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The OF Girl Ch. 151-160

Story Info
You've discovered a fellow intern has started a new hobby...
10.8k words

Part 16 of the 45 part series

Updated 03/26/2024
Created 09/13/2022
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All Characters are 18 years or older.

When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. Fair warning to readers, this story will jump categories. This collection of chapters includes MF sex, office drama, romantic dates and light risk of exhibition.

OFG is a variation story based on the setup by Aurelian14, and is an ongoing patronized work sponsored by him. Originally written in small chapter releases, they will be collected here on Literotica in 10 chapter chunks for smoother reading.


Chapter 151

Gemma fucking back at you was awesome. Getting to play with her butthole a bit was also awesome. Doing both at the same time was surprisinglynot the duplication of awesome you thought it would be because both couldn't happen well at the same time. Either your hand was in the way, or she was tentative about the backwards movement. It just didn't work well.

At the end of the day, you fingered her butt a little bit while the head of your cock was inside her pussy, and then the two of you went back to fucking. Watching Gemma's ass as she took charge was as great as you'd told her. Seeing her pussy stretching around your cock was - well, the only thing better was the idea of both her and Sabrina doing it back and forth.

You finished off with Gemma sitting up high and bouncing on your cock instead of backing up onto it, and you reached around and grabbed one of her bouncing tits and grabbed her hair near the scalp again.

You both came, first Gemma and then you, as you unloaded a second time inside of her. She collapsed back onto your chest, sitting on your lap with your cock still inside of her, and you hugged her around the stomach as you both caught your breath.

"Can I ask you a question?" she asked.

"Isn't that the sort of thing that got us into this tonight in the first place?"

She chuckled. "Maybe so. But seriously, John. Is sex always this good for you? Cause it wasn't for me. You're honestly the best I've had, and I can't see anyone being better than this."

That made your chest swell with some pride. "Honestly, no. It's never been like this. I don't know what it is, Gem. Maybe it's you and Sabrina, or the confidence you both give me. Or maybe it's something else."

"I won't try and get you to say I'm the best you've ever had," Gemma said, turning back and kissing your cheek. "I know Sabrina and I together have to be at least half again as good as one of us."

Gemma ended up leading you to the washroom for a shower, where you kissed and fondled but didn't go for another round. You were back in her room, dressed and helping her strip her bed, when there was a knock on her open bedroom door.

"Hey, kids," Becca said. "Mom and Mom are home. You guys better not have gotten into any trouble."

"Hey," Gemma smiled. "Did you have a good date?"

"Definitely," Charlotte said, passing by the room behind Becca and smacking her fuck-buddy-roommate on the ass.

Becca laughed. "Charlotte got jealous of your Dance Club story, so we went out dancing tonight," she told you. "We had guys buying us drinks all night, danced up on each other, and now I'm about to go strap in and go to town on her in the privacy of our room. Unless you two want to come watch? I've never done it with a proper audience before."

The wiggle of her eyebrows and teasing grin had you and Gemma both laughing. "That's a hot offer," you said. "But Gemma and I just went three rounds and I need to get back to my place. Work is stressful as hell this week."

"Ah, maybe next time," Becca said, scrunching up her nose as she made a face.

"Beeeecca," Charlotte called from the room next door. "I'm naaaaaaked."

"Duty calls," Becca said, giving you both a mock salute and heading to their room.

You helped Gemma re-make her bed with fresh sheets she'd bought just to tackle this problem, and then sat on the edge of the bed as she crawled up and straddled your lap, kissing you as she hugged you close.

"I wish you didn't have to go," she said. "I want to wake up next to you."

"I know, me too," you said. "I'll get a couple of bags together for the weekend to leave here and at Sabrina's."

"OK," she nodded, and kissed you again. "Do we need to talk at all about Joy, or work, before you go?"

"I don't think so. Nothing happened today," you told her.

"I was thinking and... on Monday we had a lot going on," Gemma said. "Sabrina and I were both pissed off, and we needed to talk about some other things too. Even though I came to see you that night, I still feel like I let you down.We let you down. We should have been with you after you went through that - it was mostly you taking the hits, not us."

You squeezed her a little tighter in your hug. "It's OK," you said. "I wasn't even thinking of that when you told me the plan you two had. I'll be totally open, I was a little sad and lonely when I was at my place alone that afternoon, but you brightened up my evening significantly."

