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The Kinky Brazilian Ch. 02

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Her wax is done but she's still at the beauticians' mercy.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 01/21/2024
Created 04/08/2009
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Author's note: Normal disclaimers apply: this is a fantasy and rape/non-consensual sexual contact is not okay in real life.

Thank you to everyone who read, voted for, and commented on Chapter 1, and thank you especially for your patience. This chapter has moved on from the waxing fetish and onto more run-of-the-mill NC/R themes ;) She's still in bondage, still being mercilessly teased, but this time we've got forced cunnilingus and rimming (giving and receiving), and some sneaky PiV action as a preview to Chapter 3.

If that's not your thing, please let me know what kinky wax adventures you want to see instead (via the Contact form), but for now, we're continuing Keira's ordeal as the team at Bare-All Beauty wrap up the "deluxe treatment". Enjoy.


Shaking off my post-orgasmic haze, I stared at the woman who walked into the waxing suite. It was the receptionist who'd booked me in for my bikini wax and given me a free upgrade to their deluxe treatment: the Kinky Brazilian. At the time I'd thought it was just a fun play on the salon's name - Bare-All Beauty - and their logo, a dominatrix with a whip.

In hindsight, perhaps I should have expected what happened to me. In other circumstances, I probably would have paid for the upgrade and been a willing participant.

"Alright, your wax is all done, so I'll leave you in Rosa's capable hands for the quality assurance check," Anna said as she gave the waxing station one last wipe and left the room.

"So Keira, how did you enjoy your first Brazilian wax?" Rosa asked me once Anna left the room.

I wasn't sure how to respond. I'd been strapped to a gynaecologist's chair during a Brazilian wax and fingered to an earth-shattering orgasm while the remaining hairs were tweezed out, each tiny burst of pain building my orgasm higher and higher.

"Speechless? Don't worry, it happens more often than you'd think," she said, sitting on the beautician's chair that Anna had vacated.

The way I'd been strapped down, I couldn't see past my breasts, but I squirmed as I imagined the view she had. My legs were strapped to the chair and stretched wide, my now-bare labia spread and exposed so she could see my juices dripping out of my pussy. I could feel the slight breeze from the air conditioning against my freshly-waxed pucker, chill where my fluids had leaked during my orgasm, so I knew she'd be able to see my anus too.

The tingling pain from the cream Anna had applied was fading back in now that my orgasm had subsided, and it made my pussy lips throb. I wondered if Rosa could see them pulse. Were they red and swollen? Was my clit as puffy as it felt?

Despite the orgasm I'd had with Anna's fingers deep inside me, my clit felt neglected, eager for more. But how could that be? I was strapped to a table against my will, my most intimate areas sore and aching. How was I still turned on? How did I even orgasm in the first place?

My thoughts were interrupted by a gentle caress along the edge of my labia.

"What are you doing?" I asked, panicked. I didn't think I could handle any more pain - or worse, another unwanted orgasm.

"Don't worry, I'm just doing the quality assurance on your wax. We find that the personal touch helps ensure we get every last hair and any residual wax to give you the best experience possible," she said, her perky customer service voice at odds with the hands sensuously rubbing my thighs.

I felt another caress, this time on the other lip. My mind tried to reconcile the sensation of her hands on my thighs with this new caress before I realised she was using her tongue.

She continued the gentle caresses, covering every part of my labial folds, driving me insane with the feather-light touch. She avoided my clit, adding to the torture. After what felt like hours, I let out a whimper, unable to hold it in any longer.

As though it was a cue, Rosa moved her exploration to my mound, paying extra attention to the tender skin at my hip crease. By the time she had covered the whole area, I was panting and my whimpers were getting louder and more frequent.

"Almost done, Keira. You're doing so well," Rosa said softly, stroking my thigh once more.

I felt her tongue lap up the fluids dripping out of me and I moaned in pleasure. Finally. Finally what, I wasn't sure, but it felt like she was ready to stop teasing me and make me cum.

Her tongue entered me, no longer soft and caressing but firm and plunging in, stroking the sides of my pussy walls.

I hadn't asked for any of this, but in this moment, I was ready for whatever she was willing to give me.

"Oh, yes," I whispered as her tongue pushed deep and tickled a spot that made my pussy spasm.

Again, as though my response was a cue to move on, Rosa withdrew from my pussy, making me whimper in need as she gave my clit a single swirling lick in farewell.

Before I could wonder what she had planned next, I felt her tongue on my pucker, long firm strokes that sent tingles up my spine in a way I'd never felt before.

"No, stop, you can't, that's..." my protests died on my lips as her tongue pushed its way into my asshole. I'd never had anyone play with my ass before, so the only touch I'd ever had was cleaning it in the shower, and never this deep. The sensation was entirely new, and felt almost like when she inserted her tongue in my pussy but amplified a thousand times. For something I'd always believed was wrong, it felt unbelievably right.

Soon I was moaning softly again, biting my lip against crying out as she stroked the inner edge of my pucker with her tongue. It felt so good, and I never wanted it to stop. My clit was throbbing in earnest and I was getting desperate to cum.

