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The Marine Bk. 02 Ch. 08


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"Come in," I whispered.

She stepped through confidently, though I eased her towards the balcony first. I wanted to talk to her for a little while, ease any nerves. Actually get to really know her. I knew all of them, of course, but not who they were at heart. Elena seemed to sense what I was doing. The night was still young, and we had all week. Making love that first night wasn't necessary, despite how eager we both were.

Anything she was comfortable discussing, we talked about. She didn't ask me too many personal questions, seeming to know I had to keep certain things hidden, but she was more than willing to share nearly everything about her own life. Her hopes. Her dreams. Her desires. She switched between English and Portuguese quite naturally; thankful I could now grasp most of the latter. We remained sensible, sipping at water and not alcohol. I warned all of them that I wouldn't accept company if alcohol was consumed.

That first night, I slowly stripped her naked as we made out, but while she was eager to see me naked too, and we might have allowed fingers to wander and explore, she eventually snuggled into my body, content to just sleep against me that first night. Waking together in the morning, I was taken aback when she thanked me.

"I think a lot of other people would have just... taken..."

I smiled. "No, I think many would have been like me, Elena. There is no need to rush this sort of thing. Do you want to be intimate?" She nodded eagerly. "Then we don't just need to leap into it. I would have rather taken you all out on dates, but... that isn't a very easy thing to do considering..."

"I'll talk to Adriana," she said, "If she remains here, then you can surely take one of us?"

I sighed. "I would have done the same for her, but..."

"Double date us tonight." I looked up to see her smiling. "Take us both out. You've been intimate with her, but I bet she'd love it." She leaned forward, kissing me softly on the lips. "So would I."

I cleared such an idea with Antonio and Luciana first, just the fact we'd be heading out into the city. Knowing I'd be protecting her, as well as her date, they didn't have a problem with it, going so far as to have fun and try and relax. I still went armed, of course, though kept the pistol in the band of my trousers at my back.

It was nothing fancy, not that Adriana or Elena would have expected fine dining, as I knew that wouldn't interest them at all, but neither could stop smiling as we enjoyed a two-course meal. Adriana enjoyed a couple of drinks, Elena sticking to virgin cocktails. "Looks like there are two virgins on or around the table..." she joked, giggling to herself. Adriana and I shared a glance and joined in with the laughter. At least Elena was relaxing.

Walking towards the SUV once we were finished, Adriana kissed my cheek before Elena kissed me deeply, tasting the fruity cocktails she'd been drinking on her lips and tongue. "Think she's ready, Nick," Adriana whispered into my ear.

Returning home, Adriana disappeared into one of the other rooms to join her friends, Elena's hand still in mine as I led her to my room. While eager, we took our time that evening, ensuring our kisses were long and passionate, exploring her mouth with my tongue as I slowly removed her blouse and skirt, deftly removing her bra with one hand before I helped slide her rather nice panties to the floor. Once I joined her in nakedness, I easily lifted her, placing her gently on the bed, one intention in my mind.

My mouth found one of her small breasts, clamping around her very hard nipple. The moan she released just from that was a complete turn on. Trailing a hand down her body, she spread her legs wide as my fingers came into touch with her hot and very wet pussy. She released another squeal just from touching her alone, her entire body seeming to shudder.

I lifted myself up to meet her eyes. "Elena?" I asked softly. It might be corny, but I wanted to know. "Do you want to make love tonight?"

"Yes," she replied, barely a whisper, but the smile... It lit up the room.

I smiled, leaning down to kiss her. "Good."

Kissing back down her body, I wanted to taste her. I teased her to start, letting her get used to the sensations of my tongue touching her. I had asked all of them if they had experimented. I knew some young women did, though many didn't. But young women were certainly more open-minded than young men. Then again, young women experimenting was nowhere near as looked down upon. Many young men generally found the idea hot, though that was because they hoped to involve themselves.

Poor delusional fools that we are.

"Nick," she moaned once I was in the swing of things. This was always the fun part, learning a woman's body, what made her tick, what made her moan, what made her cum hard. Her scent was utterly delightful, and she was getting wetter and wetter with each passing minute. Sliding a finger inside her provoked a loud gasp, her eyes raising to meet mine.

"That feels so good," she murmured.