"I'm still sorry," she said quietly.

"Then I forgive you," you replied, and kissed her lightly.

"You should probably go before I start taking these clothes back off of you," she grinned.

"Alright, love," you said, and kissed her again.

"Unless you want to go take Becca up on that offer," Gemma teased.

You snorted a soft laugh. "You are more than enough to keep me occupied, I don't need a live lesbian show."

"So you're saying youdon't want to see me be a Top to Sabrina this weekend?"

"Now, now," you said. "I wouldn't gothat far."

* * * * * * *

"John, with me," Garrison said, sticking his head into the Intern conference room and motioning to you.

Gemma and Sabrina both raised their eyebrows at you questioningly.

Eric was less subtle. "What does he want with you?" he asked. "You're not gettinganother special assignment, are you? That's totally unfair."

"I don't know, dude," you said, getting up and heading out the door and jogging down the hall to catch up with Garrison. It was five minutes before the start of the day, so Joy and Andy hadn't shown up yet but Associates, the paralegals for the firm and a couple of the Partners were all wishing each other good mornings as they went to their own offices. "What can I do for you, sir?"

Garrison didn't say anything, just motioning you on, leading you back to his office. He ushered you in and shut the door, sitting at his desk with a frown as he looked at you through narrowed eyes.

"Sir?" you asked again, starting to feel more than a little nervous.

Chapter 152

"Anything to say for yourself?" Garrison asked you.

You raised an eyebrow and could feel yourself drawing back from him a bit. There was... so much that he could be talking about. The least of which was taking some extra break time, and the largest was being overtly sexual with both of your fellow-intern-girlfriends on company time, in the building. And that didn't even start to cover whatever shit Joy and her mother may have come up with. Why did you just accept that things may have settled yesterday? You'd given them a whole day to scheme something up.

"Sir, I've got no idea what you're asking me about," you said.

Garrison smirked. "Good. You didn't try to guess."

"I don't understand?" you asked.

Garrison leaned back in his chair and grinned. "I just wanted to see how you would react. I tried that with my nephew yesterday when I met up with my sister's family and he spilt his guts on a half dozen things his parents didn't know about. Court is a pressure cooker, so if you couldn't handle this I wouldn't bother going forward with the mentorship."

You opened your mouth for a moment, wanting to say something about how ridiculous that was, but then clicked it shut.

He was going to mentor you.

"Just me?" you asked.

"I'll talk with the Sabrina and Gemma later this morning," he said, waving at you not to make it an issue. "I checked over some more of the work you three have been doing yesterday to make sure the extra effort I'm about to put in is worth it. I was happy to see it will be."

"Thank you, sir," you said.

"Now, there's plenty I could just dump onto you, but I prefer teaching moments to just spoon-feeding. I believe you took your LSATs right before you started with us, correct?"

"I did," you nodded. "I still haven't heard anything back, but I'm planning on applying to schools this fall so I prepped all last year."

"Good. I also saw Sabrina did the same thing. Do you know what Gemma's plans are?"

You frowned. "Not really. She'll be heading back to Australia at the end of the summer. We- It's kind of a soft spot between us. We both know she's leaving, so we're trying to enjoy things before that happens."

He snorted and shook her head lightly. "Making things tomorrow-you's problem isn't a great plan," he said. "Well, let's assume she needed to do something similar if she's planning on school there and not here. I need you to clear up any emergency work this morning, you're going to be busy this afternoon."

"Alright," you said. "What if I get some pushback, though?"

Garrison furrowed his brow. "From who? An associate?"

"No, the Associates haven't been like that. At least not yet," you said. "I mean from Joy."

"What possible pushback could she give you, John? She's an intern, and I'm a Partner. She has no say in this."

"What I mean to say is that she'll likely take this... I don't even know if 'personally' is the right phrasing."

"John," Garrison said. "Just do what I tell you and don't worry about it," he said. "Head back to the conference room and send Sabrina down to see me. Don't tell her about the 'anything to say' trick, or the mentoring. I'll fill her in myself."

"Alright," you nodded and stood. "Thanks, sir."

"Don't thank me yet," he said, and slowly smirked. "Now I've got my eye on you three, kid. It's up to you whether that's a good thing or not."

