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The Major Diaries Pt. 21

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They make a sex video.
4.1k words

Part 21 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/21/2022
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Jon Major has always enjoyed the company of women. In the series Caught! we saw Jon as a college student whose heart was broken repeatedly by girlfriends who were unfaithful. The Major Diaries tells the story of Jon when he's older and wiser - and determined to be with as many beautiful women as possible without risking betrayal. How well does he succeed? Chapter 21 sees Jon & Stephanie explore a new experience. All characters are adults over the age of 18.


Stephanie was feeling guilty. She'd spent so much time with Jon that she worried her mother must feel abandoned and neglected. She decided to go home on her mother's day off so they could have some quality mother-daughter time. Jon would have preferred spending the day with Stephanie. Still, he understood her feelings.

But Stephanie's feelings began changing the moment she walked through the door. Her mother Regina wore new workout clothes. Nice ones, made from colorful lycra and spandex. Regina sat at the table eating nonfat yogurt and blueberries for breakfast.

"Nice outfit," Stephanie said. "Have you started working out?"

"Thank you, dear. I joined a gym. I've always thought I should exercise, and now I have the time to do it," Regina said.

Something was off.

"Wait a minute. You're on a diet. You joined a gym. You're wearing a hot workout outfit. You can't fool me, Mama. You've got a man, and you want to look good naked. Admit it."

Regina blushed. "That kind of language isn't necessary."

"What? When did 'naked' become a dirty word? I think I deserve some credit for avoiding any discussion of what you and your new friend Jacques do in private."

"Stephanie Marie!"

Stephanie laughed. "Mama, I am thrilled that things are going so well with you and Jacques. You deserve it. Enjoy it as much as you can."

Regina sighed. "Thank you, dear. I am trying. I keep thinking something must be about to go wrong. It seems too good to be true."

"I hear you," Stephanie said. "That's what I thought after Jon became my boyfriend. Well, months have gone by, and nothing has gone wrong yet. Jacques is smart enough to know he's lucky to have found you."

"I hope so, dear," Regina said.

Stephanie realized that her plan to spend the day with Regina no longer made sense. "So, your plans for today include going to the gym. I'll bet you're going to the beauty parlor, too. Am I right?"

"How did you know?"

"Lucky guess," Stephanie said. "And tonight Jacquest is coming over, and he'll be here all night, am I right?"

Regina sighed. "I liked it better when we didn't talk about these things."

Stephanie laughed. "I like it better now. Mama, I came over here because I was afraid you might be lonely. I was planning to spend the night here, but I'd just be in the way. I'm going back to Jon's apartment so you can get your freak on."

"Freak on?"

"It's just an expression. Forget it. Mama, I'm glad this is happening for you. But if you'll excuse me, I'm out of here. We should get started doing what you and Jacques are going to do later."

Regina sighed. "What is it you young people say? Too much information?"

"Yes. That's what we say. I'll talk to you later, Mama. Keep me posted."

Stephanie texted Jon, who was glad he'd have the day with Stephanie. There was something he wanted them to try. Today might be the time to do it.

After his nude photos of Stephanie turned out so well, Jon thought it would be fun if they made a sex tape. He'd seen plenty of amateur sex tapes online. Most of them were disappointing.

The first type of disappointing sex tape were the ones that were genuinely the work of amateurs. They were usually produced with cheap cellphone cameras placed off to the side. The image quality was poor because the lighting was so amateurish. They typically featured 15 or 20 minutes of non-stop sex, where the couple might change positions once or twice, but things were fairly uneventful otherwise.

The second type of disappointing sex tape wasn't really the work of amateurs. The lighting was much better, and the images were much better because multiple cameras captured multiple camera angles, allowing someone to splice scenes together. The "amateurs" were actually porn actors pretending not to be professionals, but fooling no one.

What Jon wanted was for him and Stephanie to produce a truely amateur sex tape that had the quality of professional work. He understood lighting, camera angles, and splicing things together to keep things from getting boring. But there was one problem. Knowing the camera was capturing everything turned lovers into actors. Spontaneous intimacy vanished, replaced by a desire to show off or act foolish. He realized that what would work best involved using hidden cameras and not telling Stephanie.

