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The Marine Bk. 02 Ch. 08

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Nate continues to enjoy the pleasures of Brazil.
21.6k words

Part 8 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/16/2021
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A/N - I'll be honest, the last chapter had a plot, or so I hope that's what you thought. This chapter? It's a lot smuttier than the last one as Nick has a LOT of fun with his girls. To prevent the sex getting too stale and repetitive, I hope you'll find the other five girls unique. And in addition to all that, I've tried to keep the plot moving forward. This will be the second and last chapter with these six lovers. I had originally only planned for one chapter per location per lover, but this journey to Brazil took on a life of its own!

Previous chapters found in the following:

Chapter 1-10: Incest/Taboo

Chapter 11, 13-15: Erotic Coupling

Chapter 12: Interracial Love

Chapter 16: Mature

Chapter 17: First Time


We were two streets back from the entrance to the favela. Joao had binoculars, watching and waiting. Up this close, I was amazed at how large it was. I'd seen them from a distance, but this close up, it must have been full of thousands of people. If my mind hadn't been solely focused on taking out the kingpin, I'd have given all those people a thought, left wondering how they survived on a daily basis. But I couldn't afford that. My sole focus was making it to the top and taking out the fuckwit in charge.

And I knew he was only the first. Once we did this, it was going to get very fucking ugly.

Marcos was on the phone to Tony about cutting the power. The man had friends in the right places. Far as I knew, he never used that sort of power to his own advantage, but there was a first time for everything. I glanced at Marcos and nodded. He gave the word to Tony.

"Two minutes," Marcos whispered.

We moved silently towards the entrance to the favela. There were men milling about. Half of them had weapons. Those carrying MP5s made sure they had suppressors. Not entirely silent like you see in movies, but it wouldn't attract attention from those further inside. Soon as the lights went out, we lowered our night vision goggles and gunfire erupted. The rest of us moved quickly but silently, taking out the guards, ensuring they were tied up and kept quiet.

Splitting into two teams of three, we heard generators start up to provide some power to the small houses we passed, but the narrow alleys remained dark. Those who spoke fluent Portuguese, which was basically the four except Brian and I, could hear conversation from those around us. We managed to make it halfway before we ran into resistance.

The advantage was with us. It was dark, they had no idea who we were. Those at distance, Brian and I handled with our rifles. Anyone up close, Joao and Marcos made a mess with their shotguns. Soon as those boomed in the darkness, the favela came alive.

"Quickly! Quickly!" I muttered.

Moving fast wasn't always the best idea, but the darkness was still our friend. It was only when we were a couple of hundred metres away from our target that spotlights were illuminated. Removing our goggles, that's when Brian and Joao took the lead, as they'd managed to get close to our target during the second week. Coming across guards, we took them out silently, relying on our hands and knives to ensure they wouldn't raise the alarm.

Despite the spotlights, we managed to get closer, but getting into the buildings themselves was going to be difficult. Joao and Marcos inserted more shells and agreed to take the lead until we breached. If there were any nerves, no-one showed them as we managed to get to the stairs. Sharing a glance with Brian leading the other team, we nodded and moved.

What we'd learned is that the enemy was not trained. They were your typical thugs, relying on threats of violence and intimidation. Coming up against heavily armed, and more importantly trained soldiers? They wilted and died where they stood. Once we breached the buildings, we had flash-bangs out, rolling them into rooms, adding smoke grenades to create further confusion.

Anyone watching from further below would have seen gunfire erupting inside the enormous complex. We'd already learned they were arrogant, cocky fuckers, stupidly standing out from cover as they opened fire. I'd already lost count of how many dumb fucks we'd already put on the ground, but they seemed to have no sense of self-preservation.

"Where do you reckon he is?" Brian asked over comms.

"No fucking idea. Probably near the top, if anywhere. Not like he can escape unless he wants to climb over the mountain and trudge his way down. No, he'll make a stand and think he can negotiate."

Clearing the building level by level, we left anyone we came across either dead or bleeding heavily from wounds they would eventually die from. We didn't shoot anyone without a weapon. Came across more than one woman and child we told to just fuck off. Thankfully, they understood and did just that. Didn't need that on our collective conscience.