Felt even better when I found her special spot. She had her first orgasm within a couple of minutes. It was a good one, large enough that I had to stop and give her a minute or two to recover, before she nodded for me to continue. Her little clit was now ready for some attention, grinning to myself as I always enjoyed figuring out how a woman liked that treated.

With two fingers now in her pussy and figuring out rather quickly how she liked to my tongue to treat her clit, her body was soon writhing, feeling her hips move in her eagerness to enjoy another orgasm. I did wonder if her friends could hear us, amused at the thought of the five listening in at the door.

"Nick, I'm so close," she moaned softly. It was her first time, I didn't expect her to be a screamer nor too talkative, but she did make noise and let me know certain things, at least. Still remembered my first time. Awkward as fuck, though we'd both been virgins. Still memorable though...

Then she enjoyed another orgasm and I simply had to stop. She didn't quite pass out, but I knew enough that she couldn't handle another one quickly. Kissing up her shuddering body, she returned a dreamy smile as I relaxed next to her, trailing my fingers up and down the smooth skin of her body. I knew how lucky I was to be with another beautiful young woman.

Sliding onto my body, she resumed kissing me, feeling her pussy rubbing against my shaft. If she wanted to ride me her first time, I wasn't going to complain, but she eventually motioned for me to roll her over onto her back, feeling her legs spread as I teased her with the head of my cock, making her gasp each time.

I stopped and ever so gently started to press into her. Adriana didn't have the barrier our first time. Elena still had hers. I stopped and kissed her. "This might hurt a little bit," I whispered.

"I know," she whispered back.

I kissed her hard as I broke her barrier as gently as possible. She cried out into my mouth, ensuring I didn't break the kiss. I felt her fingernails digging into my back, stopping my movements as I let her settle down. Realising what I was doing, I felt her smiling as we continued to make out, slowly resuming giving her the rest of my cock until I was buried.

Breaking the kiss, I met her eyes as I started to gently thrust into her. She was so hot and tight, obviously, but the look in her eyes and the constant smile warmed my heart. The occasional wince, as it was still a new sensation for her, but she was soon moving her hips to meet my thrusts. It wasn't going to take all that much for me to cum, stopping long enough to take her legs and wrap them around me.

"Oh god!" she cried, "That feels... even better..."


"It feels like my pussy is as full as possible."

Chuckling, I said, "Well, I guess that's a good thing."

"Cum in me," she whimpered, "Make me your woman too, Nick." I raised my eyebrows at that turn of phrase. "Oh, you'll have all six of us for as long as you're here, Nick. We adore you."

I kissed her softly again. "That feeling is mutual, gorgeous. I know I'm a very lucky man."

"And we're six very lucky women. You're totally fucking hot, Nick. And your dick..."

She trailed off as she surprised me by enjoying another orgasm. Guess it was just the feeling of having something inside her. Not as large as when I'd been eating her out, but I still had to stop as her pussy clench by cock so tightly, I worried I'd hurt her if I kept moving. Once it passed, she begged for me to cum inside her again.

I happily obliged that request within a couple of minutes, keeping my grunts and groans as quiet as possible, though I think everyone in the house knew I had Elena for company that night. Adriana had been rather blunt that I would be 'deflowering all my friends' over the coming weeks. Thankfully, Antonio wasn't around to hear that one, though Luciana appeared a little surprise that Adriana seemed so fine with it.

"They're my friends, mother, and we all love him in our own way," she said.

"You're all old enough to make this sort of decision. I just don't want you falling out over it." She looked at me. "And what do you think?"

"I'm flattered in one way, and worried it'll go horrifically wrong in another."

Elena and I needed to clean up, and I also had to change the sheets. I hadn't forgotten the first time could be messier than normal. Once we'd cleaned up and had fresh sheets, Elena happily snuggled into me as we lay facing each other. I had a feeling the smile wouldn't leave her face for days. "We're doing that again, right?" she asked.

"Of course. Think I'm going to say no to your tight little pussy, Elena?" She blushed as I lifted her chin as her eyes met mine. "More importantly, I really like you and just being in your presence."

"You do?" she asked quietly.

"Elena, I adore all of you just as much. Trust me on that one."