But he could never do that. The web had plenty of sex videos that were supposedly made with hidden cameras, but shooting Stephanie without her permission was not something Jon could do. He finally came up with an idea he hoped would work.

When Stephanie returned from her mother's house, she found that Jon had put a camera on a tripod next to their bed. She knew what that meant.

"You want to make a sex video?" she asked.

"If that's alright," he said. "I think it would be fun."

Once again, Jon was asking her to do something she'd been warned not to do. Her sex ed teachers had relayed horror stories of innocent young girls who agreed to do a sex video with their boyfriend, who later betrayed them by posting the video online, exposing the girl to lasting ridicule.

But Stephanie knew Jon would never do that. She could trust him. And she'd already decided that when Jon asked her to do something, she would always say yes. She wanted him to know he could always depend on her to do whatever would please him. So her decision was made.

"Of course, Jon. If that's what you want to do, that's fine," she said.

Jon turned on the camera, made sure it captured most of the bed, then went to Stephanie. He removed her clothes slowly, conscious of the fact that the camera was watching everything they did. Stephanie helped Jon remove his clothes, then they laid down on the bed and began having sex.

They made love for about half an hour. It was unique. The awareness of the camera made them do some things they didn't usually do. At one point, Stephanie stuck out her tongue and laughed at the camera. Jon repeatedly moved Stephanie's hair so it didn't obscure her lovely face. When it was over, they laid side-by-side on the bed holding hands.

"That was different," she said.

"I thought so," Jon replied.

It wasn't until the next day that they took time to watch the video. Jon downloaded the file onto his laptop, then set it up to play the video through his big flatscreen TV. For fun, Stephanie made a bowl of popcorn and poured soft drinks, trying to make it seem as though they were going to a movie theater instead of watching homemade porn in Jon's living room.

The video opened with Jon on his back while Stephanie kissed his lips and caressed his body. The camera showed Jon's cock go from soft to hard. She wrapped one hand around his cock and stroked up and down, making Jon squirm in response to her touch.

Stephanie stopped kissing Jon long enough to take his cock into her mouth. Her head bobbed up and down slowly as Jon became increasingly excited. He finally could stand no more, so he threw Stephanie down on the bed, spread her legs, and began going down on her. She covered her face with her hands, embarrassed at the thought of the camera watching as Jon drove her crazy with his mouth. She moaned out loud when he sucked her clit between his lips and licked it with his tongue. It was getting easier to forget that all this was being recorded.

Jon did what he usually did, eating Stephanie's pussy long enough to make her climax. Her body shook as the waves of throbbing pleasure swept through her body. "Ohhhhhhhh . . ." she said as the orgasm continued to thrill her.

When it was finally over, Jon lifted himself away from Stephanie's pussy and moved up, lying on top of her body. He kissed her repeatedly, then took his cock in his hand and lined it up with the entrance to her pussy. She gasped loudly when he pushed the head of his cock inside. Stephanie wrapped her arms and legs around Jon's body as he began slowly working his cock deeper and deeper inside her. She moved her hips in time with his. As the minutes went by, they moved faster and faster, until the camera showed Jon pounding his cock into Stephanie's willing body.

When she climaxed again, it wasn't as powerful as the first time, but it left her limp and smiling. Jon had been on the edge of having an orgasm himself, so he pulled out of her pussy and let himself relax. They weren't finished.

After a few minutes of kissing and caressing Stephanie's breasts, Jon wrapped his arms around her and muscled her body on top of his. She knew what he wanted - the cowgirl position. Stephanie knew that Jon loved the way it felt when she worked her way up and down on his cock, and he also loved watching her nude body as she straddled him.

The camera captured every lovely motion as she squirmed around like an erotic dancer. It captured the smile on her face as she looked down lovingly at Jon. It showed her moving faster as she grew more excited. Finally, it showed the look of ecstasy on her face as she felt Jon's cock throbbing inside her, triggering Stephanie's last and strongest climax.

When it was over, she fell forward and giggled. Jon wrapped his arms around her, and they didn't move for a long time. That's when Jon shut off the playback on his laptop.

