again, and now there was global warming; so I read about geological cycles. Small movement in the suns activity get a lot of attention.

Read all you can, and particularly read around the contrarian view to your own, as that might be the best education you will ever get.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

To left wing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The thru and tho and altho made it hard to read and it went iinto details that most people won't understand making it much longer than necessary but otherwise good

sennodensennodenalmost 2 years ago

I enjoyed the story, except for all the "thru" and "altho"

PapaGolf414PapaGolf414about 2 years ago

Tiresome. Couldn't even finish it.

Mojo648Mojo648about 2 years ago

Don't stop please, I'm begging you,


Ryan & Audrey was kinda respectful to each other, plus you mainly concentrated on other parts of the storyline,


I hope your other stories are just as good as this one.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great storytelling

goodshoes2goodshoes2about 2 years ago

5 stars. Damn good STORY!! To all the anonymous critics, this is a fictional STORY! Maybe if the author wrote a 1,000-page tome, a lot of the points that were skimmed over would have been answered. So, to all the anonymous critics I say identify yourselves, then try writing something to be submitted on Literotica. Then stand back for the rocks to be thrown your way.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

very good, interesting, but rather long.

rlrmiller1951rlrmiller1951over 2 years ago

I don't have a 10 best stories I've read here list but if I did this story would have just bumped somebody off it.

rbloch66rbloch66over 2 years ago

Good lord!!! If I’ve ever read a better story, I can’t remember when.

Don’t listen to the criticism. If people don’t like it, they can go write their own stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It was a great story until you let your personal political ideology seep through. For example, there’s a very good reason that businesses are not “freak friendly” as you so aptly put it, namely that they are an anchor around the neck of any company that hires them, their behavior is not conducive to running things smoothly. You also perpetuated the myth that there’s some sort of wage gap between men and women, that women don’t get paid the same for doing the same job. This has been illegal for over a half century. There IS an earnings gap that is a result of women CHOOSING to work less hours and to take lower paying jobs in general compared to men. In short you need to keep the story and your own political foibles separated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

LMAO. Environmental hogwash. Characters were tissue paper thin.

Medic975Medic975over 2 years ago

I gave 3 stars. Story had decent bones, but the characters weren't developed at all or were unrealistic caricatures. CFO would have been fired immediately. Not just for encouraging the bugs, but for telling his secretary to break the law. Also for poor character with how he talked to everyone. Plus he would have been kicked out of that will reading. It was illegal for him to be there. Finally, both he and Jerry are stupid belligerent. No real provocation to incite it and applied in childish lash outs. Same with the old boss. Too much repetition and emotions don't develop so much as they careen into existence.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I enjoyed the story, but the global warming stuff is just plain B.S. and should have been left in the author's bit bucket. You can keep the sister-sister stuff, too. But the nephew taking control of the uncle's company and firing his old boss was spot on! I'm not sure how Sherwin Wilson's character was supposed to help the plot, because the two of them holding 52% of the stock is plenty to keep control of the whole thing... and would have canned Wilson's ass immediately. That part of the board would come up 2% short on all decisions and Ryan could just march on with whatever he wanted to do. You only get a battle when they have equal footing and can't reach a majority decision. Overall, an enjoyable read... I've read it twice within a couple years.

someoneothersomeoneotherover 2 years ago

The story had much more potential than was realized. Too much of the story was mere repetition. (How many times did we have to read about Ryan sending Audrey to bed that first day?) Too many people were caricatures, rather than real people. There is no universe where Sherwin would have acted as he did vis-a-vis a major stockholder. The "corporate" story lines made no sense in any rational world. The submissive story line is fine but there is no way Audrey would be telling anyone (except Ryan) about her life with Roger, as that is disrespecting the the privacy that Roger and Audrey shared. So, there were a lot of possibilities, and some good writing, but too many stupidities got in the way.

mrdata9770mrdata9770almost 3 years ago


Well, what can I say? This was a great read. A nice romantic story. It got a bit too technical at times but it made it more believable, IMO. loved how the author threw in a little sister-sister paddy cake in the mix. I can't get the picture out of my head of Alicia running nude down the hotel hall to get her clothes per her mistresse's command. I wonder how long it took the author to research this story. Very well done, 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I found the environmental sermon overdone. Since any vote except a 5 is basically a downvote, I have to pass. I enjoyed the story, not the sermon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Please write another chapter. Audrey now is not Ryan's slave, she's his wife and soon to be a loving mother to his children...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story nice twists. Liked the sub/dom element.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Excellent, great story line, excellent incorporation love, tenderness, commandingly written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Please write another chapter...

