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The Marine Bk. 02 Ch. 08


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"We will," Brian said, nodding in my direction.

"Okay, Joao and I will spend the next few days making sure everything is as secure as possible."

"Thank you."

Heading out to the hotel an hour or so later, Joao seemed to be confident that everything would work out for the best. We'd been aware of Tony's plan for months and had put plans in place over the past couple, visiting the hotel nearly each day as we discussed the plan to ensure the place would remain secure for the evening.

It was three days to the new year when we held our final conference in Tony's office. We agreed that, unless the entire block was closed off, the best we could do was secure the hotel as much as possible. But even the hotel could only meet us halfway. Guests would still be coming and going, but the rooftop terrace would only be access by those of us with clearance. That mean Tony, his family, and his six closest security associates.

We would be arriving after most guests had arrived, Tony ensuring to make a grand entrance. Watching Adriana get dressed in her room was something I would remember for the rest of my days. First her lingerie, then her thigh highs and suspenders, before I helped with her gown. Leaning back against me, I helped put on her jewellery, before she put on her perfume and other little things she wanted for that evening.

Dressed in a suit, it was similar to what I normally wore, but Tony gave me a card and told me to take his six closest associates out so we could buy tailored suits. I had experience with the whole process, considering I bought top of the line suits back in London, but it was something the other five had never done for them before.

After applying the last of her make-up, Adriana walked back out to see that I'd quickly showered, shaved and dressed. Her face lit up upon seeing me. "James Bond," she whispered.

I couldn't help snort and laugh. "Sweetheart, I am nowhere near as suave as he is... depending on which Bond you're talking about."

Resting her hands on my chest, mine found their way down to her arse, as the top of her gown was practically a corset, tight to her body and showing off her curves. "Fucking hell, you're beautiful," I whispered.

"Can you dance with me tonight?"

"I'm sure Joao can take over running things for a few minutes."

"And kiss me at midnight?"

"Definitely. The only thing I can't or won't do is drink. I am working tonight. But my role is to protect you, so I'll always be nearby."

"Can we make love when we get home?"

"You'll be fast asleep on the drive home and I'll have to carry you up here."

"You'll wake me up by eating my pussy?"

Meeting her eyes, she had such a sweet grin on her face, I couldn't help laughing. "Tell you what, we'll spend all morning in bed tomorrow." Leaning down to her ear, I nibbled at her lobe as I added, "And that will involve my cock being deep inside your very tight little pussy."

"Oh god," she murmured, "I shouldn't have worn panties."

"You can give them to me later."

Taking her by the hand and leading her downstairs, Tony and Luciana were waiting for us. His two sons would be finding their own way there, considering they no longer lived at home, so Joao and I would be taking the three of them together in the usual convoy of vehicles, her friends being taken across two other vehicles, being picked up from their homes on the way.

To my surprise, the entire night went off without a hitch. Our arrival at the hotel was kept relatively secret until we exited the elevator taking us all the way to the top, Tony and Luciana almost treated like royalty as they were announced to the assorted guests. Fairly sure there was more than one politician, eager to attach themselves to his potential presidency. I had little idea how it all worked in Brazil though I knew enough that the man was popular with the general population.

Adriana and her friends hovered near me the entire night. Though they relaxed, Adriana was always nervous during these sorts of events as her father was a target. But the hotel was one of the tallest buildings in Rio and would provide a fantastic view of the nearby fireworks display at midnight. Joao and I rarely left the sides of the couple or Adriana, noticing the other four always within a few metres' radius at best. But I had a constant stream of information coming into my earpiece, and we'd situated watchers at specific points approaching the block upon which the hotel resided.

I kept my promise to dance with Adriana. Did more than once, whenever a slow song started up. Her father looked on approvingly each time, and though her mother felt the same, I saw the slight concern in her eyes. I met her eyes in return and she knew what I was thinking and feeling too. No matter what, it was going to hurt...

At the stroke of midnight, everyone gathered to watch the fireworks. My entire focus during the countdown was Adriana, and we were still kissing as everyone started to celebrate. We only broke apart when she wanted to watch the fireworks, happy to have her snuggle, resting back against my chest with my arm around her, as she sipped at more champagne.