"What do you think?" Jon asked.

"That was hot. It makes me want to do something," Stephanie said, smiling slyly. She reached over to stroke Jon's cock, discovering that watching the video made him hard.

"I see you want to do the same thing," she said.

They went to the bedroom and had an unusually vigorous time having sex. When it was over, Jon asked a question he'd planned to ask from the moment he decided to make a sex video.

"Steph, would it be OK if we made another video? I liked that."

"Sure Jon. Anytime you like."

"You're OK with shooting more videos?"

"Of course, Jon. Whatever you want is fine with me."

That's the kind of blanket approval Jon wanted. It's what he needed to proceed with what he'd planned from the beginning.

As much fun as they'd had making the first video, Jon wanted to do something a lot more ambitious. Because of his interest in photography and videography, he wanted to produce a high-quality sex video with a soundtrack, edited scenes spliced together, and multiple camera angles. He wanted to make something like a professional could produce, but it would be more erotic. His goal was to capture a video that showed how beautiful and sexy Stephanie was in the bedroom, and that would require something a lot more complex that setting up a single camera on a tripod next to their bed.

One requirement was that Jon record them having sex without Stephanie's knowledge. The presence of the camera removed the spontaneity that was such an important part of her sexuality. Only by using a hidden camera could Jon show the real Stephanie in all her glory.

Jon knew he'd tricked Stephanie into giving him blanket permission to take more video. She had no idea he meant to operate secretly. He felt certain she'd forgive him when she saw the video he produced afterward.

The first task was to get a hidden camera. Jon found a very small, easily concealable camera that captured studio-quality video and audio. It had a remote that didn't look like a remote; it was disguised to look like a memory stick; pressing a concealed switch turned the camera on and off.

For the next month, Jon used the camera to capture the times they made love. He moved the camera to different parts of the room so he could view the action from different angles. He made sure the room was illuminated with soft, even lighting. He downloaded the video files to his laptop when Stephanie wasn't around, and he was thrilled with the quality of what he saw and heard. It looked better than the best amateur videos on the web.

Jon had an idea for organizing the video in a way that would be both erotic and professional. He decided that instead of using the ambient sound from their bedroom, he'd find a piece of music that complemented the action. He chose a piece of classical music that is often associated with sex: Bolero by Maurice Ravel. The 17-minute piece is structured in a way that is like the act of love itself. It starts out slow and soft, gradually becomes more exciting and loud, and climaxes in a finale that is unmistakably similar to the way lovemaking concludes in bed.

Jon's plan was to start playing Bolero in the background, then start showing clips of their sex video. The idea was that he would start with slow, gentle scenes, then gradually transition to more dynamic acts, and ending with the most impressive orgasms on their videos. At least, that was the plan. Simple, right?

It ended up being anything but simple. As Jon began editing the tape, he had no trouble finding slow, gentle scenes taken in the moments he and Stephanie began making love. But he noticed that their rhythmic moves they made in bed weren't as smooth (or as slow) as the music playing in the background. He quickly discovered that slowing the sex video down 20, 30 or even 50 percent made the images look more sensuous. It wasn't obvious that the action was being viewed in slow motion; it just looked languid and erotic.

So far, so good.

The complexity skyrocketed when Jon realized he could synchronize the rhythm of the music with the movements on the screen. It made everything look fabulous, like an explicit dance, and as soon as he saw the result Jon realized he had to use that technique on the entire 17-minute video. But that took a lot of work. Getting the movements of their bodies to match the beat of the music was a task that demanded intense concentration and effort.

It took hours to produce the first full minute of video. Things went faster as Jon mastered the technique, but it was still much more tedious that Jon imagined it would be. He became obsessed with getting it right, and a project he'd imagined might take a weekend dragged on, and on, and on. Weeks went by before he sat down to tell Stephanie what he'd done.

"I have a confession to make," he began.

Jon told Stephanie everything. She wasn't upset at all. The idea that Jon became obsessed with the idea of producing a professional-looking sex video was the least surprising thing in the world. It was no different from the level of effort he'd expended in his efforts to produce erotic pin-up pictures of Stephanie and (and out) of bikinis. She understood that using a hidden camera without her knowledge was the only way to capture her true self.

