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The Marauders

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Band of Northmen take a captive.
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The crew of Heimdall's Sword, a Serpent ship of Torvaldsland, had beached their ship in a wooded cove on the western side of the island of Skjern. They had just finished raiding on the island of Hunjer and were moving to throw off any possible pursuit, not that the Captain was concerned overmuch. Heimdall's Sword was sleek and fast at 98.5' long, 12.5' wide with a keel depth of 3.25'. Her crew of 75 men plus 5 officers gave her a speed under oars of between 5 and 6 pasangs an ahn, and under sail of near 20 pasangs an ahn.

The crew had beached the ship and some were resting while others were out fishing, having already gathered the fresh water needed for the continuation of the trip. So far they had avoided notice by the ships of Skjern thanks to a thick fog that was wrapped around the cove they were in. The first mate of the serpent, Gudrod, was making his way along the beach, but staying just inside the tree line when he heard whistling coming from up ahead of him. He dropped low and made his movements slow and cautious, fearing a patrol coming along the beach. As the whistling came closer though, he realized that it was a single person walking along picking up shells and putting them in a small basket. He froze behind a fallen tree, watching her under the trunk as she came ever closer. Quickly but quietly he pulled a long strip of binding fiber from his belt, watching her intently. He could tell, despite her cloak, that she was well fleshed, her belt cinched tight around her trim waist only serving to accentuate her build. Her braid hung straight down her back outside of her cloak, which was held on with a pair of brooches.

She knelt down and picked up a couple of more shells before rising and walking down the beach again. Gudrod followed her, watching intently, the binding fiber held in his mouth as he stayed out of sight behind her and in the tree line. He cursed silently as he saw her stiffen up, looking in the direction of the ship. He readied himself to move as he saw her walking slowly towards the cove where Heimdall's Sword was beached. He grabbed a small piece of wood and, with a heave, threw it out into the water behind her and opposite him, quickly moving so he would be behind her when he made his move. As the wood splashed into thassa, she spun in the direction of the sound, just as Gudrod intended her to do. He leaped from the tree line as soon as the woman started her turn, long legs pumping him towards her swiftly. She apparently heard him coming and turned back around while he was still a short distance from her. She opened her mouth to scream but was bowled over by him.

He grabbed the fiber from his mouth and flipped her to her belly. Before she knew it, her hands had been wrenched behind her and bound securely with the fiber. He took her dress and flipped it up in the back, revealing her pale smooth ass. He slapped her ass sharply, drawing a cry of surprise from her before he reached down, his calloused fingertips sliding up and down her moist petals. He grinned at her moan and gently pressed one fingertip against her clit, stroking it lightly. Keeping her thighs spread with his knees, he watched her squirming under his touch with a smile on his face. He pushed his pants down to free his thick cock, giving it a couple of quick strokes. The anticipation of what he was about to enjoy caused his cock to swell and harden almost instantly. She jerked her head around from side to side trying to see what he was doing, knowing in her heart what was about to happen but praying that she was wrong.

He leaned down whispering in her ear, "I'm going to make sure I am the first one to enjoy you, my little captive." Then, gripping her belt in his hand to pull her hips up, his hand guided his thick throbbing cock to her damp tunnel. She wasn't ready so he was only able to get the engorged head of his cock into her. He pulled back and rubbed the thick head of his cock against her clit. She shook her head no, fear taking her voice, rendering her unable even to beg him not to rape her. He continued to tease her clit with his thick hard cock, occasionally testing to see if she was wet enough to enter by trying to push his thick cock into her. Finally he is able to work his hard cock into her tightness, rocking forward until half of his thick length is inside of her. "Please no. Please!"

He pulled back almost out of her tight pussy, pausing as if having second thoughts before driving hard back into her with a groan "Yes!" She cried uncontrollably as he drove into her again and again. His hips slammed against her ass with each driving thrust into her, his groans and grunts of pleasure growing louder as he felt her inner walls gripping his thick hard cock. He pulled her back to meet his thrusts again and again, his thick cock driving into her relentlessly. Within a few ehn, from his blazing lust and her gripping tightness, he gave a low groan and thrust deep into her, his hard cock jerking against her gripping inner walls as his hot sticky cum jetted into her tight hot pussy. He let go of her belt, dropping her back onto the ground and giving her ass another hard slap as his hard cock pulled out of her. He pulled his pants up and then flipped her dress down again. He moved from between her thighs and pushed them together, patting her ass as she whimpered in pain.