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

What a little gem. It’s a shame it finished. A well written tale with engaging characters.

Well worth 5/5

Rancher46Rancher46about 3 years ago

Thoroughly enjoyable well written story from start to finish. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Not a terrible story but the sub/dom relationship kinda took the wind out of its sails to me.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984over 3 years ago

Very enjoyable read. Would of preferred it ending after the announcement but still good.

MediocreGingerMediocreGingerover 3 years ago

I'm kinda curious on a few things. Jerry was working with the authorities since he was working at the behest of Wilson to plant the bugs, so does Wilson get into any trouble. I'd also like to see the outcome of how Wilson handles the changes that need to be made or if he gets arrested before hand and they reacquire the companies when their Board starts fleeing as I expect they might with all the changes and limitations they will have to in-act to even have a chance to stay afloat. I'm also curious as to what the old IT manager was up to with him trying to create ways back into the systems. I bet at least one form of embezzlement as well as blackmail on other employees. Also Tony needs to open his restaurant and he needs to find love too. Perhaps a small epilogue is in order.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Dom/Sub, BDSM, and Anal all kill stories for me. I find them disgusting and without a hint of erotic...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

A very good story, but using ‘thru’ instead of ‘through’ was the black fly in the Chardonnay

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Great story from start to end

meduckiesmeduckiesalmost 4 years ago
one of my favorite stories

awesome story. kept me interested throughout. all the best..

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 4 years ago

A fun and very well written story! Great depth and research too. Thank you!

pop54pop54almost 4 years ago
Great story

Just read it for the 1st time. Really enjoyed it.

tiercenpttiercenptabout 4 years ago

I have to agree with

Our protagonist in this Story was pretty much perfect from the start.

Other than that he was working an IT cubicle in SD, went camping yearly with his uncle we didn't know anything about his life or him. How did he maybe look? How old is he? What was his life like? Girlfriend? Divorced?

Character development.

Showing flaws make the "Hero" more approachable, more like "us".

What I can think of as an example is; Being a Master (he said he's new), but mastered it perfectly immediately.

The first instances (let her sleep, feed her, tend for her) are okay to build the recognition/trust in Audrey. but then let him struggle with it.

That brings me to another point.

For a romance, it has very little "Romance" really.

The Personal/Intimate time between Audrey and Ryan was quite limited, not personal, and told from a "distance/detached".

WIshed there would've been more Story for them. Instead, you wrote A LOT about the Corporation in favor/trade of the Romance parts. Which disappointed me a bit, especially towards the end.

Anyways...I somehow still enjoyed the Story very much. Those were just "little flaws" I saw in the Story. I wished it was longer...I guess that's normal for a good Story?


rayironyrayironyabout 4 years ago
It's 2:30 AM, just finished the second read through.

I read it long ago ,and it's a fine, well written story....Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great story.

This is the second of your stories that I have read. Well crafted. Well thought out and well researched. I grew up in Monterey. The story brought back lots of really great memories. Thank you.

Mobydick66Mobydick66over 4 years ago
I loved this story

This was wel l written,

I agree with the previous comment a personal flaw for the main character to overcome would make him more realistic.

Make another series from this

netgnosticnetgnosticover 4 years ago
Your hero

You can tell a better story if your hero has a character flaw that he needs to work hard and find help to make up for. I do see that he accepts help from Audrey, that's a character strength (which you go out of your way to tell us). The struggle to overcome the flaw should be a key point of interest in the story.

Come to think of it, you tell us many times about Ryan's strengths. Just show us instead, through his behaviour, and let that stand. We'll notice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Why say something once when you can say it ten times

It was a hard slow because of the repetition.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Excellent story

Ignore idiots like tinfoilhat (he probable watches The Tick episodes several times over just to understand the written screenplay!, lol). Anyone with half a brain can actually observe the global warming effects. More rivers are flooding more often and at much higher levels than in the past year over year. The ice at the North Pole melts more every summer (note that it’s melting has no effect on the ocean levels since this ice floats on the Arctic Ocean). But this also means that the ice on Greenland is also melting more in the summer months than is freezing in the winter months which does result in an overall increase in ocean level. Also the ice on the Antarctic land mass is also melting more during its summer period than is freezing in the winter months. This is causing the average ocean levels to rise. Only a Trump supporter (I.e., low IQ and low RIQ) would not believe what their eyes tell them!

