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The Naive Wife Boudoir Turned Model


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"I do. I'm sorry. But, you are in great shape and I'm not. I know men look at you," lowering his head.

"Do you think men look at my boobs or ass more?" she asked, touching her tits and turning to show him her as in her tight leggings.

"Your ass."

"Hmm, do you think men jerk off to my ass?" lowering her leggings to show him her ass cheek. "Pull your dick out, Brian."

He quickly unzipped and pushed his pants down, holding his hard dick in his hand. "Do you jerk off to me too?"

"Kinda, I guess," not making eye contact.

"Kinda? What do you mean? You either do or you don't, right?"

"It's not like that. I mean I do, but not to you."

"Come on, explain it to me. It's turning me on knowing you like men to look at me," rubbing her hard nipples over her tank top. "Brian, come on. Be honest with me."

"I sometimes jerk off thinking about other men jerking off to you," lowering his head in shame.

"What else? There is more."

"Well, um. I think of you with other men. Enjoying your hard body," squeezing his dick in his hand.

"Wow, I had no idea. It's so erotic that you do, Brian," lifting his head to look at her. "It's hot. I'm not mad. It's sexy that you fantasize about that," wondering how he would react if he knew about Robert and his big cock fucking her.

"It is?" more excitement in his voice. "You're not mad?"

"Of course not," her mind raced, wanting to know more about his fantasizing. "Stand up," she told him.

He stood, and she replaced him sitting on the bed, holding the photo book. She opened the book to a photo of her in a bikini, squatting next to a motorcycle, legs open, hands in her hair, looking into the camera. "What do you think of this picture? What do you think when you see this picture?"

"Amy, come on."

"Tell me, Brian. Tell me or I am not giving you this book."

"Think of jerking off to your big boobs and coming on your face like this," stroking his dick faster.

"What about this one?" showing him a pic in the blue nightie in front of the fireplace, her bare ass showing looking over her shoulder. "My ass is bare, here."

"Oh my god," seeing her bare ass and sexy nightie. "The camera guy saw your bare ass, Amy!" stroking faster.

"I was dripping wet showing him my bare ass. Posing for him, taking pictures of my ass," she teased him.

That was all it took, and he came in his hand, pumping his dick furiously.

"You like that, huh? I might do it again," testing him.

"Do more photos like that?' he asked, pulling his pants up, wiping the small amount of cum onto his pants.

"Yes. he asked me to pose for him. To make a calendar with motorcycles wearing a bikini. I should do it huh?"

He nodded his head, approving it. "Do you. Does he, um, touch you? Um, have sex with him?" he asked, shyly, not making eye contact with her as she peeled her leggings off.

"No, honey. I'm married. Do you think I would do that?" peeling her tank top off, leaning back on her elbows naked, legs spread, knees bent with her feet on the bed.

"No, I don't think you would," looking at her bald glistening pussy.

"You want to lick my pussy after I just posed for the camera don't you?"

He nodded, staring at her wet lips.

"Then get on your knees and finish what you started, Brian. Don't stop licking until I cum," watching himself lower his overweight body to his knees in front of her.

He didn't lick her like Robert, but she would have to train him, she thought as she held his hair between her legs. "Use your fingers too!" as her hips bucked against his mouth, feeling her orgasm building inside her. For several minutes, she told him how to use his tongue, how to lay it flat and lick up against her clit, and how to use his fingers inside her.

He drank his wife's juices as they flowed into his mouth, his beard glistening with her slick juices, hearing her tell him how to pleasure her with his tongue.

When her orgasm hit, she locked her legs around his head, keeping his mouth against her, telling him not to stop with his fingers. Finger fucking her through her orgasm just like Robert fucked her orgasms.

When they were finished, she told him he would learn to eat her better, as she walked to the shower.

The weekend went by slowly, Brian was always there to help more with the boys, but not asking any more questions about her boudoir photos. She caught him looking several times at her big picture in the closet when he thought she was alone, wondering how often he would be jerking off to her. She also spent half of Saturday morning with Lizzy, showing her the photobook and describing her photoshoot and how erotic it felt being in front of the camera. She left out the parts of being paid for the calendar by Robert, and his touching and fucking her.

While Brian was thinking about his wife's past photoshoot and the picture she gave him, Amy was focused on her future photoshoot with more motorcycles, more bikinis, and more of Robert's beautiful cock.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

It's not modeling if you're fucking the photog and all of his 'cycle buddies, other friends. That's just called plain old whoring. So this "model wife" is now just another low-life lying, cheating, manipulating, adulterous, superating, despicable PoS gutter-garbage gash. And a thief too - hiding her whore earnings and living off her abused husband.

Why doesn't she just divorce the poor guy? He doesn't need a sewer slash like her - neither do her sons. Imagine how humiliated and psychologically damaged her sons will become when they find out what a sewer slut their "mother" is! And to think she actually kissed those poor boys with her stranger cum-rotted, pustuled mouth!