Elena spent the rest of the week in my room. With each passing night, she grew in confidence, wanting to try new things. She was desperate to give me a blowjob, and the sight of her on my knees, ever so eager to please me in return, whatever she lacked in technique, her enthusiasm had me cum rather quickly. Being worried about swallowing or spitting, she asked me to cum on her face. That wasn't something I always liked doing, but she squealed with delight as I covered her, so any residual guilt disappeared.

The six girls wanted to go to Ipanema on the Saturday. After all the recent fun and games, I figured with at least three of us protecting them, it was fine. Joao didn't mind coming with us, though he did bring his wife and two kids along. Luciana loved the idea and asked the six if they minded her coming with us. They insisted she did, so that resulted in Marcos joining us too.

"Should I wear one of my suits?" I asked Adriana as she sat on my bed in her bikini, "I mean the whole nine yards, just look like one hell of an intimidating motherfucker?"

She giggled away. "You'll have your weapon?"

"Like an American Express card. Don't leave home without it."

"Then I think you can still intimidate in just a t-shirt and shorts, Nick." She paused before adding, "A tight t-shirt, Nick. Shows off your body and muscles."

I gave her a look and grinned. "You want me fighting off the women too?"

She laughed. "Please, they won't get close due to me and my friends, Nick."

"Hmmm. True."

"Want to leave a load in my pussy before we leave?"

I looked back at her and gestured. "Shut the door. I think we have enough time."

Walking downstairs twenty minutes later, Adriana was looking rather flushed and there was no missing the dampness in her bikini bottoms as I'd done just as she asked. Elena took one look at her and laughed. "You just had sex!"

"My pussy is now so full of his cum."

"Adriana!" her mother tried to scold but she was too busy laughing.

"It's your turn next week, Fernanda. You'll love the feeling when he fills your pussy to the brim."

Luciana looked at me. "You've created a monster, Nick."

"No, I think I just unlocked the door for it to escape. Plus, she's happy and confident."

"That she is. Come on, let's go get some sun, sand, sea..."

"And maybe sex," Adriana not so quietly whispered into my ear.

"You're incorrigible," Luciana stated, laughing away.

Everyone was in a good mood as we joined the throngs heading towards the golden sands that stretched for what felt like miles. We managed to find somewhere not quite as crowded, none of the girls particularly interested in going for a swim, asking me to apply suntan lotion before they happily lay down on their towels. I'd brought along a chair, along with an umbrella, escaping the heat at least slightly.

Cool bags had been brought along with snacks and drinks, so we didn't have to head away from the beach. After a few hours in the sun, Adriana asked if I'd like to go into the water. It looked calm enough. Glancing at Luciana, she knew what I needed, placing my pistol in her handbag. If anyone wanted to make a move now, I'd rely on my fists, but I'd been doing my usual thing of people watching and no-one actually concerned me.

Soon as we disappeared into the water, Adriana was all over me just as I expected. Asking me to take off my shorts, I did so, holding them in my hand as her soft fingers had me rock solid in seconds. Deftly removing her bikini bottoms, lifting herself up and sliding down my cock wasn't that difficult. She used the buoyancy provided by the water to keep herself balance, her eyes never moving away from mine.

"I love you so fucking much," she whispered. The emotion in her tone did catch me by surprise. "I pity the man I'll eventually marry. I pity the next man after you. Who the hell can compare to you?"

"I'd love to take you with me."

That brought her to a halt on my cock. "You would?"

"Definitely. But would you trade Rio for London?" I paused and then added, "Plus, there's my job... I'm here in Rio. Before that, Croatia. Before that, the USA. Before that, I was in Iraq and Afghanistan. After this, I might be in London though I could end up anywhere."

She smiled. "So I enjoy this while you're here then, and maybe... I could visit?"

I enjoyed the hopeful lilt to her voice. "I'd love it."

We resumed fucking until we both had an orgasm. Almost a mutual one, which is always something nice to share with a lover. Then came the awkward moment of putting on underwear in the swell of the surf before we walked back to where everyone else was still relaxing. Adriana happily removed her top, lying face down on her towel, asking me to apply more cream before I settled down. Of course, applying more to her resulted in applying more to them all. Joao found it hilarious, though his wife then asked him to do the same for her. Seeing the real love in a single glance between them was beautiful. Joao was a lucky man.

Mid-afternoon, we tired of lazing about and instead found a bar by the beach. Luciana insisted I relax and have a drink, surprising me further by taking out my weapon and showing that she knew exactly how to handle it. She met my eyes and said her husband made sure she could not only shoot but shoot to kill.