Note that a severe volcano eruption which spills out significant quantities of ash into the air over a long period can cause this to reverse for a limited period of time. For example the April 10, 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora resulted in the Year Without a Summer! The most severe cooling period in the last 2000 years was 535 to 535 AD. Again large volcanic eruptions are believed to be the cause.

tinfoilhattinfoilhatover 5 years ago
Great story

This story was well done. I enjoyed it a lot.

I am one of those who could be called a climate change denier. But I don't believe I am. The Earth has been around for a long time. It goes through cycles all the time. There have been hot and cold times. And it will continue until the Sun goes supernova.

What I have a hard time with is that man has caused global warming. With our SUV's and whatever else the tree huggers blame man for. I think it's the height of arrogance to try and blame us for natural cycles of a planet. Hell, in the 70's the scare was global cooling. I think these crackpot environmentalists are misguided fools. This scam has made Algore a very rich man.

Horseman68Horseman68almost 6 years ago
Great Story - Second Reading.

This story is even more relevant now in 2018 in light of the lunacy that is currently in charge of the country. Disregard the skeptic comments. One of the things I have learned in life is that it is useless to argue with drunks and fools.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
A global warming loon.

It's the full Monty. A rabid environmentalist preaching woe and despair. I bet the silly bugger voted for O'Bummer and that mad bitch, Clinton, too!

wapentakewapentakeabout 6 years ago
Thoroughly enjoyable

This is a well written thoroughly enjoyable story. I have no idea whether the technical aspects are correct or just fantasy, but either way this is a fictional story and as such it works very well. A well deserved five stars from me.

oldpoet451oldpoet451about 6 years ago
Great Story

Liked the basic story with the environmentally base business model. That is what we need more of today.

To Xzy89c1


If you had bothered to look, the story was submitted 11/26/14

Also, it's a FICTIONAL story, fictional stories often include FANTASIES (not "famiasies") and IDEAS that have not come to full fruition. Remember yesterday's fantasies are tomorrow's facts (flying machines, submarines, space flight, etc). New technologies are coming to light constantly. An example of advances in desalinization is happening right now in Qatar where two test plants are operating with far less environmental impact than ever before.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Simply beautiful

It doesnt matter if it was real or fake it was a fenominal story too bad it had to stop there. It seems the sky is the limit. And remember the sun shines for everybody no matter how stupid jerry could be. I hope there is a chapter 2 or 3 or 50 ill read them all thank you. TstormF1

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 6 years ago
A good story is in there

But it is surroumded by silly IT, business and environmental famtasies. Desalinization uses a massive amoumt of energy, and causes pollution through the brine returned to the sea that raises salinity. Not sure when this was written, but IT terminoligy used was relevant maybe ten years ago. They would never be able to sell climate models because they are inaccurate, and readily available for free. Oh, and wrong if they are out more than 5 days.

3 stars

Horseman68Horseman68over 6 years ago
Super Story.

Enough said, except that the business policies Ryan put in place are what are essential for our future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
very good story

it had a begging middle and an end, but the thing that impressed me, were all the loose ends were tied up, nothing to think about after the story ended, that works for me.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

you have to overlook the technical/science and business silliness in this story the same way you overlook phasers and transporter beams working in Star Trek. Very fun read.

What a responsibility to have a submissive like Audrey but what a privilege.

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 6 years ago
My fucking GOD

After reading some of these comments I can't fucking believe it. It's to political or it doesn't happen like that in the corporate world and this and that and so on. For fuck sake, you people forget it's a fictional fucking story and should be read as such. Now after saying that , I gave this story ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️...I'll say no more....

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Hi their, I was moved by your story,It's one of the very best I've ever read , you have a real talent for writing, it moved me from one side of my emotions to the other side ,kind of like a train rocking side to side going down the tracks,first up one side then down another. I was looking for this story to go much farther than you took it. butt with that said you are the writer, I'm going to look at all of your other stores , and of course read them . I don't think I'll be disappointed at all, thank you for your stories, in case you want to respond back

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
5 Stars

No complaints, I loved the story. Just.....5 Stars.

tazz317tazz317over 6 years ago

have so much in common in order to live and life, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Great story hope you do more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Loved the Inheritance

Reread this.Easily overlooked minor inconsistencies, story is excellent.Don't care for submitting woman, but overall it's a beautiful love story, loving relationships between uncle and nephew, uncle a, nd Audrey. and Audrey and Ryan.Loved environmental aspect, as global warming is real , not a leftist issue but a world issue.We' d better all get on board before it's too late.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Bloody brilliant story, BUT