You nodded and left, but internally you started sweating buckets. Garrison had already been a bit scary in his gruff, no-nonsense place of power, and you'd actually wanted his personal attention like this. But 'I have my eye on you' made you think about all the crap you, Gemma and Sabrina had been pulling in the last week and a half.

The rules really, really needed to start being enforced. No more wild shit at the office.

When you got back to the conference room you were surprised to see that Andy was in the room, though his head was resting on the table and he might have been asleep. Gemma and Sabrina immediately looked up at you, flashing you concerned-but-happy-to-see-you looks.

"Sabrina, he wants to see you now," you said.

"What's it about?" she asked.

"He told me not to say anything," you said. But you couldn't help yourself, and you gave her a little wink.

"Alright," Sabrina said, raising an eyebrow as she stood. She turned to Gemma. "Don't fill him in on the thing. I want to be there."

"Oh, of course," Gemma said, her smile sliding into a full grin.

Sabrina left, and Gemma scrunched up her nose a little at you as she silently teased you about having a secret. You got to work, and about ten minutes later you saw Sabrina coming back down the hall from your seat across from the door. She had a big smile on, and as she passed an area in the hallway that didn't have office doors or windows she skipped and did a silent little happy dance. Obviously she was feeling thrilled at getting some mentorship as well. A few steps from the conference room door she stopped and took a long breath, steeling her expression before coming in.

"Gemma," she said, and your other girlfriend looked up from her work. "You're up."

The blonde frowned. "Alright," she said, glancing back and forth between you and Sabrina. She stood and left, and once she did Sabrina broke into another smile and sat down.

"What's all that about?" Eric asked.

You felt... not bad, but not great either that he wasn't looped in on the mentorship. Before last weekend you wouldn't have cared either way, but after the way he helped with the rapper guy you felt a little more kinship with him. He was on the team.

"Just a Garrison thing," you said. "Hey, how did all the podcasty stuff go?"

"Oh, dude!" he exclaimed, immediately forgetting about his questions. "I'm actually taking off next Wednesday night and Thursday morning. One of the biggest podcasts is flying me out to Miami! They always have a bunch of hot chicks in their studio clout chasing - like Instagram influencers and OnlyFans models and shit - so I am going to get fuckin' laaaii-" he stopped at the look Sabrina was giving him and stammered to try and cover himself. "-ser eye surgery."

You could help but bark a little laugh out, and Sabrina just snorted a little and rolled her eyes.

Chapter 153

Joy, of course, bustled in late. Earlier than the previous two days, but still late. She immediately zeroed in on the fact that Gemma's workspace was occupied, but she wasn't there.

"Where's blondie?" Joy demanded as she shoved her way by Andy, knocking his chair hard to wake him up.

"Gemma got called over to talk with Garrison," you said.

"Hmm," Joy sneered, dropping her purse and taking her seat at the end of the table. "Well, hopefully that old bastard is disciplining her properly. Then again, she'd probably just offer him a favo-"

"Stop," you said tightly. You were holding the mouse for your laptop in a white-knuckled grip and glaring at her. "Joy, do not continue that sentence."

She smirked, leaning back in her seat and fixing the tuck on her blouse into her designer skirt. This pushed her tits out a bit, emphasizing her assets, but you didn't take the bait. "Oh, what's wrong widdle buddy?" she said, putting on the same sort of babying voice people used to talk to their beloved dogs. "Do you have a widdle cwush on her or something?" She turned to Sabrina. "How doyou feel about that?"

Sabrina sucked in a breath and let it out slowly through her nose. "I think you probably shouldn't sexually harass people, Joy."

"Are you insinuating that I did?" Joy asked, feigning shock. "I don't think I said anything like that. Andy, Eric. Did you hear me sexually harass anyone?"

Andy and Eric both looked uneasy. Andy also looked like he might need to dive for the garbage can sometime this morning if his hangover headache didn't let up.

"If you try and say that again, I'll slap you with a slander complaint so fast you won't even realize you're fired until you're back wherever you go at night and you're crying into a tub of chunky monkey ice cream because you've got nothing," Joy said.

"Whatever," Sabrina deadpanned.

You were about to say something else, and you were somewhat glad that Gemma coming back distracted you. She entered the room, her own happy smile faltering and turning sour as she saw Joy had arrived for the day.