He grabbed another strip from his belt and turned crossing and binding her ankles together. He grabbed her dagger from the sheath on her belt and tucked it into his belt before lifting her to her feet, holding her there as he looked at her. "You keep it quiet now or it will not be good for you. Understand?" Gulping she nodded her head, unable even to speak. Speechless or not, she gave a squeal when he threw her up onto his shoulder and turned back towards the ship.

He came across a couple of crewmen as he walked along. They all stopped and talked quietly. "Gudrod, the Captain says all crew need to get back to the ship. We are sailing now while we have the tide." He looked at the woman over Gudrod's shoulder. "Who is that?"

Gudrod smiled and swatted the woman's ass, "I found this wandering along the beach," He said, laughing as she struggled in outrage at the slap to her ass. "She heard the crew preparing to leave I guess, so I grabbed her to cover our escape." The other crewmen laughed as they all fell into place alongside Gudrod moving back to the serpent.

As they came into sight of the Serpent, the Captain yelled from the stern, "It's about time you decided to come back. I was about to sail without you." He fell quiet as he saw Gudrod's captive over his shoulder. "What did you do, decide to try some chain luck or something?"

Laughing, Gudrod lifted his captive up, one of his fellow crewmen hauling her onto the ship as he climbed up the boarding rope. He took the girl back from his friend and carried her to the prow, setting her down by his sea-sleen bag before walking back down the open area to talk to the Captain, stopping to talk with him beside the mast. "I was wandering along the beach when I saw her. She was picking up shells and moving back towards the ship. All of a sudden she stopped and looked towards the cove where the ship is. That is when I jumped out and grabbed her." Gudrod looked up towards the front of the ship where the brown haired girl was gazing around the ship, a frightened look in her bright green eyes as the Serpent lurched, the men pushing it back out into the water.

The Captain looked up to the front of the ship, chuckling, "I hope you don't intend on keeping that all to yourself. She looks like she would be a fun one in the furs." With a laugh the Captain shook his head, "She looks like she could have been a Panther Girl." He slapped Gudrod's shoulder and turned to head to the back of the ship.

Gudrod chuckled and headed back to where he left the captive, sitting down beside her. He looked at her for an ehn before speaking. "What is your name? I am Gudrod, First Mate of this ship."

She looked back at him, green eyes blazing with anger. "My name is Aldis." The anger in her eyes grew even more as he chuckled.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Aldis, a definite pleasure." She tried to kick him as his eyes glittered, obviously remembering using her for his pleasure right there on the beach, but her bound feet hindered the attempt and he blocked it with ease. He reached down and grabbed her braid in an iron grip, pulling her head close to his, snarling, "Do NOT try that again. My good mood is a..." cutting short as she spits in his face. His free hand flashes across to smack loudly across her cheek. He grabbed the front of her dress and pulled it up, using it to wipe her spittle from his face. He pushed her back down on the deck, rising up and looking down at her. "Correction, My good mood WAS all that was keeping you from being bandied about to the rest of the crew. Now that good mood is gone as is that protection."

Her eyes got wide as the full implications of what he was saying began to sink in, "You can't mean..."

Gudrod nodded, "I can mean. And I do mean. Once Me, the Captain and the other 'officers' have had our turn with you, your use will be given as a prize to whoever I choose." He looked down at her from his standing position, the rocking of the serpent in the waves barely moving him as his legs seemingly bend and give with the ships movement.

The look of shock and outrage on her face brought a chuckle from him, which only seemed to increase her anger. "My 'use'? My... USE? You talk as if I were a bondmaid or one of those," her voice drips with disdain, "silk girls." She looked around the ship at the crew manning the oars while others of the crew raised the spar up the mast to be ready to sail on the Captains orders. She didn't see him watching her as her eyes roamed the ship, so she didn't see the smile on his face widen as he saw the shiver course through her, the thought of some of these men possibly taking her for their pleasure bringing a twinge of unexpected excitement to her. She quickly hid it again, but Gudrod had seen the flash of curious excitement.

Gudrod made his way down the narrow area between the rowing stations, stepping around the mast and heading towards the Captain standing at the steering oar. He looked out at the horizon, scanning for the signs of any ships. He looked around as one of the crewmen called to the Captain that the spar was set and the sail was ready to drop. The Captain called back to drop the sail and set all lines. The crew reacted quickly, the sail dropping from the spar with a thunder of rippling canvas. The gusting wind filled the sail and the crew responded by securing the lines to the sail and spar to maximize the effect of the wind. The rowers lifted their oars from the water and slid them inboard, laying them along the strakes.