My poor old English teacher would've had a heart attack marking this. As previously pointed out by other readers this story should have been edited before being posted. Loved the storyline and characters though. Still, l gave you ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Very nice 5 star story

But the Dom/Sub FUCKING CRAP was a HUGE TURN OFF. it makes the romance just a command never real, there is no real love in domination just an order followed. The environmentalist crap was also shit. it's a religion for the left. so now since predictions DID NOT happen its climate change. well climate change happens over hundreds of years NOT 10. yeas the glaciers, they have been since the last ice age10,000 years ago, nothing strange. since the little ice age 2-3 hundred years ago we HAVE NOT reached the warm period before that. there was vineyards in England not possible today, it's not warm enough IDIOTS!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Nice story

There wasn't that much of a master slave relationship though. Ryan seemed more of a replacement or rebound for Audrey than her real owner, it makes me think she'd dump him really quick if he turned out not to be a clone of his dead uncle.

Like most people, I'm not fond of female pubic hair, but that's just a personal preference. Best solutiin would be not to mention it& let the reader imagine it according to its liking.

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 7 years ago

Really a very interesting story. Leaving aside some small mistakes, I liked the story in general.

However, I must admit that the role of Master and Submissive is not to my liking, I consider that the dignity of human beings is above any personal passion, although it is also true that Audrey mentions that Ryan advocates equality of men and women Regardless of their sexual orientation, which a Master of submission would not do, at least in what I know.

I hope the author will consider to writing a sequel to this story. I have interest in knowing how the life of Audrey and Ryan in their role of parents, as well as the life of their cousins, to know if Jerry enters reason and correct its form, to know the development of the company towards the future, What will happen with the original company of Roger, how many layoffs will the restructuring? Ryan and Audrey will absorb the original company? What about Megan and Alice's relationship? Finally, will Tony set up his own restaurant or will he stay with Ryan and Audrey?

I think all the characters in this story are important and have more to say to continue this story.

5* for you.

I apologize for my English, is not my native language.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Inconsistent Names

At the end of the reading of the the will the CFO is called Williams instead of Wilson. Also,in different places, Ryan's ex-boss is called Barnes, then Barns, and finally Bates. Please be consistent,

Also. there are numerous grammatical errors, such as omitting the word "the" before a noun; and using the present tense of a verb instead of the past tense.

Please get a good proof reader.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Details matter

Details matter. You cant contest a will unless you would take through intestacy. Bascially the only people who can challenge a will are people who would inherit if there was no will at all. So any family members of the same degree would inheret. Assuming the old guy had no siblings alive, all the nieces and nephews by blood would have an equal right to challenge the will. The CEO would have no standing to challege the will. Further, if this is a publically traded corp, or even an LLC, you cant put contingencies on corporate actions in your will. It doesnt work like that. At all. I know its not the meat of the story, but its the finer details that take stories from good to great, and great to amazing.

MrmacjrMrmacjralmost 8 years ago
Next installment?

A very nice story. I can see at least one if not more installments to bring closure to the stories. The outcome of the non environmental company. Does Ryan buy it out. Does Bates end up doing time. Did Anthony actually open a restaurant or did he invest his money? The baby?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
So Much To Like

Yet so much in need of editing. You've been brought to task on how publicly traded companies run, and certain spellings, although how no one mentioned "ridged" should be "rigid" must reflect how exhausted we all were by page nine.

Another thing an editor does is keep track of plot points. Anthony was going to open a restaurant, yet nothing ever came of that.

And yes, many of us here on an erotic website do share liberal belief systems, so to those of you who have a problem with that, find another story to read.

teedeedubteedeedubabout 8 years ago
Very good story

lots of good stuff. But, is it Bates or Barns?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Very good story I hope you do more

J_RReaderJ_RReaderabout 8 years ago

I wanted to go to bed an hour ago but just had to keep reading, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

In my rush to click 5 stars I accidentally clicked 4, and am now unable to change it :( Loved the story, one of my favorites

phred1phred1over 8 years ago
Excellent story!

Very well done! What more is there to say? The characters were all well defined and believable, whether you agree with their life choices or not.

Rapier875Rapier875over 8 years ago
Again, I loved this !

You are a great writer, I love your writing style, it draws you and keeps you wanting to get to the next page, then when you finish you wish you hadn't read so fast.

You should write a book, I think you are good enough. Give it a try - I'll put my name down for the very first copy !

Best of luck !

StormtouchedStormtouchedover 8 years ago
It a good read...