Finding what appeared to be genuine living quarters, we searched it thoroughly, no surprise it had been emptied. As the others split up and checked each room, I ended up walking into what looked like an office. I nabbed a phone left behind, and also grabbed a laptop that I assumed might contain information. After agreeing the place was clear, we continued heading up.

Gunfire erupted immediately, and that's when we knew who we wanted was making a final stand. Taking cover, I let him know we knew who he was. "Felipe Luis Vasconcellos, you can either surrender now, or we'll riddle your body with bullets, and drag it through the favela," I shouted in Portuguese. Wasn't going to let him know I was an outsider.

"Fuck you, motherfuckers!" he replied in English.

I wanted him alive, but those alongside him dead. A couple of flash-bangs and smoke grenades did the job. He had four men next to him that ended up dead, while I put the butt of my rifle into his face. Once his hands were tied up, I pulled him to his feet and met his eyes. The arrogance disappeared immediately once he met my cold, impassive eyes. I smiled. "Good, now you know fear," I muttered.

The other five covered me as I pushed Felipe forward, the barrel of my weapon in his back. I let him know I'd shoot him if he deviated for a second. Eyes and faces watched us pass by. The favela was still in darkness, but everyone would have heard the firefight that had taken place. Anyone who went searching was only going to find a lot of dead bodies. "You don't know what you're doing," he warned.

"I'd worry about what's going to happen to you in the next couple of hours," I retorted.

"We'll find out who you're working for."

I smacked him in the back of the head. "Shut the fuck up and keep walking."

Once back at our vehicles, Joao and Brian came with me, the other three would be returning home. I trussed up Felipe and rolled him into the back of the SUV as Joao took the wheel, driving us to the outskirts of the city, far away from prying eyes. Everything had already been set up. Once we arrived, I got out and grabbed Felipe, dragging him into the warehouse. Joao and Brian helped me sit him down, tie him up, then I asked them to make themselves scarce. "You won't look at me the same if you witness this," I admitted.

"Done this before?" Brian asked.

"It comes with the job at times. Know what I mean?"

He smirked. "Didn't have you picked for a spook."

"What? CIA? MI6?" I snorted. "No. Definitely not with them."

He met my eyes and nodded. "Definitely don't want to know then," he muttered.

"We'll wait outside," Joao said, "Just join us when you're done."

Once alone, I crouched in front of Felipe. Now he was scared, his face bathed in sweat, breathing rapidly. He was probably going to piss himself soon enough. I took the knife from its sheathe and cut his t-shirt open, but what would have really scared him was cutting open his trousers. I lifted his chin with the point of the knife. "I've read what people like you are capable of," I said, "Not you exactly, just what you do to people who fight back." Running the blade down his chest, it was just enough to cause pain with all the sweat, perhaps just enough to draw a trickle of blood. "What you are going to do, Felipe, is tell me everything you know. And I mean everything. I want names. All the names. You know them. Someone like you doesn't get to where he is without friends. Without protection. And trust me on this one, I'll keep you alive long enough to learn what I want."

I'll give the man credit, his tolerance for pain was pretty good for someone still considered a civilian, though I'd just call him a criminal and I had next to no sympathy for someone like that. But once I had small leads attached to his testicles, sending electrical currents through them, he wept like a baby and was willing to tell me anything I needed to know. To say he sang like a canary wouldn't be an understatement. I recorded all the names, most of them meant nothing to me, before I was sure he'd told me everything I wanted to know.

"You'll let me go now, right?" he pleaded, the poor delusional fool.

I answered that with a bullet to his head.

Walking outside, it was mid-morning, and I wasn't the only one exhausted. Joao and Brian met my eyes and knew I'd crossed a line to gather the information needed. They didn't need to know I'd crossed that line more than once in my life already. I handed Joao the list of names I'd written down. When his eyes widened and he stared at me in disbelief, I knew it was bad.

Putting it to the back of my mind, at least temporarily, I slid into the backseat and let Joao guide us home. Brian was half asleep at the same time. It had been a hell of a long night. The gates opened as Joao drove the SUV into its usual spot. Tony appeared in the doorway immediately, the other three having arrived home earlier before. Joao and Brian passed him before he stopped me. I handed him the list of names. He didn't ask how I got them, he simply looked down the list before he met my eyes.