I could feel my orgasm hovering, I just needed a little more, another lick to my clit, some fingers in my pussy, something, anything to push me over the edge. I was just starting to struggle against my bonds when she stopped.

"Alright, you're all done, Keira," Rosa said as she stood up.

"No," I whispered, looking up at her with need in my eyes.

"Oh, you poor thing. You look like you could really do with another long hard orgasm, huh?"

I nodded, unable to bring myself to say the words out loud.

"I'll tell you what, I'm pretty turned on too. So how about you eat me out until I cum, then I'll let you cum too. How does that sound?"

I nodded again, desperate for the promised orgasm.

"I need you to say the words, Keira. Tell me what you're going to do to me," Rosa said, a hungry look in her eyes.

"I... I'm going to eat you out until you cum," I whispered.

"Good girl," she said as she pushed a button on the chair.

The chair lowered until my head was low enough that I could see that Rosa wasn't wearing underwear under her short skirt.

She unhooked my hands from where they were hooked over my head and eased them down and onto my belly. My wrists were still cuffed together, keeping me restrained in this new position.

Rosa hitched her skirt up and straddled my head, facing my feet, one hand braced against my cuffed wrists, both steadying her stance and reinforcing my vulnerability.

Realisation struck me and I was suddenly frozen in fear and uncertainty. Was this really happening? Was I really being forced to go down on a complete stranger? I didn't think I was a prude, but I was suddenly aware of how little sexual experience I really had, particularly with oral sex. I'd rarely given blow jobs, and definitely had never been in this position before, never experimented with other women. I didn't have much experience on the receiving end either; while a few guys had eaten me out, none had been anywhere near as talented as Rosa was just moments earlier. Underlying - or perhaps overlapping - my fear of being forced was my fear of doing it wrong, of not being able to make her cum, and in turn, consigning myself to this purgatory of need as she withheld my orgasm.

Ignoring everything else about this situation, I wasn't even sure where to start. I could see her glistening folds hovering just above my mouth, but it was her brown star that dominated my view. My own tightened as I remembered her tongue inside, stimulating nerves that I never knew I had. I reached my tongue out cautiously, unsure what to expect, but the way she was positioned, I could only reach her pussy, so I tentatively licked that instead.

Like mine, her labia had been waxed smooth, and her skin felt firm beneath my tongue. I heard Rosa's soft noise of encouragement at the same time as I felt her fingers tap against my opening, as though encouraging or directing me. I followed her lead, moving my tongue to the entrance of her vagina, tapping it with the tip of my tongue as she tapped me. A small part of my mind pondered that if bums were peaches, labia were nectarines, firm on the outside, hiding its soft juiciness inside. I followed her movements, trying not to get distracted by the sensations flooding my nether regions, and almost grateful that she was only using her fingertips. If she'd been using her tongue again, I'm not sure that I would have had the presence of mind to attend to her needs, which would only draw my torture out further. With Rosa's guidance, I explored her more thoroughly than I'd ever explored myself. I dipped into her pussy in teasing strokes, gathering her juices on my tongue, letting them drip down my chin as I circled the hood around her clitoris. She tasted sweet yet tangy yet creamy, like pineapple dipped in coconut milk, and I wondered if that's how I tasted too. Up and down her pussy lips I licked, following her motions on my own pussy, teasing her clitoris as mine was teased, thrusting shallowly into her pussy as she ran a finger along the edge of my opening.

I moaned in need, wanting more, forgetting that I wasn't allowed to cum until she did, forgetting that I was being held against my will and made to do these things, to feel these things.

"Gosh, you are quite tense, aren't you Keira?" she asked, her voice full of false concern. I felt her shift and heard the tell-tale click of an intercom. "Anna, can you please send Noah in? Keira's in need of a full-service massage, to ease some lingering tension after her wax."

"Sure thing, Rosa, I'll send him in," Anna's voice chirped through a speaker in the corner of the room, momentarily interrupting the soothing rainforest sounds which were simultaneously synonymous with beauty salons and completely incongruous to the situation I found myself in. I'd barely noticed them before, but now that they'd returned, they were almost all I could hear. My senses were heightened as I lay there, strapped down and only able to move my tongue, so as I lapped up Rosa's juices and swirled them around her clit, the soft patter of waterfalls and far-off songbirds accompanied the wet noises my tongue was making and the moans of appreciation Rosa gave in response.

Moments later, I heard a door slide open, then closed, followed by footsteps approaching me.

"Keira," a warm baritone greeted me, his tone professional. "My name's Noah, I'm here to help loosen you up. A full-service massage, is that right?"

Rosa pressed her pussy against my mouth, stifling my ability to speak, and replied for me.

"Yes, thank you Noah. A full-service massage is exactly what Keira needs to help her relax while she finishes up here."

More footsteps, and what sounded like a small trolley being rolled over to the workstation.

"Now remember, Keira, first me, then you," Rosa said as she withdrew her fingers from my pussy.