As for Ambul: you know ass-clown, it's still a free country, with freedom of thought, speech and action. Anyone can read whatever they want, and comment with their own convictions about anything they want - and bully, tiny-cocked ass-suckers like you should shut the hell up and be thankful for your liberties as well.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades12 months ago

Enjoyed the story, thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Great story, More of Amy please. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Another reason not to get married .younger guys get it now very few of them are marrying They don’t want the baggage of a slut

AmbulAmbulabout 1 year ago

Amy’s very short career so far as a boudoir/eroric model combined with her increasingly insatiable sex drive would seem to lead inevitably to a career in pornographic films. With her incredible body and the thrill she gets from displaying it, she would be a star.

AmbulAmbulabout 1 year ago

I do wonder why “Anonymous” finds LW stories so distasteful, yet seems to read as many as he can find? They are not true-to-life, but are obvious fiction and many, if not most, such as this story, are fantasies. If they are not to his taste, perhaps he should try something else, or write a story himself. Trashing other readers’ comments with juvenile name-calling is certainly not constructive. Readers all have their own likes and dislikes, and have different ways of expressing their thoughts and opinions in a constructive way. Again, if all this is so repulsive, I would suggest Anonymous look elsewhere for his reading pleasure.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It's funny, really. Every one of these stories is exactly the same. There must be some kind of "doormat loser aficionado checklist" these so-called writers use to produce these tired same-old-same-old story lines. Think about it: mother of two whose only consideration seems to be a big dick. Then, you have these predatory "photographers" who bypass the billion+ younger, prettier, sexier women who'd do A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G for that level of attention and sex. Also, what kind of idiot mother texts and drives?


Then, there's this 'Ambul' poster who has turned into Fan-Boi Numma One trolling the comments with his ideas! That's the best illustration of the bottom dwellers these awful stories stir up from the primordial sediment. The best part of the story? OP advises us to read his earlier story to "get acquainted with her character." What character? She's one dimensional and is a cartoon buffoon like 99.9% of the rest of LW "characters". LULZ!!!!111


AmbulAmbulabout 1 year ago

Robert may host d/s sex parties at his mansion. He will want to show off his newest sub, Amy, the ripped and busty blonde bombshell. She will be displayed in one of the sexy and very revealing outfits her purchased for her, and then quite possibly he may share her body with the other doms. Of course Brian and the kids will have been taken care of so Amy will have the long evening free. She will put in extra sessions in the gym to make sure her body is perfect. A session in a tanning salon to give her an all-over tan would give her a sleek pornstar look. She might have her piercing done by then as well. Just a thought.

AmbulAmbulabout 1 year ago

Robert seems to have a plan for the gorgeous, fit, and very busty Amy. Perhaps he also has a plan for Brian so his plans for Amy will be uninhibited by Brian or better yet, facilitated further. Hopefully, as another commenter observed, there is a plan to get Brian in shape and lose some weight and his beard. He is not at all a complement to his blonde bombshell wife. So far, he comes across as a hard worker, good dad, mediocre lover, and not too swift.

AmbulAmbulabout 1 year ago

I noticed the “training” theme that runs through this story. Robert is training Amy to be his eager submissive exhibitionist and three-hole slut - and perhaps more. Amy is like a different person with her husband. She is now clearly dominant and is training him to be her submissive cuck and her pussy-eater. Amy comes across as not at all stupid, and seems to know exactly what she wants as new opportunities present themselves. These opportunities reveal more about the multi-faceted Amy. I really enjoy the contrast and how the cheating slut so effortlessly fills the two roles. Her husband really is a dullard and is so absorbed by jerking off to her boudoir photo that he utterly fails to consider what else might be happening. He will be a willing cuck for Amy. Fabulous.

AmbulAmbulabout 1 year ago

I can see Robert getting Amy into making porn videos. It is a short step from the naked modeling she is doing and he is getting her used to displaying her tits and pussy. With her fabulous gym-fit body and big tits, the blonde bombshell could shortly be a three-hole porn star. Brian would go along for the ride, jerking off to all of it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hot story, keep it coming. I'm interested in Brian talking about the CEO showing up at his work. Maybe Amy can fuck the CEO while Brian watches. That would help with Brian's career path. I'd also like to see Brian get interested in the gym and loss some weight.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

same o same o big dick wearing less and less in public body piercings tattoos will come no doubt sharing and dumb cuckold hubby sucking up lovers cum

AmbulAmbulabout 1 year ago

"How was your day?" reaching up to kiss him through his thick beard with the mouth she just sucked Robert with earlier.

"Ah fine. The usual. Nothing exciting, except for the CEO who had never been to the shop before stopped by early this morning, and was weird.”

Robert owns a lot of the businesses in the city; perhaps he is the CEO Brian referred to and just dropped by for the first time to check out Amy’s husband. His unexpected interest in the shop might seem “weird” to Brian.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Thinking Amy stays with Brian as she intimated teaching him cunnilingus skills and he still paying for everything sans Robert's few purchases. Waiting to read about Robert pimping her out to others for his benefit and strangers like hub's colleagues or neighbor getting a taste of Amy as well. No need to use Amy up in the first few tales, let everyone get a turn with her whether she wants it or not. Appreciate the read.

CarchaserCarchaserabout 1 year ago

I felt story went downhill from the first one. She goes from innocent mother to a full-blown slut just like that. The finger in her ass was just too much. The story is becoming more like a run of the mill fuck everyone story. Disappointed.

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