"Meu Deus," he whispered.

"We've kicked the hornets' nest, Tony. I think it's time you called in some favours yourself."

"I will, Nick. I will."

Walking upstairs, the first thing I needed was a shower. I might have done that sort of thing before, but I still felt dirty afterwards, another stain on the conscience and soul. It was always necessary, stooping to such things, but that didn't make it easy to live with. I just had to put it away in my mind and somehow forget about it.

After a hot shower, scrubbing myself clean twice, I put on a pair of shorts and walked to Adriana's door. Opening it up, she was still in bed but awake, though as soon as her eyes met mine, she was up and out of bed immediately, leaping into my arms, feeling her legs wrap around me too. She knew enough already not to ask. The fact I was home alive and well was all that mattered.

"I'm knackered," I muttered.

"Then you sleep in here," she replied.

I collapsed onto her bed once she'd untangled herself from me. "Wake me in three hours," I murmured.

When I did wake up, I wasn't alone, all six girls snuggling up either side of me. They didn't ask what I'd done the previous night and earlier that morning. I'd kept my promise by returning alive. That was all that mattered to them. Turning onto my back, Adriana snuggled into my side. Giving her a kiss, the other five giggled before I slid out of bed, the six following in my footsteps as I headed down to the kitchen.

I was up in time for a late lunch. Tony walked out from his office once I'd finished eating, asking to speak with me in private. After the usual offer and acceptance of whiskey, we stood gazing out over the backyard. We could see the six girls and his wife in the pool, another warm day in Rio. Weather never seemed to change, in all honesty. It was usually warm. And it always seemed humid. The occasional afternoon thunderstorm, a reminder of those we'd experience during the summer back in Sydney.

"Nick, there are names on that list which, I'll be honest, scare the shit out of me," he finally said, "I'm speaking about people not only influential in this city, but I'm also talking across Brazil."

"What do we do?"

"I'll need to speak with trusted friends, though after seeing some of these names, I'm not sure who to trust now. You made the first move last night, Nick. This will be like a game of chess. You were a knight on the board. Now it's how they respond. Once I have information for you, and I know I have allies willing to assist, I'll let you know." We sipped our drinks in silence before he added, "Keep her safe, no matter the cost, Nick."

"You know I do that already."

He patted my shoulder as I finished my drink, leaving him to get on with his work. Since announcing his candidacy, the place was full of those assisting him. That's when I was thankful to be out of the house. I didn't really get to know those working for him, only in the sense he gave me their information and I passed it to OGIS for them to check them over. No issues so far, all of them either completely loyal to him or working as they at least believed in what he wanted to do.

In bed that night with Adriana, as I didn't even bother feigning going to my own room first any longer, she sat me down on the edge of the bed first and gave me one hell of a blowjob before making love. Cuddling into me afterwards, her fingers running up and down my chest, she said, "Luana wants you last, Nick."

"I thought she'd leap at the chance to be with me after you?"

"Out of the others, she really loves you, Nick. But she's incredibly nervous. She wants to wait."

"My idea is that I'll spend a week with each of them, really make you all feel special. After that, I'm sure we'll figure it all out."

She smiled at me. "That sounds wonderful."

"And I'll have to think about Christmas for all of you. Already got your birthday present."

Her face lit up. "You do?" she asked softly.

"Of course."

She sat up and wasted no time straddling my lap, the blanket falling away as she easily slid my cock inside her. Her face lit up as she slowly started to ride me. "You're deep inside some tight teenage pussy, Nick," she whispered, "You have another week to enjoy that fact."

"I think I'll fuck you hard the rest of the week then really start nailing you once you're twenty."

Her eyes met mine, filled with the lust and desire she felt for me. "I hope that's a promise, Nick."

I pulled her forward as she relaxed an arm to either side of me before running my hands down to her arse, giving that a good squeeze. She kissed me, feeling her tongue slowly slide into my mouth, pumping up into her that had her moaning as she refused to break the kiss. She moaned again as I growled. That made her break the kiss and giggle.

Rolling her over, I felt her legs open wide, her fingers running up and down my back as I started to pump into her faster. "Oh god..." she moaned softly.