....that I enjoyed 5* and anyone who doesn't like I can shove there bad reviews straight up there ass

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

doesn't quite fit. lots of SICK stuff. global warming....even the people know that is a crock of shit NOW! WE STILL haven't reached the temps before the "Little Ice Age" but odumba says it's the most important thing...what a dumb ASS!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
a good 5 star IF:

it were labeled farie fantacy unrealistic bullbshit.

after 1st page i skimmed only for the parts where the family members got the shaft.

u left out the gay priest stuffing his tongue up Tony's ass hole.

1 star

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 8 years ago
so he's .....

Barns (or was it Bates?) is supposed to be an IT professional?

Knows enough to set up all kinds of back-doors and what not.

And he was using Windows?

Sorry, no, the few IT professionals that don't use Linux are using Mac OS X (another Unix derivative)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

a decent story line gets ruined by sophmoric writing combined with political BS (that includes the global warming mythology).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
To Anonymous of 8/28 Total Crap

Apparently not everyone agrees with you insightful and thought provoking comment about this story or this author.

If you get such high marks on your works then please inform us of your name so that we might be entertained by your magnificence. Then we can send educated, constructive comments about your work such as you have here.

I too post stories on this site and receive good ratings: Never less than 4.20 and some as high as 4.80. I was going to sign my name but thought I would follow your shining example and hide as an Anonymous Andy and hate Nazi.

To TstormF1 Many people, from your ratings, like your work. Keep writing if for no other reason than to piss off jerks like this one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Total crap

I have no idea how.... Scratch that, I know exactly how this has a high rating... But vote rigging doesn't mean a good story. Your other commenters are morons.

This is total drivel.

Characters that act that way and plots that make everything go just right for the hero are boring - as this one is. One dimensional villains who are all bad and no good are thin as paper.

I write here and have very high marks, so I know what makes for a good story. I take real care with my plot, my characters and I treat my readers with respect. You have done none of these things.

Please stop writing. You suck.

Go ahead and delete this now.

DragonlightoneDragonlightonealmost 9 years ago
Vineyards in England

An excellent story covering a lot of topics. The facts about the companies are irrelevant, if only because this is a work of fiction and you can suspend belief. Just as a footnote, there have been vineyards in Southern England since Roman times and also for the uninitiated; 'Champagne', or sparkling wine as it was originally, was also created in England. There you go and I'm from Yorkshire so it took a lot for me to admit certain 'South of England' facts!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Very good

enjoyed the characters, but the story was a crock of shit. global warming became global climate change since the models were PROVEN WRONG. it's been warming gradually since the last ice age and was much warmer than now before the little ice age...vineyards in England??????????? get a life and quit drinking the coolaid BLO!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Not just sexual fantasy

This story is a good example of how erotica is not just full of idealize sex scenes but also political and economic idealization. I swear this was written by a recent UCSC or CSMB graduate from a failed green startup and a failed relationship. In a way, this story covers everything he desired but didn't gain. Mentioning San Diego and Montery literally names the company if you know how Green Mafia groups on the west coast works. The company name, individual names and the hair color of his lover were changed to protect the incompetent.

Desalination plants have enormous operations cost where it is still not profitable to this day in scale. Even this artificially created drought on the west coast is not making it a viable business plan. Also, many environmental groups have been profiting by shorting the stock of companies they publically attack for decades. Then comes in the "fellow travelers" of the above mentioned communities to make the world one diverse Shangra-La. Nice escapism but too much of a rhetorical big pill shoved on readers with the last two pages.

The public is waking up to the global warming fraud pushed to justify further industrial regulations and substidies to politically favored businesses. The whole scandal of government weather data altered going back decades to show false environmental trends are finally surfacing. You waved your colors way too hard.

Thin out you rhetoric, get more writing experience basics and a good publicists. This may turn into something.

Taffbanjo2013Taffbanjo2013almost 9 years ago
A great story, well told.

Five stars.

One small point - most people wrongly use "your" when it should be "you're" but your (!) blind spot seems to be the other way around. As I said, a small - but intriguing - point!

KClookingKClookingalmost 9 years ago

One of the best stories I've read. Period. Thank you for sharing

EgoTrixiEgoTrixialmost 9 years ago
2nd reading...same result...

...a wonderful story and surely one of the best I´ve read on this site so far.

Good to see that you are using your great talent. I am sorry that I can only rate 5* - should be a lot more. Please don´t stop writing.

AdonisXxXAdonisXxXalmost 9 years ago

5* and a gold medal to you TstormF1

oh! and a trophy

hah! not to forget a humanitarian award (don't ask me why)

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