It was a long, tiring night, but the relief was that we made it home safe and sound. I'd been anticipating all manner of scenarios where his enemies would launch an attack, but there were no major scares at all. We escorted Tony and the family, plus Adriana's friends, back to the mansion, everyone gathering in the living room for a final drink.

Adriana was asleep within ten minutes of sitting down, snuggling into my side. Wishing everyone goodnight, I easily picked her up and carried her upstairs to bed, making sure I took everything off her first, Adriana waking just enough to practically demand I get naked too, before I joined her under the blankets. "Sex in the morning?" she murmured.

"Of course, sweetheart. Go back to sleep."

After we made love for a couple of hours the next morning, and I think it was perhaps some of the best sex we'd enjoyed since that first time, we joined the rest of the family for a late breakfast, as no-one else was up particularly either. All the girls headed outside to the pool for an early morning dip as Tony asked me to join him in his office. He looked rather pensive for someone who'd thrown a successful party the night before, offering me a glass of liquor as always.

"You didn't touch a drop last night, Nick. You were professional all night, even when dancing with my daughter."

"It was a big event, Tony. You're a priority, but obviously Adriana..."

"Take a seat, Nick. It's my daughter we need to talk about." Wondering what was on his mind, I took a seat, sipping at the whiskey. "Nick, despite the success of last night, I know you're all busy taking care of any threats to myself and my family. And the closer we get to the election, the more danger I will face. My wife won't leave my side, and I want her with me, no matter what. My sons have lives and families of their own. I can't really tell them what to do. But my daughter... She might be twenty, but she's still my little girl."

"Are you suggesting something, Tony?"

"I am. You're from the UK, correct?" I nodded. "My daughter and her friends all speak passable English, yes?"

I chuckled. "Tony, all of you speak fantastic English. Better than my Portuguese."

He smiled at me, no doubt appreciating the compliment, before he turned serious. "I'm sending Adriana and her friends to the United Kingdom to finish their studies. They all have two years left. I know your role always had a time limit and that you will eventually be called away. My thinking is that, although you may end up doing another job, the fact my daughter will have a friend in the United Kingdom... It will certainly give Luciana and I peace of mind to know she'll be safe."

"Which university?"

"They will all have places in Oxford come the start of the new year. I believe it's different to Brazil?"

"Yeah, it runs July to June as summer is in the mid-year."

"She won't need protection in the United Kingdom, she'll just be another face. But will you watch out for her?"

"Tony, you don't even need to ask. Does Adriana know?"

"I've let her know that I've been looking at sending her away. She'll miss us but she's excited to go travelling. The idea is that she will leave with her friends by the end of January. Before you ask, I'm funding all six of them. Her friends are like daughters to Luciana and I and we want to look after them too. Education is important and it will open doors for them in Brazil." He grinned again. "Though maybe they won't come home after time in Europe."

"Tony... Adriana... My job... She does know it's not possible, right?"

"She's a smart girl, Nick. The idea is that you'll fly with them into Lisbon, spend a few final days with her there, before you fly home to the United Kingdom."

"When will you tell her?"

"After lunchtime. I've given a few hints at what I plan for her. She knows what you're capable of doing to keep her safe, but our enemies, Nick... What you've found in all your time working for me... I know you all keep me safe, but I fear my enemies, if they come together..."

"Is everyone else staying?"

"Yes. Joao will take over your position in the lead."

That made me smile. "Good choice. He's an effective soldier." Finishing my drink, I added, "Make sure you tell her to pack warm clothes. Oxford is very different to Rio. But I can assure you two things. One, I'll make sure they arrive safely in Lisbon, and then when they make it to the United Kingdom, I'll help them set up there too."

"Thank you, Nick."

After a light lunch, Adriana was summoned to her father's office, noticing Luciana walked in alongside her daughter, the door closing as I took a seat in the living room, quickly joined by five young women. Intrigued as to what was going on, I assured them that Tony would speak to them after he'd spoken to his daughter.