I whimpered at the loss of sensation, and tried to remember the spots that made her gasp, but I was distracted by what I assumed were Noah's warm hands on my bare feet. The massage felt amazing, and I paused in my efforts to eat Rosa out, only for her to pinch my nipples, redirecting my attention back to her. The sharp pain made my pussy spasm, reminding me of how much I wanted to cum. With renewed purpose, I laved Rosa's pussy with my tongue, closing my eyes so I could concentrate on listening for her moans, and doing my best to follow the rhythm she'd used on me as Noah massaged up to my thigh and then started again on my other foot, working his way up my leg. As the oil warmed on my skin, I was surrounded by the smell of coconut oil and Rosa's musk, with a hint of my own musk in the background.

Soon he reached the apex of my thighs again, and in syncronised motions, he massaged the crease of my hip with his thumbs, then moved them down, firmly stroking my labia, down, up, down, up, down, each motion relaxing me until I felt something at my moist hole, something bigger than his thumbs.

Oh god, was that his dick?

Opening my eyes in shock, my gaze landed on Rosa's pucker. As Noah pushed his cock into me, stretching me, I remembered the feeling of Rosa's tongue stretching my pucker, and how good it felt. Ignoring - or at least, trying to ignore - the delicious stretch of my pussy around Noah's thick cock, I dragged my tongue down Rosa's pussy, flicking her perineum and straining for the chocolate star in front of me. Feeling what I was trying to do, she shifted above me, allowing me access to swirl my tongue around that opening as I had her other hole. Tiny flicks of my tongue around the perimeter, catching the edge, or trying to. I soon realised that, like mine, her pucker would need more encouragement to open up, and concentrated my efforts, firming my tongue and pressing it against her entrance, then backing off and tracing the puckered lines around it, before repeating the pressing motion. Rosa moaned louder than before and chuckled.

"Oh, you're a fast learner, I like you," she murmured, almost as though to herself.

I felt her rosebud relax, making it easier for my tongue to enter her, and was surprised when I was able to push through. The texture was almost like the inside of my own mouth, but firmer, with more ridges and folds. I'd subconsciously braced myself for it to taste like farts, but I was surprised to find it didn't really taste of anything, except maybe coconut oil. Had Noah given her a massage earlier? The answer didn't matter, as I used my tongue to explore the inner ridge of Rosa's anus and her moans grew louder. I felt her stance shift over me and her knuckles graze my collarbone as she reached down to stroke her own clit, and I plunged my tongue in firm strokes like I remembered her doing to my pussy, in time to Noah's shallow strokes in my pussy.

"Yes, good girl, oh yes, yes," Rosa muttered. "Fuck my ass with your tongue, yes, oh fuck, you're such a good girl, just like that, yessss..."

Her words trailed off and moments later, I felt her thighs quake. She gripped my bound wrists tighter to help her stay upright as she came, bathing my chin and neck in her juices.

Noah paused his teasing strokes in my pussy, waiting for Rosa to recover. She moved off my face, steadying herself a moment before tugging her skirt down and pulling some wet wipes from the nearby workstation to clean off her cum-covered hands. She nodded to Noah, who pressed a button on the chair I was strapped to, raising me back up, so that I was at about a 30-degree angle, instead of being completely horizontal like I was originally. It was a strange feeling, being rotated like that, Noah's dick pressing deeper into me as I was slowly pivoted up. As the chair came to a stop, I gasped as I felt Noah bottom out inside me, his head pressing almost painfully deep as his crotch ground against my clit.

Before I knew what was happening, Rosa lifted my wrists once again so they were over my head, clipped into whatever had secured them earlier, and I was trapped.

"You've been such a good girl for me, dear Keira. I do hope to see you again sometime," she murmured, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek.

And then she turned and left the room. She left me, my body bound and stretched out on this strange chair, and my pussy stretched out by a strange man's giant cock.

And she still hadn't let me cum.


To be continued in Chapter 3...


Thank you for reading, and for those who read Chapter 1 all those years ago, thank you for your patience. I promise you won't have to wait another 14 years for the next chapter. I'm aiming for the next 14 days this time. If you want to hold me to that timeframe, please send me feedback, comments, etc. to keep me motivated as I write Keira's final (for now?) scene at Bare-All Beauty. Fair warning: it will involve Noah teasing her some more, fucking her pussy until she passes out, then waking her up so he can fuck her ass as well.

xxoo Azhura

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ccitydudeccitydude9 months ago

"For something I'd always believed was wrong, it felt unbelievably right." Excellent play on words, very clever. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

very well written.

Would like to get a similar treatment

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The fee must be large to cover three staff and the equipment. Do they sell videos? K did have to consent to doing the oral, and so there may be blackmail The pacing of the seductions is great, and thanks.

onlyshecumsonlyshecums9 months ago

lucky me that I didn't find the fist chapter until today, so I got to read both at the same time. This time of CNC is the best kind imho. Giving into temptation and slowly succumbing has a nice intensity.

I look forward to chapter 3.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Loved story, please continue

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