"Where were you?" Joy demanded. "There's work to do."

"Just talking with Mr Garrison," Gemma said. "And I was here working almost an hour ago. Where have you been?"

"I don't have to answer to you," Joy said. "But youdo answer to me. What did Garrison want?"

"None of your business, Joy," Gemma sighed.

"It's not an HR issue," Joy said. "You have to tell me."

"Actually, we don't," you said. "Especially considering Garrison told us not to talk about it."

Joy narrowed her eyes. "You talked to him as well?"

"So did I," Sabrina smirked.

Eric just held up his hands. "Yeah. I'm not in whatever this is."

"We have work to get done," you said. "Let's just-"

Joy shot up from her seat and stormed out of the office, down the corridor in the direction of the Partner offices. You had to wonder if she was heading to complain to her Mom or to try and find things out from Garrison himself. Still, while she was gone you were able to make eye contact with Gemma and she grinned happily, and she flashed the same smile to Sabrina as well. The three of you started working hard.

"You gonna tell me what's going on, or what?" Eric muttered to you out of the side of his mouth.

"She's not here," you said at a normal volume. "You don't need to whisper."

"Dude, she fucking scares me," Eric said.

"It's just a meeting this afternoon," Sabrina told Eric. "It's going to be super boring."

"Eugh," Eric made a face. "Count me out."

Joy came back looking even more sour than she had before, and she stayed quiet for the next hour as she sat in front of her computer and... worked? You really weren't surewhat she actually did, since she didn't seem to do any physical work with the files that Associates would bring in, and her digital work didn't seem to progress any of our progress markers.

And then, of course, Joy was up and out again by 11:30am for her early, long lunch.

"I wonder if her mother is ever going to have a meeting shedoesn't get to go to," you pondered.

"Whatever," Gemma said, closing her own laptop. "It doesn't matter. If she's in charge and is taking lunch now, I think we can all consider ourselves on lunch as well."

"Really?" Eric asked, perking up from his spot.

"Yeah. Why don't you take Andy downstairs? It looks like he could use some Gatorade or something," Gemma said. "If we're taking a bit longer of a lunch, there's a Greek place a block over I want to try and go to."

"I'm in," you said. "Sabrina?"

"Definitely," she nodded.

You all closed down your laptops and left the building. Becks gave the five of you a look as you headed from the elevators to the front doors, and Gemma gave her a wave while Sabrina sent her a quick wink. Eric and Andy split off, deciding to go to the sub place, and once you were out of sight you were quickly arm--in--arm with Sabrina and holding Gemma's hand.

"A new Greek place, huh?" you asked her.

"Well, there is actually a Greek place," she grinned. "But they have some booth seating, and we need a touch of privacy when Sabrina tells you the secret."

"Speaking of secrets," Sabrina said, turning to you. "Did you know about Garrison and the mentorship program?"

You grinned. "I talked with him a couple of days ago," you said. "And I told him that the two of you were the top interns and deserved it the most."

Both of your girlfriends rolled their eyes and gave you little shoves, assuring you that you were their equal. Then Gemma added a 'Probably' with a smirk, and Sabrina said 'Kind of' and stuck out her tongue.

Chapter 154

"OK," Sabrina said. "So there's this Twitter account."

"Because all really good stories start like that," you said.

The three of you were ensconced in a small booth at the front end of the Greek place, each of you eating your own order of Shawarma. Well, that was true until Gemma tried hers, and then eyed yours, and without saying anything you swapped baskets with her. She grinned and leaned over the table to kiss you, and Sabrina rolled her eyes. "Could you two stop being cute for one second so we can get through this story?"

"Sorry," Gemma grinned.

"You know, it would be easier if you would just let me order for you," you said.

"That would actually be kinda hot," Sabrina said.

"But then I wouldn't get to try things. What if I miss out on something new?" Gemma asked.

"Just- What's the Twitter account, Sabrina?" you asked.

Sabrina swallowed her mouthful of shawarma and then pulled out her phone. "It's probably easier if I just show you." She manipulated her phone for a couple of seconds, then put it face-up on the table and slid it over to you.

You looked down, then immediately covered it with your hands as you looked around to make sure no one was peering over at it. "What the fuck?"

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