"It's fine, Jon. I'm not upset at all. You have my permission to do that again anytime you want. I'm your lover, and I want to do whatever I can to satisfy whatever desires you have."

"Have I mentioned recently how much I love you?" Jon asked.

"Alright. You just made it weird," Stephanie laughed. "When do I get to see this Oscar-winning porn?"

"Right now," Jon said.

The finished video was ready to play. Once again, Stephanie made a bowl of popcorn as Jon connected the laptop to the widescreen. Once again, she poured glasses of cola, just like the drinks they'd buy in a theater. They settled on the sofa and Jon put his arm over Stephanie's shoulder, then turned on the video.

It began simply, with an image that showed Jon and Stephanie gently caressing each other in bed. The first quiet notes of Bolero played in the background.

"Bolero?" Stephanie asked.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time," Jon said.

The volume of the music grew imperceptibly as different sections of the orchestra took up the melody. With each musical shift, the camera angle changed. They were shown from the side, with Jon kissing and sucking on Stephanie's breasts. When the music shifted again, the camera shifted to a scene showing Stephanie sucking Jon's cock. Everything looked slow and sensuous. Stephanie couldn't tell that Jon had altered the video to make the movements match the beat of the orchestra; she simply thought everything looked beautiful. That was Jon's aim, of course: he didn't want her watching the video and noticing all the technical tricks he'd used to produce it.

The music shifted again, and the camera showed a remarkably explicit view of Jon's hard cock sliding into Stephanie's pussy. It was the most hard-core thing on the video so far, and Stephanie was a bit startled. As she would see, the explicit content was just beginning.

The intensity of the music grew, and grew, and the action on the screen kept pace. After one particularly dramatic change in the music, the screen showed Stephanie sucking Jon's cock deep into her throat. Her eyes were closed and she was working hard to suck him in and out of her mouth while using one hand to jack the part of the shaft that didn't fit. Suddenly, Jon's cock started throbbing visibly. The camera made it clear that he was cumming, and soon the motion of Stephanie's throat showed she was swallowing his cum. She kept her eyes closed tightly the whole time. When Jon stopped shooting his cum down her throat, Stephanie smiled slightly, obviously happy with the job she'd done as Jon's loving cocksucker.

The music shifted again, and the camera showed the pair having sex doggy style. Stephanie's face was closest to the camera, with Jon in the background. He was pounding into her so hard Stephanie's face lurched toward the camera with every thrust. Gradually, Stephanie's facial expression made it clear that something unusual was happening.

Jon wasn't fucking her pussy. He was pounding into her ass. Her face bore a clear expression of pain, and she flinched every time he pounded into her. The pain looked so intense it was easy to feel concerned for Stephanie. Could she possibly be enjoying something that hurt so much?

The answer became clear quickly. Jon pounded into her ass faster and faster, and eventually began to cum. When that happened, the expression on Stephanie's face changed from one of pain, to one of shock, and finally to one of ecstasy. She opened her mouth to call out in pleasure, and it seemed a shame that the orchestra background prevented her from being heard.

But Jon had another little technical flourish that fixed that little problem. The musical soundtrack went silent abruptly. Instead, you could hear the sound of Jon's body pounding into Stephanie's ass, and the sound of Stephanie breathing deeply as her own climax began.

And when it began, she began wailing into the microphone. There was no mistaking the amount of pleasure she was deriving from the painful assault on her ass. "Ahhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" she wailed. It was almost like a scream that made it clear the pain must have been essential to the pleasure that followed.

The video continued on for several seconds as Stephanie fell forward, and Jon withdrew his cock from her ass. He flipped her over, and the camera showed her smile at him lovingly.

"Was that alright?" Jon asked softly.

"I love it when you do that," Stephanie whispered.

After a few more seconds of silence, the sound of Bolero roared back. The orchestra was booming now, pounding out the loudest parts of the finale. The video showed Jon spanking Stephanie's ass and throwing her on her back so he could pounce on her body and fuck her with more force than anything seen so far. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, and the hard-core action became as intense as possible.


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