I wasn't entirely sure how Adriana would react to the news, but even I didn't expect her to walk out to join us, ever so excited by the news. I stood up and she practically leapt on me, wrapping her arms and legs around my body as she made sure to give me one hell of a kiss. Placing her feet back on the ground, she said, "Sure you can handle babysitting us for a while?"

"I think I can handle it."

"Girls, if you'd like to follow me, I have some news to share."

The five followed Tony and Luciana into his office as I sat down, Adriana sitting on my lap. As soon as we were alone, she burst into tears, holding her tight to my body as her head rested against my neck. I didn't know what was wrong. I knew at heart. Our time together, at least permanently, was drawing to a close. "Adriana," I whispered, "Once you're in the UK, I'll be closer than you think. London to Oxford? It's a short drive. And when I'm not in London, I'll never be more than a phone call away."

"You'll spend time with us in Lisbon?"

"Of course. But my boss will want me to move onto other tasks once I leave here. And trust me on this one, you'll be safe enough in the UK. Oxford is a lovely city. Pretty girls like you and your friends? Plenty of friends to be made."

"I don't want to leave you." Those were the words I'd been fearing the entire time. But before I could reply, she added, "But I understand." I held back the sigh of relief. "I love you," she whispered.

Lifting her chin so she could meet my eyes, I ensured I was smiling. "I haven't felt like this about anyone in a long time, Adriana. Please trust me on that one." Hugging her tightly to me again, I had to add, "But we both knew..."

"I know. We're going to enjoy the rest of your time here in Brazil. Have you been to Lisbon before?"

"No, never had the opportunity to work there."

"We're spending an entire month there before we head off on a European trip. Will you stay in Lisbon for a time?"

"Definitely. I'll have to inform the powers that be about the change, if they're not already aware."

Her five friends appeared a few minutes later, undoubtedly happy but all of them in tears as the six girls all squealed and hugged each other. Tony appeared, smiling like a proud father. The fact I would be spending at least a bit of time with them in Lisbon, and that I would be reasonably close to them in Oxford, simply made the news ever better. He'd cleared everything with their parents, surprised to hear most were simply thankful for giving their children the opportunity.

I knew I needed to make a call, letting Tony I would have to get in contact with base. He knew it would be coming, and even Adriana knew I reported in from time to time.

The line rang once before I heard a still familiar voice. "Hello, Nate. We've received the information already."

"I figured you would have done. Any news on what I'm doing when I get back?"

"Nothing so far. The Director would have liked you to remain in position as you've gathered plenty of intel for us but... I guess it might be time to return here. From what I've learned, the Director will be sending in another asset once you've departed."

"Same family?"

"No. The Director thinks Antonio has a good chance of winning the election. So the asset will be engaged elsewhere."

"How are things back there?"

"While I can't go into detail, I've been assisting other operatives if they're working around Europe."

"And how are... you know who..."

I swear I heard the smile over the phone. "They're safe and well, Nate."

"Let the boss man know that I'd rather my next operation be in Europe. I've enjoyed my time here..."

"I've heard. Are any of them pregnant yet?"

"No. Though Adriana..." I sighed and I'm sure she understood why. "Kind of makes me think from time to time. But these are the choices we make. She's going to be close by, but I'll have to create distance once I return. She needs to move on with her life too."

"You love her, don't you?"


"Still love me?"

"I've missed you while I've been here, Jen. Though I'm not sure if you would have tolerated all of this."

"I've seen her picture, Nate. She's a cute young thing. And I guess she's not too young for you to feel guilty." She paused before adding, "You didn't answer my question."

"Jen, I've fallen in love with far too many people in my life, or so it seems. But, yes, I still love you."

"I love you too. I can't wait for you to get home. Mostly just so we can cuddle in bed again. I've missed your presence next to me."

"No dating?"

"Honestly? I don't really feel like it. I'm kept rather busy by the boss."

"I'll send you all the details of when I'm leaving. I'll be in Lisbon for a couple of weeks before I return to London.

That night in the pool, Adriana insisted we continue what we'd started before Christmas, that I spend time with the other three girls before we departed. Elena still wanted to wait for last so Juliana would be joining for me the week. She was the palest of all six girls, with blondish brunette hair and blue eyes. She certainly was the most 'European' of the girls except Adriana.