"Care for a game of Kaissa?" the Captain said turning to Gudrod.

Gudrod shrugged, "Sure, I guess." He grinned and pointed back to the prow of the ship. "I will set the board up in the prow so you can get to know our little prize too." Gudrod walked back towards the front of the ship, grabbing the small ships board and the waterproof sack of pieces and moving up to the prow, setting the board down and sitting cross-legged beside Aldis. He set up the board, arranging the pieces and turning it so the Captain had yellow as He won the last game the two played. Looking towards the stern of the ship, Gudrod saw the Captain turning the steering oar over to another crewman, Leif by the looks of it, and heading towards the front of the ship. Gudrod watched as the Captain made his way towards them, lowering to sit cross-legged across the board from Gudrod.

Looking over at the bound woman, He nodded approvingly, "Definitely a fine catch, my friend." He grinned slyly, "Care to wager first use on the outcome of the game?" He looked over at Aldis, winking, "No worries. He can't beat me. You'll be with a real man soon if he says yes."

Aldis's green eyes flashed with anger as she listened to the Captain. "You SLEEN!" she spit between clenched teeth. "You..." She sputtered in indignation as Gudrod laughed.

"It is too late to wager her first use, Harald." He smirked as he looked from Aldis to Harald. "I already had that back on the beach before bringing her to the ship."

Harald stroked his long blonde beard, a thoughtful look on his face. "How about this, my friend," When Gudrod looked at him, he continued, "Since we are already playing with you the defender, I will be attacking your Hall." Harald paused for an ehn. "If I successfully capture your Hall, then the spoils of victory," he gestured to the bound Aldis, "Are mine to share out with my... Axes."

"Your 'Axes'?" Gudrod asked, looking confused.

Harald gestured to the two yellow Axes on the pegs in the board, "Aye, my Axes. Nils and Bjarni. If I win, Nils, Bjarni and I get to enjoy the fruits of our victory." He leered at Aldis, looking her up and down slowly.

Aldis recovered from her speechlessness at their conversation and snarled at him, "You, sleen! Are you not man enough to handle a woman yourself? Do you have to have your fellow sleen to help you? Even this ugly brute, "She said, jerking her head at Gudrod, "was man enough to take me on his own."

Gudrod and Harald both began to laugh at her outburst at the same time. Gudrod looked at Harald, "You're on Captain." He spoke louder as Aldis began to protest, "With one condition and a counter wager. She is not to be collared unless I decide to. That is my condition. As to the counter wager," Gudrod licked his lips, rubbing his hands together, "if I win, I want a week's exclusive use of Asa and Ran when we get back to the Hall."

Without an ihn's hesitation, Harald slapped his hand on the deck of the ship, "Done!" He looked at Aldis, "I'm going to enjoy this. Gudrod is asking for my two lustiest bondmaids for a week after just one roll with you, I will enjoy this greatly" He laughed when Aldis refused to answer him and just turned her back on him, watching the sky. He leaned over and gave her ass a glancing slap before turning his attention to the board. He lifted his Jarls Rider of High Tharlarion and advanced it diagonally one space. Gudrod responded by advancing his Second Spearman 3 spaces. Aldis looked back over, watching the two men playing. Harald went on the attack almost immediately. As the opening ehns of the game turned to ahns, Aldis watched in growing dread as Harald's Kaissa 'army' advanced across the board, clearing away piece after piece of Gudrod's defending forces.

Harald appeared to be moving his pieces into place to end the game when, with a wry grin, Gudrod moved his Builder forward a couple of spaces. He looked over at Aldis, then at Harald, "Capture of your Hall in 3." He leaned back and stretched, standing up and knuckling his lower back.

Harald looked at the board and cursed quietly. "You win. Asa and Ran are yours for a week. Good game."

Aldis barked a sharp laugh, "HA! Take your bet and go back to the back of the ship where you belong, sleen. You won't get to 'use' me after all." She laughed even louder at Harald's expression.

Her laughter was cut short as Gudrod spoke, his anger evident in his voice, "I will take the bondmaids when we get back to the Holding." He looked down at Aldis, shaking his head as he gestured to her, "You, Nils and Bjarni have fun, but like I said no collar or permanent markings. I'll stand a watch at the tiller to give you all some time to enjoy." He turned towards the stern of the serpent, heading to take a stand at the steering oar.