"Love your tight pussy, Adriana," I grunted.

"Hope you fill my tight pussy with your cum soon."

I met her eyes and grinned, leaning down to kiss her, fucking her even faster. She moaned loudly and I could feel my orgasm building, moving her legs even further back with my arms so I almost had her curled up. "Continue me fodendo. Por favor, continue me fodendo!"

"Love it when you whip out the Portuguese."

"Eu amo você," she whispered, her eyes never looking away from mine.

"I love you too, sweetheart."

Letting go of her legs, she wrapped them around me, begging me to cum inside her again. I managed to last a couple minutes more before I gave her what she wanted, groaning loudly as she left soft kisses on my cheek, resting on my forearms once I was empty, feeling her legs tighten around my waist. "Don't want to spill a drop," she whispered humorously, "Good thing I take the pill, Nick, otherwise I reckon you'd have me pregnant already."

"Not sure how we'd explain that to your parents."

Our eyes met and we chuckled. We could have been safer, of course, but I'd rarely used condoms as every partner I'd been with took precautions on our behalf. If they hadn't, then I'd have worn one, but got to be honest. Condoms take away a lot of the pleasure whenever I'd worn one. And, thankfully, all the women I'd been with loved the feeling of me finishing inside them.

Pulling out, I carried her into the bathroom over my shoulder, hearing her giggling away, before we showered together. Our hands rarely left the body of each other, continuing to make out, washing each other down. Cuddling me under the water, she asked softly, "Are you okay?"

"I'm much better now. I did what I had to do, Adriana. It's all to keep you and your family safe." I kissed her cheek. "I've also found coming home to very beautiful young women makes me feel better too."

The six of us who'd gone to work that night were on tenterhooks all week. We showed nothing in front of the family, but during our quiet conversations, we agreed that although no-one would have known who attacked, we should remain alert. Though I stopped staying on campus with Adriana, one of us remained outside in one of the SUVs, just in case. Though I was still the primary guard for Adriana, the other five had been seconded to escorting the girls to university, at the very least. Joao was very much my right-hand man nowadays, and we were now good mates in addition to colleagues.

There was also no chance of keeping my relationship with Adriana secret. To my surprise, Joao barely mentioned it, even when I publicly kissed her goodbye each morning when dropping her off. Driving back to the house on the Friday before her birthday, he finally said, "She's smiling all the time, Nick. She was miserable for so long. Then again, her previous guard was nothing like you."

"What do the others think?"

"She's not their concern so it isn't any of their business. She's only my concern now because of the other five girls." That's when he did glance at me while I drove. "I've heard you might have a little harem of lovers, Nick. Enough to make a man jealous."

"You're a happily married man, Joao."

He laughed. "Very true. And my wife is still a beautiful woman."

Adriana's birthday was the next day. She insisted that the first thing she wanted on her birthday was to wake up in my arms, so we made love until the early morning before finally going to sleep, waking up to find she was snuggled tightly into my body. Waking her up with a soft kiss, she quickly had me on my back, riding my cock. "I want my pussy full of your cum for as much of today as possible," she insisted.

"We might have to be a little sneaky from time to time."

"That won't be a problem. Our friends will distract everyone, give you long enough to pump a good load into me."

"Fucking hell, Adriana," I stated, chuckling away.

She leaned down and kissed me hard. "I love you," she whispered, "Though there are still four teenagers, Nick. Plenty of fresh, virgin teenage pussy still available." I grabbed her hips and her eyes smouldered as no doubt I had a look in my eyes. She ended up on her back, spreading her legs wide as I wasted no time pumping into her. "Fuck me!" she cried.

I fucked her harder than I had up to that point, Adriana making enough noise that the door opened slightly, and a couple of her friends watched me nailing her. Then I pulled out and turned her over, eagerly getting into her hands and knees, looking back and begging me to keep fucking her.

"Love your cock," she moaned as I slid back inside her.

I didn't last much longer, filling her pussy just like she wanted. It was only as I pulled out and sat back on my knees as she turned onto her side that we noticed Juliana and Elena looking through the gap in the doorway. "That was so hot," Elena whispered, two sets of eyes gazing at my still hard cock, slick with Adriana's juices and a little of my cum.

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