I learned that first night that, while perhaps the shyest of all the girls, that was only in public. In private, she let me know within an hour that she wanted to do anything and everything possible during the few nights she had with me. Whenever I tried to argue, she basically told me to shut up, that it was what she wanted.

She was eager to suck my cock, and even more eager to deepthroat me. Almost made herself sick trying to do it, but as determined as she was, all I could do was return the favour by devouring her pussy. She kept herself nice and smooth due to wearing a bikini for summer. All the girls admitted that, during the cooler months, they kept it groomed but not shaved. I told them I was old enough that I didn't really mind, though it had been a long time since I'd seen a fully unkempt bush. That made them all giggle.

My first time with Juliana was as fantastic as the others I'd experienced. I watched her eyes and her face as I slid inside her. That's when it became real for a few seconds, her eyes blinking as I knew her feelings for me were as strong as all the others, that she'd watched me make love to Adriana, Luana and Fernanda. I didn't like to think it was just 'her turn' but...

"Slow," she whispered, "Make love to me."

The bravado disappeared after she'd previously expressed her desire for me to just 'pound her tight little pussy into oblivion.' Maybe I was bigger than she realised, or maybe she was genuine and just wanted the first time to feel what she would consider special.

"Whatever you want, gorgeous," I whispered back.

She smiled before kissing me softly. "All I want is you inside me. I've thought about this moment for so long. You realise we all love you, right?"

"Yeah, I know."

"But it's also okay, because at least we'll all get to experience this for a little while. We're going to miss you though."

"I'll miss all of you too."

By Friday, lovemaking had turned into fucking her hard as she had a rather submissive side. And, as she'd talked about, I took her arse on the Friday night. When I asked if she was sure, she gave me a look and admitted again, in private by herself, she liked to experiment. More than one dildo had found its way up her back passage, and she had pictures and video to prove it.

At least she knew what to do, and I had enough experience with it, so after she'd spent a long time blowing me, eager to swallow my cum, I made sure we were both lubed up properly before she got onto the bed, raising her arse and lowering her head onto a pillow, beckoning me on.

"Wait!" she said, before getting up and opening the door, "Girls, come watch us!"

"You sure?" I asked.

"God yes. I want them to see you properly fuck my little butt."

The girls all gathered by the bed as Juliana got back into position, wiggling her butt and giggling away. She'd prepared herself by using a small dildo, making sure it was much smaller than what I was about to slide inside her. Getting into position behind her, I teased her for a couple of minutes, wanting to hear her bed for my cock. She didn't just beg; she was almost in tears pleading for me to do it.

Gently sliding my cock inside her, she moaned for as long as it took for my cock to bottom out. Once inside her, I grabbed her hips and just gently thrust.

"Look at her face," Adriana said, "She's in heaven."

"Maybe we need anal too?" Luana wondered.

Adriana met my eyes. "Perhaps it's something we can all do on holiday? We get to Lisbon and Nick just spends a night pounding our little butts."

"So I'm expected to cum a minimum of six times?" I asked, stopping and leaving my cock buried in Juliana.

"I reckon you could do it, Nick," Adriana replied.

Returning my attention to Juliana, I leaned forward, kissing up her spine which made her shudder, before I started to thrust into her again. Having a tight little butt meant I could really push into her with each thrust, and she was loving it. Then she had an orgasm after barely touching herself. That amazed her. Amazed all the girls, to be honest.

"Oh god, keep going," she moaned, "Harder and faster. I want you to fill me up."

To my surprise, she was quite adept at being fucked nice and hard, though she would admit afterwards that she did like to ride her dildo quite fast as she figured it was good preparation. I upped the ante and really started to fuck her. As soon as I saw her wince more than a couple of times, I slowed down, but by then, I was ready to cum in her anyway.

I eventually came in her three times that night. She was riding me nice and fast the second time I came inside her, while I had her bent over the side of the bed, drilling into her and erupting harder than I could remember. She couldn't handle anymore after that, washing her down in the shower before I cuddled her tight to me in bed afterwards.

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