He stopped as Aldis called, "What?! You win and you're GIVING me to him anyway?"

"Yes. You need to learn when to be quiet. I know Nils will enjoy giving you a reason not to talk." He chuckled and looked to Harald, "Have fun, Captain," before turning to head to the stern, leaving the grinning Harald looking down at the shocked Aldis with an anticipatory gleam in his eyes.


Harald grabbed Aldis's hair and dragged her on her knees to the front of the ship. There he threw her to her belly behind a small wall of bags and nets. He stood over her as she looked over her shoulder at him, strands of her hair coming loose from its braid. Harald pulled his 7and a half hort long, thick cock from his pants with one hand, stroking slowly back and forth along the rapidly stiffening shaft as he stepped ever closer to the bound Aldis.. Harald reached down and untied her wrists, leaving the binding fiber around one as he pulled it to the side and tied it to a bag. He grabbed another piece and pulled her other arm out wide to the other side and bound it to a belaying pin on the side of the serpent. He watched her struggle against the bindings holding her spread out in a leaned forward position as he walked around her slowly. His eyes glittered with a low hunger as he walked around in front of her, pausing as she struggled to admire her breasts as they shook back and forth with her exertions. "Yes, indeed. You are truly a beauty." He laughed as she looked up at him, her eyes going wide as she watched him stroking his long thick cock.

He stepped closer to her and reached down to grab her braid, roughly pulling her head back, "Open wide, slut. It's time for you to suck." She clamped her jaw shut and refused to open it, shaking her head, a terrified look in her eyes as he pulled her head closer, rubbing the engorged head of his cock against her full lips, tightening his grip on her hair when she tried to turn her head away. He released his cock and reached down to grip her jaw on each side, squeezing to force her teeth apart, pulling her head forward to force his thick hard shaft between her lips. He smiled as he began to pump his hips back and forth, fucking her face in slow shallow motions at first, letting her get used to the long throbbing cock pushing in and out of her mouth. Her protestations stifled by his invading cock vibrating the sensitive shaft as he slowly began to fuck her mouth faster, in longer thrusts, moaning in pleasure as his hand tightened in her hair.

The longer he fucked her face, the more pleasure he received from her mouth, the contact as nonexistent as she could manage at first, then, to her confusion, as she began to feel the excitement of the situation she found herself in, he felt her tongue caressing him timidly, uncertainly. The feel of her hot mouth responding to his thick cock pushing in and out faster and faster brought louder moans of pleasure from him as he humped her mouth with increasing excitement. Keeping his hand tight in her hair, he reached down with his other hand and cupped one full breast, squeezing tightly. His fingers tightened around her hard nipple, pulling it by flexing his hand on her soft smooth breast. Her low moan was muffled by the long thick cock pistoning in and out of her mouth faster and faster.

With a moan of pleasure he pulled his cock from her mouth, looking down at her. "I have to fuck you now little Aldis. I have to." He released her hair and stepped over the fiber binding her to the side of the ship. He walked around behind her and untied her feet, pushing them apart with his knees as he knelt down behind her. He smiled as he guided the thick head of his cock to her pussy, the sensitive head parting them to find her sex wet and waiting for his hard cock. "Ohhh, Aldis. It seems that you like having your mouth fucked. Let's see if you like having that wet pussy of yours fucked as much." Her head dipped as his thick cock pushed into her tight pussy, a low sob escaping her as he felt how excited his use of her had gotten her. He reached around and cupped one full breast in each hand, squeezing the soft mounds and hard nipples tipping them tightly.

He squeezed and pulled back as he leaned forward, ramming his massive cock deep into her in one abrupt thrust. His moan sounded loud in her ear as her head jerked back, a loud cry of pleasure escaping her, quickly replaced with sobs as he continued to ram his throbbing cock into her tight wet pussy. Roughly he drove deep into her again and again, pulling back almost from her drenched tunnel before pistoning hard back into her. He slapped one swinging breast sharply as he continued to ramfuck her tight wet pussy hard and fast, his fingers impacting hard on her stiff nipple, drawing a whimper from her lips as his huge throbbing cock continued to ram mercilessly into her gripping pussy. His thick cock battered into her again and again as he reached back, giving her smooth ass a sharp slap, drawing a cry of surprised pleasure from her as his thick shaft stretched her wet pussy with each pounding meeting of his hips and her smooth ass.

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