I found myself rather attracted to her in that moment, but it passed quickly.

Returning home once the sun was setting, the girls headed upstairs as they'd had plenty of sun and wanted to shower then relax downstairs. I had a quick shower, ensuring I'd taken my weapon back from Luciana, before joining them all. I stuck to the occasional beer, the girls sensibly sipping at drinks.

"Fernanda, are you looking forward to this week?" Adriana asked.

I glanced at her. She had perhaps the darkest skin of all the girls, and it was natural. Black hair and dark eyes, with a generous bust with a fantastic arse and great pair of legs. She returned my glance and smiled. "I can't wait to have his dick inside me, Adriana," she replied.

"Take your shorts and panties off," I said. To my surprise, she removed them immediately, spreading her legs nice and wide to show off her smooth pussy. Then I thought I'd up the ante. "Masturbate." She hesitated for five seconds before she started to fondle her pussy. "Don't stop until you orgasm."

"Anything for you, Nick."

Then I upped it even further, glancing around. "All of you, shorts and panties off, and do what she's doing."

No hesitation. All six of them had complied. Luciana was upstairs. Marcia would be in her room. Antonio and her brothers wouldn't be back for hours. I moved to the chair where I could watch all of them at once. Their eyes were only for me as they brought themselves to orgasm, one after the other. "Keep going," I said softly, "Again."

Luciana appeared at the bottom of the stairs as I was taking a sip of beer. She could see and hear enough. I met her eyes and smiled but shook my head. Thankfully, she didn't seem to mind, turning around and heading upstairs. None of the girls noticed, far too busy bringing themselves to orgasm again.

"Keep going?" Elena moaned; two fingers buried in her pussy.


"Oh fuck!" Camila moaned, looking to see her orgasm had been rather powerful, but her fingers didn't stop for a second.

"I need you, Nick," Adriana moaned.

I stood up, dropped my shorts and underwear, and I don't think I saw her move faster as she straddled my lap, sliding down my cock so fast, I actually worried she'd hurt herself. As she rode me, resting her head on my shoulder, I continued to watch the other five. It wasn't quite group sex but watching the other five frigging themselves something senseless was a scene I'd re-live in my mind for decades to come.

As soon as Adriana enjoyed an orgasm, I lifted her up, bent her over the arm of the chair, and slid my cock back inside her. "Watch us, girls," I said.

"Oh god, fuck me hard," Adriana moaned. It wasn't a surprise, she wasn't an exhibitionist, but she wanted her friends to see what we did do together. I didn't last too long as I was far too turned on. By the time we were done, the room smelled of sex and pussy. The five others had looks of almost deliriousness on their faces. Adriana was just happy to have yet another load inside her.

To my amusement, all six were dressed early the next morning and we headed for Sunday morning mass. "I'm going to wait until you leave before I take my next confession, Nick," Adriana said as I drove us towards the church, before she glanced back, "And I'm definitely not the only one."

"How much penance for anal sex?" Fernanda wondered.

"I'm fairly sure we'll be saying a few Hail Mary's for all this pre-marital sex," Elena joked, "Add to that all the masturbation, and they probably don't like the idea of all the cum Adriana and I have swallowed."

"I'm totally sucking your dick tomorrow night, Nick," Fernanda said. I'll be honest, I almost missed the red light at the thought. "Like that thought?"

"Going to swallow it?" I asked, looking in the rear-view mirror as she smiled at me.

"I'll swallow anything you give me, Nick."

I chuckled to myself as I appreciated a confident young woman. Though saying and doing were two different things, of course. Church amused me as I sat with three girls to my left, three girls to my right. I understood enough Portuguese to understand the sermon. As always, we headed off for coffee afterwards, the six amazing me by the fact they could gossip away continuously, despite the fact they lived and studied together. But they were all happy, Adriana far happier than when I'd arrived, so I guess no-one could really complain.

Unlike the previous night, it was a rather quiet night. I spent most of the night with Adriana, lying back on her bed listening to some music, her friends either joining us from time to time or enjoying a little private time. Now that university was over, I knew some were looking at getting part time jobs, but considering they were living rent free and I knew Luciana and Antonio were covering them financially, they could just take the summer holidays to themselves.

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